The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Truthspeaker, I don't care about polygamy. That's between God and the people, not you and me or your General Authorities. What we think about it is irrelevant. What I am talking about is very young girls who were in the charge of Emma and Joseph. The behavior then and now is indefensible. And regardless what Avatar thinks (who has offered no proof at all in defense that JS was sexless except with Emma), JS's behavior with the girls was morally wrong.

I don't know what heinous behavior you are talking about. Sex between husband and wife? Be careful when you say girls. They considered themselves women who were legally and lawfully wedded. It may even be the case that the consummation of these marriages did not happen right away, but that is also irrelevant. They were married by consent.

What information do you have to the contrary?

Better read your Compton, a temple-going historian of renown and repute in the Mormon world. The girls were 14, they were servants of Joseph and Emma, and they believed they had to marry him to ensure their salvation. The weak and defenseless can never consent. Once again, what you believe is immaterial. Only the facts count. Please do not use the arguments the FLDS use.
Joseph was following good company, that of the original apostles. Was it not Philip who baptized the black eunuch from Ethiopia, who by heritage (a child of Ham) and by being unsexed (castrated) was not allowed to be a Jew, thus opening the gospel to all?
I believe you are right. Thus goes the prophecy stating that the first shall be last, and the last shall be first. The first(Jews) should be the last ones to accept the gospel. The last(seed of Ham) would be the last to hear about it, but the first to accept it.(see the droves of africans joining our church at a faster rate than any other group.)

How amazing that the Jews who excluded eunuchs and the children of Ham would generally exclude themselves from Christianity and thus become victims of Christian hatred and pogroms for almost 2,000 years.(prophecy fulfilled)

By the by, check race laws in the Nauvoo city statutes. Mayor Smith, while liberal among whites in his day and age, did pronounce some unjust decisions based on race.
I haven't done extensive research on Nauvoo city race laws but I'd be interested to hear which laws were unjust. Do you know of any?

But, all in all, he was far better on this issue than most whites of the age, and he was light years in front of Brigham Young and John Taylor, stone cold racists completely reflective of the larger American society.

That's quite debatable when I have done my research on both Young and Taylor. I am afraid you, as many others, have taken their statements out of context. Both continued to assert that the seed of Ham would have a glorious restoration to the priesthood and would be counted as great saints and leaders in the future church of God. I don't have my book "Discourses of Brigham Young" handy but if you insist I'll find the page and tell you where it's found.
Truthspeaker, I don't care about polygamy. That's between God and the people, not you and me or your General Authorities. What we think about it is irrelevant. What I am talking about is very young girls who were in the charge of Emma and Joseph. The behavior then and now is indefensible. And regardless what Avatar thinks (who has offered no proof at all in defense that JS was sexless except with Emma), JS's behavior with the girls was morally wrong.

I don't know what heinous behavior you are talking about. Sex between husband and wife? Be careful when you say girls. They considered themselves women who were legally and lawfully wedded. It may even be the case that the consummation of these marriages did not happen right away, but that is also irrelevant. They were married by consent.

What information do you have to the contrary?

Better read your Compton, a temple-going historian of renown and repute in the Mormon world. The girls were 14, they were servants of Joseph and Emma, and they believed they had to marry him to ensure their salvation. The weak and defenseless can never consent. Once again, what you believe is immaterial. Only the facts count. Please do not use the arguments the FLDS use.

I don't feel like reading the book. I don't even know who the author is or what the title of the book is. Plus I don't have it, so why don't you present the passages to all of us. Please include direct quotes and page numbers if you don't mind.
I am not going to let you cherry pick something you have not read. You can go to [ame=] In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith (9781560850854): Todd Compton: Books[/ame] and read some of the thirty-five reviews.
I am not going to let you cherry pick something you have not read. You can go to In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith (9781560850854): Todd Compton: Books and read some of the thirty-five reviews.

To be honest, I don't care about the reviews. I'm also not going to buy the book because it's not worth spending money on. I am mildy interested in hearing what it says about how old his wives were and what testimonials are given by the wives or parents of the wives. Also quotes from Emma or Joseph on the matter would be nice.

But if you don't want to quote passages from the book then I will have to dismiss it and your references to it. Have you read it yourself?
Where can I get some of those "magic underwear" so I can try them on to see if I like the feel. Do they come in satin? That would be hot.
I am not going to let you cherry pick something you have not read. You can go to In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith (9781560850854): Todd Compton: Books and read some of the thirty-five reviews.

