The twisted world of Trump Pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein.

In a shocking investigative story, the Miami Herald delved into the sordid world of pedo Jeffrey Epstein. Though Epstein could have received life in prison, he reached a sweetheart plea agreement with the prosecution. The deal was:

Epstein woild serve just 13 months in the county jail, but the deal — called a non-prosecution agreement — essentially shut down an ongoing FBI probe into whether there were more victims and other powerful people who took part in Epstein’s sex crimes.

In other words a legal cover up.

But who was the prosecutor who negotiated this get out of jail free scheme for Epstein and the cover up? It was Alexander Acosta. Who is Alexander Acosta? Acosta is Trump's Secretary of Labor. What job is Acosta up for next? Possibly the next US attorney general.

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

Epstein was a pal of Trump's, Prince Andrews and Bill Clintons. May they all rot in hell for all I care. Only one of these toads was sued for child rape however for his conduct at an Epstein party and that was Donald J. Trump. Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl

That case was mysteriously dropped after Trump was elected President. How much did it cost Trump to get her to drop the case? I suspect millions. The plaintiff's case was filed before Trump declared for President.

All we have is silence from Trump and the other sleazes for this shocking deal for Epstein.

Why silence and no outrage? Where are the tweets and the outrage? I can only guess why.
Growing up, there was a pedophile on my stepdads side of the family. Every year a large group of us would meet at log cabin resort, including that pedophile. He molested a bunch of kids, but years went by before he was caught. Its a really tragic story that ruined a lot of lives.

Should people be mad at me because i knew him?
If he held parties where there were underage children running around, and your host was known for his sex parties and there were separate rooms for which the underage children and the adults to go, and you knew one of the participants had been sued for child rape, yes people should be mad at you for not reporting the perv.
What evidence do you have that Trump knew anything like that?
Read the lawsuit that was filed against him. Trump was known to frequent Epstein's Manhattan parties. Why would a teetotaler attend these parties you might ask yourself.?
The pedophile im talking about held marshmellow and hot dog roasting parties by a camp fire every night. Still, no one knew he molested kids. Pedophiles keep that sort of thing secret.
And very crafty at it too. Horrible opportunists.
In a shocking investigative story, the Miami Herald delved into the sordid world of pedo Jeffrey Epstein. Though Epstein could have received life in prison, he reached a sweetheart plea agreement with the prosecution. The deal was:

Epstein woild serve just 13 months in the county jail, but the deal — called a non-prosecution agreement — essentially shut down an ongoing FBI probe into whether there were more victims and other powerful people who took part in Epstein’s sex crimes.

In other words a legal cover up.

But who was the prosecutor who negotiated this get out of jail free scheme for Epstein and the cover up? It was Alexander Acosta. Who is Alexander Acosta? Acosta is Trump's Secretary of Labor. What job is Acosta up for next? Possibly the next US attorney general.

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

Epstein was a pal of Trump's, Prince Andrews and Bill Clintons. May they all rot in hell for all I care. Only one of these toads was sued for child rape however for his conduct at an Epstein party and that was Donald J. Trump. Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl

That case was mysteriously dropped after Trump was elected President. How much did it cost Trump to get her to drop the case? I suspect millions. The plaintiff's case was filed before Trump declared for President.

All we have is silence from Trump and the other sleazes for this shocking deal for Epstein.

Why silence and no outrage? Where are the tweets and the outrage? I can only guess why.

Sick that you are using this topic in your demented war against Trump.

OldLady see what we mean about wild allegations with no evidence to support them at all?
If there was no evidence to support them, why did he agree to a year and a month in jail? I've heard plenty of "wild allegations" about this guy--mostly when Bill Clinton or some other Democrat was flying to his private island for a sleepover. Where there is this much smoke, there is probably fire, especially if he took a plea deal.
I agree the OP is sensationalized prop. Not so sure your boy is "innocent," though. And please, don't enlighten me with details if you know any. I am not actually interested one way or the other.

I was referring to the allegations about Trump and the attempt to tie him to this guy's wrongdoing. I don't think there is any doubt that Epstein is a sexual predator.
OK. Her allegations were interesting though--I thought they made sense, although it never made it to the "evidence" phase, did it? DID someone settle the case to shut her up, or did it get dropped due to lack of prosecutorial evidence? Can paid prostitutes actually cry rape? That was what made that case interesting.

Maybe I'm just irritated by the fact that so many of these people who scream about every alleged bad behavior by a conservative dont have shit to say if it' a liberal , even if the liberal is caught red handed.
Put one out there for us to see. Wrong is wrong.
"Nude photos of underage girls found at Epstein's manhattan home"

When pure Evil is at work. Almost puked listening to this story over and over on the news. This may turn into something bigger because as a billionaire he has powerful friends. Stay tuned.
This will not go away soon.

