The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Mel Ballard is a good dude. And you should apply his teachings in your life. Give up whackos like Glenn Beck. Turn away from JBS leanings. Go lean on the Lord. Best of luck, Avatar. I am glad you are 'coming out' in public.

If you are considering Glenn Beck a wacko, is it his religious doctrine or his Constitutional/Libertarian/Conservative background, or both?

I find Glenn Beck very refreshing, and right on top of all that's going wacko with our present administration.

As for Beck's Mormon beliefs, I'm able to separate people from their religious persuasion, and appreciate or not their political/ethical doctrine.

I like LDS folks fairly well having been around them all my life, here in (deleted) as well as out west. What I don't like is Glenn's hidden "elders of Zion saving the Constitution" LDS belief tied to the nuttery of the John Birch Society, the Freeman Institute, and the ravings of Cleon Skousen. You can Avatar about all that.

Glenn's approach is held by a very, very small minority of LDS and considered to be a major step on the road to apostasy by the LDS church's leadership.*

*To small minority of LDS whackos on this principle -- go contact your Stake President and find out what happens to your standing in your church.

Just what exactly is so wrong with the John Birch Society, the Freeman Institute, or Cleon Skousen? It appears to me they were all solid american institutions or americans who opposed communism and fascism.
I like LDS folks fairly well having been around them all my life, here in (deleted) as well as out west. What I don't like is Glenn's hidden "elders of Zion saving the Constitution" LDS belief tied to the nuttery of the John Birch Society, the Freeman Institute, and the ravings of Cleon Skousen. You can Avatar about all that.

Glenn's approach is held by a very, very small minority of LDS and considered to be a major step on the road to apostasy by the LDS church's leadership.*

*To small minority of LDS whackos on this principle -- go contact your Stake President and find out what happens to your standing in your church.

Your conspiracy theories are getting a bit psycho. might want to tone them down a bit.

Truth is the truth, Avatar. You are in a very small, very nutty political minority in the LDS church. Your leadership states those beliefs are the first step to apostasy. You better tone down your nonsense before they catch on to you.

Folks just don't get it do they av and tru. Mormons are the only ones who are right and the rest of you are wrong and possibly all going to hell. 2,000,000 mormons are right and the other 6,500,000,000 of humanity is wrong. So folks, get with the plan if you want to be saved: magic underwear, golden plates, illiterate cowboys, polygamy and all the rest. It's all good!
I want to be a god, so should you.

What are you smoking?:smoke:or drinking?:booze:

You can't read or won't read. Which is it?

I have said from post number 1 that church membership is largely irrelevant to salvation.
Tru, why don't you just give up? Nobody wants to join your cult. I admit it must be frustrating to explain yourself over and over and get ridiculed non stop. Maybe you should've joined a less nutty cult.
i bet you ask yourself from time to time: why do I believe in such bogusness?

You see theres a sort of freedom in being ridiculed for what you stand for. I love it. Especially since I can handle it.

You obviously don't understand why I do this. because you never read my posts stating my mission here.

To clarify misconceptions about our faith. People like you help me to do that.:thup: thanks
Ah, neophyte, you have stumbled several times already, but that's OK because you are trying to move forward with a willing heart if an unsteady stride. I will show you how to lengthen your stride. I notice your unorthodox understanding of grace and election informs your theory of god development.

You are wise to stay away from dogma because Joseph Smith, John Taylor, Brigham Young, and Joseph F. Smith abounded in it. It's hard to explain doctrines of the time such as "Adam-God", "Blood Atonement", "Adoption," "Royal Abrahamic Priesthood", and the denial of Priestood Blessings to the Nego. What find funny is that General Authorities today pretend as they as dave authority to say that what Brigham Young gave doctrine really wasn't doctrine. If Elder Packer had made such a statement back then, Brigham Young would sent him to supervise the water in the Green River. You will learn.

Thanks for calling me wise. Anywhoo:eusa_whistle:

You say I stumble but without any explanation of how I have stumbled. I have already dealt with all those questions multiple times. I suggest you go back and read my responses say....ohh...about 30 pages ago and prior. How can you say our first leaders were abounding in dogma when they constantly told all of their congregations to pray and ASK God if the doctrines were true.

