The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
So you just found this thread by random chance? Yeah, right.

You are too stupid for words.

Only folks who run around defending Mormons are Mormons...

Everyone else is just creeped out by you guys.

Really? because there have been lots of board members on here defending Mormons who aren't Mormons. Take Jake for example. He criticizes what he thinks is wrong but defends against things he knows is bullcrap.

There is nothing to be creeped out about Mormonism. The Gospel of Jesus Christ encourages all people to be better, not be creepy.
What I take issue with is the secrecy. I read the book "Secret Ceremonies" and the authoress was immediately excommunicated from the Mormon Church when it was published. I do not believe in organized religion. I think that Joseph Smith was likely very schizhophrenic and had delusions, hallucinations, you name it. If anybody came up with the stuff he did today, they'd be locked up in a mental hospital.

Keeping the inside of the temples secret only leads one to believe you have something to hide. I've been in St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. Nothing secretive about it.

Not to say that most Mormons I've ever know have truly been very nice people and they don't preach at all, which is nice, but I just don't believe any of what they have to say.

We don't preach? We are seriously not living up to our responsibilities then.
Mormons are good lovely people,but they're mislead by lies of a false prophet Joseph Smith Jr.Our goal is to helps them to know The Love of Jesus and truth as He warned about the false prophets who come as wolves in sheep skins in order to help Satan to mislead more souls for Hell.

So if Joseph Smith wasn't a true Prophet, who is?

Which part of the Book of Mormon do you disagree with? What exactly do you think is the lie?
The Bible was a book written by ignorant Bronze age sheepherders who didn't know where the sun went at night. The Book of Mormon was written by a petty con man who wanted to pork 14 year old girls. Neither has anything of worth to offer.

Wouldn't it be wise to read them before you decide that?

I have. Although the Book of Mor(m)on is pretty much unreadable...

Honestly, the God of the Bible is one of the most unpleasent characters in the history of fiction.
Really? because there have been lots of board members on here defending Mormons who aren't Mormons. Take Jake for example. He criticizes what he thinks is wrong but defends against things he knows is bullcrap.

Jake the fake is about as Non-Mormon as he is Republican. Come on, he's a Latter Day Zombie trying to fool people, but he ain't fooling anyone.

There is nothing to be creeped out about Mormonism. The Gospel of Jesus Christ encourages all people to be better, not be creepy.

Funny, given we've had two thousand years of Christians- including Mormons- doing the exact opposite of what Jesus supposedly said, I would say a lot of folks are missing the message.

I met Mormons in 1983, when I had the bad fortune of being at an ROTC advanced camp with a bunch of Cadets from BYU. And it was basically they stabbed the "gentiles" in the back every chance they got. Never have I met a bunch of two-faced, back-stabbing mother effers' in my life, and I never hope to again.

This was before I started actually bothering to research their batshit crazy beliefs, such as Jesus talking to the Indians who were riding elephants, (Archeology has totally debunked this, BTW) and how Joseph Smith was chased out of one state after another after pulling scams until the fine folks of Illinois shot him like a dog for screwing teenage girls. (Well done!)

Now I admit, I have a pretty open contempt for all religions. They are all fairy tales that defy logic and can be debunked.

But Mormonism crosses the line from Religion to Cult, and the line from superstition to outright fraud, and therefore is subject to an extra level of contempt and disdain.
Mormons are good lovely people,but they're mislead by lies of a false prophet Joseph Smith Jr.Our goal is to helps them to know The Love of Jesus and truth as He warned about the false prophets who come as wolves in sheep skins in order to help Satan to mislead more souls for Hell.

So if Joseph Smith wasn't a true Prophet, who is?

Which part of the Book of Mormon do you disagree with? What exactly do you think is the lie?

It's all a pack of lies, and archeology proves it.

Where are the ruins of the Nephite cities?

I mean, the Roman Empire existed at about the same time as the Nephite civilization, and Europe is dotted with Roman ruins, the languages and place names are derrived from Latin, etc.

The Book of Mormon claims a monotheistic Hebrew civilization came to dominate a large part of the Americas (Smith originally claimed it was the area around New York, but Mormons now claim it could be anywhere). This civilization used coinage and swords (neither of which were used in the Americas) chariots pulled by horses (again, no evidence of horses before Columbus introduced them). There is no record, tradition, artifact that proves a Nephite Civilization other than Joseph Smith's book of Mormon, which was written on gold plates that no one but he ever saw.

But there's more. Joseph Smith claimed to have translated the Kinderhook Tablets. We now know that these were fabricated by his neighbors trying to screw with him before they just got tired of his shit and shot him. He claimed that the "Abraham Papyrus" was an account of Abraham's time in Egypt. We now know it was a funerary scroll from the Ptomoleic period some 2000 years later. He claimed that there would be Quaker dressed people living on the moon. (NO really, seriously.)

