The truth about taxes

Oh those poor poor rich people.

They suffer so..


I feel for them also. Did you know that if a rich person makes a million a month, that they will be required to get by on only about $600,000 dollars for that month?


The fact that you think it's acceptable to take 60% of what somebody earns is simply astounding. Seriously, how big of a complete fuck'n asshole do you have to be to think it's ok to steal 60% of what someone else earns?

If 60% is the standard in your mind, then we need to take 60% of everything the poorest among us has as well. After all, they live in this country too (and they benefit the most). All citizens owe this country equally. The poor use the same streets the wealthy do. The poor are protected by the same military the wealthy are. The poor has the same police and fire the wealthy do. And the poor get a fuck load of unconstitutional handouts which the wealthy does not.
Richest 1% earn biggest share since Roaring '20s

The gulf between the richest 1 percent and the rest of America is the widest it's been since the Roaring '20s.

The very wealthiest Americans earned more than 19 percent of the country's household income last year—their biggest share since 1928, the year before the stock market crash. And the top 10 percent captured a record 48.2 percent of total earnings last year.

U.S. income inequality has been growing for almost three decades. And it grew again last year, according to an analysis of Internal Revenue Service figures dating to 1913 by economists at the University of California, Berkeley, the Paris School of Economics and Oxford University.

Richest 1% earn biggest share since Roaring '20s

You also miss the point that much of the top 1% income is not from wages and therefore not considered income. Last of all, when it comes to actual wealth, the numbers become staggering with the top 1% controlling over 40% of the wealth. The worst part of it is that the bottom 80% only control 7% of the wealth. If we want to discuss distribution of wealth, it is easy to see that the vast majority of the wealth lies in the hands of the very few.

What has happened over the past 40 years is not good in any way, regardless of how it happened.


The last chart should make anyone cringe.

That last chart does make me cringe [MENTION=12997]auditor0007[/MENTION]. It is glaring evidence that the Dumbocrats are expanding their voter base by creating more and more lazy, useless, parasites like you who are not willing to work because they know they will have everything provided for them.

Not quite. I advocate a strongly progressive income tax (and similar capital gains tax) at least of the type that existed during the Reagan years - preferably the one that JFK put in place.

Why? what exactly do you think that would accomplish? punishing the rich is not an acceptable answer.

How would taking more money from successful people and giving it to the government help the economy and make everyone better off?

But lets take your idea to its logical extreme. How about if the government takes 100% of everything earned by all citizens and then allocates it back out as it sees fit?

At the very least, it would provide the funds for government to provide the infrastructure and social support to keep the country running.

And let's not take it to the logical extreme. We never have before - not even when the top tax bracket was over 90%.

At the very least, you should educate yourself on the topic at hand before commenting (and ThinkProgress or is not educating yourself).

Revenues to the federal government are as high as they have ever been. That is a fact. We have a spending problem. We have a severe spending problem. We have the worst spending problem in the history of the world:

The monthly Treasury statement of the actual budget figures for 2013 this week shows tax revenue rising five times faster than spending fell in 2013. Taxes revenue climbed by 13.2% from $2.45 trillion in 2012 to $2.77 trillion in 2013. Spending, on the other hand, fell by only 2.4% to $3.45 trillion in 2013 from $3.54 trillion in 2012.

At nearly $2.8 trillion, tax revenues hit an all-time record in absolute dollar terms...

Tax Revenue Rose 5x's Faster Than Spending Fell in 2013
It seems to me that left unencumbered by the rules that the government SHOULD be enforcing, corporations would get away with even more crap than they do. What regulations do you think are impeding private sector commerce?

The Economist, the London-based news weekly – and a supporter of President Obama’s candidacy in 2008 – highlights the problem in its latest cover story, “Overregulated America.” They note the irony: “The home of laissez-faire is being suffocated by excessive and badly written regulation.”

