The truth about taxes


Wealth is EARNED not "distributed". What this nation actually has is an EFFORT Inequality in America. People like myself work hard and achieve success while people like [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] and [MENTION=13671]Vel[/MENTION]vetacheese sit in the trailer parks smoking dope and bitching incessantly about how their life sucks and women reject them.

Joe is too fuck'n lazy to start his own business but wants to make that my problem for some reason... :dunno:

Hey, guy tell you what... Let's compare resumes... Somehow I think mine is probably a lot more impressive than yours.

You are about 25, and have all the hallmarks of an Ayn Rand reader with delusions of granduer.

Ummm, and the end of her worthless life, Rand went on Social Security and Medicare.

Joe - you've tried this "25" thing for years now and then admitted in another thread you were wrong when a fellow Dumbocrat was accusing me of being an old rich asshole grandfather (and neither of you dumb fucks were even remotely in the ballpark). :lmao:

You're too fuck'n lazy to start your own business. That's not my problem...
I mean, that dressage horse might look nice, but it ain't doing jack shit for most of us.

You're supposed to do for yourself you lazy, useless, worthless, parasite... :eusa_whistle:

NOw, funny thing about that.

You got Joe Soptic who went to his job at the Steel Mill every day and worked hard, and oddly enough, when Mitt Romney bought his company and looted the assets by borrowing against them, and then paid himself a huge bonus before the thing went bust, how was that being anything OTHER than a parasite.

I argue that the captialist is the ultimate parasite. He produces nothing, and soaks off the hard work earned by folks like Joe Soptic (who let's not forget, lost his wife to Cancer after Mitt Cancelled his health insurance.)


Man, was that guy a commie or what?

Hey Joe - since you dropped out of high school, have someone read that to you. No where does that say "redistribute wealth that someone else earned through their labor to someone like Joe who refuses to labor"... :eusa_whistle:

Notice how the quote puts the emphasis on labor? Something you refuse to do.

(Do you ever get tired of me humiliating your ignorance in a public forum? :lol:)
So what's your remedy to this 'problem', if you think it's a problem?

Flat tax.

Everyone pays the same percentage of their income in federal income taxes.

So you want to raise taxes on everyone, at least, in the lower third of the income ladder,

and cut taxes on everyone in the upper third. Roughly speaking.

lol, good plan.

Hey, you're the people always saying "the rich doesn't pay their FAIR share". Well, if ALL of America from the wealthiest person to the poorest person pays the same 10% then they all carry the burden equally and thus it is fair.

What's a matter Dumbocrats - can't walk the walk when it comes to your favorite buzz words? :eusa_whistle:
Flat tax.

Everyone pays the same percentage of their income in federal income taxes.

So you want to raise taxes on everyone, at least, in the lower third of the income ladder,

and cut taxes on everyone in the upper third. Roughly speaking.

lol, good plan.

Hey, you're the people always saying "the rich doesn't pay their FAIR share". Well, if ALL of America from the wealthiest person to the poorest person pays the same 10% then they all carry the burden equally and thus it is fair.

What's a matter Dumbocrats - can't walk the walk when it comes to your favorite buzz words? :eusa_whistle:

A flat tax is hardly "fair". 10% to a rich person is nothing, it's a lot to those of us who work for a living.
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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So what's your remedy to this 'problem', if you think it's a problem?

And, of course, he has no 'remedy'. Just trolling, again.
Guy, nobody earning 8 figures is doing 8 figures of actual work.

Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs averaged 18 hours per day at Microsoft and Apple respectively. Both would consider you a piece of shit for questioning their work effort. Both are billionaires. Meanwhile, you cut our of work to drink your cheap beer all day and complain about your life in the trailer park.

It's a free country. You could start your own business and work 18 hour days as well. You choose not too. That's not our problem Joe.
Guy, nobody earning 8 figures is doing 8 figures of actual work.

Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs averaged 18 hours per day at Microsoft and Apple respectively. Both would consider you a piece of shit for questioning their work effort. Both are billionaires. Meanwhile, you cut our of work to drink your cheap beer all day and complain about your life in the trailer park.

It's a free country. You could start your own business and work 18 hour days as well. You choose not too. That's not our problem Joe.

No, man, I drink wine, not beer.

And Bill Gates was indicted by the Federal Government for unethical trade practices back in the 1990's when Microsoft did things like giving away products for free to put their compeitors out of business, and then soaked the market when they had a monopoly.

The only reason Steve Jobs was able to make a comeback with Apple was because the government sued Gates.

Unethical Business Practices =/= hard work.

