The truth about taxes

We have basically a flat tax system if you count ALL taxes and fees, and all the new wealth ends up with the 1%.
We don't "basically" have a flat tax. That comment is a special kind of stupid that could only come from you. You're so easy for your left-wing masters to dupe. I just proved everything you said was 100% inaccurate. Go play with your toys while the adults talk now, ok?
Add it up- anyone making any money pays 20-30% and many middle class pay more than the top 1%.

All you know is the fed income tax, dupe.
All told, the 0.1 percent now owns about as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent of America combined. And that’s just the official numbers. Plenty of their wealth is parked overseas and in places where it’s hard to get an accurate count of what they’ve accumulated. To get into the club, which comprises around 115,000 households, you need to start with a nest egg of $20 million—and that’s at the very bottom of the super-rich group. George W. Bush just barely makes the cut. He’s very rich, but not among the highest fliers in today’s second Gilded Age.

As you move on up the 0.1 percent ladder, you get folks like Steve Cohen, the hedge fund billionaire who bought a 14-foot shark in formaldehyde for his office, as if to signal his shady business practices (his previous firm, SAC Capital, was shut down by the feds for insider trading). Cohen doesn’t have just one mansion, he has lots of them. His $23 million principal home is in Greenwich, Connecticut, featuring an indoor basketball court, a glass-enclosed pool, a 6,700-square-foot ice skating rink with a Zamboni machine that smoothes the ice, a golf course and a private art museum. He also has five other homes just in the New York area alone.

People like Cohen are a big part of the undue concentration of wealth at the expense of workers and communities—they create little of value for society and siphon off funds for our schools and infrastructure with tax loopholes allowed by bought politicians, like the notorious “carried interest” loophole. You also get bankers CEOs like Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase and corporate chieftains paid stratospheric salaries even while driving their companies into the ground, like erstwhile GOP presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina, formerly of Hewlett Packard.

It used to be that simply being a billionaire would get you into the Forbes 400 list—that was true up until 2006. No more. Our current herd of fatcats has blown past their Gilded Age counterparts to seize an even more gigantic share of the economic pie. According to the magazine, in 2014 you had to have $1.55 billion in the bank vault to make the list. That was $250 million more than in 2013. By 2015, you had to have even more: Carol Jenkins Barnett, whose wealth derives from Publix supermarkets, was too poor to make Forbes with her paltry $1.69 billion.

The hurdle continues to rise rapidly. By 2015, the wealthiest 20 people ownedmore wealth than half the American population. This group is where you’ll find Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Larry Page of Google, as well as the most successful financiers, like Warren Buffett and George Soros. But the ranks of the very top are no longer filled by mainly by entrepreneurs or even financiers who are self-made. Increasingly, they are populated by people who, thanks to several decades of regressive tax policy, have inherited their wealth; names like Walton and Koch have become common at the apex of wealth. This is the new hereditary aristocracy of means and power.
Al you can talk about is Federa income taxes, dupe.
A. That's the beauty of America. I know you fascists hate it but I get to talk about what I choose to talk about. If you want to talk about other taxes, then start a thread about it.

B. That's because our federal tax code is by far and away our biggest problem when it comes to taxes. It's so complicated, even the IRS said they cannot enforce it. It illegally and unfairly targets the wealthy. And despite highest revenues to the government in history, we're still $20 trillion in debt.

As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.
Unfortunately you don't understand your own chart. Each state handles their own income tax rates. So why does this chart lump them all in together? Oh yeah... because left-wing states tax the ever loving shit out of their residents.

So as always - it's idiotic failed left-wing policy that's hurting the poor in those states. The wealthy get the hell out and move to low tax states (just as Glenn Beck did - from New York to Texas). The few that do stay employ all of the best tax attorneys, loop holes, shelters, etc. to bring their rates down. Of course, a flat-tax (at the state level in this case) would solve that but you've been too duped by your progressive maters to see the forest for the trees.
That's the average in the country- don't give me that divide and conquer BS. We in NY get what we pay for. And you don't.
That's the average in the country- don't give me that divide and conquer BS. We in NY get what we pay for. And you don't.
Yep...and that "average" is driven way up by left-wing states like New York and California which tax the ever loving shit out of their residents. Their poor can't afford to leave and their wealthy either get the hell out or work the system. Sorry - but you didn't even understand your own chart.
Al you can talk about is Federa income taxes, dupe.
A. That's the beauty of America. I know you fascists hate it but I get to talk about what I choose to talk about. If you want to talk about other taxes, then start a thread about it.

