CDZ The two biggest mistakes of George W. Bush

There were a lot more saudis evacuated other than just osama relatives. You are not being logical to say the least.

You do not know whether or not the intelligence folks would have liked or wanted to interrogate them but were overruled or it may have all been done so quickly the intelligence community did not even know it was going on in time to try and persuade the politicians to have the saudis interrogated before they were allowed to depart.

I think any competent counter-terrorism officer would have loved to question at least some in that group.

In a nutshell the hasty evacuation was contrived and controlled by powerful politicians or their underlings without any concern other than to get them out and get them out as quickly as possible.

I think you need to look up "conjecture". I don't think you have it as that is all you have been posting. You don't know and have no facts supporting it. That is called a "conjecture".

  1. 1.
    an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

That describes you to a T of course. On the other hand I have quoted and linked competent and knowledgable people and various sources such as.........................September 11, 2001: Evacuation of Saudi Nationals - SourceWatch

Can you name anyone of a competent nature that has said they opposed the interrogation of the saudi evacuees? Of course not. Once again all you have is your opinion and it is not enough. Case closed.

Illogical. I cannot prove a negative. Keep digging! You are losing more with every irrelevant post you make.
There were a lot more saudis evacuated other than just osama relatives. You are not being logical to say the least.

You do not know whether or not the intelligence folks would have liked or wanted to interrogate them but were overruled or it may have all been done so quickly the intelligence community did not even know it was going on in time to try and persuade the politicians to have the saudis interrogated before they were allowed to depart.

I think any competent counter-terrorism officer would have loved to question at least some in that group.

In a nutshell the hasty evacuation was contrived and controlled by powerful politicians or their underlings without any concern other than to get them out and get them out as quickly as possible.

I think you need to look up "conjecture". I don't think you have it as that is all you have been posting. You don't know and have no facts supporting it. That is called a "conjecture".

  1. 1.
    an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

That describes you to a T of course. On the other hand I have quoted and linked competent and knowledgable people and various sources such as.........................September 11, 2001: Evacuation of Saudi Nationals - SourceWatch

Can you name anyone of a competent nature that has said they opposed the interrogation of the saudi evacuees? Of course not. Once again all you have is your opinion and it is not enough. Case closed.

Illogical. I cannot prove a negative. Keep digging! You are losing more with every irrelevant post you make.

No one has asked you to prove anything. Again....this case is closed. You lost deal wid it.

No. The case was closed in 2011. Osama is dead. I won. You deal with it.
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.
-------------------------------------- my biggest problem with 'gwb' is he was / is pro immigration , especially third worlders from south of the USA Border . And that is the same as all the 'bush' familia so i consider them all to be my enemies especially the remaining 'jebito bush' and his 'jorge bush' spawn . Also the statement about 'islam' being a religion of peace . And i did vote for 'gwb' one time .
Newsbreaking and controversial -- an award-winning investigative journalist uncovers the thirty-year relationship between the Bush family and the House of Saud and explains its impact on American foreign policy, business, and national security.
House of Bush, House of Saud begins with a politically explosive question: How is it that two days after 9/11, when U.S. air traffic was tightly restricted, 140 Saudis, many immediate kin to Osama Bin Laden, were permitted to leave the country without being questioned by U.S. intelligence?
The answer lies in a hidden relationship that began in the 1970s, when the oil-rich House of Saud began courting American politicians in a bid for military protection, influence, and investment opportunity. With the Bush family, the Saudis hit a gusher -- direct access to presidents Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush. To trace the amazing weave of Saud- Bush connections, Unger interviewed three former directors of the CIA, top Saudi and Israeli intelligence officials, and more than one hundred other sources. His access to major players is unparalleled and often exclusive -- including executives at the Carlyle Group, the giant investment firm where the House of Bush and the House of Saud each has a major stake.
Like Bob Woodward's The Veil, Unger's House of Bush, House of Saud features unprecedented reportage; like Michael Moore's Dude, Where's My Country? Unger's book offers a political counter-narrative to official explanations; this deeply sourced account has already been cited by Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Charles Schumer, and sets 9/11, the two Gulf Wars, and the ongoing Middle East crisis in a new context: What really happened when America's most powerful political family became seduced by its Saudi counterparts?

But the Bush's are such nice folks....Jeb especially and George is considered very likeable even by michell, hillary, etc.

I suppose the real question here though is....did the Bush's sell out America for financial gain?


No. The real question would be that if Osama cared about his offspring (of which he had dozens), would he have allowed them to remain in the US as targets for possible reprisal for the attacks?

