The truth about taxes

We have basically a flat tax system if you count ALL taxes and fees, and all the new wealth ends up with the 1%.
We don't "basically" have a flat tax.
Add it up- anyone making any money pays 20-30% and many middle class pay more than the top 1%.
You just proved you lied. You clearly have no clue what a "flat tax" is. Because if we had a flat tax - it would literally be impossible for for the middle class to pay more than the Top 1%. Completely, totally, impossible.

A flat tax means one rate across the board for everyone and absolutely no deductions. Which means it would be completely impossible for someone making $100,000 per year to pay more in taxes than someone making $800,000 per year.
That's the average in the country- don't give me that divide and conquer BS. We in NY get what we pay for. And you don't.
Yep...and that "average" is driven way up by left-wing states like New York and California which tax the ever loving shit out of their residents. Their poor can't afford to leave and their wealthy either get the hell out or work the system. Sorry - but you didn't even understand your own chart.
Here you go don't even have to click the link and read the article. Just look at the title. Exactly as I said. As always, you progressives create the problem with your failed left-wing policies and then cry the loudest about the failures you created yourselves.

How Trump's Tax Plan Would Affect High-Tax States Like California, New York
If I wanted to get to the truth behind taxes I would start with a comparison of what the top 1% wealthiest pay in taxes against those taxable incomes qualifying in the top 1%. I see a lot of articles assume they're the same, but the amount listed as income to qualify for that top 1% wouldn't get anybody rich enough over a lifetime to qualify for the top 1% wealthiest. If I had vast wealth then I too would be influencing those in Washington to define favorably the portion of wealth that I convert to income.
Price discrimination is a fact of life under capitalism, dear. Only the right wing, never gets it.
You've never posted a single fact on USMB snowflake....don't pretend like you're going to start now. The beauty of capitalism is competition between the suppliers and options for the buyer. That guarantees there can be no such thing as "price discrimination" - because the buyer can always take their business somewhere else.

If they overpaid - that was their own fault for not doing their homework.
the laws of demand and supply don't stop just because the right wing, "says so".

Price discrimination is a fact of life under capitalism.
the laws of demand and supply don't stop just because the right wing, "says so".
Bwahahahahaha! Snowflake...if a limited supply and a high demand causes prices to go up - they go up for everybody. You once again just proved that there cannot be "discrimination" in capitalism. :laugh:

This is why nobody takes the left seriously when it comes to economics.
They are based on ability to pay, not equality.
That's why a percentage was used - dimwit. A poor person has just as much ability to pay 38% federal income tax on their income as a wealthy person has to pay 38% federal income tax on their income. :eusa_doh:

This is why nobody takes the left seriously when it comes to economics.
90% Taxes for the Common Good !!!!!!!!!

We can depend on socialist bureaucrats to decide whose needs and wants are priorities !!! Lol
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide by Wayne Allyn Root on iBooks

Why is it you guys only discuss federal income taxes and never discuss the numbers when all taxation is included? I'll tell you why. Because if you include all forms of taxation, those numbers become drastically different, and the wealthy then only pay slightly more than percentage wise compared to their earnings. Just by including payroll taxes, the numbers change substantially, and then when you include state and local taxes, it really changes drastically, because lower income earners pay the highest percentage of state and local taxes. They also pay a much larger portion of their income in payroll taxes.

I'm so sick of this stupid argument, but hey, I'm sure you'll keep throwing it out there. What we should do is tax the wealthy less and tax the poor more.

But the snowflakes/progressives/statists/political class/leftists never seem to look to the state or local government as the reason taxes are so high. We just keep hearing the politically correct drumbeat that it isn't fair that the rich have so much and the federal government should require that they pay a lot more than they do.
The damned wealthy....
If not for their greed my life could be so much better..

Said the clueless communist.....
We have basically a flat tax system if you count ALL taxes and fees, and all the new wealth ends up with the 1%.
We don't "basically" have a flat tax.
Add it up- anyone making any money pays 20-30% and many middle class pay more than the top 1%.
You just proved you lied. You clearly have no clue what a "flat tax" is. Because if we had a flat tax - it would literally be impossible for for the middle class to pay more than the Top 1%. Completely, totally, impossible.

A flat tax means one rate across the board for everyone and absolutely no deductions. Which means it would be completely impossible for someone making $100,000 per year to pay more in taxes than someone making $800,000 per year.
basically DUHHHHH a flat tax, with the 1% ending up with basically all the new wealth and the middle class and the country going to hell- and the dupes are all for it, dupe.
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide by Wayne Allyn Root on iBooks

Why is it you guys only discuss federal income taxes and never discuss the numbers when all taxation is included? I'll tell you why. Because if you include all forms of taxation, those numbers become drastically different, and the wealthy then only pay slightly more than percentage wise compared to their earnings. Just by including payroll taxes, the numbers change substantially, and then when you include state and local taxes, it really changes drastically, because lower income earners pay the highest percentage of state and local taxes. They also pay a much larger portion of their income in payroll taxes.