The sheer number of regulations alone is staggering. Consider the size of the Federal Register, the daily official chronicle of regulatory changes. Before a new rule can take effect, it must be published in the Register. In 2009, it was 68,598 pages long. In 2010, it ballooned to 81,405. In 2011, the Register hit 82,415, a new record

Regulations add $10,585 in costs per employee, according to a study for the Small Business Administration. With a price tag like that, it’s no wonder hiring has taken a hit in the midst of a fragile recovery.
Beyond the number and the total cost are the regulations themselves. Many are ludicrously nitpicky and easy to lampoon. “There are nine codes relating to injuries caused by parrots, and three relating to burns from flaming waterskis,” the Economist writes.

Red Tape and the Onerous Effects of Overregulation
It seems to me that left unencumbered by the rules that the government SHOULD be enforcing, corporations would get away with even more crap than they do. What regulations do you think are impeding private sector commerce?

How about this one [MENTION=37583]JoeNormal[/MENTION]?

General Motors Corp. (GM) is recalling 18,941 Chevy Camaros (model years 2013 and 2014) for violating Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 208—Occupant Crash Protection.

Defective seat belts? Air bag malfunction? Brake failure?


GM is recalling 18,941 Chevy Camaros because the air bag warning label on the sun visor may peel.


Tales of the Red Tape #42: Peeling Back Regulatory Nonsense in Vehicle Safety Standards
Why? what exactly do you think that would accomplish? punishing the rich is not an acceptable answer.

How would taking more money from successful people and giving it to the government help the economy and make everyone better off?

But lets take your idea to its logical extreme. How about if the government takes 100% of everything earned by all citizens and then allocates it back out as it sees fit?

At the very least, it would provide the funds for government to provide the infrastructure and social support to keep the country running.

And let's not take it to the logical extreme. We never have before - not even when the top tax bracket was over 90%.

At the very least, you should educate yourself on the topic at hand before commenting (and ThinkProgress or is not educating yourself).

Revenues to the federal government are as high as they have ever been. That is a fact. We have a spending problem. We have a severe spending problem. We have the worst spending problem in the history of the world:

The monthly Treasury statement of the actual budget figures for 2013 this week shows tax revenue rising five times faster than spending fell in 2013. Taxes revenue climbed by 13.2% from $2.45 trillion in 2012 to $2.77 trillion in 2013. Spending, on the other hand, fell by only 2.4% to $3.45 trillion in 2013 from $3.54 trillion in 2012.

At nearly $2.8 trillion, tax revenues hit an all-time record in absolute dollar terms...

Tax Revenue Rose 5x's Faster Than Spending Fell in 2013

This is a good example of what happens to a few random facts in the hands of a moron. The reason revenues are at an all-time high is that productivity is at an all-time high. Too bad average Americans aren't reaping the benefits of that productivity. And before you trot out your insult about me being one of the lazy parasites again, why don't you read about my situation in post #567.
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It seems to me that left unencumbered by the rules that the government SHOULD be enforcing, corporations would get away with even more crap than they do. What regulations do you think are impeding private sector commerce?

Or how about this one [MENTION=37583]JoeNormal[/MENTION]? This wasteful, costly, example of pathetic government over-regulation is a gem. Hard to believe this not a joke.

There’s no good way to deliver this disturbing bit of news except to come right out with it: Marty the Magician and others in the business of pulling a rabbit from a hat are under strict orders from the federal government to develop a “contingency plan” for handling their critters in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.

And, no, a recipe for Hasenpfeffer won’t suffice.

Said plan will be evaluated once a year, when enforcers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) make their annual unannounced bunny home inspections. Oh, and all magicians are required to carry a copy of the contingency plan at all times and make it available for inspection while in “travel status.” After all, animal owners might want to consult the rabbit-rescue protocol amid the chaos of saving their families from a deadly hurricane or tornado.

Tales of the Red Tape #40: The USDA Rabbit Police
At the very least, it would provide the funds for government to provide the infrastructure and social support to keep the country running.

