The Truth Behind Obama's XL Termination


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
He based his decision on pretending that if he was 'tough' on 'dirty oil' then other countries would say: "See. Obama is serious about climate change so I guess we should be too".
Something like that bullshit fantasy being fed to the gullible.
Fact: China hasn't put fuck all on paper promising to do fuck all about global climate change.
Fact: China 'sort of might have 'maybe said it would 'think about it'.......maybe in 2030.....maybe. Then the fuck-wit Kerry comes running back to the US and claims he "has a deal" with China. Bullshit as usual!
Anyone remember his bullshit claim he had made a "deal" with Iran? YA RIGHT!
The Mullahs used the paper the "deal" was written on as asswipe as soon as Kerry boarded his plane.
I found the last few paragraphs interesting reading.
My Way News - With Keystone snub, Obama aims for more leverage on climate
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What's really bizarre about all this posturing is that the Keystone is complete and the canuck crude keeps on coming despite the XL extension. And everyone who counts knows it.
What's really bizarre about all this posturing is that the Keystone is complete and the canuck crude keeps on coming despite the XL extension. And everyone who counts knows it.
As usual Obama believes he has some 'special gift' for convincing everyone how really smart he is.
The problem is from day one every time he does anything he ends up looking like the fucking narcissist phoney he is.
I bet the leaders of China, Putin and the Mullahs are having a laugh at how someone as naive and frankly dumb was ever elected President.
The 'First AA President' eh?
In Texas they refer to someone like Obama as: "All hat and no cattle".
What's really bizarre about all this posturing is that the Keystone is complete and the canuck crude keeps on coming despite the XL extension. And everyone who counts knows it.

Transporting canuck crude by rail and tanker trucks not only adds to the cost, it is far more dangerous and subject to accidental spills than a pipelne.
What's really bizarre about all this posturing is that the Keystone is complete and the canuck crude keeps on coming despite the XL extension. And everyone who counts knows it.

Transporting canuck crude by rail and tanker trucks not only adds to the cost, it is far more dangerous and subject to accidental spills than a pipelne.

Exactly. Another issue is now the barges on the rivers to deliver to the Gulf. Yikes. One mega leak, one barge sinking and it is a nightmare scenario with environmental damage that would be far reaching.

With production on the rise, oil-by-barge traffic sets off greater safety concerns
Athabasca on the Mississippi


Up to five times a week, a train 100 cars long and brimming with heavy oil slows to a halt in the yard of Gateway Terminals, a rail-to-barge transfer station located on the edge of the Mississippi River in St. Louis, Missouri. Each train can carry up to 60,000 barrels of the viscous product, which needs to be heated before it is piped into one of four 98,000-barrel storage tanks located on site.

From there the oil is loaded into the shallow hauls of river barges, each destined for heavy oil refineries in Texas and Louisiana. In a good week, the terminal can transfer 350,000 barrels of oil into the slow-moving, flat-bottomed vessels.

With production on the rise, oil-by-barge traffic sets off greater safety concerns
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What's really bizarre about all this posturing is that the Keystone is complete and the canuck crude keeps on coming despite the XL extension. And everyone who counts knows it.

Transporting canuck crude by rail and tanker trucks not only adds to the cost, it is far more dangerous and subject to accidental spills than a pipelne.
Don't let Warren Buffett hear you say that!
What Obama did was 100% cynical and based 100% on his attempt to placate the Left wing base of his party.
Even though his own people told him XL would actually be a safer method of transporting the oil. So the LIB environmentalists would rather risk horrendous environmental disaster if dozens/hundreds of rail cars explode.
What's really bizarre about all this posturing is that the Keystone is complete and the canuck crude keeps on coming despite the XL extension. And everyone who counts knows it.

Did they build that pipeline from Cushing, Ok to the gulf coast to help relieve that bottleneck.

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