The truth of the electric vehicle delusion........with key points from Canada...

under the context and preparations I described it is ,,,,
the discussion is the electricity it takes to run them so I am talking about fuel costs,,, everything else applies equally with ICE,,,
If electricity were free, everyone would have free electricity, and that is not the case ya incel
you took a single word out of a big sentences that describes what I meant when I used that word and applied it to a context I never intended,,

yes you edited my comment that took away the context,,
So what! That didn’t violate any debate rules! You got pissed getting called on the insane comment
Electricity is free now?

by the way, where do I find free panels and installation?
the sun is free,, and I already have one system set up I can plug into so it wouldnt cost me a dime,,,
just like if you had a system already on your house,, just plug into it,,]
if it was designed right there will be enough extra for a car with an average commute,,

my commute for the last 12 yrs before i moved my shop home during covid was 2 miles round trip,, now I barely drive 50 miles a week,,

you would have seen that if you didnt edit my comment to change the context I explain that,,
depending on how much you need around here it is free,,,

I could drive right up now and plug in at zero cost,,,
Incel, someone had to pay for the device to collect that "energy".
Without that device, you are not collecting the energy.

Incel, someone had to pay for the device to collect that "energy".
Without that device, you are not collecting the energy.

of course they did,, that was me that paid for it yrs ago,,

your misunderstanding is because you jump in at the end of a 3 page discussion that explained the context I was applying to my claim,,,

maybe next time take a few minutes and get caught up on whats being talked about and you wont end up looking like an idiot,,, AGAIN,,
I see little that is rational in this thread. Maybe it's just me.

The reason why the Tesla Model Y had the highest unit sales in the world for the first five months of this calendar year is because FOR MOST PEOPLE, the car combines comfort, features, performance, utility, and cost efficiency better than any other vehicle. I personally think it looks sort of dumpy, but I personally don't give a shit what my vehicle looks like.

FOR MOST PEOPLE, paying for the energy to propel that beast would be about 25% of the cost for a comparable ICE vehicle. This is because essentially all charging would be AT HOME, during overnight hours when the electric rate is lowest. MOST PEOPLE would be intelligent enough to use a charging protocol that both maximizes efficiency and maximizes battery life.

The batteries and motors on such cars will essentially last forever, if properly cared for. Even if you are one of those wacko's who keeps his car for ten years plus, by the time the battery needs replacement, you will be able to get it done at Pep Boys for three or four grand.

It's possible to imagine scenarios where an EV would be disadvantageous when compared to an ICE vehicle. Hell, with millions of them sold already, there are actual examples of people who have experienced nightmares with their EV's that simply would not have occurred if they had instead chose a fucking Toyota Corolla. WGAS?
Dude, I can’t have a normal conversation when you post stupid . To say free is fking demofk . You fking know
I thought free meant you dont pay for it??

and as I said,

if I bought an EV today I could charge it without spending a dime,, and based on my driving the last 12 yrs I wouldnt have to pay for fuel for at least 12 more yrs,,

same would apply if I had a whole house system,,

most of those systems only work on 80% of production, at least thats how they should be designed,,

so for what I drive my fuel costs would be zero,, ie free,,,
I see little that is rational in this thread. Maybe it's just me.

The reason why the Tesla Model Y had the highest unit sales in the world for the first five months of this calendar year is because FOR MOST PEOPLE, the car combines comfort, features, performance, utility, and cost efficiency better than any other vehicle. I personally think it looks sort of dumpy, but I personally don't give a shit what my vehicle looks like.

FOR MOST PEOPLE, paying for the energy to propel that beast would be about 25% of the cost for a comparable ICE vehicle. This is because essentially all charging would be AT HOME, during overnight hours when the electric rate is lowest. MOST PEOPLE would be intelligent enough to use a charging protocol that both maximizes efficiency and maximizes battery life.

The batteries and motors on such cars will essentially last forever, if properly cared for. Even if you are one of those wacko's who keeps his car for ten years plus, by the time the battery needs replacement, you will be able to get it done at Pep Boys for three or four grand.

It's possible to imagine scenarios where an EV would be disadvantageous when compared to an ICE vehicle. Hell, with millions of them sold already, there are actual examples of people who have experienced nightmares with their EV's that simply would not have occurred if they had instead chose a fucking Toyota Corolla. WGAS?
oh man are they going to attack you,,,
No you can’t dummass. How?
of course I could,,,

I can see the plug in from where I am sitting,, everything that comes out of it costs me nothing,, in fact most of it would be extra thats not being used and buggering off into no where,,

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