The Truth About Khan


The Muslim who attacked Donald Trump, Khizr Muazzam Khan, is a Muslim Brotherhood agent, working to bring Muslims into the United States. After reading what we discovered so far, it becomes obvious that Khan wanted to ‘trump’ Trump’s Muslim immigration. But not so fast. Trump we have your back.

And you don't think the DNC officials didn't know this? How the hell can this guy wave the constitution at us when his main purpose is to replace it with Sharia?

When are you stupid Dumbocraps going to wake up? This is the agenda of the woman you want to lead our fight against those who want to slaughter non-believers.

A very extensive story with lots and lots of words from the man @ What The Media Is Not Telling You About The Muslim Who Attacked Donald Trump: He Is A Muslim Brotherhood Agent Who Wants To Advance Sharia Law And Bring Muslims Into The United States and don't give us that crap about where it came from.

Not surprised that you stoop to attacking the parents of a dead veteran.

Nothing is too low for the Right Wing Nut Jobs.

I am not attacking anyone. I am pointing out the TRUTH .

You are doing your usual posting bullshit right wing attacks.

You have no regard for what TRUTH is- and have displayed that over and over as you have posted uncorroborated- and often easily disproven Right Wing bullshit .

So I am not surprised that you stoop to attacking the parents of a dead veteran.

When a 7 year old makes mean comments about Trump, I expect you to be posting right wing bullshit attacks on the 7 year old also.

Because that is how you roll.
Demoncrats: Let's move along, nothing to see here...

Right Wing Nut jobs: they wrap themselves up in a flag and proclaim themselves the supporters of veterans- but reality shows that they don't give a damn about veterans- or the families of dead veterans.
Guess my point went over your head.

The US Constitution gives us freedoms that don't exist anywhere in the Middle East outside of Israel. But then Israel doesn't have a bunch of idiot Democrats selling them out to Muslims.

No shit Sherlock and you have yet to show where US MUSLIMS are exploiting the Constitution
Many are in the ACLU doing just that. Khizr Khan is running an immigration program that does that. Why do you think Obama has been trying to bring GITMO detainees to the US? It's not to shut down GITMO. Once they come here they are afforded the same protections and due process as Americans. They are enemy combatants in a war, not just criminals.

To further illustrate:

" Now they may use force (as does ISIS, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, the Taliban, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood and many other militant Muslim groups) but they also use the freedoms of democracy to subvert democracy and to try to impose the strictest versions of Sharia (Islamic law) on all countries.

Note that Islamists have set up organizations that supposedly represent Muslims but actually are designed to radicalize Muslims. Organizations like CAIR (with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood) push Muslims to perceive the West as anti-Muslim (so called Islamophobia) and to demand special treatment from the non-Muslim majority (like not 'hurting their feelings' by making cartoons showing Muhammad. Giving up our rights to free speech to protect them from possible hurtful speech is giving them too much power. The more America gives Muslims special privileges, the less freedom and democracy we have."

Islamic radicals exploit our freedoms (letter to the editor)

What is wrong with running an immigration program?

Immigrants have done the same thing for generations

Is it you are just afraid of Muslims?
Immigrants haven't been trying to establish a theocracy in America for generations. The founders of this country and the writers of the constitution wanted to prevent the creation of on single religion controlling the government...which is the goal of Islam everywhere it is established. It's why India split into two parts forcing an upheaval of the population and mass killings. It's what they do. They don't try to hide it. You're just too fucking dumb to pay attention.

let's go there

Show where American Muslims have attempted to establish a theocracy in America
Give it time, dumbass. The first step is getting enough people here to put Muslim politicians in enough leadership positions.......then they'll establish Sharia Law and then they'll take over the government. They don't do it overnight. Turkey is doing it as we speak. The only thing that stopped it from happening in Egypt was the military wouldn't allow it.
Has there ever before been a political season with such hatred and vitriol?

Actually yes- it goes back to Adams and Jefferson.

But you sure are doing your part spreading the hatred and vitriol.

Let us review:
a) Trump attacks Muslims- all Muslims.
b) Parents of an killed American veteran- who were Muslim- pointed out how Trump's anti-Muslim policies would have affected their bronze star awarded combat veteran.
c) Trump- being who he is- attacked the parents.
d) Trumpsters- being who they are- went for the slime- attacking both the parents and the dead veteran.

You of course- enabled the Trumpsters- by posting the usual unverifiable right wing nut job bullshit you post.
And for syriusly and others, when and where did YOU serve? (Not that not serving doesn't give you the right to spout your hatred)

I- like Donald Trump- never served. Unlike Trump, I didn't have to use deferments to avoid being drafted.

Unlike Donald Trump- and you- I am not attacking the parents of a soldier killed serving the United States.
And, knowing you cannot possibly answer this, what makes it okay for Hillary and her minions to attack the mother of an American who lost his life in Benghazi?

Nothing makes it okay to attack the parents of an American soldier who dies serving the United States.

Yet that doesn't stop you- does it?
Not really.

A Kuwaiti Intelligence officer told me that was the word going around back in 91'.
Muslims say our greatest weakness was our freedoms, meaning the Bill Of Rights.

