The truth about taxes

I mean, that dressage horse might look nice, but it ain't doing jack shit for most of us.

You're supposed to do for yourself you lazy, useless, worthless, parasite... :eusa_whistle:

NOw, funny thing about that.

You got Joe Soptic who went to his job at the Steel Mill every day and worked hard, and oddly enough, when Mitt Romney bought his company and looted the assets by borrowing against them, and then paid himself a huge bonus before the thing went bust, how was that being anything OTHER than a parasite.

I argue that the captialist is the ultimate parasite. He produces nothing, and soaks off the hard work earned by folks like Joe Soptic (who let's not forget, lost his wife to Cancer after Mitt Cancelled his health insurance.)


Man, was that guy a commie or what?

Karl Marx did publish Das Kapital shortly before Lincoln became president, so it would hardly be surprising if that's where he got is economic ideas. However, Lincoln was a despicable tyrant. He pretty much destroyed freedom in this country, so I would hardly hold him up as an example of freedom is about.
The rich need to pay more. Period.

Guy, i know you are fucking ignorant of history, but here's what happens when you have too much concentration of wealth at the top. Ready?

France- 1787.
Russia - 1917
Cuba -- 1959
Iran - 1979.

Hey, guess what happened to the RICH people in those countries?

Unequal distribution of wealth had nothing to do with any of those revolutions, especially the one in Iran, which was religiously motivated.

Basically, your argument is that the rich should pay more or we'll kill them.

Fuck you, asshole. Like all leftists, you're just a cheap thug.

^^Too much of a pussy to go Galt on us.

That's the kind of argument you can hear on any elementary school playground.

Guy - rich people in this country are well armed and/or have private security. Your threats are hollow and useless.

The only one ignorant of history is YOU. Here's what happens when wealth is not earned but distributed:

U.S.S.R. - collapse, poverty
Cuba - collapse, poverty
Vietnam - collapse, poverty

Joe once everybody to live in poverty and famine so he can feel better about himself...

USSR- Collapse due to its people's wanting independence from Russia.
Cuba- Poor economic conditions because we've been punishing them for 50 years for rejecting us.
Vietnam- Poor economic conditions because we napalmed, bombed and defoliated the place for a decade, killing 3 million of their people.

Those are the same excuses every commie makes when presented with the record of communism/socialism

Oh, but I'm sure it's all communism's fault.

Yes it is.

I'm sure you blame rape victims for their short skirts, too.

If communism is so superior, then why is it always getting raped by capitalist countries? Don't you see a problem with your logic there?

Point is, the only thing between your beloved Rich and a European Social Democracy where they tax them at 75% is that dumb crackers like you are clinging to your guns and your bibles.

Thank god for that.
Stop being a pussy and go Galt on us!

What does it mean to "go Galt?"

Leave this country since taxes and regulations are too burdensome and go build your Shangri-La deep in the mountains, away from big government and liberalism.

Haven't you ever read Ayn Rand?

They didn't leave the country, jackass. They seceded. You leave the country since you can't take what I have to say. You obviously don't approve of freedom of speech. Find some socialist dictatorship that's more to your liking.
What does it mean to "go Galt?"

Leave this country since taxes and regulations are too burdensome and go build your Shangri-La deep in the mountains, away from big government and liberalism.

Haven't you ever read Ayn Rand?

They didn't leave the country, jackass. They seceded. You leave the country since you can't take what I have to say. You obviously don't approve of freedom of speech. Find some socialist dictatorship that's more to your liking.

Why lie, loser Con?

I support your secession. Do it quietly and go Galt on us. Teach us a lesson...lmao.
The wealthy can afford to pay much higher rates, and still live very comfy lives.

That's the logic of a theif: I steel from the rich because they have more money.

You just admitted you're a confiscatory Marxist. You may not want to shoot the rich, but you sure as hell want to take most of what they earn.

We aren't communists, we are liberals. And the Right's failure to see the difference is one of the reasons why they've been losing.

You are communists. The end result of your schemes will be indistinguishable from the Soviet Union.

You don't actually wonder why Mitt lost, do you?

Conservatives like you are part of the reason Mitt lost. Your debate skills are perfectly matched for arguments against Communists, who aren't running for office in the United States in any serious way. Conservatives need to up their game against Liberals instead of Communists. The refusal of conservatives to acknowledge any difference between liberals and communists is why conservative arguments come across as shrill and insane. Voters hear conservatives shriek about "Obamao" and think the conservative is unhinged and loony. Listen, I'm trying to help you.

