The truth about taxes

Germany tried it and it worked.
France tried it and it worked.
The UK tried it and it worked.
Japan tried it and it worked.

And funny, last time I checked a map, North Korea and Cuba and Vietnam were still there.

The countries you listed all have largely capitalist economies.[/quote]

No, they have social democracies with strong welfare states, high taxation on the wealthy, universal health care and living wages.

Oh, and the main reason. After WWII, all the new Dealers went over there and formed governments without input from Republican idiots.
As always, you miss the point.

I think it's great that the people who are pretending they care about what some people might have to pay to acquire mandatory health insurance are the same people who want to raise taxes on the poor.

That's because you don't have a point. I've literally humiliated you here. I've exposed your ignorance. You want to punish people for success. It's stupid beyond words. The Soviet Union tried it and collapsed. Vietnam tried it and collapsed. Cuba tried it and collapsed. North Korea tried it and collapsed.

It doesn't work. It has never worked. And you're too fuck'n stupid to learn from history and educate yourself. It's easier for you to sit in your trailer park getting high and complain on the internet about people who do, produce, and succeed.

You stopped defending your own assertions.

You claim that a tax rate can only be fair if it takes the same percentage of everyone's earnings.

Are you aware that the tax rate on a person's first 20,000 is the same for everyone? Whether you make a million dollars a year, or just that 20,000,

the tax rate on that 20,000 is the same.

Why is that unfair?

That's because there is nothing left to defend. I won this argument 4 pages ok. You just think it's fun to play troll.
Is it true or false that you want a system that raises taxes on every person working for low wages,

if they do not currently pay any taxes?

[MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION] - what is the problem here? I could not have been more clear.

Every person should pay the same income tax rate. I personally believe that rate should be 10%. That is fair to everyone. Someone making minimum wage should pay 10% of their income. Somebody making billions should pay 10% of their income.

So yes, if low income people are not paying taxes now, they absolutely should be forced to. That's inexcusable that they would get a pass.

Why do you believe some people should not have to carry their portion of the burden for America? :cuckoo:

And why do you keep asking me to repeat and clarify what could not be any more clear already? Are you lonely? Bored?
Germany tried it and it worked.
France tried it and it worked.
The UK tried it and it worked.
Japan tried it and it worked.

And funny, last time I checked a map, North Korea and Cuba and Vietnam were still there.

The countries you listed all have largely capitalist economies.

No, they have social democracies with strong welfare states, high taxation on the wealthy, universal health care and living wages.

Oh, and the main reason. After WWII, all the new Dealers went over there and formed governments without input from Republican idiots.

So why are you so afraid to move to Cuba and experience your "utopia" first hand?

Game. Set. Match.

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Yes...she. When you act like a bitch and you cry like a bitch I will treat you like a bitch. When you grow a pair, grow up, act like a man, and stop blaming successful people for your problems, I'll treat you like a man with respect.

Until then, I'll properly refer to you in response to the way you are acting.

Oh please, one more Internet tough guy (or gal, who can know), thinking they're the only one with something important to say. FO!

First, I never claimed I had something "important" to say. In fact, my original few posts in this thread weren't even my words. I was just sharing facts - and I had the proper citations for the information.

Second, I never claimed you didn't have something "important" to say. What I did say was stop whining about people who have more than you. It's pathetic. If you want to have a rational policy discussion, I'll have a civil discussion with you all day long. But if you're just going to sit there and cry about successful people and point to Michael Moore tin-foil hat shit as your excuse for your position, then you deserve any insult you receive on USMB.

If you want to hit the rest button and start again, I'm game. But it has to be about rational policy based on facts. Not irrational hate due to envy.
“I’m sick of hearing Democrats call today’s tax rates “historically low.” That is another lie. There are many factors that determine your tax bill—including deductions and tax credits. Overall, we are all paying among the highest taxes ever....



the rich are paying MUCH lower rates than they used to.

as are the middle class.
Top 1% = $368,238 (20.9% of income)
Top 0.5% = $558,726 (16.8% of income)
Top 0.1% = $1,695,136 (10.3% of income)
Top 0.01% = $9,141,190 (5% of income)
As always, you miss the point.

I think it's great that the people who are pretending they care about what some people might have to pay to acquire mandatory health insurance are the same people who want to raise taxes on the poor.

That's because you don't have a point. I've literally humiliated you here. I've exposed your ignorance. You want to punish people for success. It's stupid beyond words. The Soviet Union tried it and collapsed. Vietnam tried it and collapsed. Cuba tried it and collapsed. North Korea tried it and collapsed.

It doesn't work. It has never worked. And you're too fuck'n stupid to learn from history and educate yourself. It's easier for you to sit in your trailer park getting high and complain on the internet about people who do, produce, and succeed.

You stopped defending your own assertions.

You claim that a tax rate can only be fair if it takes the same percentage of everyone's earnings.

Are you aware that the tax rate on a person's first 20,000 is the same for everyone? Whether you make a million dollars a year, or just that 20,000,

the tax rate on that 20,000 is the same.

Why is that unfair?

Why should some earned dollars be taxed more heavily than others?