Seriously. Fuck rich people. they'll be fine.
So you want to raise taxes on everyone, at least, in the lower third of the income ladder,

and cut taxes on everyone in the upper third. Roughly speaking.

lol, good plan.

Hey, you're the people always saying "the rich doesn't pay their FAIR share". Well, if ALL of America from the wealthiest person to the poorest person pays the same 10% then they all carry the burden equally and thus it is fair.

What's a matter Dumbocrats - can't walk the walk when it comes to your favorite buzz words? :eusa_whistle:

A flat tax is hardly "fair". 10% to a rich person is nothing, it's a lot to those of us who work for a living.

I see you can't do math either... :eusa_doh:

Joe - the point of percentage is that it has an equal effect on everyone. :bang3:

10% of $1 is $.010
10% of $1,000,000 is $100,000

If, in your twisted mind, the wealthy person can "afford" to have $100,000 stolen from them, then certainly the poor person can afford to have a tiny little dime stolen from them.
Hey, you're the people always saying "the rich doesn't pay their FAIR share". Well, if ALL of America from the wealthiest person to the poorest person pays the same 10% then they all carry the burden equally and thus it is fair.

What's a matter Dumbocrats - can't walk the walk when it comes to your favorite buzz words? :eusa_whistle:

A flat tax is hardly "fair". 10% to a rich person is nothing, it's a lot to those of us who work for a living.

I see you can't do math either... :eusa_doh:

Joe - the point of percentage is that it has an equal effect on everyone. :bang3:

10% of $1 is $.010
10% of $1,000,000 is $100,000

If, in your twisted mind, the wealthy person can "afford" to have $100,000 stolen from them, then certainly the poor person can afford to have a tiny little dime stolen from them.

The rich need to pay more. Period.

Guy, i know you are fucking ignorant of history, but here's what happens when you have too much concentration of wealth at the top. Ready?

France- 1787.
Russia - 1917
Cuba -- 1959
Iran - 1979.

Hey, guess what happened to the RICH people in those countries?
Guy, nobody earning 8 figures is doing 8 figures of actual work.

Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs averaged 18 hours per day at Microsoft and Apple respectively. Both would consider you a piece of shit for questioning their work effort. Both are billionaires. Meanwhile, you cut our of work to drink your cheap beer all day and complain about your life in the trailer park.

It's a free country. You could start your own business and work 18 hour days as well. You choose not too. That's not our problem Joe.

No, man, I drink wine, not beer.

And Bill Gates was indicted by the Federal Government for unethical trade practices back in the 1990's when Microsoft did things like giving away products for free to put their compeitors out of business, and then soaked the market when they had a monopoly.

The only reason Steve Jobs was able to make a comeback with Apple was because the government sued Gates.

Unethical Business Practices =/= hard work.

Seriously. Fuck rich people. they'll be fine.

Gasp! What an outrage! They gave away products for FREE (like you always demand) :eek:

Joe has become so unhinged, now he's complaining when businesses do what he demands they do... :eusa_doh:
A flat tax is hardly "fair". 10% to a rich person is nothing, it's a lot to those of us who work for a living.

I see you can't do math either... :eusa_doh:

Joe - the point of percentage is that it has an equal effect on everyone. :bang3:

10% of $1 is $.010
10% of $1,000,000 is $100,000

If, in your twisted mind, the wealthy person can "afford" to have $100,000 stolen from them, then certainly the poor person can afford to have a tiny little dime stolen from them.

The rich need to pay more. Period.

Guy, i know you are fucking ignorant of history, but here's what happens when you have too much concentration of wealth at the top. Ready?

France- 1787.
Russia - 1917
Cuba -- 1959
Iran - 1979.

Hey, guess what happened to the RICH people in those countries?

And in your mind $100,000 is not more than a dime? :eusa_doh:

That's why we do percentages Joe. Because it ensures the wealthy will pay WAY more than other people.
Flat tax.

Everyone pays the same percentage of their income in federal income taxes.

So you want to raise taxes on everyone, at least, in the lower third of the income ladder,

and cut taxes on everyone in the upper third. Roughly speaking.

lol, good plan.

Hey, you're the people always saying "the rich doesn't pay their FAIR share". Well, if ALL of America from the wealthiest person to the poorest person pays the same 10% then they all carry the burden equally and thus it is fair.

What's a matter Dumbocrats - can't walk the walk when it comes to your favorite buzz words? :eusa_whistle:

That line only works if you're the one allowed to define what the word 'fair' means.

If you think 'fair' means everyone should pay the same tax rate, then you should think that 'fair' means that everyone gets paid the same wage rate.
A flat tax is hardly "fair". 10% to a rich person is nothing, it's a lot to those of us who work for a living.