Here's a whole bunch of stuff Smith prophesized, and that didn't happen, either.

Joseph Smith as a Prophet
JoeB does not know his butt from his mouth, for crap pours from both.

I am GOP. I am not LDS. I have very little use for the far hard right except for their votes: we assidiously recruit those (not the policies) every election. The JoeB's have ever right to express their wrong opinions, and as I defend that right, I will always beat downt their wrong opinions.

I want Romney because he has the very best chance to beat Obama. He can pull far more the center than Perry, period. Perry is not considered mainstream by the large majority of America. Romney is.
JoeB does not know his butt from his mouth, for crap pours from both.

I am GOP. I am not LDS. I have very little use for the far hard right except for their votes: we assidiously recruit those (not the policies) every election. The JoeB's have ever right to express their wrong opinions, and as I defend that right, I will always beat downt their wrong opinions.

I want Romney because he has the very best chance to beat Obama. He can pull far more the center than Perry, period. Perry is not considered mainstream by the large majority of America. Romney is.

See, I knew it wouldn't be long before you started attacking Perry, too.

Only a matter of time.

When I see liberals starting to push Romney or Huntsman (liberal Mormons) I know that's who they most want their guy to run against.

Conservatives have gotten tired of Romney, McCain, Bob Dole and the rest of the moderate "Me, Too!" Republicans who are indistinquishable from Democrats.
JoeB does not know his butt from his mouth, for crap pours from both.

I am GOP. I am not LDS. I have very little use for the far hard right except for their votes: we assidiously recruit those (not the policies) every election. The JoeB's have ever right to express their wrong opinions, and as I defend that right, I will always beat downt their wrong opinions.

I want Romney because he has the very best chance to beat Obama. He can pull far more the center than Perry, period. Perry is not considered mainstream by the large majority of America. Romney is.

Agreed. The country is considered 'center-right' not 'right-right'. Perry will lose the middle and the election. Winning the primary isn't the same as winning the general. If he gets nominated, all the extreme rhetoric he has voiced, such as last week's, will come out :)
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You are attacking Romney, kiddo, but my realistic assessment of Perry is not an attack, simply realistic. Hard rights are reactionaries, not true conservatives, and those in party who oppose them are not liberals, period.

Perry has a weak lead, less than 3% average, on Romney among all GOP voters, whereas Romny is up in NH by almost 20% composite average on Perry. As the rest of the country's voters get to know more about the candidates, Romney will increase while Perry descreases in the voters' eyes.

Here this will help you. RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
Perry +2.5 overall ahead of Romney right now.
Gallup 8/17 - 8/21 25 14 11 11 7 9 3 4 3 1 Perry +11
PPP (D) 8/18 - 8/21 27 17 13 6 10 -- 7 7 3 2 Perry +10
Rasmussen Reports 8/15 - 8/15 29 18 -- 9 13 -- 5 6 1 1 Perry +11
FOX News 8/7 - 8/9 13 21 8 6 7 7 6 5 2 2 Romney +8
CNN/Opinion Research 8/5 - 8/7 15 17 12 12 7 12 5 4 2 4 Romney +2
USA Today/Gallup 8/4 - 8/7 17 24 -- 14 13 -- 7 4 1 2 Romney +7

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - President Obama vs. Republican Candidate
President Obama vs. Republican Candidate
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Obama (D) Republican (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/14 - 8/21 -- 44.3 43.0 Obama +1.3 overall ahead
Pew Research 8/17 - 8/21 1205 RV 43 40 Obama +3
Rasmussen Reports 8/15 - 8/21 3500 LV 43 48 Republican +5
USA Today/Gallup 8/4 - 8/7 1319 A 49 45 Obama +4
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/14 - 7/17 1000 A 42 39 Obama +3

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary clearly reveals that Romney is up by almost 20% over his opponents in New Hampshire.
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JoeB does not know his butt from his mouth, for crap pours from both.

I am GOP. I am not LDS. I have very little use for the far hard right except for their votes: we assidiously recruit those (not the policies) every election. The JoeB's have ever right to express their wrong opinions, and as I defend that right, I will always beat downt their wrong opinions.

I want Romney because he has the very best chance to beat Obama. He can pull far more the center than Perry, period. Perry is not considered mainstream by the large majority of America. Romney is.

Agreed. The country is considered 'center-right' not 'right-right'. Perry will lose the middle and the election. Winning the primary isn't the same as winning the general. If he gets nominated, all the extreme rhetoric he has voiced, such as last week's, will come out :)

When I see liberals like you and Jake the Fake rooting for Romney, along with the usual liberal suspects, who only like Romney because they couldn't get John Huntsman over 2%, then I have to wonder who you folks are really afraid of.

