The Truth About the Trump Economy


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Most on the right have chosen to believe a bunch of falsehoods about the Trump presidency. Especially pertaining to his economy. This video reveals just what kind of snake oil Trump has been selling.

How The GOP Lies To Us: The Trump Economy​

The truth is that it isn’t the Trump economy. It’s the Potato economy.

It sucks because all liberal Democrat plans to manage the economy come from a hateful and ignorant place.
Most on the right have chosen to believe a bunch of falsehoods about the Trump presidency. Especially pertaining to his economy. This video reveals just what kind of snake oil Trump has been selling.

How The GOP Lies To Us: The Trump Economy​

As a racist you would think you’d want better for your people not worse. Why are you going to vote for worse?
Most on the right have chosen to believe a bunch of falsehoods about the Trump presidency. Especially pertaining to his economy. This video reveals just what kind of snake oil Trump has been selling.

How The GOP Lies To Us: The Trump Economy​

Even a broken clock is right more than you. How is it you get EVERYTHING WRONG?
Since I'm not a racist, I don't vote for Trump. He is not better for us.
He was far better for you than the previous eight years with obie and the past four years with bidumb. You had four years mixed in there where you were doing better with Trump. Why would you not want that back?
The truth is the eye test. What we could see and feel. Things WERE better and everyone knows it. We had money and everything was more affordable. People are now feeling desperate and hopeless today while Democrats push a piece of paper with statistics in front of them... telling them not to believe what they can see with their own eyes. Remember? Inflation is only transitory..says all the experts
He was far better for you than the previous eight years with obie and the past four years with bidumb. You had four years mixed in there where you were doing better with Trump. Why would you not want that back?
No he wasn't. He told you whites that and your racist ----- believed it.
The truth is the eye test. What we could see and feel. Things WERE better and everyone knows it. We had money and everything was more affordable. People are now feeling desperate and hopeless today while Democrats push a piece of paper with statistics in front of them... telling them not to believe what they can see with their own eyes. Remember? Inflation is only transitory..says all the experts
The eye test?

You have refused to accept that Trump inherited a strong economy. You have also refused to recognize the damage caused by the pandemic. But because trump promised you a return to white absolute power, you have fallen for every lie. Trump did not create the low prices, Obama/Biden did. Inflation is less than 3 percent now, that is what Biden/Harris have done. The truth is the eye test you say but the eye test showed us that trump incited an insurrection on 1-6-2021 in order to try staying in power. Your eyes didn't want to see that. The eye test showed us this too:





We have the best medical facilities and doctors in the world, yet we had the most deaths on planet earth. 5 percent of the worlds population had 20 percent of the deaths and infections. A president who could not handle a crisis and this is what you want back in the white house. The video tells you that everything you say happened during trump is a lie. If Trump was president now, we would have faced the same inflation.

And you idiots would be blaming Obama for it because that's what trump would tell you.

It's time the cult worship ended. Trump stunk as a president. Had he been as great as you guys make him, he'd be president right now and Mike Pence would be leding in the polls. But he wasn't. Stop lying to yourselves.

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