The truth about taxes

This thread is beyond stupid. Matter of fact the entire right winger PRAYERFUL WISH that we all be taxed at 10% is beyond stupid as well.

Quit whining Rotty. You think? you are taxed (Federal payroll taxes) to much I take it. And by being taxed to much you are hurting because you can't pay your bills. I understand that. Then go out and get a fucking job that allows you to make enough money to live on AND pay your societal responsibilities ie TAXES. With out bitching about it.

And quit worrying about the ultra rich paying more. They ain't bitching and the don't need a dumb Rotty to carry the water for them. The ultra rich have lobbyists and attorneys and brokers and politicians to take care of them.

Who you got looking out for you Rotty? Do you have an lobbyist, attorneys, politicians and brokers on your staff?

What you advocate is completely trashing our economy by reducing revenue to the point where we really would be bankrupt. That's pretty stupid when you could just go out and get a higher paying job.

You and all the other flat tax whiners out there. If you don't make enough money to live, quit begging that you get a raise by reducing your taxes. Get a better paying job.

That's hilarious coming from you.

Now tell me are you telling the nearly 50% of the population that does not pay any income tax to sack up get a better job so they can pay some taxes?

Fucking hypocrite

If everyone payed 10 cents of every dollar made to the government then we'd all be paying our "fair share"
the truth about taxes is this...

Those that make the money must pay the taxes..those that do not make the money cannot.

Failure to apply this basic truth to a national tax system inevitably leads to the end of that government.

Perfect example of that failure?

FRANCE pre 1789 -- Those that made the money (the clergy and the artisocraps) paid NO taxes.

The peasants and merchant class were the ONLY classes that paid taxes.

France's Monarchy went bankrupt (thanks to stupid wars they could not afford) and the revolution happened.

Think that can't happen here?

Thank again.

Once the rich forget that they NEED the rest of society, a revolution (or some other form of societal disintegration) is INEVITABLE.

The RICH, I mean the super rich, the ones who really pull the strings?

They are ALREADY preparing for the meltdown of American society. They are preparing for something they are doing ON PURPOSE, folks.

Bush Family Paraguay Hideaway Update

Those that make money?

If you earn 100 bucks a week then you are making money and should pay income tax on that money.

And i KNOW that there is a big difference between public and private sector. What is that difference? One if a voluntarily conducted human action and the other is forced.

A private business can be as inefficient as its pocket can afford. A public one continues this indefinitely because a public institution has no money of its own.

I realize this is really advanced for someone of your caliber.

Horseshit. You can't get away from big corporations if you wanted to. And directly or indirectly, they find a way to screw you.
Yes...she. When you act like a bitch and you cry like a bitch I will treat you like a bitch. When you grow a pair, grow up, act like a man, and stop blaming successful people for your problems, I'll treat you like a man with respect.

Until then, I'll properly refer to you in response to the way you are acting.

Oh please, one more Internet tough guy (or gal, who can know), thinking they're the only one with something important to say. FO!

First, I never claimed I had something "important" to say. In fact, my original few posts in this thread weren't even my words. I was just sharing facts - and I had the proper citations for the information.

Second, I never claimed you didn't have something "important" to say. What I did say was stop whining about people who have more than you. It's pathetic. If you want to have a rational policy discussion, I'll have a civil discussion with you all day long. But if you're just going to sit there and cry about successful people and point to Michael Moore tin-foil hat shit as your excuse for your position, then you deserve any insult you receive on USMB.

If you want to hit the rest button and start again, I'm game. But it has to be about rational policy based on facts. Not irrational hate due to envy.

I think I told you to STFU, did you not hear that?
This thread is beyond stupid. Matter of fact the entire right winger PRAYERFUL WISH that we all be taxed at 10% is beyond stupid as well.

Quit whining Rotty. You think? you are taxed (Federal payroll taxes) to much I take it. And by being taxed to much you are hurting because you can't pay your bills. I understand that. Then go out and get a fucking job that allows you to make enough money to live on AND pay your societal responsibilities ie TAXES. With out bitching about it.

