The U.S. is number 28 in gun homicides with 2.97 per 100,000

Japan also has a culture that emphasize the honor of suicide... unlike western ones that consider it a mortal sin...

Fact is, guns make suicide easier... and it was completely valid for Kellerman to count them.

And frankly, I've known a few people who've buried loved ones who killed themselves with guns... and the thing they've always said is,"Why did I have that damned gun in the house?"

Why indeed?

This is pretty sick. You want to condemn innocent people to death when faced with danger, just so that you can make it easier to force other people to live even though they'd prefer to die of their own accord. This is your problem, you have no respect for other people's right to have control over their own lives.
He's a progressive. He hates everyone, he thinks he should dictate how they live their lives, and he loathes freedom.

Most of society is protecting us from our own bad judgement.

That's why you have warning labels on just about everything.

Mean old government. Those kids should figure out for themselves that Mr. Clean isn't Soda Pop!

While I would be more than happy to watch the Right Wing "Freedom" themselves the fuck out of the Gene Pool, the problem is you guys tend to expect the rest of us to pay for your stupidity...
Most of society is protecting us from our own bad judgement.

That's why you have warning labels on just about everything.

No, those warning labels are a company's way of PROTECTING THEMSELVES from frivolous lawsuits that will be costly to defend against even when unfounded.

While I would be more than happy to watch the Right Wing "Freedom" themselves the fuck out of the Gene Pool, the problem is you guys tend to expect the rest of us to pay for your stupidity...

So yet again, you oppose freedom.
Most of society is protecting us from our own bad judgement.

That's why you have warning labels on just about everything.

No, those warning labels are a company's way of PROTECTING THEMSELVES from frivolous lawsuits that will be costly to defend against even when unfounded.

While I would be more than happy to watch the Right Wing "Freedom" themselves the fuck out of the Gene Pool, the problem is you guys tend to expect the rest of us to pay for your stupidity...

So yet again, you oppose freedom.

No, I oppose people having weapons that they shouldn't have.

As far as those "frivilous" lawsuits, the point is, big corporations would sell us all sorts of dangerous shit if the government didn't crack down on them.

Asbestos. The Ford Pinto. Man, that kind of Freedom, I could do without! I like oppressive clean air, oppressive clean water and really oppressive safe workplaces! Mean old Government, restricting your freedom!

Why is it RW nutters (and you, for some reason I can't understand) define "Freedom" as the ability of the wealthy to abuse the rest of us.

Case in point with guns. We have a proliferation of guns in this country because the gun manufacturers exaggerate the value of guns in home protection. They don't put a warning label that reads "This weapon is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy!"
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No, I oppose people having weapons that they shouldn't have.

"Shouldn't" according to.....YOU! :eusa_shhh:

As far as those "frivilous" lawsuits, the point is, big corporations would sell us all sorts of dangerous shit if the government didn't crack down on them.

:lol: Lawsuits come from citizens, not the government. God damn, you're really unhinged.

Asbestos. The Ford Pinto. Man, that kind of Freedom, I could do without! I like oppressive clean air, oppressive clean water and really oppressive safe workplaces! Mean old Government, restricting your freedom!

And none of that has anything to do with gun rights.

Why is it RW nutters (and you, for some reason I can't understand) define "Freedom" as the ability of the wealthy to abuse the rest of us.

What are you talking about? Me owning a gun is NOT "the wealthy abusing the rest of [you]." Come on man! Are you getting your arguments by deciphering deep fried shit balls thrown against a wall?

The reason I support individuals' gun rights is the same reason I support gay marriage, abortion rights, decriminalizing marijuana, etc. There's not legitimate government interest that can be served or accomplished by impeding such things. I support the right of people to live how they want.

Case in point with guns. We have a proliferation of guns in this country because the gun manufacturers exaggerate the value of guns in home protection.

What do you think Apple does with the Iphone? What does Microsoft do with Windows? What does Nintendo do with all of it's various platforms? What does Magic Bullet do? It's called marketing! Every single company in the world does it in an attempt to sell as many of their products as possible.

They don't put a warning label that reads "This weapon is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy!"

Nor should they be expected to. After all, 97% of statistics are twisted out of context.
I'm not going to plow through all this crap...because I think I got you unhinged enough.