B. That's because our federal tax code is by far and away our biggest problem when it comes to taxes. It's so complicated, even the IRS said they cannot enforce it. It illegally and unfairly targets the wealthy. And despite highest revenues to the government in history, we're still $20 trillion in debt.
You talk about what you're brainwashed by greedy rich a-holes that run your propaganda machine. Most of you dupes believe the rich pay too much in taxes LOL...YOU pay too much in taxes, and get shytte. Thanks GOP.
That's the average in the country- don't give me that divide and conquer BS. We in NY get what we pay for. And you don't.
Yep...and that "average" is driven way up by left-wing states like New York and California which tax the ever loving shit out of their residents. Their poor can't afford to leave and their wealthy either get the hell out or work the system. Sorry - but you didn't even understand your own chart.
What state are you in, Jethro? LOL. We pay into your budget no doubt...Doesn't matter, we're all going to hell under GOP tax rates and policies...
So what. Taxes are levied based on ability to pay.
Yep. And the low income can pay 38% just as easily as the high income can. That's why it's done by percentage, genius.

Also, the government is not allowed to discriminate and that's exactly what the federal tax code does. It specifically targets a group of people based on a criteria and imposes law/responsibility on them which it does not impose on the rest of society. The textbook definition of discrimination.
So what. Taxes are levied based on ability to pay.
Yep. And the low income can pay 38% just as easily as the high income can. That's why it's done by percentage, genius.

Also, the government is not allowed to discriminate and that's exactly what the federal tax code does. It specifically targets a group of people based on a criteria and imposes law/responsibility on them which it does not impose on the rest of society. The textbook definition of discrimination.
You obsession with fed income taxes and empathy for super rich a-holes is touching.
Al you can talk about is Federa income taxes, dupe.
A. That's the beauty of America. I know you fascists hate it but I get to talk about what I choose to talk about. If you want to talk about other taxes, then start a thread about it.

B. That's because our federal tax code is by far and away our biggest problem when it comes to taxes. It's so complicated, even the IRS said they cannot enforce it. It illegally and unfairly targets the wealthy. And despite highest revenues to the government in history, we're still $20 trillion in debt.
Thanks to the GOP- Raygun, Booosh, and their corrupt world depression of 2008...that dupes don't know about.
For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. that is an egregious lie. :link:
Search Results
High-income Americans pay most income taxes, but enough to be 'fair ...
Apr 13, 2016 - Their average tax rate (total taxes paid divided by cumulative AGI) was 25.7%. ..... Federal income taxes make up only about 25% of all taxes paid. ... The income tax is progressive but payroll andmost state/local taxes are ...... Leaving me enough to pay my bills, and have gas money to gt to and from work.
So what. Taxes are levied based on ability to pay.
Yep. And the low income can pay 38% just as easily as the high income can. That's why it's done by percentage, genius.

Also, the government is not allowed to discriminate and that's exactly what the federal tax code does. It specifically targets a group of people based on a criteria and imposes law/responsibility on them which it does not impose on the rest of society. The textbook definition of discrimination.
This is why, nobody should ever take the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

And, capitalism is about economic forms of discrimination; and, is both legal and socially acceptable.
And, capitalism is about economic forms of discrimination; and, is both legal and socially acceptable.
A. Economics can discriminate. Government can't.

B. There is nothing discriminatory about capitalism. In fact, it's the most level playing field ever.
And, capitalism is about economic forms of discrimination; and, is both legal and socially acceptable.
A. Economics can discriminate. Government can't.

B. There is nothing discriminatory about capitalism. In fact, it's the most level playing field ever.
This is why, nobody should ever take the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

Price discrimination is a fact of life under capitalism, dear. Only the right wing, never gets it.
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide by Wayne Allyn Root on iBooks

Those that make less than $100K pay 30% of IRS income, while the top 1% pay 24%.
When the progressive income tax was introduced in 1913 at a top rate of 7%, it was to never exceed 10%. We all see how that worked out. Never ever trust lying progressives.

Introduced and signed by Democrats who are the Republicans of today.
Price discrimination is a fact of life under capitalism, dear. Only the right wing, never gets it.
You've never posted a single fact on USMB snowflake....don't pretend like you're going to start now. The beauty of capitalism is competition between the suppliers and options for the buyer. That guarantees there can be no such thing as "price discrimination" - because the buyer can always take their business somewhere else.

If they overpaid - that was their own fault for not doing their homework.

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