Of course not! Osama's dozens of offspring meant nothing to him except as a result of a prolific sex life with a LOT of women he called wives.

The passengers should have been questioned about any links to Osama bin Laden, or his financing. We have long known that some faction of the Saudi elite has helped funnel money to Islamist terrorists --inadvertently at least. Prince Ahmed bin Salman, who has been accused of being an intermediary between Al Qaeda and the House of Saud, boarded one of the evacuation planes in Kentucky. Was he interrogated by the F.B.I. before he left? Of course not.

If the Saudi evacuees had been interrogated by competent authorities some valuable intelligence may have been obtained. At the very least it was a prudent thing to do.

If he were truly suspected, he would have been questioned long before this happened. 20/20 hindsight.

What part of the "Osama was disowned by his entire family" did you not understand? If there had been any attempt at support for him, don't you think our intelligence community would have known about it since we had been trying to kill or capture bin Laden for a LONG time?

I think you and others are merely looking for an excuse to complain.
It was more than OBL it was a whole radical Islamic movement centered in Saudi Arabia

Newsbreaking and controversial -- an award-winning investigative journalist uncovers the thirty-year relationship between the Bush family and the House of Saud and explains its impact on American foreign policy, business, and national security.
House of Bush, House of Saud begins with a politically explosive question: How is it that two days after 9/11, when U.S. air traffic was tightly restricted, 140 Saudis, many immediate kin to Osama Bin Laden, were permitted to leave the country without being questioned by U.S. intelligence?
The answer lies in a hidden relationship that began in the 1970s, when the oil-rich House of Saud began courting American politicians in a bid for military protection, influence, and investment opportunity. With the Bush family, the Saudis hit a gusher -- direct access to presidents Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush. To trace the amazing weave of Saud- Bush connections, Unger interviewed three former directors of the CIA, top Saudi and Israeli intelligence officials, and more than one hundred other sources. His access to major players is unparalleled and often exclusive -- including executives at the Carlyle Group, the giant investment firm where the House of Bush and the House of Saud each has a major stake.
Like Bob Woodward's The Veil, Unger's House of Bush, House of Saud features unprecedented reportage; like Michael Moore's Dude, Where's My Country? Unger's book offers a political counter-narrative to official explanations; this deeply sourced account has already been cited by Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Charles Schumer, and sets 9/11, the two Gulf Wars, and the ongoing Middle East crisis in a new context: What really happened when America's most powerful political family became seduced by its Saudi counterparts?

But the Bush's are such nice folks....Jeb especially and George is considered very likeable even by michell, hillary, etc.

I suppose the real question here though is....did the Bush's sell out America for financial gain?


No. The real question would be that if Osama cared about his offspring (of which he had dozens), would he have allowed them to remain in the US as targets for possible reprisal for the attacks?

Of course not! Osama's dozens of offspring meant nothing to him except as a result of a prolific sex life with a LOT of women he called wives.

The passengers should have been questioned about any links to Osama bin Laden, or his financing. We have long known that some faction of the Saudi elite has helped funnel money to Islamist terrorists --inadvertently at least. Prince Ahmed bin Salman, who has been accused of being an intermediary between Al Qaeda and the House of Saud, boarded one of the evacuation planes in Kentucky. Was he interrogated by the F.B.I. before he left? Of course not.

If the Saudi evacuees had been interrogated by competent authorities some valuable intelligence may have been obtained. At the very least it was a prudent thing to do.

If he were truly suspected, he would have been questioned long before this happened. 20/20 hindsight.

What part of the "Osama was disowned by his entire family" did you not understand? If there had been any attempt at support for him, don't you think our intelligence community would have known about it since we had been trying to kill or capture bin Laden for a LONG time?

I think you and others are merely looking for an excuse to complain.
It was more than OBL it was a whole radical Islamic movement centered in Saudi Arabia

Islam is a radical religion...there have been periods in history where they were quiet but time and again they have come storming out of the desert ready to conquer the world....that is part of their religion.

People like g.w. bush who trotted around the world proclaiming islam to be a religion of peace are either stupid, ignorant or lying for some nefarious the case of bush most likely because of the families close relationship with the Saudis.

Jihad is part of their religion.