As far as those "frivilous" lawsuits, the point is, big corporations would sell us all sorts of dangerous shit if the government didn't crack down on them.

:lol: Lawsuits come from citizens, not the government. God damn, you're really unhinged.

And you are being disingenuous. The lawsuits are only possible because GOVERNMENT courts hear cases of how companies violated consumer protection laws passed by Congress.

Case in point- the Pinto. It would have cost $11.00 a unit to repair the defect that made the Pinto the "Barbaque that Seats Four". But Ford decided that it was cheaper to pay the settlements than make the repairs. It wasn't until the NHTSA demanded they all be recalled and repaired was the problem fixed.

Mean Old Gummit restricting your freedom to fry like a chicken!

What are you talking about? Me owning a gun is NOT "the wealthy abusing the rest of [you]." Come on man! Are you getting your arguments by deciphering deep fried shit balls thrown against a wall?

The reason I support individuals' gun rights is the same reason I support gay marriage, abortion rights, decriminalizing marijuana, etc. There's not legitimate government interest that can be served or accomplished by impeding such things. I support the right of people to live how they want.

We have 31,000 gun deaths a year... I think there is a very legitimate government interest in bringing that number down.

But we have 300 million guns out there because the gun industry is selling a lie. Now, yeah, companies exaggerate the merits of their products all the time. But no one ever died becaue Axe Body Wash didn't make him irresistable to women.

16,000 Americans bury family members who kill themselves every year with that gun that was supposed to protect them from bad guys.
We have 31,000 gun deaths a year... I think there is a very legitimate government interest in bringing that number down.

Why, because it would be better if they were knife deaths?

But we have 300 million guns out there

But only 31,000 gun deaths. Which just goes to show you're rallying against a marginal rate so small that it can't justify infringing on people's rights.

because the gun industry is selling a lie.

Says who?

Now, yeah, companies exaggerate the merits of their products all the time. But no one ever died becaue Axe Body Wash didn't make him irresistable to women.

Blah, blah, blah. The fact that some individuals choose to own guns for self defense is a simple matter of personal decision and belief. Nobody is pushing any lie. And even if they were, what does that have to do with the fact that the one's responsible for crimes are the INDIVIDUALS who choose to commit crimes? You just can't seem to wrap your mind around the fact that PEOPLE have just a teensy bit of responsibility for their own actions and decisions, can you?

16,000 Americans bury family members who kill themselves every year with that gun that was supposed to protect them from bad guys.

And the fact that you're trying to politicize their suicides is absolutely despicable. First of all, who are you to say that those people should have been prevented from dying in the first place? It was THEIR lives, not yours. Keep your fucking hands off.

daveman's fascination and approval of all thing Hitler becomes more apparent daily.
Approval? Only a retard would believe I approve of Hitler tactics.

However, you Brown Shirt-wannabes on the left seem to endorse them.

You are projecting. You and bripat and bigrebnc are the brown shirt admirers here.
Listen to what you're saying. Take, take, take. Infringe, infringe, infringe. Maybe you need to stop worrying so much about other people and worry a little more about yourself.

Listen to what you are saying, inthemiddle: I am a member of the American society but I don't want to play by the rules. Leave then.
No. We don't want to play by YOUR rules, you little fascist.

You are the nazicons, daveman. You will play by the rules of our constitutional republic as determined by constitutional, electoral process and our legislatures and courts.

You don't make the rules, daveman.
We are a constitutional republic governed by the Rule of Law.

The ultra radical cons and libertarians will not take away our freedoms and liberties as an American people
That's funny, coming from someone who insists people should be subservient to government.

You lie, as always. I insist that we are a nation of the Rule of Law by constitutional, electoral process as determined by our legislatures and courts, certainly not by the ultra right nazis like you.
Most of society is protecting us from our own bad judgement.

That's why you have warning labels on just about everything.

No, those warning labels are a company's way of PROTECTING THEMSELVES from frivolous lawsuits that will be costly to defend against even when unfounded.

While I would be more than happy to watch the Right Wing "Freedom" themselves the fuck out of the Gene Pool, the problem is you guys tend to expect the rest of us to pay for your stupidity...