Why doesn't the same argument apply to parasites on welfare? Furthermore, I have no responsibility to feed parasites. Taxation is indistinguishable from armed robbery. Very few liberals are even willing to argue with that proposition.

And quit worrying about the ultra rich paying more. They ain't bitching and the don't need a dumb Rotty to carry the water for them. The ultra rich have lobbyists and attorneys and brokers and politicians to take care of them.

Who you got looking out for you Rotty? Do you have an lobbyist, attorneys, politicians and brokers on your staff?

Is this supposed to be an argument of some kind?

What you advocate is completely trashing our economy by reducing revenue to the point where we really would be bankrupt. That's pretty stupid when you could just go out and get a higher paying job.

We can avoid going bankrupt by making all the welfare parasites go out and get a high paying job.

You and all the other flat tax whiners out there. If you don't make enough money to live, quit begging that you get a raise by reducing your taxes. Get a better paying job.

The parasites can get by on less swag looted from the productive members of society. That's a better solution.
This thread is beyond stupid. Matter of fact the entire right winger PRAYERFUL WISH that we all be taxed at 10% is beyond stupid as well.

What's the matter [MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION]? The facts that started this thread have your panties in a bunch because you're worried the American people are on the verge of figuring this thing out and that they will shut off the gravy train to your trailer? Aww...poor 'lil zeke :eusa_boohoo:

Quit whining Rotty. You think? you are taxed (Federal payroll taxes) to much I take it. And by being taxed to much you are hurting because you can't pay your bills. I understand that. Then go out and get a fucking job that allows you to make enough money to live on AND pay your societal responsibilities ie TAXES. With out bitching about it.

You want to talk about "stupid" [MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION]? Well, for starters, you are illustrating your profound stupidity with your atrocious grammar. The sentence would be "I take it you think you are taxed too much?". See, "it" is a preposition. We do not end sentences with a preposition you ignorant high school drop out (no wonder you need to live off of the government). Furthermore, it's too much - not to much. And finally, the question mark goes at the end of the sentence, not after the first two words... :lmao:

Second of all, if I go out and make more money (as I have every single year) - you cry that you don't have what I do and you take more. So, because you are ignorant (as we proved with your grammar - so we can't possibly expect you to understand economics), you actually incentivize failure and punish success. Idiocracy fools like you want to bring society down to your ignorant and poverty-stricken level. Why would I go out and earn more when you'll take more? :eusa_doh:

Third, I have no "social responsibilities". None. I would tell you to read the U.S. Constitution but you've already proven you're a typical illiterate high school drop out liberal.

Finally, if you were actually honest instead of trying to make a desperate argument to ensure your government cheese & cigarettes keep flowing to your trailer park, you would agree with my position as 49% of the people in this nation are not "paying their social responsibilities" as you believe (ignorantly) believe they should. Oops...someone just got exposed for their hypocrisy!

And quit worrying about the ultra rich paying more. They ain't bitching and the don't need a dumb Rotty to carry the water for them. The ultra rich have lobbyists and attorneys and brokers and politicians to take care of them. Who you got looking out for you Rotty? Do you have an lobbyist, attorneys, politicians and brokers on your staff? LMAO.

I'm not "looking out" for the ultra rich. I'm looking out for America. Assholes like you Zeke already collapsed Detroit and California. I'm trying to prevent you morons from finishing the job with the rest of America. You gotten us to $17 trillion in debt with your sloth and greed.

What you advocate is completely trashing our economy by reducing revenue to the point where we really would be bankrupt. That's pretty stupid when you could just go out and get a higher paying job.

