The truth about taxes

What the author of this thread wants to do, in real life terms:

A person with 20,000 a year in taxable income, who is now paying no federal income tax:

His taxes would go from zero to $2000 a year, on a 10% flat tax.

A person with one million a year in taxable income, who is now paying maybe 200,000 a year in federal income tax:

His taxes would go from $200,000 a year to $100,000 a year, on a 10% flat tax.

Get your house member to vote for that lol.

btw, 10% is way too low for a flattax, if you're talking about paying the bills.
What's 'fair' about one person paying $1000 in income taxes and another person paying $100,000?

Because it's 10% for BOTH of them.... :bang3:

How dumb are you? Did you seriously never learn math?

If that's fair,

then a sales tax must be unfair, because the poor person pays the same exact amount as the rich person,

and you say 'fair' is when you pay the same percentage of your income, not the same dollar amount.

Sales tax has nothing to do with income it is based on the retail price of an object and since everyone pays the same sales tax rate it is perfectly fair.

Think of it this way: Like the sales tax you pay X% on every dollar earned.

Perfectly fair since people can earn as much or as little as they want.
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What's 'fair' about one person paying $1000 in income taxes and another person paying $100,000?

Because it's 10% for BOTH of them.... :bang3:

How dumb are you? Did you seriously never learn math?

If that's fair,

then a sales tax must be unfair, because the poor person pays the same exact amount as the rich person,

and you say 'fair' is when you pay the same percentage of your income, not the same dollar amount.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hey stupid - sales tax is also done by PERCENTAGE.... you are proving yourself to be one of the dumbest people to ever post on USMB.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
C'mon pussy.....less talk and more action.

Go Galt on us.

Why is it you pussies complain about "wealth equality" but ignore the only real inequality - "effort equality".

When you get up off your fat, lazy ass and do something - you can have my money. Until that time, keep sitting the fuck down and shut the fuck up...

C'mon pussy.....less talk and more action.

Go Galt on us.

Why should I even consider doing anything simply because you want me to do it?

You really are a moron, aren't you?

So you are afraid to escape "confiscatory taxes and burdensome regulations" and make something of yourself.

You rather be a little bitch and complain about taxes and regulations on an internet forum.

Says the :crybaby: little bitch [MENTION=34168]Valox[/MENTION] who complains about the wealthy :eusa_boohoo: but won't move to Cuba.... :eusa_whistle:

C'mon bitch - move to Cuba. Go live in your wealth redistribution, everyone is "equal" utopia. But nope - you'd rather be a parasite on the ONLY system you know that actually works - capitalism.
That's not an equal burden. Equal would be if everyone paid the same dollar amount.

Do you think it would be 'equal' if the price of a gallon of gas was based on a percentage of your weekly wage? Say 1%?

The guy making $400 a week would pay $4 a gallon. The guy making $4000 a week would pay $40 a gallon.

Is that 'fair'?

So you're now admitting it is not fair that the wealthy pay more and that a poor person should pay $40,000 per year flat fee for taxes and a wealthy person should pay $40,000 per year flat fee for taxes? :lmao:

Fuck - count me in!!!! I'm ALL for this!!! :lol:

(A bit unhinged today are we [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION])

As always, you miss the point.

I think it's great that the people who are pretending they care about what some people might have to pay to acquire mandatory health insurance are the same people who want to raise taxes on the poor.

That's because you don't have a point. I've literally humiliated you here. I've exposed your ignorance. You want to punish people for success. It's stupid beyond words. The Soviet Union tried it and collapsed. Vietnam tried it and collapsed. Cuba tried it and collapsed. North Korea tried it and collapsed.

It doesn't work. It has never worked. And you're too fuck'n stupid to learn from history and educate yourself. It's easier for you to sit in your trailer park getting high and complain on the internet about people who do, produce, and succeed.
Horseshit. Most of our military spending goes towards imposing American hegemony on the world.

Which is a way of protecting the rich.

The little bitch [MENTION=45344]Montecresto[/MENTION] continues to cry that someone has something she doesn't.... :eusa_boohoo:

It's the point of US foreign policy protecting the interests of international corporations, which are usually never the interests of you and me but that seems to be beyond comprehension, so,. Occasionally a war is required to protect those commercial interests, something usually needs to be stolen, rubber trees, banana trees, oil, real-estate, historically wars have even been fought over salt and water. That's where the masses come in to supply the battle field fodder, the labor to crank up and sustain the war machine and the tax dollars to finance it.