The prosecution case was just a dog and pony show. The number of prominent people involved in Epstein's child sex ring will probably never be known. All we know is that the current occupant of the White House was one of them. Acosta has been rewarded for his fine work in this case and the cover -up.

Except for Bill Clinton. Your ex-president as well as many other prominent libtards got to screw children on one of the biggest financial supporters of the DNC.

Even the Hildebeast is widely known as a carpet muncher!!!.... You don't think Huma was so very close for no reason, do you?

The prosecution case was just a dog and pony show. The number of prominent people involved in Epstein's child sex ring will probably never be known. All we know is that the current occupant of the White House was one of them. Acosta has been rewarded for his fine work in this case and the cover -up.
No Trump wasn't. He banned Epstein for life from Mar-a-Lago fifteen years ago. But,hey, if "the Trump angle" is what it takes to get the hostile media to pay attention to the Epstein case, then so be it.
Do you know what I love about this story? My Republican buddy at work tried to say that Bill Clinton went to rape island too. It wasn't just Trump. Well guess what? We will give you Bill and Hillary Clinton. They did it. They did everything you ever claimed they did. Throw Bill in jail. Lock Hillary up. They serve us no purpose anymore.

But remember, when you lock them up, lock up Trump too.

If Obama was guilty by association with William Ayers and Rev Wright, Trump is guilty by association now right?

Ohh look, Silly Bonobo is lying through his fucking commie teeth again. How unique.

Now you fucking liar, let's look.


Well, yes, yes he did...

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

Did Donald Trump?

Well no, no he sure didn't.

“Clinton frequently flew with Epstein aboard his plane, then suddenly stopped – raising the suspicion that the friendship abruptly ended, perhaps because of events related to Epstein’s sexual abuse of children,” it said.

But what they also did not see was the fact that, before anyone was going after Epstein, President Trump took action against him.

And it was the attorney of some of Epstein’s victims that told the courts that Trump before he was president, took the action.

“Epstein was barred from President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., ‘because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club, according to court documents,’” The Washington Post reported.

“I learned through a source that Trump banned Epstein from his Maralago [Mar-A- Lago] Club in West Palm Beach because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club,” Fort Lauderdale lawyer Bradley Edwards’ said.

The arrest, by the FBI-NYPD Crimes Against Children Task Force, comes about 12 years after the 66-year-old financier essentially got a slap on the wrist for allegedly molesting dozens of underage girls in Florida.

Trump Banned Epstein From Mar-a-Lago Years Ago, Here’s Why… - Royal Family

As ALWAYS, the truth is the exact opposite of what your lying fucking ass posted....
Did Trump ever go to Pedo Island? No.

Billy Clinton did.

Only according to the same evidence that trump raped a 13 year old.

Ohh look, fucking liar fawn is lying again - such a fucking scumbag...


Bill Clinton took repeated trips on the " Lolita Express"—the private passenger jet owned by billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein—with an actress in softcore porn movies whose name appears in Epstein's address book under an entry for "massages," according to flight logbooks obtained by Gawker and published today for the first time. The logs also show that Clinton shared more than a dozen flights with a woman who federal prosecutors believe procured underage girls to sexually service Epstein and his friends and acted as a "potential co-conspirator" in his crimes.

* * *

Epstein's predatory past, and his now-inconvenient relationships with a Who's Who of the Davos set, hit the front pages again earlier this month when one of his victims, Virginia Roberts, claimed in a federal court filing that Epstein recruited her as a "sex slave" at the age of 15 and "sexually trafficked [her] to politically-connected and financially-powerful people," including Prince Andrew and attorney Alan Dershowitz. (The latter, the filing claimed, had sex with the victim "on private planes"; Dershowitz vigorously denies the charges, as does Prince Andrew.)

* * *

Two female associates of Epstein—the socialite Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein's former assistant Sarah Kellen—have been repeatedly accused in court filings of acting as pimps for him, recruiting and grooming young girls into their network of child sex workers, and frequently participating in sex acts with them. Kellen in particular was believed by detectives in the Palm Beach Police Department, which was the first to start unraveling the operation, to be so deeply involved in the enterprise that they prepared a warrant for her arrest as an accessory to molestation and sex with minors. In the end, she was never arrested or charged, and federal prosecutors granted her immunity in a 2007 non-prosecution agreement that described her as a "potential co-conspirator" in sex trafficking.

Maxwell, the daughter of the late media mogul Robert Maxwell, has been accused by Roberts of photographing Epstein's victims "in sexually explicit poses and [keeping] the child pornography on her computer," and "engag[ing] in lesbian sex with the underage females she procured for Epstein." She has denied the allegations in the past.