If you buy 6 cars in one year you don't pay a higher sales tax on cars 4, 5 and 6 than you do one 1, 2 and 3
This thread is beyond stupid. Matter of fact the entire right winger PRAYERFUL WISH that we all be taxed at 10% is beyond stupid as well.

Quit whining Rotty. You think? you are taxed (Federal payroll taxes) to much I take it. And by being taxed to much you are hurting because you can't pay your bills. I understand that. Then go out and get a fucking job that allows you to make enough money to live on AND pay your societal responsibilities ie TAXES. With out bitching about it.

And quit worrying about the ultra rich paying more. They ain't bitching and the don't need a dumb Rotty to carry the water for them. The ultra rich have lobbyists and attorneys and brokers and politicians to take care of them.

Who you got looking out for you Rotty? Do you have an lobbyist, attorneys, politicians and brokers on your staff?

What you advocate is completely trashing our economy by reducing revenue to the point where we really would be bankrupt. That's pretty stupid when you could just go out and get a higher paying job.

You and all the other flat tax whiners out there. If you don't make enough money to live, quit begging that you get a raise by reducing your taxes. Get a better paying job.
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store:
It's the tax rate, dumbass!

I don't want to pay 35% when some rich fuck is only paying 15%.

That's bullshit!

If we could be more efficient with a tax dollar, and if our tax dollars were not controlled by narcissistic liars who only care about fundraising and re-election, I wonder if our disagreements over taxes would be less intense.


Probably not. In the same fashion that these same narcissists have destroyed 96% of a "tax dollars" purchasing power.

If we could be more efficient with a tax dollar, and if our tax dollars were not controlled by narcissistic liars who only care about fundraising and re-election, I wonder if our disagreements over taxes would be less intense.


Depends on what you mean by efficient.

I suspect there is just as much inefficiency in the private sector as the public, having worked in both.

the real problem is, of course, is we want government to pay for all these things, and we don't want to pay for it. The politicians figured out the best way to do this was to simply borrow money.

Which ironically has created more demand for government, not less.

If we could be more efficient with a tax dollar, and if our tax dollars were not controlled by narcissistic liars who only care about fundraising and re-election, I wonder if our disagreements over taxes would be less intense.


Depends on what you mean by efficient.

I suspect there is just as much inefficiency in the private sector as the public, having worked in both.

the real problem is, of course, is we want government to pay for all these things, and we don't want to pay for it. The politicians figured out the best way to do this was to simply borrow money.

Which ironically has created more demand for government, not less.

And i KNOW that there is a big difference between public and private sector. What is that difference? One if a voluntarily conducted human action and the other is forced.

A private business can be as inefficient as its pocket can afford. A public one continues this indefinitely because a public institution has no money of its own.

I realize this is really advanced for someone of your caliber.
If you point this out to people like Poodle, they'll scream Communism all day.

Just the name and the first 30 seconds prove this is a false narrative (and proves how ignorant you are). There is NO "wealth distribution" in America (that's what you want - but we don't have it). Nobody stands in bread lines for miles while some government bureaucrat stands around and "distributes" the nations wealth.

Wealth is EARNED not "distributed". What this nation actually has is an EFFORT Inequality in America. People like myself work hard and achieve success while people like [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] and [MENTION=13671]Vel[/MENTION]vetacheese sit in the trailer parks smoking dope and bitching incessantly about how their life sucks and women reject them.

Joe is too fuck'n lazy to start his own business but wants to make that my problem for some reason... :dunno:

Guy, nobody earning 8 figures is doing 8 figures of actual work.

Deal with it.

If an enterprise "earns" wealth, and the people who did the actual work aren't getting a fair share of it, then it is not "distributed" properly. If people who did no work but just bought company A instead of company B, but they get the majority of the wealth earned, that's not proper distribution, either.

Now if you accept that there SHOULD be concentrations of wealth to get things done, there's an argument that can be made for that.

But it should be more equitable and working folks should have reasonable protections from abuse.

Wow who the hell is teaching these knot heads this stuff????

They would saw the limb they are clinging to right off the tree!!
What is 8 figures worth of work??

Define what is work and how it is valued as such compared to what you think is not.
And i KNOW that there is a big difference between public and private sector. What is that difference? One if a voluntarily conducted human action and the other is forced.

A private business can be as inefficient as its pocket can afford. A public one continues this indefinitely because a public institution has no money of its own.

And that's the bottom line.

No pun intended.

the truth about taxes is this...

Those that make the money must pay the taxes..those that do not make the money cannot.

Failure to apply this basic truth to a national tax system inevitably leads to the end of that government.

Perfect example of that failure?

FRANCE pre 1789 -- Those that made the money (the clergy and the artisocraps) paid NO taxes.

The peasants and merchant class were the ONLY classes that paid taxes.

France's Monarchy went bankrupt (thanks to stupid wars they could not afford) and the revolution happened.

Think that can't happen here?

Thank again.

Once the rich forget that they NEED the rest of society, a revolution (or some other form of societal disintegration) is INEVITABLE.

The RICH, I mean the super rich, the ones who really pull the strings?

They are ALREADY preparing for the meltdown of American society. They are preparing for something they are doing ON PURPOSE, folks.

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