And let's not take it to the logical extreme. We never have before - not even when the top tax bracket was over 90%.

At the very least, you should educate yourself on the topic at hand before commenting (and ThinkProgress or is not educating yourself).

Revenues to the federal government are as high as they have ever been. That is a fact. We have a spending problem. We have a severe spending problem. We have the worst spending problem in the history of the world:

The monthly Treasury statement of the actual budget figures for 2013 this week shows tax revenue rising five times faster than spending fell in 2013. Taxes revenue climbed by 13.2% from $2.45 trillion in 2012 to $2.77 trillion in 2013. Spending, on the other hand, fell by only 2.4% to $3.45 trillion in 2013 from $3.54 trillion in 2012.

At nearly $2.8 trillion, tax revenues hit an all-time record in absolute dollar terms...

Tax Revenue Rose 5x's Faster Than Spending Fell in 2013

This is a good example of what happens to a few random facts in the hands of a moron. The reason revenues are at an all-time high is that productivity is at an all-time high. Too bad average Americans aren't reaping the benefits of that productivity. And before you trot out your insult about me being one of the lazy parasites again, why don't you read about my situation in post #.

Exactly - I post facts Joe (backed up by links). You post uninformed opinion backed up by nothing.

People reap exactly what they deserve. Nothing less. Nothing more.
At the very least, you should educate yourself on the topic at hand before commenting (and ThinkProgress or is not educating yourself).

Revenues to the federal government are as high as they have ever been. That is a fact. We have a spending problem. We have a severe spending problem. We have the worst spending problem in the history of the world:

The monthly Treasury statement of the actual budget figures for 2013 this week shows tax revenue rising five times faster than spending fell in 2013. Taxes revenue climbed by 13.2% from $2.45 trillion in 2012 to $2.77 trillion in 2013. Spending, on the other hand, fell by only 2.4% to $3.45 trillion in 2013 from $3.54 trillion in 2012.

At nearly $2.8 trillion, tax revenues hit an all-time record in absolute dollar terms...

Tax Revenue Rose 5x's Faster Than Spending Fell in 2013

This is a good example of what happens to a few random facts in the hands of a moron. The reason revenues are at an all-time high is that productivity is at an all-time high. Too bad average Americans aren't reaping the benefits of that productivity. And before you trot out your insult about me being one of the lazy parasites again, why don't you read about my situation in post #567.

Exactly - I post facts Joe (backed up by links). You post uninformed opinion backed up by nothing.

People reap exactly what they deserve. Nothing less. Nothing more.

Facts without context are utterly meaningless. Of course you and the other Fox News tards will never understand that.
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It seems to me that left unencumbered by the rules that the government SHOULD be enforcing, corporations would get away with even more crap than they do. What regulations do you think are impeding private sector commerce?

Would you like me to keep going [MENTION=37583]JoeNormal[/MENTION] (I literally have thousands of these jaw-dropping examples) - or are you willing to concede that unconstitutional federal government is regulating jobs overseas and companies out of business?

The Obama Administration fervently opposes state laws requiring voter identification to cast a ballot. But it is insisting that the nation’s farmers prove the identity of every chicken transported across state lines.

Under the fowl rule proposed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a flock that has been hatched, fatted, and butchered as a single unit may be transported from state to state with a “group identification.” But such groups are as scarce as hen’s teeth.

The vast majority of poultry owners are not part of a vertically integrated commercial operation. They routinely co-mingle chicken stock of varying sources and ages. Consequently, under the rule, they will have to attach sealed and numbered leg bands to every bird they transport.

Tales of the Red Tape #36: USDA Lays a Regulatory Egg
It seems to me that left unencumbered by the rules that the government SHOULD be enforcing, corporations would get away with even more crap than they do. What regulations do you think are impeding private sector commerce?