The country isn't "right" "Left" or "Center". It's "Who can get the job done". Obama has proven he can't get the job done. Romney hasn't done all that much to impress either. (He's also Robotic, says idiotic things like "Corporations are people, too!" and has that weird religion he belongs to.) He's pretty much unelectable.

Given a choice between Obama and Romney, I'd vote for Obama.
You are merely reactionary, JoeB, so what you think are liberals are merely people right of center and not far right in loonyville. Yes, the country is right of center, and Romney can get the job done. Perry is an empty suit, JoeB, who has never had an original idea. Show us his own thinking and original ideas for Texas. He doesn't have any. Romney will not only skunk Perry in NH, if Perry goes free range his mouth will end his campaign.
You are merely reactionary, JoeB, so what you think are liberals are merely people right of center and not far right in loonyville. Yes, the country is right of center, and Romney can get the job done. Perry is an empty suit, JoeB, who has never had an original idea. Show us his own thinking and original ideas for Texas. He doesn't have any. Romney will not only skunk Perry in NH, if Perry goes free range his mouth will end his campaign.

See, I knew you'd be attacking Perry sooner or later, just like I predicted now that he's ready to wipe your boy off the map.

Romney was a shitty candidate in 2008, and he's a shitty candidate now.

So I'm sorry, what is the big difference between Romney and Obama I'm not seeing.

Both of them think the government can run health care better than the private market.

Both of them believe in big make work jobs.

Both of them are tools of Wall Street while main street suffers.

The only difference is, they follow different religious loons...
Truth, I believe in keeping faith simple. The simpler the better. The more you bring religion into it, the more problems you have with misunderstanding and ridicule.

Take for instance the Mormon position that the American Indians were descended from Jewish tribes that immigrated to this continent in two migrations. One across the Atlantic and one across the Pacific under water.

I have fun with that with my Mormon friends and ask them about where the Nuclear Power submarines came from that allowed the Jews/Indians to breath underwater with Oxygen generators... They always have trouble with that one.

Then I ask about all the great cities that the Indians had in the New World, but none of them correspond with the actual locations of archeological digs. I had one good Mormon friend who could only theorize that there were tremendous earthquakes just before Columbus came to the Americas and that those earthquakes moved all of the Indian cities around, as much as five hundred miles in some cases. Do you realize what tremendous tidal waves that would have created? That would have wiped all of the sea ports off of the surface of the earth, yet no tidal waves were reported.

Then add to that the fact that the Indians do not have any Jewish DNA Not a drop in the pure natives of this land. There was a Jewish mountain man by the name of Goldberger who impregnated over 100 Indian women in the late 1700's and early 1800's, but all of his DNA was documented in the Cherokee and various Plaines Indian tribes. What a man!

Nope, dude, it is better that you guys stress that God does forgive sin and that all we have to do to be forgiven is repent and ask for forgiveness and then ask for guidance. IF you teach that, most people can not disagree with you and you will have many followers. That can be a very good thing in this day and age.
I think there are just a few major tenants of all religions. In Christianity it’s belief in Christ and the resurrection. In Buddhism it’s the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-fold Path, but there are also the derived believes and beliefs that come from scriptural interpretations. I really think we spend too much time and energy defending rather minor religious points.
You are attacking Romney, kiddo, but my realistic assessment of Perry is not an attack, simply realistic. Hard rights are reactionaries, not true conservatives, and those in party who oppose them are not liberals, period.

Perry has a weak lead, less than 3% average, on Romney among all GOP voters, whereas Romny is up in NH by almost 20% composite average on Perry. As the rest of the country's voters get to know more about the candidates, Romney will increase while Perry descreases in the voters' eyes.

Here this will help you. RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
Perry +2.5 overall ahead of Romney right now.
Gallup 8/17 - 8/21 25 14 11 11 7 9 3 4 3 1 Perry +11
PPP (D) 8/18 - 8/21 27 17 13 6 10 -- 7 7 3 2 Perry +10
Rasmussen Reports 8/15 - 8/15 29 18 -- 9 13 -- 5 6 1 1 Perry +11
FOX News 8/7 - 8/9 13 21 8 6 7 7 6 5 2 2 Romney +8
CNN/Opinion Research 8/5 - 8/7 15 17 12 12 7 12 5 4 2 4 Romney +2
USA Today/Gallup 8/4 - 8/7 17 24 -- 14 13 -- 7 4 1 2 Romney +7

And again, every poll taken AFTER Perry announced has him up over Romney be double digits. The ones before, meh, not so much. Romney will never be at the front of the pack again...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary clearly reveals that Romney is up by almost 20% over his opponents in New Hampshire.

one more time, stupid.

NEW HAMPSHIRE DOESN'T MATTER! It's a liberal state full of liberals, and Real Republicans don't care about it. Because they are always allowed to go first, they play this little game of maknig themselves relevant, and everyone plays along.