I see you can't do math either... :eusa_doh:

Joe - the point of percentage is that it has an equal effect on everyone. :bang3:

10% of $1 is $.010
10% of $1,000,000 is $100,000

If, in your twisted mind, the wealthy person can "afford" to have $100,000 stolen from them, then certainly the poor person can afford to have a tiny little dime stolen from them.

The rich need to pay more. Period.

Guy, i know you are fucking ignorant of history, but here's what happens when you have too much concentration of wealth at the top. Ready?

France- 1787.
Russia - 1917
Cuba -- 1959
Iran - 1979.

Hey, guess what happened to the RICH people in those countries?

Guy - rich people in this country are well armed and/or have private security. Your threats are hollow and useless.

The only one ignorant of history is YOU. Here's what happens when wealth is not earned but distributed:

U.S.S.R. - collapse, poverty
Cuba - collapse, poverty
Vietnam - collapse, poverty

Joe once everybody to live in poverty and famine so he can feel better about himself...

Gasp! What an outrage! They gave away products for FREE (like you always demand) :eek:

Joe has become so unhinged, now he's complaining when businesses do what he demands they do... :eusa_doh:

Uh, no, guy, you miss the point. I suggest you actually do some research of what that was all about, I'm sure you are too young and it's before your time.

But back in the oldy days, before they wrote Internet Explorer into WIndows, there were a bunch of companies that sold internet operating systems. And they all went out of business when Microsoft started giving away IE for free.

And then when they monopolized the market, they quadrupled the costs of new Windows operationg systems.

Guy - rich people in this country are well armed and/or have private security. Your threats are hollow and useless.

The only one ignorant of history is YOU. Here's what happens when wealth is not earned but distributed:

U.S.S.R. - collapse, poverty
Cuba - collapse, poverty
Vietnam - collapse, poverty

Joe once everybody to live in poverty and famine so he can feel better about himself...

USSR- Collapse due to its people's wanting independence from Russia.
Cuba- Poor economic conditions because we've been punishing them for 50 years for rejecting us.
Vietnam- Poor economic conditions because we napalmed, bombed and defoliated the place for a decade, killing 3 million of their people.

Oh, but I'm sure it's all communism's fault.

I'm sure you blame rape victims for their short skirts, too.

Point is, the only thing between your beloved Rich and a European Social Democracy where they tax them at 75% is that dumb crackers like you are clinging to your guns and your bibles.
So you want to raise taxes on everyone, at least, in the lower third of the income ladder,

and cut taxes on everyone in the upper third. Roughly speaking.

lol, good plan.

Hey, you're the people always saying "the rich doesn't pay their FAIR share". Well, if ALL of America from the wealthiest person to the poorest person pays the same 10% then they all carry the burden equally and thus it is fair.

What's a matter Dumbocrats - can't walk the walk when it comes to your favorite buzz words? :eusa_whistle:

That line only works if you're the one allowed to define what the word 'fair' means.

If you think 'fair' means everyone should pay the same tax rate, then you should think that 'fair' means that everyone gets paid the same wage rate.

How is it NOT "fair" in your warped little mind that everyone carry the same 10% burden for their country? A wealthy person will pay a fuck-load more at 10% than a poor person will at 10%.

10% of $100 is $10
10% of $1,000,000 is $100,000

The wealthy person is paying a fuck-load more. But it's FAIR because both people in this scenario carry an EQUAL burden from their salary.

Your post here is astoundingly stupid. Worse, it's completely disingenuous and you know it. Percentages are used because salaries are not all the same and a percentage ensures the EQUAL burden out of their salary.

Guy - rich people in this country are well armed and/or have private security. Your threats are hollow and useless.

The only one ignorant of history is YOU. Here's what happens when wealth is not earned but distributed:

U.S.S.R. - collapse, poverty
Cuba - collapse, poverty
Vietnam - collapse, poverty

Joe once everybody to live in poverty and famine so he can feel better about himself...

USSR- Collapse due to its people's wanting independence from Russia.
Cuba- Poor economic conditions because we've been punishing them for 50 years for rejecting us.
Vietnam- Poor economic conditions because we napalmed, bombed and defoliated the place for a decade, killing 3 million of their people.

Oh, but I'm sure it's all communism's fault.

I'm sure you blame rape victims for their short skirts, too.

Point is, the only thing between your beloved Rich and a European Social Democracy where they tax them at 75% is that dumb crackers like you are clinging to your guns and your bibles.

And why do you think people wanted "independence" from Russia, you dumb fuck? :lmao:

Because communism fuck'n blows and creates a life that is not with living since their is no reward, no pursuit of excellence, and nothing to achieve.