Would you like me to keep going [MENTION=37583]JoeNormal[/MENTION] (I literally have thousands of these jaw-dropping examples) - or are you willing to concede that unconstitutional federal government is regulating jobs overseas and companies out of business?

The Obama Administration fervently opposes state laws requiring voter identification to cast a ballot. But it is insisting that the nation’s farmers prove the identity of every chicken transported across state lines.

Under the fowl rule proposed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a flock that has been hatched, fatted, and butchered as a single unit may be transported from state to state with a “group identification.” But such groups are as scarce as hen’s teeth.

The vast majority of poultry owners are not part of a vertically integrated commercial operation. They routinely co-mingle chicken stock of varying sources and ages. Consequently, under the rule, they will have to attach sealed and numbered leg bands to every bird they transport.

Tales of the Red Tape #36: USDA Lays a Regulatory Egg

I have no idea what problems this bill was meant to address and I suspect that neither do you. Actually, it seems like you're grasping at straws to even bother posting it. Of course it doesn't take much time, given that there's a right wing site that has them catalogued for easy distribution so why not, right?
And how, exactly, does bringing up from the ground cause a problem for the environment? :cuckoo:

Hey Joe - are you aware of the billions of barrels of oil that leak into the ocean every year as earthquakes under the ocean crack the floor? Doesn't it make sense to pull that out from the ground before it billions and billions of barrels of it spill into the ocean.

Oh what am I talking about. Of course you're not aware. ThinkProgress didn't tell you about that part! :eusa_whistle:

You know what dog, Google wasn't aware of this news either. They must not have the secret decoder ring that you have.

:eusa_shhh: Scientists Find That Tons Of Oil Seep Into The Gulf Of Mexico Each Year :eusa_shhh:

It must hurt to keep punching yourself in the face the way zeke does.
Richest 1% earn biggest share since Roaring '20s

The gulf between the richest 1 percent and the rest of America is the widest it's been since the Roaring '20s.

The very wealthiest Americans earned more than 19 percent of the country's household income last year—their biggest share since 1928, the year before the stock market crash. And the top 10 percent captured a record 48.2 percent of total earnings last year.

U.S. income inequality has been growing for almost three decades. And it grew again last year, according to an analysis of Internal Revenue Service figures dating to 1913 by economists at the University of California, Berkeley, the Paris School of Economics and Oxford University.

Richest 1% earn biggest share since Roaring '20s

You also miss the point that much of the top 1% income is not from wages and therefore not considered income. Last of all, when it comes to actual wealth, the numbers become staggering with the top 1% controlling over 40% of the wealth. The worst part of it is that the bottom 80% only control 7% of the wealth. If we want to discuss distribution of wealth, it is easy to see that the vast majority of the wealth lies in the hands of the very few.

What has happened over the past 40 years is not good in any way, regardless of how it happened.


The last chart should make anyone cringe.

That last chart does make me cringe [MENTION=12997]auditor0007[/MENTION]. It is glaring evidence that the Dumbocrats are expanding their voter base by creating more and more lazy, useless, parasites like you who are not willing to work because they know they will have everything provided for them.


"income level" means family income. this includes single parent households - unwed mothers, in other words. The number of such families has been growing, and these mothers are typically on welfare or making little income. They are the reason average family income has been declining.

Individual income, on the other hand, has increased significantly.
You know what dog, Google wasn't aware of this news either. They must not have the secret decoder ring that you have.

:eusa_shhh: Scientists Find That Tons Of Oil Seep Into The Gulf Of Mexico Each Year :eusa_shhh:

It must hurt to keep punching yourself in the face the way zeke does.

I'll assume that this is directed at me since I'm posting to this thread currently.

I was flabbergasted that Rottweiler linked me to something that was both accurate and that I didn't already know. So the NASA data that this article was based upon is good enough in this instance but not when James Hansen publishes on the subject of global warming? Yeah, that's what I thought.