Understanding Jihad Part Two: The Creed Behind the Cruelty

1.5 billion Muslims in the world. Overwhelming majority are peaceful

It is the violent radical faction that evolved in Saudi Arabia that creates the problems
'nazi' types , or the true believers in 'mo' and 'izlam' will control and murder the APOSTATES or peaceful 'muzlims' and what will the socalled Peaceful 'muzlims' do RWinger ??.
i mean , hey , how many 'nazis' controlled the vast majority of peaceful 'germans' before and during ww2 RWinger ??
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.
Choosing the biggest idiot of all time for VP.. Quayle.
And same with Low IQer for the USSC... Clarence Thomas.
'nazi' types , or the true believers in 'mo' and 'izlam' will control and murder the APOSTATES or peaceful 'muzlims' and what will the socalled Peaceful 'muzlims' do RWinger ??.
Reminder to take your meds
'nazi' types , or the true believers in 'mo' and 'izlam' will control and murder the APOSTATES or peaceful 'muzlims' and what will the socalled Peaceful 'muzlims' do RWinger ??.
----------------------------------------- read it again and try to respond with a response that makes some sense RWinger
It began with a chartered flight from Tampa, Fla., to Lexington, Ky., on Sept. 13. Soon there were at least eight planes stopping in 12 U.S. cities to fly Saudis out. About two dozen passengers were related to Bin Laden. Because of the lockdown, the initial flight required authorization from the highest levels of government -- and specifically from the White House. Former counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke said he was a party to such conversations in the White House.
October 2003: Craig Unger Saudia Arabia

Didn't read your own link, did you?

They never left the US until after the flight ban was lifted.

Your statement was false.Your own link verified it! Try reading the whole article this time.

Do you have some kind of problem with reading?

The Great Escape

Americans who think the 9/11 commission is going to answer all the crucial questions about the terrorist attacks are likely to be sorely disappointed -- especially if they're interested in the secret evacuation of Saudis by plane that began just after Sept. 11.

We knew that 15 out of 19 hijackers were Saudis. We knew that Osama bin Laden, a Saudi, was behind 9/11. Yet we did not conduct a police-style investigation of the departing Saudis, of whom two dozen were members. of the bin Laden family. That is not to say that they were complicit in the attacks.

Unfortunately, though, we may never know the real story. The investigative panel has already concluded that there is ''no credible evidence that any chartered flights of Saudi Arabian nationals departed the United States before the reopening of national airspace.'' But the real point is that there were still some restrictions on American airspace when the Saudi flights began.

In addition, new evidence shows that the evacuation involved more than the departure of 142 Saudis on six charter flights that the commission is investigating. According to newly released documents, 160 Saudis left the United States on 55 flights immediately after 9/11 -- making a total of about 300 people who left with the apparent approval of the Bush administration, far more than has been reported before. The records were released by the Department of Homeland Security in response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by Judicial Watch, a conservative, nonpartisan watchdog group in Washington.

The vast majority of the newly disclosed flights were commercial airline flights, not charters, often carrying just two or three Saudi passengers. They originated from more than 20 cities, including Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit and Houston. One Saudi Arabian Airlines flight left Kennedy Airport on Sept. 13 with 46 Saudis. The next day, another Saudi Arabian Airlines flight left with 13 Saudis.

The panel has indicated that it has yet to find any evidence that the F.B.I. checked the manifests of departing flights against its terror watch list. The departures of additional Saudis raise more questions for the panel. Richard Clarke, the former counterterrorism czar, told The Hill newspaper recently that he took full responsibility for approving some flights. But we don't know if other Bush administration officials participated in the decision.
The Great Escape

September 11, 2001: Evacuation of Saudi Nationals - SourceWatch

Reda the part you highlighted.

The investigative panel has already concluded that there is ''no credible evidence that any chartered flights of Saudi Arabian nationals departed the United States before the reopening of national airspace.'' But the real point is that there were still some restrictions on American airspace when the Saudi flights began.
I am not bothering to read that..drek. This is tantamount to saying there isn't any evidence that the Japanese ruling government actually attacked us on December 7th 1941. Nope . Instead, it was rouge operatives within the Japanese military that did that whole surprise attack thing, it was fluke. Like it matters? 3 thousand dead Americans either way. Eye roll here. Question is: Why are you defending the Saudis? Riddle me this riddle me THAT. It's rather obvious what happened on 9/11. I don't need to read through ream after ream of documents to see what is at the tip of my nose . This ends up looking like obfuscations and redirects . Question is, why are you defending Saudi Arabia?

Why am I defending Saudi Arabia? Because you are blaming them for something they did not do. Are you like the liberals who believe in collusion because that is the only way Trump could have beaten Hillary was to cheat? That is is EXACTLY how you are acting.

Are you like conservatives who believe Clinton must be guilty because 'everyone' says she must be guilty of something. That is exactly how you are acting.

However, I do stand with you on the facts- I despise the Saudi Arabian government- but the OP is just promoting his own conspiracy theory here.