I'm so sick of this stupid argument, but hey, I'm sure you'll keep throwing it out there. What we should do is tax the wealthy less and tax the poor more.

But the snowflakes/progressives/statists/political class/leftists never seem to look to the state or local government as the reason taxes are so high. We just keep hearing the politically correct drumbeat that it isn't fair that the rich have so much and the federal government should require that they pay a lot more than they do.
And the gov't grow most under the GOP presidents and the dupes are all for it...
They are based on ability to pay, not equality.
That's why a percentage was used - dimwit. A poor person has just as much ability to pay 38% federal income tax on their income as a wealthy person has to pay 38% federal income tax on their income. :eusa_doh:

This is why nobody takes the left seriously when it comes to economics.
Considering they only pay 38% on income over $400K, you are nuts, dupe. And 50% over 1 million, let's do it. And 60% over 5 million, and 70% over 10 million. Or listen to your brainwashers, dupe. A basically flat tax is KILLING the nonrich and the country.
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide by Wayne Allyn Root on iBooks

Why is it you guys only discuss federal income taxes and never discuss the numbers when all taxation is included? I'll tell you why. Because if you include all forms of taxation, those numbers become drastically different, and the wealthy then only pay slightly more than percentage wise compared to their earnings. Just by including payroll taxes, the numbers change substantially, and then when you include state and local taxes, it really changes drastically, because lower income earners pay the highest percentage of state and local taxes. They also pay a much larger portion of their income in payroll taxes.

I'm so sick of this stupid argument, but hey, I'm sure you'll keep throwing it out there. What we should do is tax the wealthy less and tax the poor more.

But the snowflakes/progressives/statists/political class/leftists never seem to look to the state or local government as the reason taxes are so high. We just keep hearing the politically correct drumbeat that it isn't fair that the rich have so much and the federal government should require that they pay a lot more than they do.
And the gov't grow most under the GOP presidents and the dupes are all for it...

Non sequitur much? Perhaps you would like to start a thread on that subject and allow us to discuss this one?
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide by Wayne Allyn Root on iBooks

Why is it you guys only discuss federal income taxes and never discuss the numbers when all taxation is included? I'll tell you why. Because if you include all forms of taxation, those numbers become drastically different, and the wealthy then only pay slightly more than percentage wise compared to their earnings. Just by including payroll taxes, the numbers change substantially, and then when you include state and local taxes, it really changes drastically, because lower income earners pay the highest percentage of state and local taxes. They also pay a much larger portion of their income in payroll taxes.

I'm so sick of this stupid argument, but hey, I'm sure you'll keep throwing it out there. What we should do is tax the wealthy less and tax the poor more.

But the snowflakes/progressives/statists/political class/leftists never seem to look to the state or local government as the reason taxes are so high. We just keep hearing the politically correct drumbeat that it isn't fair that the rich have so much and the federal government should require that they pay a lot more than they do.
And the gov't grow most under the GOP presidents and the dupes are all for it...

Non sequitur much? Perhaps you would like to start a thread on that subject and allow us to discuss this one?
read something about govt growth under Reagan and the Bushes, duhhhh dupe. And remember that Obama's debt is mainly averting ANOTHER full blown corrupt GOP depression- most dupes don't know that LOL...

Search Results
Federal Spending Grew More Under Bush and Reagan than Under ...
Feb 10, 2017 - Even when we do this, however, Obama's spending growth amounted to 15.8 percent, which places it fourth behind Reagan, Bush, and Ford.
These Charts Show How Ronald Reagan Actually Expanded the ...
Dec 30, 2014 - One of the many, many problems Jeb Bush faces in his quest for the Oval Office is his ... either: uniformed military personnel only accounted for 26 percent of the increase. ... The FederalGovernment Under Ronald Reagan.
US Debt by President: By Dollar and Percent - The Balance
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Feb 21, 2017 - For example, President Bush took office in January 2001. ... Obama's budget increased defense spending to between $700 billion and $800 billion a year. ... Ronald Reagan: Added $1.86 trillion, a 186 percent increase from ...
The Facts About Budget Deficits: How The Presidents Truly Rank
Jul 11, 2012 - During the George W. Bush years (2001-08), federal outlays averaged 19.6 ... little less thanduring the Clinton years (1993-2000), at 19.8% and far below Reagan. ... Joe Kernan, the host, is interviewing former Vermont Gov.
Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would ...
May 24, 2012 - ... most prolific big government spender the nation has ever suffered, Marketwatch ... has actually been tighter with a buck than any United States president [. ... Indeed, not only was the 2009 budget the property of George W. Bush—and ... that under the Obama watch, even President Reagan would have to ...
the laws of demand and supply don't stop just because the right wing, "says so".
Bwahahahahaha! Snowflake...if a limited supply and a high demand causes prices to go up - they go up for everybody. You once again just proved that there cannot be "discrimination" in capitalism. :laugh:

This is why nobody takes the left seriously when it comes to economics.
Not everybody can afford, "Saks Fifth Avenue" tax rates.

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