The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

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  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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What, asking what makes them think Jesus walked in the Americas is stupid? If you have no answer but to say: YOU'RE STUPID! Then you'd look less foolish yourself if you just shut the fuck up.

The Spirit has revealed it. But you don't have to take my word for it. Ask God yourself.

How did the spirit reveal it? And I just asked god, no shit, and am awaiting his answer. How long does it usually take for an answer?
What's sissy? Saying that I asked god and nothing happened? Or answering your post?
What, asking what makes them think Jesus walked in the Americas is stupid? If you have no answer but to say: YOU'RE STUPID! Then you'd look less foolish yourself if you just shut the fuck up.

The Spirit has revealed it. But you don't have to take my word for it. Ask God yourself.

How did the spirit reveal it? And I just asked god, no shit, and am awaiting his answer. How long does it usually take for an answer?

Long enough for you to be humble and sincere and believe that you can get an answer.
Oh if anyone is interested, here are some of the talks from the Church's General Conference last week. Very good and informative. I thought the Speakers were excellent. One of the best conferences Ive seen in a while. Feel free to read or watch as you like. And comment on anything youd like. It make great discussions.
How did the spirit reveal it? And I just asked god, no shit, and am awaiting his answer. How long does it usually take for an answer?

Long enough for you to be humble and sincere and believe that you can get an answer.

What's it been, like, a week, two? Still no answer.

God isn't someone you can be flippant with or mock. He knows your heart. He knows whether you sincerely are seeking the truth or are simply playing games.

When you are humble and sincere, asking in faith believing you can recieve an answer if there is a God, He will reveal Himself to you. But if you think you can play games and not really care, then you will never find your answer.

I didn't know whether there was a God when i sought Him. I just wanted to know the Truth. If there was a God I wanted to know if there was one. So I had faith and shared that with Him. I told Him if He would show me the Truth I would follow Him where it took me. And the Spirit revealed Himself to me when He was ready and it a way that was impossible for me to deny.

My only disappointment is that I've been human and not lived up to the promise to follow Him as I should have. I've been slow to listen and often disobedient and full of contention rather than love. Thankfully God is merciful. And He has provided an Atonement to make up for my weaknesses and pains.

You may not know God. But He loves you. He is your Father in Heaven. But in His mercy He keeps people from knowing Him unless they sincerely seek Him out in humility and exercising even a small amount of faith.

Here are some questions to ask to yourself honestly. We don't need to know the answers. You already do:

1) If you knew God was real, would you follow Him or would you continue to do as you wish?
2) If there is a God, could you believe that He would have the power to reveal himself to you, even if you don't understand why He doesn't do it to everyone at once?
3) Would you rather stay in ignorance or would you rather seek out and find the truth?
4) Are you willing to admit that you might not know everything and that you could learn more?

Like I said, ask them to yourself. Ponder them. And then seek the Lord in prayer. Get on your knees and show your faith calling out to God even if you don't know He is there. yeah it may seem silly. But experiment on the word.

Seek the Truth in your life. Be honest with everyone. Even with yourself. Study. Learn. Think and ponder. Search the scriptures. Search what has been written for and against and try to find out for yourself the Truth.

And serve others. provide acts of service and kindness to each member of your family. Serve your coworkers. Be kind to people.

Don't do this for just one day or one week. Try to sincerely do this for a month or two. Do this and I am confident that the Spirit reveal Himself to you. Even if it's on the very last day you are trying this.
Here is something interesting. The arch rightwinger, Boyd Packer, long Hinckley and Monson's opponent on social issues, gave a sermon a bit ago about The Proclamation on the Family, the anti-gay program of the LDS Church. The interesting point is that the release of his sermon on was heavily edited to eliminate his hate speech. You will not see him speak in public again except in the most guarded of scenes so that the Church can control him.
Here is something interesting. The arch rightwinger, Boyd Packer, long Hinckley and Monson's opponent on social issues, gave a sermon a bit ago about The Proclamation on the Family, the anti-gay program of the LDS Church. The interesting point is that the release of his sermon on was heavily edited to eliminate his hate speech. You will not see him speak in public again except in the most guarded of scenes so that the Church can control him.