I've been through the definition of dogma already. It requires that people not question it to be dogma. Therefore we have never had dogmas. You have no idea how much early leaders and current leaders are on the same page.:eusa_angel:

You have a good spirit, and I like that. Yes, Mormonism is filled with dogmas (you misdefine the term but that's OK), and your denial is simply our opinion, and who cares. But you are going to learn quite a bit. Do your leaders ask you to pray for conviction on what is taught now? I suspect so.
Stance pronounced by an 'authority' as the definitive word on a subject to be accepted unquestioned, usually unsupported by corroborating facts or in defiance of evidence to the contrary, imposed by a fiat or institutionalized into a set of inflexible rules. See also doctrine.

I do know the english language a little bit. I'm not misusing the word dogma.

and yes we are asked to pray about any questions we have so that we can make our own decisions. And I hope I NEVER STOP learning. That would be contrary to the whole plan.
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One last question: are mormon chix hot in bed? Like, do they really put out and try hard to please you? Or they just sorta lie there?
I bet it's the latter (day saints position).

to quote the comic book guy from The Simpsons: "you are both a jerk and a fool."
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Thanks for calling me wise. Anywhoo:eusa_whistle:

You say I stumble but without any explanation of how I have stumbled. I have already dealt with all those questions multiple times. I suggest you go back and read my responses say....ohh...about 30 pages ago and prior. How can you say our first leaders were abounding in dogma when they constantly told all of their congregations to pray and ASK God if the doctrines were true.

I've been through the definition of dogma already. It requires that people not question it to be dogma. Therefore we have never had dogmas. You have no idea how much early leaders and current leaders are on the same page.:eusa_angel:

You have a good spirit, and I like that. Yes, Mormonism is filled with dogmas (you misdefine the term but that's OK), and your denial is simply our opinion, and who cares. But you are going to learn quite a bit. Do your leaders ask you to pray for conviction on what is taught now? I suspect so.
Stance pronounced by an 'authority' as the definitive word on a subject to be accepted unquestioned, usually unsupported by corroborating facts or in defiance of evidence to the contrary, imposed by a fiat or institutionalized into a set of inflexible rules. See also doctrine.

I do know the english language a little bit. I'm not misusing the word dogma.

and yes we are asked to pray about any questions we have so that we can make our own decisions. And I hope I NEVER STOP learning. That would be contrary to the whole plan.

Good, always learning is good. But, yes, we all know you are using 'mormonspeak' on your definition of dogma. Yep, Brigham Young taught different doctrine 150 years than the general authorities teach today, and your denials mean nothing at all.
One last question: are mormon chix hot in bed? Like, do they really put out and try hard to please you? Or they just sorta lie there?
I bet it's the latter (day saints position).

to quote the comic book guy from The Simpsons: "you are both a jerk and a fool."

Oh, cool it, truth. You are so easy to rile. Anyway, since you did not want to answer it . . . my LDS friends always said, when we were growing up, to date the leadership's daughters. One of the guys was dating an apostle's granddaugher (shut up, Truth, he's dead quite a few years, and she died in a car accident about ten or twelve years ago, so nothing's hurt here except your feelings), and he said, "absolutely awesome."

He would know. He got himself excommunicated in half a dozen stakes in Southern Utah before he was 25.:eusa_whistle:
You have a good spirit, and I like that. Yes, Mormonism is filled with dogmas (you misdefine the term but that's OK), and your denial is simply our opinion, and who cares. But you are going to learn quite a bit. Do your leaders ask you to pray for conviction on what is taught now? I suspect so.
Stance pronounced by an 'authority' as the definitive word on a subject to be accepted unquestioned, usually unsupported by corroborating facts or in defiance of evidence to the contrary, imposed by a fiat or institutionalized into a set of inflexible rules. See also doctrine.

I do know the english language a little bit. I'm not misusing the word dogma.

and yes we are asked to pray about any questions we have so that we can make our own decisions. And I hope I NEVER STOP learning. That would be contrary to the whole plan.