Clinton shared Epstein's plane with Kellen and Maxwell on at least 11 flights in 2002 and 2003—before any of the allegations against them became public—according to the pilots' logbooks, which have surfaced in civil litigation surrounding Epstein's crimes. In January 2002, for instance, Clinton, his aide Doug Band, and Clinton's Secret Service detail are listed on a flight from Japan to Hong Kong with Epstein, Maxwell, Kellen, and two women described only as "Janice" and "Jessica." One month later, records show, Clinton hopped a ride from Miami to Westchester on a flight that also included Epstein, Maxwell, Kellen, and a woman described only as "one female."


Former Secret Service Agent Threatens To Reveal Details About Bill Clinton And Epstein's "Lolita Express"

Well SHIT, asswipe, you sure are a lying fuck - and BUSTED again...

Psychopath scumbag.
In a shocking investigative story, the Miami Herald delved into the sordid world of pedo Jeffrey Epstein. Though Epstein could have received life in prison, he reached a sweetheart plea agreement with the prosecution. The deal was:

Epstein woild serve just 13 months in the county jail, but the deal — called a non-prosecution agreement — essentially shut down an ongoing FBI probe into whether there were more victims and other powerful people who took part in Epstein’s sex crimes.

In other words a legal cover up.

But who was the prosecutor who negotiated this get out of jail free scheme for Epstein and the cover up? It was Alexander Acosta. Who is Alexander Acosta? Acosta is Trump's Secretary of Labor. What job is Acosta up for next? Possibly the next US attorney general.

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

Epstein was a pal of Trump's, Prince Andrews and Bill Clintons. May they all rot in hell for all I care. Only one of these toads was sued for child rape however for his conduct at an Epstein party and that was Donald J. Trump. Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl

That case was mysteriously dropped after Trump was elected President. How much did it cost Trump to get her to drop the case? I suspect millions. The plaintiff's case was filed before Trump declared for President.

All we have is silence from Trump and the other sleazes for this shocking deal for Epstein.

Why silence and no outrage? Where are the tweets and the outrage? I can only guess why.

Do you know what I love about this story? My Republican buddy at work tried to say that Bill Clinton went to rape island too. It wasn't just Trump. Well guess what? We will give you Bill and Hillary Clinton. They did it. They did everything you ever claimed they did. Throw Bill in jail. Lock Hillary up. They serve us no purpose anymore.

But remember, when you lock them up, lock up Trump too.

If Obama was guilty by association with William Ayers and Rev Wright, Trump is guilty by association now right?
Honey, Trump never went. Clinton went at least 26 times.
In a shocking investigative story, the Miami Herald delved into the sordid world of pedo Jeffrey Epstein. Though Epstein could have received life in prison, he reached a sweetheart plea agreement with the prosecution. The deal was:

Epstein woild serve just 13 months in the county jail, but the deal — called a non-prosecution agreement — essentially shut down an ongoing FBI probe into whether there were more victims and other powerful people who took part in Epstein’s sex crimes.

In other words a legal cover up.

But who was the prosecutor who negotiated this get out of jail free scheme for Epstein and the cover up? It was Alexander Acosta. Who is Alexander Acosta? Acosta is Trump's Secretary of Labor. What job is Acosta up for next? Possibly the next US attorney general.

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

Epstein was a pal of Trump's, Prince Andrews and Bill Clintons. May they all rot in hell for all I care. Only one of these toads was sued for child rape however for his conduct at an Epstein party and that was Donald J. Trump. Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl

That case was mysteriously dropped after Trump was elected President. How much did it cost Trump to get her to drop the case? I suspect millions. The plaintiff's case was filed before Trump declared for President.

All we have is silence from Trump and the other sleazes for this shocking deal for Epstein.

Why silence and no outrage? Where are the tweets and the outrage? I can only guess why.

Do you know what I love about this story? My Republican buddy at work tried to say that Bill Clinton went to rape island too. It wasn't just Trump. Well guess what? We will give you Bill and Hillary Clinton. They did it. They did everything you ever claimed they did. Throw Bill in jail. Lock Hillary up. They serve us no purpose anymore.

But remember, when you lock them up, lock up Trump too.

If Obama was guilty by association with William Ayers and Rev Wright, Trump is guilty by association now right?
let me know when you find Trumps name.
Jeffrey Epstein: Complete FLIGHT LOGS of the Lolita Express and you should see the names! |
Prove Clinton went to pedophile isle at least 26 times.....

What if he only went 25 times, you lying psychopath fuckwad? Or only 24? :eek:
I thin
Do you know what I love about this story? My Republican buddy at work tried to say that Bill Clinton went to rape island too. It wasn't just Trump. Well guess what? We will give you Bill and Hillary Clinton. They did it. They did everything you ever claimed they did. Throw Bill in jail. Lock Hillary up. They serve us no purpose anymore.

But remember, when you lock them up, lock up Trump too.

