The truth about taxes

The wealthy can afford to pay much higher rates, and still live very comfy lives. For some reason, conservatives are very concerned about the well-being of the rich, but they don't need to worry about them. They will still have plenty of wealth under higher progressive rates that liberals would prefer. The right has convinced itself that liberals are a bunch of confiscatory marxists who won't be satisfied till the rich are shot against a basement wall, like the Romanov family. We aren't communists, we are liberals. And the Right's failure to see the difference is one of the reasons why they've been losing.

You have corrupted the definition of Liberal, in the same way the Nazi's have corrupted the definition of Holocaust. Liberal, was not supposed to mean Totalitarian. Liberty, should not be your enemy, neither should voice be, or the concept of Private Property. Rich or Poor, each is entitled to the fruits of their own invention, discovery, labor, idea, without punitive cost. How long must deny the principle of Government by the consent of the Governed?

Here is a project for you..... How about considering Health Care Legislation, a Tax Code, that's 1000 pages or less, then bring it down to 500 pages. Simplify. Remove every Impartiality. Good luck with that.
The top 20% own 90% of the country's wealth.


The top 1% own 46% of the world's wealth.

Wealth is not owned.

Wealth is nothing but net worth.

Net worth is nothing but the total value of your assets minus your liabilities.

You can increase your net worth any time you want and there is no limit to what your net worth can be.
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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So what's your remedy to this 'problem', if you think it's a problem?
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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So what's your remedy to this 'problem', if you think it's a problem?

Flat tax.

Everyone pays the same percentage of their income in federal income taxes.
The whole they can afford it argument is ridiculous

Tell you what if you make more than I why don't you have to pay more for the exact same car I drive?

After all you can afford it.

The fact is that the rich use less government services than the so called poor.

Economic liberty was just as important to true liberals as personal liberty today's so called liberals seem to have forgotten that.

Don't they have a section to place fictional/fantasy topics? IF not they should.

Hey I heard that the ultra wealthy are having to sign up for welfare benefits. You know, they are doing so badly, they need help.

And I heard you saw a unicorn too.

Why don't you rethugs on here send your favorite ultra wealthy family your money? They are struggling I tell you. Barely making it. Help them out. Send them some of YOUR welfare check.

I have been posting here for all of a week or two and you just know I am a republican.

OK Kreskin.

BTW Am not never have been never will be a member of any political party.

Dude, I don't care if you have posted here two years and think you are Spiderman......wait a minute.

But if you are on here defending the ultra rich from the terrible idea that they pay more in taxes, then you might as well be a Rethuglican.

And as I say to all the repubs who take this bullshit position......send your favorite ultra wealthy person some of YOUR money. But you won't do that will ya? Why?

But before you write that check. Which ultra wealthy person is watching out for the middle class interest? And you are nothing more than middle class. Right Spiderman?

But why is it that people like you can't understand that the ultra wealthy couldn't care less about what happens to you. But they sure do appreciate your taking on their fight with nothing to show for it.

Wait. I know. YOU think you will be among the ultra wealthy some day. Ain't gonna happen. But keep on dreaming.
When the progressive income tax was introduced in 1913 at a top rate of 7%, it was to never exceed 10%. We all see how that worked out. Never ever trust lying progressives.

True, but its not as though republicans have never raised taxes. And lets not pass over how that came into effect in 1913. And we could point out that as long as the US tended to our own general business, the government operated nicely on the other means of capital. But when we assumed the roll of world police and entangling alliances and interference, a new source of revenue was needed.
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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So what's your remedy to this 'problem', if you think it's a problem?

Flat tax.

Everyone pays the same percentage of their income in federal income taxes.

Oh bull shit. When everyone's income is "equal" then I will support everyone's taxes being "equal". When will that be happening?
why do demoncRATS/liarberals always complain about those RICH Republicans when if you want to do a search on who are the RICH, it turns out mostly the RICH are the D-RATS !! :up:

below is just a small sampling of who the RICH are, i also done a search on who pays the most taxes and it sure as hell was not those RICH demoncRATS, they have more loop holes than a block of Swiss cheese :lmao:

Richest Democrats

Richest Democrats - The Richest

Articles: Party of the Rich? That's the Democrats

The PJ Tatler » Seven of the Top Ten Wealthiest Members of Congress Are Democrats
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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Why is it you guys only discuss federal income taxes and never discuss the numbers when all taxation is included? I'll tell you why. Because if you include all forms of taxation, those numbers become drastically different, and the wealthy then only pay slightly more than percentage wise compared to their earnings. Just by including payroll taxes, the numbers change substantially, and then when you include state and local taxes, it really changes drastically, because lower income earners pay the highest percentage of state and local taxes. They also pay a much larger portion of their income in payroll taxes.