:lmao: Hey stupid, we're $17 trillion in debt. You parasites who mooch off of government bankrupted us a long time ago. :lmao:

Our (real) unemployment is 15% because of your ignorant tax policies. With 10% income tax, the job creators would have more money to hire people. It would take unemployment down to about 4%. That's tens of millions more in the tax pool suddenly being taxed and bringing revenue in to the government you fuck'n buffoon. At the same time, it takes those same people off of the government expenses of unemployment, welfare, etc. So you increase revenue to the government while decreasing costs to the government. Here, learn something about taxes for once in your miserable life:

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News and World Report

You and all the other flat tax whiners out there. If you don't make enough money to live, quit begging that you get a raise by reducing your taxes. Get a better paying job.

Zeke is so freaked out by the facts outlined by conservatives in this thread that he's having a complete meltdown. He's so afraid that he might have to get a job instead of laying around his trailer park all day jerking off to gay porn that he purchased with food stamps provided by the American people...:eek:
Oh please, one more Internet tough guy (or gal, who can know), thinking they're the only one with something important to say. FO!

First, I never claimed I had something "important" to say. In fact, my original few posts in this thread weren't even my words. I was just sharing facts - and I had the proper citations for the information.

Second, I never claimed you didn't have something "important" to say. What I did say was stop whining about people who have more than you. It's pathetic. If you want to have a rational policy discussion, I'll have a civil discussion with you all day long. But if you're just going to sit there and cry about successful people and point to Michael Moore tin-foil hat shit as your excuse for your position, then you deserve any insult you receive on USMB.

If you want to hit the rest button and start again, I'm game. But it has to be about rational policy based on facts. Not irrational hate due to envy.

I think I told you to STFU, did you not hear that?

She's back and pms'ing worse than before... :lol:

Don't worry sweetie, when you can't mooch of the American people I'm sure you'll find some sucker to take you in and mooch off of for the remainder of your miserable life!
First, I never claimed I had something "important" to say. In fact, my original few posts in this thread weren't even my words. I was just sharing facts - and I had the proper citations for the information.

Second, I never claimed you didn't have something "important" to say. What I did say was stop whining about people who have more than you. It's pathetic. If you want to have a rational policy discussion, I'll have a civil discussion with you all day long. But if you're just going to sit there and cry about successful people and point to Michael Moore tin-foil hat shit as your excuse for your position, then you deserve any insult you receive on USMB.

If you want to hit the rest button and start again, I'm game. But it has to be about rational policy based on facts. Not irrational hate due to envy.

I think I told you to STFU, did you not hear that?

She's back and pms'ing worse than before... :lol:

Don't worry sweetie, when you can't mooch of the American people I'm sure you'll find some sucker to take you in and mooch off of for the remainder of your miserable life!

It wasn't a dog whistle! Obviously the name and avatar is compensation for something small.
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“I’m sick of hearing Democrats call today’s tax rates “historically low.” That is another lie. There are many factors that determine your tax bill—including deductions and tax credits. Overall, we are all paying among the highest taxes ever....


the rich are paying MUCH lower rates than they used to.

as are the middle class.

I noticed you conveniently left out the part that proved you are wrong (and a liar):

Overall, we are all paying among the highest taxes ever. “Tax Freedom Day” in 2012 was April 17. That means the average taxpayer had to give the government all the money he made for more than the first three and a half months of the year, just to pay his tax burden.

In 1917 “Tax Freedom Day” was January 24. Facts don’t lie, folks. If taxes are “historically low,” then why does it take until April to pay our taxes, versus mid-January in 1917?”

So how do you explain that [MENTION=44947]Hoffstra[/MENTION]? A persons entire tax responsibility was paid in full 24 days into the year in 1917. Now we have to work until mid-April (4 months) to pay off our debt to Uncle Sam.

The numbers don't lie. Liberals do...
I think I told you to STFU, did you not hear that?

She's back and pms'ing worse than before... :lol:

Don't worry sweetie, when you can't mooch of the American people I'm sure you'll find some sucker to take you in and mooch off of for the remainder of your miserable life!

It wasn't a dog whistle! Obviously the name and avatar is compensation for something small.