Communists call themselves "progressive" nowadays. That's what Obama and all the Democrats in Congress are: communists.

In this day and age, there is no difference between communists and liberals. If you don't believe it, just check out the platform of the communist party. Modern liberals wouldn't dispute a word of it.
The wealthy can afford to pay much higher rates, and still live very comfy lives. For some reason, conservatives are very concerned about the well-being of the rich, but they don't need to worry about them. They will still have plenty of wealth under higher progressive rates that liberals would prefer. The right has convinced itself that liberals are a bunch of confiscatory marxists who won't be satisfied till the rich are shot against a basement wall, like the Romanov family. We aren't communists, we are liberals. And the Right's failure to see the difference is one of the reasons why they've been losing.

The whole they can afford it argument is ridiculous

Tell you what if you make more than I why don't you have to pay more for the exact same car I drive?

After all you can afford it.

The fact is that the rich use less government services than the so called poor.

Economic liberty was just as important to true liberals as personal liberty today's so called liberals seem to have forgotten that.

Don't they have a section to place fictional/fantasy topics? IF not they should.

Hey I heard that the ultra wealthy are having to sign up for welfare benefits. You know, they are doing so badly, they need help.

Why don't you rethugs on here send your favorite ultra wealthy family your money? They are struggling I tell you. Barely making it. Help them out. Send them some of YOUR welfare check.

Your incoherent babbling is only convincing other forum members that you are on some kind of mind altering drug or that you are retarded.
Most of our military spending goes towards protecting the rich. Most of our lobbying spending goes towards protecting the rich.

Horseshit. Most of our military spending goes towards imposing American hegemony on the world.
Most of our military spending goes towards protecting the rich. Most of our lobbying spending goes towards protecting the rich.

Horseshit. Most of our military spending goes towards imposing American hegemony on the world.

And that serves who? The child on WIC or rich government contractors?

Stop being stupid.
Leave this country since taxes and regulations are too burdensome and go build your Shangri-La deep in the mountains, away from big government and liberalism.

Haven't you ever read Ayn Rand?

They didn't leave the country, jackass. They seceded. You leave the country since you can't take what I have to say. You obviously don't approve of freedom of speech. Find some socialist dictatorship that's more to your liking.

Why lie, loser Con?

I support your secession. Do it quietly and go Galt on us. Teach us a lesson...lmao.

I work tirelessly to convince people in this country to secede from the federal government.
Most of our military spending goes towards protecting the rich. Most of our lobbying spending goes towards protecting the rich.

Horseshit. Most of our military spending goes towards imposing American hegemony on the world.

And that serves who? The child on WIC or rich government contractors?

Stop being stupid.

It serves the parasite class, especially the segment that works for the government.
C'mon pussy.....less talk and more action.

Go Galt on us.

Why should I even consider doing anything simply because you want me to do it?

You really are a moron, aren't you?

So you are afraid to escape "confiscatory taxes and burdensome regulations" and make something of yourself.

You rather be a little bitch and complain about taxes and regulations on an internet forum.
C'mon pussy.....less talk and more action.

Go Galt on us.

Why should I even consider doing anything simply because you want me to do it?

You really are a moron, aren't you?

So you are afraid to escape "confiscatory taxes and burdensome regulations" and make something of yourself.

Well, since government agents with guns will kill me if I refuse to comply with their rules, yes, I am afraid. Everyone in this country is afraid thanks to the regime imposed by thugs like you.

You rather be a little bitch and complain about taxes and regulations on an internet forum.

If that is what I was doing, yes, I certainly do prefer it to being killed.
Why should I even consider doing anything simply because you want me to do it?

You really are a moron, aren't you?

So you are afraid to escape "confiscatory taxes and burdensome regulations" and make something of yourself.

Well, since government agents with guns will kill me if I refuse to comply with their rules, yes, I am afraid. Everyone in this country is afraid thanks to the regime imposed by thugs like you.

You rather be a little bitch and complain about taxes and regulations on an internet forum.

If that is what I was doing, yes, I certainly do prefer it to being killed. are afraid of your death over taxes, yet you have no balls to go Galt?


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