If Obama was guilty by association with William Ayers and Rev Wright, Trump is guilty by association now right?
Honey, Trump never went. Clinton went at least 26 times.
Do you know what I love about this story? My Republican buddy at work tried to say that Bill Clinton went to rape island too. It wasn't just Trump. Well guess what? We will give you Bill and Hillary Clinton. They did it. They did everything you ever claimed they did. Throw Bill in jail. Lock Hillary up. They serve us no purpose anymore.

But remember, when you lock them up, lock up Trump too.

If Obama was guilty by association with William Ayers and Rev Wright, Trump is guilty by association now right?
let me know when you find Trumps name.
Jeffrey Epstein: Complete FLIGHT LOGS of the Lolita Express and you should see the names! |
Prove Clinton went to pedophile isle at least 26 times.....
Give it up already. No one can prove that he flew to the island. But that is kind of irrelevant.
Seriously? You think the flight logs from the prosecution of Epstein are fake?
The flight logs, as far as I am aware, don't show Clinton flying to the island.

Wanna bet?

Do you know what I love about this story? My Republican buddy at work tried to say that Bill Clinton went to rape island too. It wasn't just Trump. Well guess what? We will give you Bill and Hillary Clinton. They did it. They did everything you ever claimed they did. Throw Bill in jail. Lock Hillary up. They serve us no purpose anymore.

But remember, when you lock them up, lock up Trump too.

If Obama was guilty by association with William Ayers and Rev Wright, Trump is guilty by association now right?

Ohh look, Silly Bonobo is lying through his fucking commie teeth again. How unique.

Now you fucking liar, let's look.


Well, yes, yes he did...

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

Did Donald Trump?

Well no, no he sure didn't.

“Clinton frequently flew with Epstein aboard his plane, then suddenly stopped – raising the suspicion that the friendship abruptly ended, perhaps because of events related to Epstein’s sexual abuse of children,” it said.

But what they also did not see was the fact that, before anyone was going after Epstein, President Trump took action against him.

And it was the attorney of some of Epstein’s victims that told the courts that Trump before he was president, took the action.

“Epstein was barred from President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., ‘because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club, according to court documents,’” The Washington Post reported.

“I learned through a source that Trump banned Epstein from his Maralago [Mar-A- Lago] Club in West Palm Beach because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club,” Fort Lauderdale lawyer Bradley Edwards’ said.

The arrest, by the FBI-NYPD Crimes Against Children Task Force, comes about 12 years after the 66-year-old financier essentially got a slap on the wrist for allegedly molesting dozens of underage girls in Florida.

Trump Banned Epstein From Mar-a-Lago Years Ago, Here’s Why… - Royal Family

As ALWAYS, the truth is the exact opposite of what your lying fucking ass posted....

Well, yes, yes he did..."


According to your link -- no, he didn't....

but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane. They do show Clinton flying aboard Epstein’s plane to such destinations as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa.

... so what's your excuse for making false claims your evidence doesn't support, Comrade? Illiteracy?
I thin
Honey, Trump never went. Clinton went at least 26 times.
let me know when you find Trumps name.
Jeffrey Epstein: Complete FLIGHT LOGS of the Lolita Express and you should see the names! |
Prove Clinton went to pedophile isle at least 26 times.....
Give it up already. No one can prove that he flew to the island. But that is kind of irrelevant.
Seriously? You think the flight logs from the prosecution of Epstein are fake?
The flight logs, as far as I am aware, don't show Clinton flying to the island.

Wanna bet?

Dumbfuck ... not every flight goes to pedophile isle.

Can ya be any more brain-dead? I think not.

Another day another clinton sex scandal...this/these things go all the way back to Arkansas and Gennifer Flowers at least, which goes all the way back to the 80s at least
Another day another clinton sex scandal...this/these things go all the way back to Arkansas and Gennifer Flowers at least, which goes all the way back to the 80s at least

The drones think that if they JUST LIE HARD ENOUGH that somehow Hollywood elite, democrat financer Epstein will magically hurt Trump, you know, the one who prohibited the pervert from Mar-A-Lago...

Communists like Faun are not just psychopaths without a hint of integrity, not just abysmally stupid, but completely out of touch with reality...
Another day another clinton sex scandal...this/these things go all the way back to Arkansas and Gennifer Flowers at least, which goes all the way back to the 80s at least

The drones think that if they JUST LIE HARD ENOUGH that somehow Hollywood elite, democrat financer Epstein will magically hurt Trump, you know, the one who prohibited the pervert from Mar-A-Lago...

Communists like Faun are not just psychopaths without a hint of integrity, not just abysmally stupid, but completely out of touch with reality...
Imbecile, you posted an image of a flight log to New York and claimed it was Clinton going to pedophile isle in the Caribbean. You really are as crazy as you appear. Your Russian bot brothers are proud of your efforts though, so keep it up.

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