To be honest, I don't care about the reviews. I'm also not going to buy the book because it's not worth spending money on. I am mildy interested in hearing what it says about how old his wives were and what testimonials are given by the wives or parents of the wives. Also quotes from Emma or Joseph on the matter would be nice.

But if you don't want to quote passages from the book then I will have to dismiss it and your references to it. Have you read it yourself?

Maybe such an astute, intelligent person as yourself should start caring, you might have a real unbiased epiphany about Mormonism's true history.
I am not going to let you cherry pick something you have not read. You can go to In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith (9781560850854): Todd Compton: Books and read some of the thirty-five reviews.

To be honest, I don't care about the reviews. I'm also not going to buy the book because it's not worth spending money on. I am mildy interested in hearing what it says about how old his wives were and what testimonials are given by the wives or parents of the wives. Also quotes from Emma or Joseph on the matter would be nice.

But if you don't want to quote passages from the book then I will have to dismiss it and your references to it. Have you read it yourself?

Maybe such an astute, intelligent person as yourself should start caring, you might have a real unbiased epiphany about Mormonism's true history.

Anyone here read the book? Anyone got any direct quotes from it? I'd be curious. But the testimonials of the book are shockingly the same as the testimonials for and against Joseph Smith in general. Not enough hard evidence to make up a definite iron clad case against him for all the bad things he's been accused of. some good reviews and some bad. Another fulfillment of prophecy.

Once again contextual knowledge is the enemy of the anti-Mormon. There's been nothing but he-said-she-saids against the Prophet. People draw their own conclusions. but until you have walked in the man's shoes or eyewitnessed his life for yourself, you are in no position to judge.
Where can I get some of those "magic underwear" so I can try them on to see if I like the feel. Do they come in satin? That would be hot.

My sarcasm detector is reading off the charts:arrow::idea::cool:

No, seriously! I can't join a religion if the threads aren't cool.:cool: They look like they'd put my gonads in a headlock! Or do you get some really baggy 'wears?
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Truthspeaker: I'm also not going to buy the book because it's not worth spending money on

"And God Said, "Let There Be Librarys."." ;)

This wouldn't be the first misquote of yours.

As for the book. I'd read it if it was free. I'm just not going to waste 30 bucks on a book I don't need. I'm sure it would be nice trivia, but thats all. i'll stick to the scriptures.
Maybe such an astute, intelligent person as yourself should start caring, you might have a real unbiased epiphany about Mormonism's true history.

Maybe an astute intelligent person like yourself will realize that there is no such thing as real unbiased history.

As for Mormonism's true history, you dont have an accurate view of it. You also don't have a reasonable expectation of what it should be. If you expect any man other than Jesus Christ to be perfect and live God's standards perfectly, then you dont understand reality.

Moses killed a man
Peter cut off a mans ear and denied Christ three times.
David committed adultry and murdered.
Jonah cursed God.

Yet these are all prophets of God. They were all godly men. If you somehow expect men of God to be perfect in the last days then you have unreasonable expectations. If you expect the history of God's covenant people to not be wierd, peculiar, and odd to the world, then you arent paying attention to the scriptures.

If these men who were all called of God and well respected throughout the scriptures made mistakes, why do you expect modern prophets not to? Attacking Joseph because he isnt perfect doesnt prove the Restoration didnt happen. Demonstrating that mormons arent perfect doesnt disprove mormonism. Especially when one of the main premises is that all men have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. That's why Christ is our Savior. That is why we need Him.

You know, for someone so concerned about us not focusing on works, you would think that youd be less focused on it and more focused on the message.
Truthspeaker: I'm also not going to buy the book because it's not worth spending money on

"And God Said, "Let There Be Librarys."." ;)

This wouldn't be the first misquote of yours.

As for the book. I'd read it if it was free. I'm just not going to waste 30 bucks on a book I don't need. I'm sure it would be nice trivia, but thats all. i'll stick to the scriptures.

Hello there? "Librarys don't charge $30.00 to check out a book.".
Maybe such an astute, intelligent person as yourself should start caring, you might have a real unbiased epiphany about Mormonism's true history.

Maybe an astute intelligent person like yourself will realize that there is no such thing as real unbiased history.

As for Mormonism's true history, you dont have an accurate view of it. You also don't have a reasonable expectation of what it should be. If you expect any man other than Jesus Christ to be perfect and live God's standards perfectly, then you dont understand reality.