And this is non partisan, no ones better or worse.
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Which is a way of protecting the rich.

The little bitch [MENTION=45344]Montecresto[/MENTION] continues to cry that someone has something she doesn't.... :eusa_boohoo:

It's the point of US foreign policy protecting the interests of international corporations, which are usually never the interests of you and me but that seems to be beyond comprehension, so,. Occasionally a war is required to protect those commercial interests, something usually needs to be stolen, rubber trees, banana trees, oil, real-estate, historically wars have even been fought over salt and water. That's where the masses come in to supply the battle field rotter, the labor to crank up and sustain the war machine and the tax dollars to finance it.

And this is non partisan, no ones better or worse.

Yawn. This is the same old tired excuse I hear from you hateful little envious people. Everything is the fault of people who work and are successful. War? It's because the military is in the pocket of the "rich". Famine? It's because the "rich" won't share their money. Disease? It's because the "rich" won't pay for someone else's healthcare.

Grow up. Stopping getting your "info" from Michael Moore's fictional Hollywood movies.... :eusa_doh:
Which is a way of protecting the rich.

The little bitch [MENTION=45344]Montecresto[/MENTION] continues to cry that someone has something she doesn't.... :eusa_boohoo:


Yes...she. When you act like a bitch and you cry like a bitch I will treat you like a bitch. When you grow a pair, grow up, act like a man, and stop blaming successful people for your problems, I'll treat you like a man with respect.

Until then, I'll properly refer to you in response to the way you are acting.
So you're now admitting it is not fair that the wealthy pay more and that a poor person should pay $40,000 per year flat fee for taxes and a wealthy person should pay $40,000 per year flat fee for taxes? :lmao:

Fuck - count me in!!!! I'm ALL for this!!! :lol:

(A bit unhinged today are we [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION])

As always, you miss the point.

I think it's great that the people who are pretending they care about what some people might have to pay to acquire mandatory health insurance are the same people who want to raise taxes on the poor.

That's because you don't have a point. I've literally humiliated you here. I've exposed your ignorance. You want to punish people for success. It's stupid beyond words. The Soviet Union tried it and collapsed. Vietnam tried it and collapsed. Cuba tried it and collapsed. North Korea tried it and collapsed.

It doesn't work. It has never worked. And you're too fuck'n stupid to learn from history and educate yourself. It's easier for you to sit in your trailer park getting high and complain on the internet about people who do, produce, and succeed.

You stopped defending your own assertions.

You claim that a tax rate can only be fair if it takes the same percentage of everyone's earnings.

Are you aware that the tax rate on a person's first 20,000 is the same for everyone? Whether you make a million dollars a year, or just that 20,000,

the tax rate on that 20,000 is the same.

Why is that unfair?
So you're now admitting it is not fair that the wealthy pay more and that a poor person should pay $40,000 per year flat fee for taxes and a wealthy person should pay $40,000 per year flat fee for taxes? :lmao:

Fuck - count me in!!!! I'm ALL for this!!! :lol:

(A bit unhinged today are we [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION])

As always, you miss the point.

I think it's great that the people who are pretending they care about what some people might have to pay to acquire mandatory health insurance are the same people who want to raise taxes on the poor.

That's because you don't have a point. I've literally humiliated you here. I've exposed your ignorance. You want to punish people for success. It's stupid beyond words. The Soviet Union tried it and collapsed. Vietnam tried it and collapsed. Cuba tried it and collapsed. North Korea tried it and collapsed.

It doesn't work. It has never worked. And you're too fuck'n stupid to learn from history and educate yourself. It's easier for you to sit in your trailer park getting high and complain on the internet about people who do, produce, and succeed.

Is it true or false that you want a system that raises taxes on every person working for low wages,

if they do not currently pay any taxes?
The little bitch [MENTION=45344]Montecresto[/MENTION] continues to cry that someone has something she doesn't.... :eusa_boohoo:

It's the point of US foreign policy protecting the interests of international corporations, which are usually never the interests of you and me but that seems to be beyond comprehension, so,. Occasionally a war is required to protect those commercial interests, something usually needs to be stolen, rubber trees, banana trees, oil, real-estate, historically wars have even been fought over salt and water. That's where the masses come in to supply the battle field rotter, the labor to crank up and sustain the war machine and the tax dollars to finance it.