Buchanan won it in 1996. Didn't matter. McCain won it in 2000. Didn't matter.

Even if Romney squeaks out a win there, Perry will clobber him in South Carolina and it will be pretty much over for him after that. that assumes the folks in NH don't decide to put him out of his misery like they did in 2008.

When Perry wins in Iowa, he is going to come roaring out with a lot of momentum. The only way Romney staves that off is to appeal to Democrats, and that will be pretty obvious what he is doing. At that point, he becomes poison to GOP voters.
Truth, I believe in keeping faith simple. The simpler the better. The more you bring religion into it, the more problems you have with misunderstanding and ridicule.

Take for instance the Mormon position that the American Indians were descended from Jewish tribes that immigrated to this continent in two migrations. One across the Atlantic and one across the Pacific under water.

I have fun with that with my Mormon friends and ask them about where the Nuclear Power submarines came from that allowed the Jews/Indians to breath underwater with Oxygen generators... They always have trouble with that one.

Then I ask about all the great cities that the Indians had in the New World, but none of them correspond with the actual locations of archeological digs. I had one good Mormon friend who could only theorize that there were tremendous earthquakes just before Columbus came to the Americas and that those earthquakes moved all of the Indian cities around, as much as five hundred miles in some cases. Do you realize what tremendous tidal waves that would have created? That would have wiped all of the sea ports off of the surface of the earth, yet no tidal waves were reported.

Then add to that the fact that the Indians do not have any Jewish DNA Not a drop in the pure natives of this land. There was a Jewish mountain man by the name of Goldberger who impregnated over 100 Indian women in the late 1700's and early 1800's, but all of his DNA was documented in the Cherokee and various Plaines Indian tribes. What a man!

Nope, dude, it is better that you guys stress that God does forgive sin and that all we have to do to be forgiven is repent and ask for forgiveness and then ask for guidance. IF you teach that, most people can not disagree with you and you will have many followers. That can be a very good thing in this day and age.
I think there are just a few major tenants of all religions. In Christianity it’s belief in Christ and the resurrection. In Buddhism it’s the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-fold Path, but there are also the derived believes and beliefs that come from scriptural interpretations. I really think we spend too much time and energy defending rather minor religious points.

I think the major difference is, you can debate whether there was a resurrection or even if Jesus was a real person, but you can't debate the fact that Judea was a real place, that the Roman Empire really existed.

The Mormon books insist this vast civilization existed that lasted just as long as Rome did, but yet left not a single trace of evidence. Therefore, it is logicall to conclude that Joseph Smith was making that shit up....
Joe simply can't stand the polls, the latest which closed just this week, long after Perry declared.

Romney's massive victory will weaken Perry enough that Romney will take a decent share of the vote in South Carolina. Once it becomes a two-person race after that, Romney will pull away.

The facts and the polls don't support Joe's assertions.
Joe simply can't stand the polls, the latest which closed just this week, long after Perry declared.

Romney's massive victory will weaken Perry enough that Romney will take a decent share of the vote in South Carolina. Once it becomes a two-person race after that, Romney will pull away.

The facts and the polls don't support Joe's assertions.

Guy, nobody likes Romney.

Besides yourself and a few other Mormons, where are all the rabid Romney supporters. Seriously, Ron Paul has more support on USMB than the Android from Kolob does.

Go to TOwn Hall, Red State or any other conservative leaning site. Romney support is usually tepid and limited to Mormons.
The polls put the lie to your comment that "nobody likes Romney." Only about 2% more of GOP right now prefer the Perry to the Romney. That will grow more in Romney's favor as Perry becomes more known.

I am not Mormon and I am not concerned about your atheism, Joe, you can believe as you wish. Check the polls for the numbers of Romney supporters. If USMB were electing the President, but . . . guess what, Joe: it's not.

Go to the polls and try to figure how four or five million American Mormons can sway the polls in the manner you suggest.

You are losing this discussion. Let's see if you can be civil while you are doing it.
The polls put the lie to your comment that "nobody likes Romney." Only about 2% more of GOP right now prefer the Perry to the Romney. That will grow more in Romney's favor as Perry becomes more known.

I am not Mormon and I am not concerned about your atheism, Joe, you can believe as you wish. Check the polls for the numbers of Romney supporters. If USMB were electing the President, but . . . guess what, Joe: it's not.

Go to the polls and try to figure how four or five million American Mormons can sway the polls in the manner you suggest.

You are losing this discussion. Let's see if you can be civil while you are doing it.

The polls just show Romney has name recognition and not much else. There's no real support for him despite the millions he is spending, and Perry blew his doors off without really trying.

He isn't even going to contest Iowa this year, because he took such a beating last time he was there.

Romney is this years Rudy Guiliani...

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