Which part of our Constitution are Muslims going to exploit?

Freedom of religion? Freedom of speech? The right to vote? Equal protection under the law?

Those Bastards!
In part.

Imagine Christians trying that shit in Iran or Saudi Arabia.

The Muslim Brotherhood tried to take over the government in Egypt and it backfired. President Morsi overthrown in Egypt

Muslims will use our legal system to infiltrate our country.....and they don't have to worry about having their heads cut off.

This is the United States NOT Iran or Saudi Arabia

We were founded by freedom...freedom available to every religion

A concept Conservatives don't understand
Guess my point went over your head.

The US Constitution gives us freedoms that don't exist anywhere in the Middle East outside of Israel. But then Israel doesn't have a bunch of idiot Democrats selling them out to Muslims.

No shit Sherlock and you have yet to show where US MUSLIMS are exploiting the Constitution

Well to Conservatives 'exploiting the Constitution' means being protected by any part of the Bill of Rights EXCEPT the 2nd Amendment.
Let us review:
a) Trump attacks Muslims- all Muslims.
b) Parents of an killed American veteran- who were Muslim- pointed out how Trump's anti-Muslim policies would have affected their bronze star awarded combat veteran.
c) Trump- being who he is- attacked the parents.
d) Trumpsters- being who they are- went for the slime- attacking both the parents and the dead veteran.
Someone attacked the vet? Oh, the Trumpsters, whoever that is. No, Trump isn't against all Muslims, you are making up shit. The asshole who smeared him deserved it and now we know he had an invested interest. So your review wasn't much better than a dog turd.

The Muslim who attacked Donald Trump, Khizr Muazzam Khan, is a Muslim Brotherhood agent, working to bring Muslims into the United States. After reading what we discovered so far, it becomes obvious that Khan wanted to ‘trump’ Trump’s Muslim immigration. But not so fast. Trump we have your back.

And you don't think the DNC officials didn't know this? How the hell can this guy wave the constitution at us when his main purpose is to replace it with Sharia?

When are you stupid Dumbocraps going to wake up? This is the agenda of the woman you want to lead our fight against those who want to slaughter non-believers.

A very extensive story with lots and lots of words from the man @ What The Media Is Not Telling You About The Muslim Who Attacked Donald Trump: He Is A Muslim Brotherhood Agent Who Wants To Advance Sharia Law And Bring Muslims Into The United States and don't give us that crap about where it came from.
what is that source shortbusknife?
And, knowing you cannot possibly answer this, what makes it okay for Hillary and her minions to attack the mother of an American who lost his life in Benghazi?

Nothing makes it okay to attack the parents of an American soldier who dies serving the United States.

Yet that doesn't stop you- does it?
So if you son dies in combat you can say whatever the fuck you want whenever you want wherever you want? Who told you that stupid lie?
Has there ever before been a political season with such hatred and vitriol?

Actually yes- it goes back to Adams and Jefferson.

But you sure are doing your part spreading the hatred and vitriol.

Let us review:
a) Trump attacks Muslims- all Muslims.
b) Parents of an killed American veteran- who were Muslim- pointed out how Trump's anti-Muslim policies would have affected their bronze star awarded combat veteran.
c) Trump- being who he is- attacked the parents.
d) Trumpsters- being who they are- went for the slime- attacking both the parents and the dead veteran.

You of course- enabled the Trumpsters- by posting the usual unverifiable right wing nut job bullshit you post.
You left out alot.

First of all, the Muslim family attacked Trump first over yet another lie from the left. Trump said hold up on moving refugees into this country till we can make sure they're not ISIS. But the left lies and lies and lies. Then this fucker Khan goes out and lies about Trump....because Trump didn't say a fucking thing about his situation. Turns out Khan has ties to Hillary and the whole thing is just a convoluted bullshit story based on liberal lies. Obama.....Hillary....and many Democrats want to help bring Muslims here to change the demographics of the country so they can win elections. Maybe they want to help turn America into a theocratic government. Who knows. But it all revolves around cash....and how much they're gonna take in from our enemies abroad. Obama and Hillary think they're immune from all of the shit they're setting into motion. They aren't
Well, someone in the DNC figured out how to pull Trump's chain using this Muslim who supports Sharia and was willing to use his son as a pawn in this political mess.

The Donald fell for it and gave the media an excuse to ignore their darling's problems and, as a non-politician, continued to speak his mind.

The average American is shrugging it off, more worried about jobs and security than this.

It's over. Forget it and get on with things.
Well, someone in the DNC figured out how to pull Trump's chain using this Muslim who supports Sharia and was willing to use his son as a pawn in this political mess.

The Donald fell for it and gave the media an excuse to ignore their darling's problems and, as a non-politician, continued to speak his mind.

The average American is shrugging it off, more worried about jobs and security than this.

It's over. Forget it and get on with things.
Donald didn't fall for shit.

The Democrats created this issue out of a pack of lies. Then asked for a comment from Trump. Didn't matter what he said, it was gonna be contorted into an insult.

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