Jake, are you a homosexual?
Jack, are you asking for a date? I am the wrong guy for that. Why do you fear homosexuals; that often is a symbol of latent homosexuality. bigreb demonstrates that as well.
Jack, are you asking for a date? I am the wrong guy for that. Why do you fear homosexuals; that often is a symbol of latent homosexuality. bigreb demonstrates that as well.

Why can't you answer the question? Are you ashamed of your homosexuality?

You are following an earlier path for you that did not end well.

I am not homosexual. Why do you hate homosexuals, Jack Fate?
Isn't this Thread about Mormons?...



Hi, Mal. Jack Fate is trolling me for making him look bad on another thread. I don't he is as interested in the Mormon position on homosexuality (check the Proclamation on the Family, for that) as he is about me making him look bad.
The Spirit has revealed it. But you don't have to take my word for it. Ask God yourself.

How did the spirit reveal it? And I just asked god, no shit, and am awaiting his answer. How long does it usually take for an answer?

Long enough for you to be humble and sincere and believe that you can get an answer.

But, is it enough to ask whether the church is true, or does one have to pray to god to help him believe that it is true?

That is a big difference, IMO.
Here is something interesting. The arch rightwinger, Boyd Packer, long Hinckley and Monson's opponent on social issues, gave a sermon a bit ago about The Proclamation on the Family, the anti-gay program of the LDS Church. The interesting point is that the release of his sermon on was heavily edited to eliminate his hate speech. You will not see him speak in public again except in the most guarded of scenes so that the Church can control him.

There was no hate speech in the sermon Jake. In fact, it was a very clear expression and love and hope through the power of the Atonement.

Nor was it heavily edited. Nor is there right v left wing in the Church leadership. They all preach the same message of repentence.

No one has to take my word for it though. Read and listen for yourselves.
How did the spirit reveal it? And I just asked god, no shit, and am awaiting his answer. How long does it usually take for an answer?

Long enough for you to be humble and sincere and believe that you can get an answer.

But, is it enough to ask whether the church is true, or does one have to pray to god to help him believe that it is true?

That is a big difference, IMO.

I think it's more a question of coming to know God.

My questions when I was searching was specifically to see the truth and come to know God. Part of that was asking whether there even was a God. I didn't know whether there was then. I didn't know whether Jesus was real or that He was the Son of God. I didn't know whether I could rely on the scriptures, whether the testimonies given in them were true. And I didn't know whether the Church was true.

But if the scriptures were true, it became obvious to me that the only way to find out was to exercise faith that if God was there, He could reveal Himself to me in His own time and place. I had a hypothesis, I needed to test it for myself. So I acted with faith, not knowing. Just believing if it were right I would know eventually somehow.

The fact is all of us have to question whether there is a God at one point in our lives are not or we aren't being honest with ourselves. But how can we know? Obviously we can't rely on the experience of other people. They might be wrong. They might be lying. It would be impossible to put firm reliance in God without finding out for ourselves whether there is a God. I mean how can you rely on someone you aren't sure is even there?

We can try to reason it out or scientifically prove it. However, people can look at the same data and come up with completely differenet ideas. Neither reason nor science can prove or disprove whether there is a God.

In fact, I am not sure anything can disprove there is a God short of being a god and knowing everything. But we can we know God? That is the question we all need to ask ourselves. Because if we have a personal experience with God. One that is so obvious that we cannot deny it, we could know that God is there.

So how do we have such an experience. We have to actively experiment on the Word. The scriptures say that we won't receive an witness until after the trial of our faith. We need to let go. We need to surrender and trust God, even if we aren't sure if He is there initially. We have to be willing to try prayer and be consistant with it. We need to be humble and accept that God might be there and that if He is there He might have mercy enough to reveal Himself to us.

We all have to look into ourselves. We need to actively seek out the Truth and be honest with ourselves about the answers we find. We need to talk with God if we ever expect to come to know Him. How can we possibly know someone if we don't?

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