How does it feel being my bitch? You've run from the facts from the start and had to hide behind snarky illiteracy. But guys like you spend your life hiding (mostly in your locker after a classmate stuffed you in there while everybody was laughing) :lmao:
“I’m sick of hearing Democrats call today’s tax rates “historically low.” That is another lie. There are many factors that determine your tax bill—including deductions and tax credits. Overall, we are all paying among the highest taxes ever....


the rich are paying MUCH lower rates than they used to.

as are the middle class.

I noticed you conveniently left out the part that proved you are wrong (and a liar):

Overall, we are all paying among the highest taxes ever. “Tax Freedom Day” in 2012 was April 17. That means the average taxpayer had to give the government all the money he made for more than the first three and a half months of the year, just to pay his tax burden.

In 1917 “Tax Freedom Day” was January 24. Facts don’t lie, folks. If taxes are “historically low,” then why does it take until April to pay our taxes, versus mid-January in 1917?”

So how do you explain that [MENTION=44947]Hoffstra[/MENTION]? A persons entire tax responsibility was paid in full 24 days into the year in 1917. Now we have to work until mid-April (4 months) to pay off our debt to Uncle Sam.

The numbers don't lie. Liberals do...

If your paying that much tax you need to fire your CPA.
She's back and pms'ing worse than before... :lol:

Don't worry sweetie, when you can't mooch of the American people I'm sure you'll find some sucker to take you in and mooch off of for the remainder of your miserable life!

It wasn't a dog whistle! Obviously the name and avatar is compensation for something small.

How does it feel being my bitch? You've run from the facts from the start and had to hide behind snarky illiteracy. But guys like you spend your life hiding (mostly in your locker after a classmate stuffed you in there while everybody was laughing) :lmao:

Guy? You are overcompensating! And what a poor understanding you have of tax law. Hahahahahaha lol.
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And i KNOW that there is a big difference between public and private sector. What is that difference? One if a voluntarily conducted human action and the other is forced.

A private business can be as inefficient as its pocket can afford. A public one continues this indefinitely because a public institution has no money of its own.

I realize this is really advanced for someone of your caliber.

Horseshit. You can't get away from big corporations if you wanted to. And directly or indirectly, they find a way to screw you.

But you can get away from government Joe? :cuckoo:

The same government which couldn't build a simple fuck'n web page that actually functioned properly in 4 years? :lmao:

Keep pretending like you actually believe in government Joe simply because you want the table scraps they toss you.
It wasn't a dog whistle! Obviously the name and avatar is compensation for something small.

How does it feel being my bitch? You've run from the facts from the start and had to hide behind snarky illiteracy. But guys like you spend your life hiding (mostly in your locker after a classmate stuffed you in there while everybody was laughing) :lmao:

Guy? You are overcompensating!

Says the girl avoiding the topic of this thread since it exposed her ignorance... :lol:
“I’m sick of hearing Democrats call today’s tax rates “historically low.” That is another lie. There are many factors that determine your tax bill—including deductions and tax credits. Overall, we are all paying among the highest taxes ever...

I proved this is wrong.

All of our tax rates used to be much higher, especially for the rich.

for more than 60 years, the rich had a marginal tax rate above 80%.
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the rich are paying MUCH lower rates than they used to.

as are the middle class.

I noticed you conveniently left out the part that proved you are wrong (and a liar):

Overall, we are all paying among the highest taxes ever. “Tax Freedom Day” in 2012 was April 17. That means the average taxpayer had to give the government all the money he made for more than the first three and a half months of the year, just to pay his tax burden.

In 1917 “Tax Freedom Day” was January 24. Facts don’t lie, folks. If taxes are “historically low,” then why does it take until April to pay our taxes, versus mid-January in 1917?”

So how do you explain that [MENTION=44947]Hoffstra[/MENTION]? A persons entire tax responsibility was paid in full 24 days into the year in 1917. Now we have to work until mid-April (4 months) to pay off our debt to Uncle Sam.