And back on topic- biggest mistakes Bush made were to invade Iraq and the second biggest mistake was to invade Iraq without a game plan on what to do with Iraq after we beat iraq.
There were a lot more saudis evacuated other than just osama relatives. You are not being logical to say the least.

You do not know whether or not the intelligence folks would have liked or wanted to interrogate them but were overruled or it may have all been done so quickly the intelligence community did not even know it was going on in time to try and persuade the politicians to have the saudis interrogated before they were allowed to depart.

I think any competent counter-terrorism officer would have loved to question at least some in that group.

In a nutshell the hasty evacuation was contrived and controlled by powerful politicians or their underlings without any concern other than to get them out and get them out as quickly as possible.

I think you need to look up "conjecture". I don't think you have it as that is all you have been posting. You don't know and have no facts supporting it. That is called a "conjecture".

  1. 1.
    an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

That describes you to a T of course. On the other hand I have quoted and linked competent and knowledgable people and various sources such as.........................September 11, 2001: Evacuation of Saudi Nationals - SourceWatch

Can you name anyone of a competent nature that has said they opposed the interrogation of the saudi evacuees? Of course not. Once again all you have is your opinion and it is not enough. Case closed.

Illogical. I cannot prove a negative. Keep digging! You are losing more with every irrelevant post you make.
There were a lot more saudis evacuated other than just osama relatives. You are not being logical to say the least.

You do not know whether or not the intelligence folks would have liked or wanted to interrogate them but were overruled or it may have all been done so quickly the intelligence community did not even know it was going on in time to try and persuade the politicians to have the saudis interrogated before they were allowed to depart.

I think any competent counter-terrorism officer would have loved to question at least some in that group.

In a nutshell the hasty evacuation was contrived and controlled by powerful politicians or their underlings without any concern other than to get them out and get them out as quickly as possible.

I think you need to look up "conjecture". I don't think you have it as that is all you have been posting. You don't know and have no facts supporting it. That is called a "conjecture".

  1. 1.
    an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

That describes you to a T of course. On the other hand I have quoted and linked competent and knowledgable people and various sources such as.........................September 11, 2001: Evacuation of Saudi Nationals - SourceWatch

Can you name anyone of a competent nature that has said they opposed the interrogation of the saudi evacuees? Of course not. Once again all you have is your opinion and it is not enough. Case closed.

Illogical. I cannot prove a negative. Keep digging! You are losing more with every irrelevant post you make.

No one has asked you to prove anything. Again....this case is closed. You lost deal wid it.
I love how someone on a chat board declares himself a winner and declares he is taking his toys and going home now.

“9/11 Commission”). In their final report, the commission noted:

Three questions have arisen with respect to the departure of Saudi nationals from the United States in the immediate aftermath of 9/11: (1) Did any flights of Saudi nationals take place before national airspace reopened on September 13, 2001? (2) Was there any political intervention to facilitate the departure of Saudi nationals? (3) Did the FBI screen Saudi nationals thoroughly before their departure?First, we found no evidence that any flights of Saudi nationals, domestic or international, took place before the reopening of national airspace on the morning of September 13, 2001. To the contrary, every flight we have identified occurred after national airspace reopened.

Second, we found no evidence of political intervention. We found no evidence that anyone at the White House above the level of [National Security Council official] Richard Clarke participated in a decision on the departure of Saudi nationals … The President and Vice President told us they were not aware of the issue at all until it surfaced much later in the media. None of the officials we interviewed recalled any intervention or direction on this matter from any political appointee.

Third, we believe that the FBI conducted a satisfactory screening of Saudi nationals who left the United State on charter flights. The Saudi government was advised of and agree to the FBI’s requirements that passengers be identified and checked against various databases before the flights departed. The Federal Aviation Administration representative working in the FBI operations center made sure that the FBI was aware of the flights of Saudi nationals and was able to screen the passengers before they were allowed to depart.

The FBI interviewed all persons of interest on these flights prior to their departures. They concluded that none of the passengers was connected to the 9/11 attacks and have since found no evidence to change that conclusion. Our own independent review of the Saudi nationals involved confirms that no one with known links to terrorism departed on these flights.