Moses killed a man
Peter cut off a mans ear and denied Christ three times.
David committed adultry and murdered.
Jonah cursed God.

Yet these are all prophets of God. They were all godly men. If you somehow expect men of God to be perfect in the last days then you have unreasonable expectations. If you expect the history of God's covenant people to not be wierd, peculiar, and odd to the world, then you arent paying attention to the scriptures.

If these men who were all called of God and well respected throughout the scriptures made mistakes, why do you expect modern prophets not to? Attacking Joseph because he isnt perfect doesnt prove the Restoration didnt happen. Demonstrating that mormons arent perfect doesnt disprove mormonism. Especially when one of the main premises is that all men have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. That's why Christ is our Savior. That is why we need Him.

You know, for someone so concerned about us not focusing on works, you would think that youd be less focused on it and more focused on the message.

Your right, all those bible saints did those things........but they didn't "continue" in sin, as J.S. Jr. did to the very end of his life.

Make no mistake about this, J.S. jr.'s life when compared to those above named men of the bible can't hold a "twig" to them.

His life was rife with conning, polygamy, outrageous lies, plagarism, from beginning to it's sad demise. Not so of Peter, Paul, David, Solomon, etc... There is no evidence of any repentance from J.S. Jr.'s wayward unbiblical ways right to the end of his life shooting it out with an angry mob in Illinois.
C'mon, don't pick on avatar. So what if his hero jsmith was a dirtbag before and even after he was chosen by god? A lot of people still idolize Hitler too. You gonna pick on them as well?

Thruthspeaker, if I become mormon, does someone just give my their young daughter like an arranged marriage? Or do I get to pick?
C'mon, don't pick on avatar. So what if his hero jsmith was a dirtbag before and even after he was chosen by god? A lot of people still idolize Hitler too. You gonna pick on them as well?

Thruthspeaker, if I become mormon, does someone just give my their young daughter like an arranged marriage? Or do I get to pick?


Nobody would pick you for a husband. So you wouldn't be a good candidate for Mormonism.

Nobody would pick you for a husband. So you wouldn't be a good candidate for Mormonism.

WHAT!! I thought you took anyone? Plus, I'm actually a good looking guy, I'm sure I could attract a few partners. I'm even willing to believe in the alien stuff... if I can get some young you-know-what. Do you have a website that I can check out the chicks on?
One thing though, I'll need to join a sect that allows polygamy. You can set me up, right?

Nobody would pick you for a husband. So you wouldn't be a good candidate for Mormonism.

WHAT!! I thought you took anyone? Plus, I'm actually a good looking guy, I'm sure I could attract a few partners. I'm even willing to believe in the alien stuff... if I can get some young you-know-what. Do you have a website that I can check out the chicks on?
One thing though, I'll need to join a sect that allows polygamy. You can set me up, right?

Sorry Hoser,
You'll have to contact the extremists in back country Utah or texas. Can't help ya there.:eusa_whistle:
i have questions:

is it true that woman must be married to enter heaven?

is it true that mormons become "god like" upon there deaths in their heaven?

how accurate is "big love" on hbo about mormons?

o and i have noticed you really havent answered anyones questions..

why not explain the "blessed" undergarments?

After I went to sleep last night asking for questions, You all have surely not disappointed, which I appreciate. So please be patient if I can't be on here 24-7. It doesn't mean I am not going to answer questions just because I don't live on here.

1.Alright lets go with the first one here. It is not true in the official doctrine that a woman needs to be married to anyone in order to go to heaven. That is false doctrine.

2. I am not quite sure what you mean by "god-like" but I can tell you that we will be ressurected with an immortal physical and perfect body, like God has. But will not become Gods at the ressurection.

3. I have not seen the show, but apparently from the weird title and the fact that HBO airs it, I am skeptical as to it's accuracy.

4.If you haven't noticed me answer anyones questions then that is quite a blanket statement since I immediately answered a very complex question from the first poster about the jaredite barges and orgin of native americans rather quickly. I have answered questions several times before yours if you care to observe. As per my aforementioned life outside of the computer I only just now got the chance to respond to the "magic underwear" comment which term we find quite offensive and inacurate that they would be called such a disrespectful name.

Truth, the doctrine has been 'to become as gods with your own kingdoms and goddesses' since 1844 until President Hinckley weasled in the media about that some years ago.

Any objective research will document the as God once was, man is, and is God is, man may become.

How amazing that in fifty years "man to God" and "Joseph had sex with his women" have gone out the window, and now many deny what history has recorded.

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