Good, always learning is good. But, yes, we all know you are using 'mormonspeak' on your definition of dogma. Yep, Brigham Young taught different doctrine 150 years than the general authorities teach today, and your denials mean nothing at all.

au contraire mon ami.

Like what?
One last question: are mormon chix hot in bed? Like, do they really put out and try hard to please you? Or they just sorta lie there?
I bet it's the latter (day saints position).

to quote the comic book guy from The Simpsons: "you are both a jerk and a fool."

Oh, cool it, truth. You are so easy to rile. Anyway, since you did not want to answer it . . . my LDS friends always said, when we were growing up, to date the leadership's daughters. One of the guys was dating an apostle's granddaugher (shut up, Truth, he's dead quite a few years, and she died in a car accident about ten or twelve years ago, so nothing's hurt here except your feelings), and he said, "absolutely awesome."

He would know. He got himself excommunicated in half a dozen stakes in Southern Utah before he was 25.:eusa_whistle:


I don't get riled. I get amused and I like to breathe a little fire:evil:. It makes it more fun:razz:

Like I said. more proof that neither you or hoser pay attention to my posts. I already said a LONG time ago that church doesn't interfere with sexual activity in marriage.

It's a ridiculously retarded question to ask if mormon women are great in bed. It's asking for a stereotype and it's juvenile to boot. It deserves a slap.:slap:

As if they're better or worse than protestant women, catholic women or irreligious women.

Grow up.:cuckoo:
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Are mormons allowed to drink? Do drugs like weed? gamble? Cuz all cowboys do those things. Or aren't/weren't you guys real cowboys?
You have a good spirit, and I like that. Yes, Mormonism is filled with dogmas (you misdefine the term but that's OK), and your denial is simply our opinion, and who cares. But you are going to learn quite a bit. Do your leaders ask you to pray for conviction on what is taught now? I suspect so.
Stance pronounced by an 'authority' as the definitive word on a subject to be accepted unquestioned, usually unsupported by corroborating facts or in defiance of evidence to the contrary, imposed by a fiat or institutionalized into a set of inflexible rules. See also doctrine.

I do know the english language a little bit. I'm not misusing the word dogma.

and yes we are asked to pray about any questions we have so that we can make our own decisions. And I hope I NEVER STOP learning. That would be contrary to the whole plan.

Good, always learning is good. But, yes, we all know you are using 'mormonspeak' on your definition of dogma. Yep, Brigham Young taught different doctrine 150 years than the general authorities teach today, and your denials mean nothing at all.

How can you say "Mormonspeak" when it's from
Truth: It's a ridiculously retarded question to ask if mormon women are great in bed.

Go ask you Dad and come back and tell us (I learned how to flame like this from Terry!).
Yes, I understand, you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And off the main page of we find "Mormon Channel (-) Listen to Mormon Channel, the Church’s new 24-hour-a-day audio station featuring gospel-oriented programs, music, interviews, and much more. You can access the station through live Internet streaming, podcasts, and iPhone applications, as well as on HD radio."

Cmon now Jake,
You're smart enough to know that "Mormon" can still be used to familiarize ourselves with outside parties. We might as well keep the nickname and try to make it look good as long as others are trying to make it look bad.

By the way I noticed 8-ball said thank you for your post. He reminds of that little guy who stands behind the gang of bullies and talks tough. He's got his hat on sideways and looks at you like he's tough and says "Yeah!" after the bully says something.

...Your founder was a con man...........fully revealed in New York, and he created more friction with biblical Christian communitys as he led his followers West to Utah. He was willing to make up visions and all kinds of weird phenomena to keep absolute control over his minions/followers. Sadly, these folks were gullible, and that's just how cults prosper; with folks that want God to be their way, and not the way God has truly revealed Himself to man...

Do you have any proof to back up these claims? It seems to me that at least some of the “facts” you presented are incorrect. It is fact that Joseph Smith did not lead the church West to Utah, contrary to your statement. Because of this I would highly question other “facts” you have presented in this thread.

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