The 9/11 Commission also expanded on the following points in footnotes to the section of the report quoted above:

During the morning of September 11, the FAA suspended all nonemergency air activity in the national airspace. While the national airspace was closed, decisions to allow aircraft to fly were made by the FAA working with the Department of Defense, Department of State, U.S. Secret Service, and the FBI. The Department of Transportation reopened the national airspace to U.S. carriers effective 11:00 A.M. on September 13, 2001, for flights out of or into airports that had implemented the FAA’s new security requirements.After the airspace reopened, nine chartered flights with 160 people, mostly Saudi nationals, departed from the United States between September 14 and 24. In addition, one Saudi government flight, containing the Saudi deputy defense minister and other members of an official Saudi delegation, departed Newark Airport on September 14. Every airport involved in these Saudi flights was open when the flight departed, and no inappropriate actions were taken to allow those flights to depart.

Another particular allegation is that a flight carrying Saudi nationals from Tampa, Florida, to Lexington, Kentucky, was allowed to fly while airspace was closed, with special approval by senior U.S. government officials. On September 13, Tampa police brought three young Saudis they were protecting on an off-duty security detail to the airport so they could get on a plane to Lexington. Tampa police arranged for two more private investigators to provide security on the flight. They boarded a chartered Learjet. The plane took off at 4:37 P.M., after national airspace was open, more than five hours after the Tampa airport had reopened, and after other flights had arrived at and departed from that airport. The three Saudi nationals debarked from the plane and were met by local police. Their private security guards were paid. and the police then escorted the three Saudi passengers to a hotel where they joined relatives already in Lexington. The FBI is alleged to have had no record of the flight and denied that it occurred, hence contributing to the story of a “phantom flight.” This is another misunderstanding. The FBI was initially misinformed about how the Saudis got to Lexington by a local police officer in Lexington who did not have firsthand knowledge of the matter. The Bureau subsequently learned about the flight.

These flights were screened by law enforcement officials, primarily the FBI. For example, one flight, the so-called Bin Ladin flight, departed the United States on September 20 with 26 passengers, most of them relatives of Usama Bin Ladin. Screening of this flight was directed by an FBI agent in the Baltimore Field Office who was also a pilot … The Bin Ladin flight and other flights we examined were screened in accordance with policies set by FBI headquarters and coordinated through working-level interagency processes. Although most of the passengers were not interviewed, 22 of the 26 people on the Bin Ladin flight were interviewed by the FBI. Many were asked detailed questions. None of the passengers stated that they had any recent contact with Usama Bin Ladin or knew anything about terrorist activity.
FACT CHECK: Flights of Fancy
'nazi' types , or the true believers in 'mo' and 'izlam' will control and murder the APOSTATES or peaceful 'muzlims' and what will the socalled Peaceful 'muzlims' do RWinger ??.
----------------------------------------- read it again and try to respond with a response that makes some sense RWinger
No ....seriously
You need to see someone
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.
Choosing the biggest idiot of all time for VP.. Quayle.
And same with Low IQer for the USSC... Clarence Thomas.

Why do think Quayle was an idiot? Why do you think Clarence Thomas has a low IQ?

I am betting they would blow yours out the door.
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.
Choosing the biggest idiot of all time for VP.. Quayle.
And same with Low IQer for the USSC... Clarence Thomas.

Why do think Quayle was an idiot? Why do you think Clarence Thomas has a low IQ?

I am betting they would blow yours out the door.
Quayle was a lightweight so is Thomas

Their records confirm it
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.
Choosing the biggest idiot of all time for VP.. Quayle.
And same with Low IQer for the USSC... Clarence Thomas.

Why do think Quayle was an idiot? Why do you think Clarence Thomas has a low IQ?

I am betting they would blow yours out the door.
Quayle was a lightweight so is Thomas

Their records confirm it
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.
Choosing the biggest idiot of all time for VP.. Quayle.
And same with Low IQer for the USSC... Clarence Thomas.

Why do think Quayle was an idiot? Why do you think Clarence Thomas has a low IQ?

I am betting they would blow yours out the door.
Quayle was a lightweight so is Thomas

Their records confirm it
------------------------------- sounds like YOUR opinion RWinger .
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.
Choosing the biggest idiot of all time for VP.. Quayle.
And same with Low IQer for the USSC... Clarence Thomas.

Why do think Quayle was an idiot? Why do you think Clarence Thomas has a low IQ?

I am betting they would blow yours out the door.
Quayle was a lightweight so is Thomas

Their records confirm it
------------------------------- sounds like YOUR opinion RWinger .


Show anyone who claims Quayle was a good VP or Thomas is a great SC Justice
but was 'biden' great , is Mike Pence great , was 'Scalia' great , is 'ruth bader ginzburg' great . Is the 'buritto eater' 'soto' great . No matter what you say , its simply your OPINION RWinger .
Last edited:
and on Clarence Thomas , little i follow him he seems fine , He is Pro Gun so that alone makes him Great RWinger .

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