The numbers don't lie. Liberals do...

If your paying that much tax you need to fire your CPA.

Can you tell Montecresto here is one of the 49% who pays no taxes? She stunned at what we pay and thinks a different CPA can solve the problem. :lol:

Sweetie, the only way you pay less than that is if you engage in tax evasion. I leave that to the limousine Hollywood liberals and Dumbocrat politicians.
IF the gop accepted taxes on the 10% equal as a percentage of income as it was in 1999, the dems might take it .... or they might hold out for 1932, as it's really impossible to predict what these clustfks want.
I noticed you conveniently left out the part that proved you are wrong (and a liar):

Overall, we are all paying among the highest taxes ever. “Tax Freedom Day” in 2012 was April 17. That means the average taxpayer had to give the government all the money he made for more than the first three and a half months of the year, just to pay his tax burden.

In 1917 “Tax Freedom Day” was January 24. Facts don’t lie, folks. If taxes are “historically low,” then why does it take until April to pay our taxes, versus mid-January in 1917?”

So how do you explain that [MENTION=44947]Hoffstra[/MENTION]? A persons entire tax responsibility was paid in full 24 days into the year in 1917. Now we have to work until mid-April (4 months) to pay off our debt to Uncle Sam.

The numbers don't lie. Liberals do...

If your paying that much tax you need to fire your CPA.

Can you tell Montecresto here is one of the 49% who pays no taxes? She stunned at what we pay and thinks a different CPA can solve the problem. :lol:

Sweetie, the only way you pay less than that is if you engage in tax evasion. I leave that to the limousine Hollywood liberals and Dumbocrat politicians.

Or Mitt the mittens mittless.
for 60 years, the rich had a marginal tax rate of 80%

this proves the OP is a lie.
“I’m sick of hearing Democrats call today’s tax rates “historically low.” That is another lie. There are many factors that determine your tax bill—including deductions and tax credits. Overall, we are all paying among the highest taxes ever...

I proved this is wrong.

All of our tax rates used to be much higher, especially for the rich.

I noticed you conveniently left out the part that proved you are wrong (and a liar):

Overall, we are all paying among the highest taxes ever. “Tax Freedom Day” in 2012 was April 17. That means the average taxpayer had to give the government all the money he made for more than the first three and a half months of the year, just to pay his tax burden.

In 1917 “Tax Freedom Day” was January 24. Facts don’t lie, folks. If taxes are “historically low,” then why does it take until April to pay our taxes, versus mid-January in 1917?”

So how do you explain that [MENTION=44947]Hoffstra[/MENTION]? A persons entire tax responsibility was paid in full 24 days into the year in 1917. Now we have to work until mid-April (4 months) to pay off our debt to Uncle Sam.

The numbers don't lie. Liberals do...

for more than 60 years, the rich had a marginal tax rate above 80%.

See what I mean about liberal lies? For one, that rate was irrelevant because there were more deductions and tax credits (as indicated already multiple times).

Furthermore, check out this fact:

“Democrats defend high tax rates on the basis of the rates in the mid-twentieth century.18 But that’s another distortion. It is true that FDR raised the top rate in 1935 to 79%. But what we never hear is that it only applied to incomes over $5 million—the equivalent of $76,000,000 per year today. In 1935 only one man in the entire U.S.A. paid a penny at that rate—John D. Rockefeller.19 The reality is that from 1935 through the 1970s the highest tax rates did pass 70 percent, 80 percent, and for a time even 90 percent, but those rates were aimed only at billionaire industrialists, not small business owners. Only a handful of taxpayers in America ever paid the top rates.20”

Now don't you just feel like the fuck'n fool for swallowing the load of your liberal masters without questioning anything? :eusa_whistle:

(18) Obama's High Taxes And The Myths Of The 1950s Tax Rates -

(19) Rockefeller ONLY person in America to pay top rate

(20) Peter Schiff: The Fantasy of a 91% Top Income Tax Rate -

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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