And this is non partisan, no ones better or worse.

Yawn. This is the same old tired excuse I hear from you hateful little envious people. Everything is the fault of people who work and are successful. War? It's because the military is in the pocket of the "rich". Famine? It's because the "rich" won't share their money. Disease? It's because the "rich" won't pay for someone else's healthcare.

Grow up. Stopping getting your "info" from Michael Moore's fictional Hollywood movies.... :eusa_doh:

Work and are successful! Do you need a course on US foreign policy. You think it's all about US security, I'm laughing really loud now.
The little bitch [MENTION=45344]Montecresto[/MENTION] continues to cry that someone has something she doesn't.... :eusa_boohoo:


Yes...she. When you act like a bitch and you cry like a bitch I will treat you like a bitch. When you grow a pair, grow up, act like a man, and stop blaming successful people for your problems, I'll treat you like a man with respect.

Until then, I'll properly refer to you in response to the way you are acting.

Oh please, one more Internet tough guy (or gal, who can know), thinking they're the only one with something important to say. FO!

And why do you think people wanted "independence" from Russia, you dumb fuck? :lmao:

Same reason Indians and Kenyans wanted independence from the British Empire. No one likes being ruled by foreigners. But only a complete idiot would say the fall of the British Empire was a failure of "Capitalism".

Joe - excuses are like assholes...everybody has one and they all stink. Communism and wealth redistribution has a 100% failure rate world wide. No amount of blaming the people (fucking hilarious) by you can cover the 100% failure rate it has experienced. It has never succeeded anywhere. Never.

Time to get back on your meds Joe and accept reality.

Actually, wealth Redistribution worked very well in a place called "The United States".

You see, after the last time rich douchebags crashed the economy, FDR raised taxes on the wealthy to 93% and the workforce was mostly unionized.

And we had unprecedented prosperity all the way up until the Mid-1970's.

You see, you are too young to remember what it was like, having working class dads who made enough money to enjoy the good things, moms staying at home with the kids if they wanted to...

But I'm not. Things really did work better when the rich paid their fair share and working folks were respected.

Then the Supply Siders made a bunch of claims about Laffer Curves and Trickle down and a lot of other shit that didn't happen. And Reagan and BUsh raised taxes after they cut them, realizing how badly they fucked it up.

So now idiots like you don't even talk about "Laffer Curves" or claim tax cuts for the rich will create jobs. You argue they "Mine, m ine, mine" theory of greed. The "earned" it by underpaying the people who did the actual work. How dare you make them give it up.

And the ironic thing is, in the process, you got people like me who might have gone along with the gag to finally tell you to stick it.

That's because you don't have a point. I've literally humiliated you here. I've exposed your ignorance. You want to punish people for success. It's stupid beyond words. The Soviet Union tried it and collapsed. Vietnam tried it and collapsed. Cuba tried it and collapsed. North Korea tried it and collapsed.

It doesn't work. It has never worked. And you're too fuck'n stupid to learn from history and educate yourself. It's easier for you to sit in your trailer park getting high and complain on the internet about people who do, produce, and succeed.

Germany tried it and it worked.
France tried it and it worked.
The UK tried it and it worked.
Japan tried it and it worked.

And funny, last time I checked a map, North Korea and Cuba and Vietnam were still there.

That's because you don't have a point. I've literally humiliated you here. I've exposed your ignorance. You want to punish people for success. It's stupid beyond words. The Soviet Union tried it and collapsed. Vietnam tried it and collapsed. Cuba tried it and collapsed. North Korea tried it and collapsed.

It doesn't work. It has never worked. And you're too fuck'n stupid to learn from history and educate yourself. It's easier for you to sit in your trailer park getting high and complain on the internet about people who do, produce, and succeed.

Germany tried it and it worked.
France tried it and it worked.
The UK tried it and it worked.
Japan tried it and it worked.

And funny, last time I checked a map, North Korea and Cuba and Vietnam were still there.

The countries you listed all have largely capitalist economies.


And funny, last time I checked a map, North Korea and Cuba and Vietnam were still there.

Great places to live. What's stopping you from moving there?
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