BTW, did you find a source of scientific publication more accurate than that lefty site Scientific American? I'm still waiting.
Richest 1% earn biggest share since Roaring '20s

Richest 1% earn biggest share since Roaring '20s

You also miss the point that much of the top 1% income is not from wages and therefore not considered income. Last of all, when it comes to actual wealth, the numbers become staggering with the top 1% controlling over 40% of the wealth. The worst part of it is that the bottom 80% only control 7% of the wealth. If we want to discuss distribution of wealth, it is easy to see that the vast majority of the wealth lies in the hands of the very few.

What has happened over the past 40 years is not good in any way, regardless of how it happened.


The last chart should make anyone cringe.

That last chart does make me cringe [MENTION=12997]auditor0007[/MENTION]. It is glaring evidence that the Dumbocrats are expanding their voter base by creating more and more lazy, useless, parasites like you who are not willing to work because they know they will have everything provided for them.


"income level" means family income. this includes single parent households - unwed mothers, in other words. The number of such families has been growing, and these mothers are typically on welfare or making little income. They are the reason average family income has been declining.

Individual income, on the other hand, has increased significantly.
Every time I look at some claim of yours, invariably you are just spouting off talking out of your ass.
Graph: Real Disposable Personal Income: Per capita (A229RX0) - FRED - St. Louis Fed

And here you are talking out of your ass again. Individual income has flatlined, not increased.

You are just like that liar Romney in the debate, you say anything that crosses your mind.

That's just sad.
That last chart does make me cringe [MENTION=12997]auditor0007[/MENTION]. It is glaring evidence that the Dumbocrats are expanding their voter base by creating more and more lazy, useless, parasites like you who are not willing to work because they know they will have everything provided for them.


"income level" means family income. this includes single parent households - unwed mothers, in other words. The number of such families has been growing, and these mothers are typically on welfare or making little income. They are the reason average family income has been declining.

Individual income, on the other hand, has increased significantly.
Every time I look at some claim of yours, invariably you are just spouting off talking out of your ass.
Graph: Real Disposable Personal Income: Per capita (A229RX0) - FRED - St. Louis Fed

And here you are talking out of your ass again. Individual income has flatlined, not increased.

You are just like that liar Romney in the debate, you say anything that crosses your mind.

That's just sad.

Oh puhleeze. It shows a slight dip because of the recession. The people who claim that income level has declined are talking about over a period of the last 60 years, and especially since the Reagan administration. They're obviously just plain wrong.

Thanks for posting the graph that shows I'm right, though.
You know what dog, Google wasn't aware of this news either. They must not have the secret decoder ring that you have.

:eusa_shhh: Scientists Find That Tons Of Oil Seep Into The Gulf Of Mexico Each Year :eusa_shhh:

It must hurt to keep punching yourself in the face the way zeke does.

What a stupid fuk you are briarpatty.

Your dog buddy said billions of gallons. The article you linked to said maybe twice as much as the Exon Valdez spill.

You stupid fuk. You think the Exon Valdez was hauling billions of gallons of oil?

It is painful to put up with your stupidity. Is it painful to be so stupid? Just curious.
And can't you read very well? Or is it comprehension that baffles you?
Oh puhleeze. It shows a slight dip because of the recession. The people who claim that income level has declined are talking about over a period of the last 60 years, and especially since the Reagan administration. They're obviously just plain wrong.

Thanks for posting the graph that shows I'm right, though.

Would you care to post the FRED graph of real MEDIAN family income, which is the usual measure, for the last 60 years?

What a stupid fuk you are briarpatty.

Your dog buddy said billions of gallons. The article you linked to said maybe twice as much as the Exon Valdez spill.

You stupid fuk. You think the Exon Valdez was hauling billions of gallons of oil?

It is painful to put up with your stupidity. Is it painful to be so stupid? Just curious.
And can't you read very well? Or is it comprehension that baffles you?

That's per incident you moron. And there are incidents all over the oceans floor constantly.

You continue to take stupidity to previously unforeseen levels Zeke.

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