See Joe defending communism here? And yet in the next post he will adamantly deny being a communist (even though he has admitted it before, calls for it here, and supports ALL policies from it). :eusa_doh:

Joe - excuses are like assholes...everybody has one and they all stink. Communism and wealth redistribution has a 100% failure rate world wide. No amount of blaming the people (fucking hilarious) by you can cover the 100% failure rate it has experienced. It has never succeeded anywhere. Never.

Time to get back on your meds Joe and accept reality.
Don't they have a section to place fictional/fantasy topics? IF not they should.

Hey I heard that the ultra wealthy are having to sign up for welfare benefits. You know, they are doing so badly, they need help.

And I heard you saw a unicorn too.

Why don't you rethugs on here send your favorite ultra wealthy family your money? They are struggling I tell you. Barely making it. Help them out. Send them some of YOUR welfare check.

I have been posting here for all of a week or two and you just know I am a republican.

OK Kreskin.

BTW Am not never have been never will be a member of any political party.

Dude, I don't care if you have posted here two years and think you are Spiderman......wait a minute.

But if you are on here defending the ultra rich from the terrible idea that they pay more in taxes, then you might as well be a Rethuglican.

I am not defending anyone. Just pointing out the fact that people should not be penalized simply because they have or make more money than someone else.

And as I say to all the repubs who take this bullshit position......send your favorite ultra wealthy person some of YOUR money. But you won't do that will ya? Why?

Why should I give my money to anyone? Why should more of my money be taken from me than you or anyone else?

Because I can afford it?

But before you write that check. Which ultra wealthy person is watching out for the middle class interest? And you are nothing more than middle class. Right Spiderman?

Why can't the middle class watch out for themselves. I do. And define middle class.

I am 42 and semi retired because i worked my ass off from the time I was 16. I bought my first income property when I was 21 now I have a dozen income producing properties.

No person rich middle class or poor ever stopped me from making as much money as I wanted just as no one is stopping them from making as much as they want

But why is it that people like you can't understand that the ultra wealthy couldn't care less about what happens to you. But they sure do appreciate your taking on their fight with nothing to show for it.

Wait. I know. YOU think you will be among the ultra wealthy some day. Ain't gonna happen. But keep on dreaming.

You're wrong of course.

I know that people don't give a shit about me whether they be rich or poor.

No one is going to look out for me but me. I do not expect anyone to help me ever.

Like I said you are where you are because that's exactly where you want to be.

I have no ambitions to be ultra wealthy I know exactly how I want to live and I know exactly the amount of money that will allow me to live that way.

I am almost there and will be completely retired living off passive income streams before I am 50.

What's stopping you from doing the same other than you?
Hey, you're the people always saying "the rich doesn't pay their FAIR share". Well, if ALL of America from the wealthiest person to the poorest person pays the same 10% then they all carry the burden equally and thus it is fair.

What's a matter Dumbocrats - can't walk the walk when it comes to your favorite buzz words? :eusa_whistle:

A flat tax is hardly "fair". 10% to a rich person is nothing, it's a lot to those of us who work for a living.

I see you can't do math either... :eusa_doh:

Joe - the point of percentage is that it has an equal effect on everyone. :bang3:

10% of $1 is $.010
10% of $1,000,000 is $100,000

If, in your twisted mind, the wealthy person can "afford" to have $100,000 stolen from them, then certainly the poor person can afford to have a tiny little dime stolen from them.

What's 'fair' about one person paying $1000 in income taxes and another person paying $100,000?

Gasp! What an outrage! They gave away products for FREE (like you always demand) :eek:

Joe has become so unhinged, now he's complaining when businesses do what he demands they do... :eusa_doh:

Uh, no, guy, you miss the point. I suggest you actually do some research of what that was all about, I'm sure you are too young and it's before your time.

But back in the oldy days, before they wrote Internet Explorer into WIndows, there were a bunch of companies that sold internet operating systems. And they all went out of business when Microsoft started giving away IE for free.

And then when they monopolized the market, they quadrupled the costs of new Windows operationg systems.

Yeah, I was there stupid :)lmao:). And again - gasp! - how dare they give something away for FREE.

If you actually had to purchase your browser that you use to cry, bitch, and moan all day on USMB you would be crying, bitching, and moaning about that as well.

Microsoft didn't force anyone to use IE. People could still have purchased Netscape Navigator (yeah, I used that too something impossible for a 25 year old stupid :lol:) but parasites like you were too cheap to do it. Not Microsoft's problem that you're a mooching parasite.

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