I'm so sick of this stupid argument, but hey, I'm sure you'll keep throwing it out there. What we should do is tax the wealthy less and tax the poor more.

Seriously [MENTION=12997]auditor0007[/MENTION], what the hell are you talking about? For 5 years all you idiots talked about was that "taxes were at an all time low" and "the percent of the wealthy paying taxes didn't matter, but rather what was the percentage if the total wealth earned by those people".

Well, I just proved that was a LIE and that you guys are ignorant sheep who have believed the liberal propaganda spoon-fed to you.

Now you invented a new narrative that somehow federal taxes (by far and away the most crushing) don't count and somehow adding "all taxes" lowers the tax burden of the wealthy?!? :bang3:

How does adding in sales tax, state tax, local tax, gas tax, property tax, capital gains tax, and the rest somehow "lower" taxes for the wealthy in your magical fairy land of unicorns? :eusa_doh:

I noticed you couldn't explain it. Why not? No specifics? Kind of says it all...
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes [/url]

And if the ONLY tax we had was the income tax, you might have a point.

But we also have

State Income Taxes.
Medicare Tax
Social Security Tax
Property Taxes
Sales Taxes
Utility taxes
Excise taxes on things like Alcohol, Cigarettes, etc.

Lotteries - (Or as I like to call them, Tax on Poor People who are bad at math).

And those kind of even it out.

The country worked at its best when the Rich carried most of the tax burden.
The wealthy can afford to pay much higher rates, and still live very comfy lives. For some reason, conservatives are very concerned about the well-being of the rich, but they don't need to worry about them. They will still have plenty of wealth under higher progressive rates that liberals would prefer. The right has convinced itself that liberals are a bunch of confiscatory marxists who won't be satisfied till the rich are shot against a basement wall, like the Romanov family. We aren't communists, we are liberals. And the Right's failure to see the difference is one of the reasons why they've been losing.

“So why would it be okay to raise taxes on “the rich”—the 1% that make 33% of all purchases in the economy?10 You mean high-income taxpayers won’t cut back on spending, buying homes, starting businesses, and creating jobs if they have less disposable income? Wow, if that’s true, monkeys can fly, hell is freezing over, and Democrats can defy the force of gravity.

Only those totally ignorant about the economy believe the fairy tale that taking money away from the top spenders, investors, and job creators isn’t going to further damage the economy.

If the rich are taxed more, will they continue to give to charity? In my adopted home state of Nevada a recent study by Nevada State Bank shows that the top 0.2% (not the top 2 percent, but rather the top 2/10 of 1%) of wealthy Nevadans account for 27% of all charitable giving. The average Nevada family donates $957 to charity, while the average wealthy Nevadan donates $138,320 annually.12 This money goes to churches, higher education, hospitals, cancer institutes, and organizations that help the poor. Obama seems to think capping the charitable tax deduction would be no big deal.13 Really? You mean if I donate $140,000 this year to charity, but I still owe 40% taxes on the money that I no longer have, I’ll still make the same decision to donate? Monkeys must be flying again, and hell is certainly freezing over. One more certainty—Democrats are either completely ignorant, or their goal is the destruction of capitalism and churches at the same time.”

(12) Nevada's wealthy households make 27 percent of charitable donations | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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Want to try again [MENTION=43062]velvtacheeze[/MENTION]? Or are you finally ready to trade your willful ignorance for enlightenment. I've stuffed this entire thread with endless citations from books and articles. It's all fact. What have you got? Nothing (as always). Just be honest for once in your miserable existence and admit you want the government cheese, cigarettes, and gay porn to keep flowing to your trailer park. You know damn well everything you said is bullshit and everything I've posted here is 100% true. Of course the wealthy will still be "comfy" - it's the middle class who gets fucked over and crushed by you Dumbocrats when the wealthy stop hiring and stop purchasing our goods & services.
Wow, so your argument is the 1% should continue to keep half the wealth so that they can occassionally throw a few crumbs to charity? Really?

I don't know, I think taking their stuff and building roads and schools and the turnkey technologies to advance us into the 21st century might be better.

I mean, that dressage horse might look nice, but it ain't doing jack shit for most of us. And Mittens and his wife claimed $77,000 in tax credits on it. More than most Americans make.

What I'd like to do to Mitt's Dressage Horsie...


If you point this out to people like Poodle, they'll scream Communism all day.

Just the name and the first 30 seconds prove this is a false narrative (and proves how ignorant you are). There is NO "wealth distribution" in America (that's what you want - but we don't have it). Nobody stands in bread lines for miles while some government bureaucrat stands around and "distributes" the nations wealth.

Wealth is EARNED not "distributed". What this nation actually has is an EFFORT Inequality in America. People like myself work hard and achieve success while people like [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] and [MENTION=13671]Vel[/MENTION]vetacheese sit in the trailer parks smoking dope and bitching incessantly about how their life sucks and women reject them.

Joe is too fuck'n lazy to start his own business but wants to make that my problem for some reason... :dunno:
If you point this out to people like Poodle, they'll scream Communism all day.

Just the name and the first 30 seconds prove this is a false narrative (and proves how ignorant you are). There is NO "wealth distribution" in America (that's what you want - but we don't have it). Nobody stands in bread lines for miles while some government bureaucrat stands around and "distributes" the nations wealth.

Wealth is EARNED not "distributed". What this nation actually has is an EFFORT Inequality in America. People like myself work hard and achieve success while people like [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] and [MENTION=13671]Vel[/MENTION]vetacheese sit in the trailer parks smoking dope and bitching incessantly about how their life sucks and women reject them.

Joe is too fuck'n lazy to start his own business but wants to make that my problem for some reason... :dunno:

Guy, nobody earning 8 figures is doing 8 figures of actual work.

Deal with it.

If an enterprise "earns" wealth, and the people who did the actual work aren't getting a fair share of it, then it is not "distributed" properly. If people who did no work but just bought company A instead of company B, but they get the majority of the wealth earned, that's not proper distribution, either.

Now if you accept that there SHOULD be concentrations of wealth to get things done, there's an argument that can be made for that.

But it should be more equitable and working folks should have reasonable protections from abuse.
I mean, that dressage horse might look nice, but it ain't doing jack shit for most of us.

You're supposed to do for yourself you lazy, useless, worthless, parasite... :eusa_whistle:

NOw, funny thing about that.

You got Joe Soptic who went to his job at the Steel Mill every day and worked hard, and oddly enough, when Mitt Romney bought his company and looted the assets by borrowing against them, and then paid himself a huge bonus before the thing went bust, how was that being anything OTHER than a parasite.

I argue that the captialist is the ultimate parasite. He produces nothing, and soaks off the hard work earned by folks like Joe Soptic (who let's not forget, lost his wife to Cancer after Mitt Cancelled his health insurance.)


Man, was that guy a commie or what?
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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So what's your remedy to this 'problem', if you think it's a problem?

Flat tax.

Everyone pays the same percentage of their income in federal income taxes.

So you want to raise taxes on everyone, at least, in the lower third of the income ladder,

and cut taxes on everyone in the upper third. Roughly speaking.

lol, good plan.

Wealth is EARNED not "distributed". What this nation actually has is an EFFORT Inequality in America. People like myself work hard and achieve success while people like [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] and [MENTION=13671]Vel[/MENTION]vetacheese sit in the trailer parks smoking dope and bitching incessantly about how their life sucks and women reject them.

Joe is too fuck'n lazy to start his own business but wants to make that my problem for some reason... :dunno:

Hey, guy tell you what... Let's compare resumes... Somehow I think mine is probably a lot more impressive than yours.

You are about 25, and have all the hallmarks of an Ayn Rand reader with delusions of granduer.

Ummm, and the end of her worthless life, Rand went on Social Security and Medicare.
The wealthy can afford to pay much higher rates, and still live very comfy lives. For some reason, conservatives are very concerned about the well-being of the rich, but they don't need to worry about them. They will still have plenty of wealth under higher progressive rates that liberals would prefer. The right has convinced itself that liberals are a bunch of confiscatory marxists who won't be satisfied till the rich are shot against a basement wall, like the Romanov family. We aren't communists, we are liberals. And the Right's failure to see the difference is one of the reasons why they've been losing.

The whole they can afford it argument is ridiculous

Tell you what if you make more than I why don't you have to pay more for the exact same car I drive?

After all you can afford it.

The fact is that the rich use less government services than the so called poor.

Economic liberty was just as important to true liberals as personal liberty today's so called liberals seem to have forgotten that.

Don't they have a section to place fictional/fantasy topics? IF not they should.

Hey I heard that the ultra wealthy are having to sign up for welfare benefits. You know, they are doing so badly, they need help.

Why don't you rethugs on here send your favorite ultra wealthy family your money? They are struggling I tell you. Barely making it. Help them out. Send them some of YOUR welfare check.

I love this nonsensical narrative by idiot parasites like [MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION]. Because someone isn't struggling, they owe you? Really? :eusa_doh:

Watching your unhinged hissy because I proved the previous lies about taxes load from your liberal masters that you loved to swallow was all bullshit is priceless. You can't argue the facts, so you create a new narrative.

Slavery is illegal Zeke (even if the Dumbocrats can't move on from the 1800's). People don't owe you shit and they don't have to work as slaves while you take what they earn. I'm sorry freedom pisses you off so much. But you know what - North Korea and Cuba are waiting for you, parasite.

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