So yet again, you oppose freedom.

No, I oppose people having weapons that they shouldn't have.

In other words, you oppose freedom.

As far as those "frivilous" lawsuits, the point is, big corporations would sell us all sorts of dangerous shit if the government didn't crack down on them.

Asbestos. The Ford Pinto. Man, that kind of Freedom, I could do without! I like oppressive clean air, oppressive clean water and really oppressive safe workplaces! Mean old Government, restricting your freedom!

Yeah, that's right, corporations make big profits by killing and maiming their customers. Medicine didn't know that asbestos caused cancer until after it had been in common use for hundreds of years.

Why is it RW nutters (and you, for some reason I can't understand) define "Freedom" as the ability of the wealthy to abuse the rest of us.

No one is forcing you to buy a pinto or use asbestos, asshole.

Case in point with guns. We have a proliferation of guns in this country because the gun manufacturers exaggerate the value of guns in home protection. They don't put a warning label that reads "This weapon is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy!"

Why should the put a "warning label" on them that's a total fucking lie? The problem with liberals is that everything they know is a lie. Of course, how else can you get people to willingly trade away their freedom except by lying to them?
bripart in opposing "freedom" wants anarchy so he can oppose everybody and suppress them. Typical libertarian loony.

Look at the homicide rate Twinkie! 4.8 for the US, but 90% of the homicides are done is inner city gang violence committed by the use of illegal weapons! The responsible gun owner who are mostly outside these metropolitian areas, aren't killing at the rate people like you make it seem like. In fact take out the inner city gang violence and we would be right in line with Western Europe!

See stupid people like say guns are the problem, because you don't want to be called a racist for pointing out that it's inner city violence caused by Black and Hispanic gangs! See I don't care either about that, because you will call me a racist regardless!
It's not a hypothetical question, everybody has a line in the sand. So
in your opinion what would be the grounds for overthrowing the government?


Are you fricken nutz?

Never mind grounds.

How about method.

Start there.

Jeezus, WHERE do you people get your imagination?
God damn shit stain what in the fuck is your problem? Was the question to much for you to comprehend?

What does method have to do with a persons reason for thinking the government should be overthrown?

Would you have a line in the sand that should not be cross by the government? Or would you just roll over like the coward you appear to be?

It has everything to do with it.

Why do the nutters believe they CAN overthrow the US government?

Haven't they noticed we have the biggest, most bloated and most over-funded military on this planet?

You're children, swaggering and huffing and puffing and threatening to put out a forest fire with a marshmallow.

Not to mention how stupid it is to stockpile guns to protect yourself from the government that is Constitutionally obligated to let you have guns.
The wacks to the ultra radical right and libertarian position truly believe mainstream Pubs and Dems are "commies" and "socialists" and "nazis" and poo poo heads. :lol:
28th ???
I'm sure if we work harder we can be #1

His statistics are BS. I have looked all over and find the US rated at between 7 and 11 in the homicide ratings.

I feel whole lot better knowing that we are better than countries like El Salvatore and Columbia.
The wacks to the ultra radical right and libertarian position truly believe mainstream Pubs and Dems are "commies" and "socialists" and "nazis" and poo poo heads. :lol:

Yep, and they're ready to overthrow all them thar "commies" and "socialists" and "nazis" and poo poo heads.

Cleaning guns is easier than reading FACTS.
Reality Check time

Anti-gun Argument Destroyed !

Anti-gun Argument Destroyed ! - YouTube

I would like to know where you got your stats. The ones I find put us anywhere from 7th to 12th. It is not a great comfort to know we are better than countries like Zimbabwe or crime ridden spots like Mexico and Columbia.

Maybe you would like to look at some stats that compare us to our cultural and economic equals.

The death of innocents: Murder and guns in the USA |

Gun violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From the video and from UK's own news source

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Mail Online

It is good that you hide behind the term "violent crime". Robberies and burglaries rarely result in in much violence. It a question of comparison and the comparison sucks.
I would like to know where you got your stats. The ones I find put us anywhere from 7th to 12th. It is not a great comfort to know we are better than countries like Zimbabwe or crime ridden spots like Mexico and Columbia.

Maybe you would like to look at some stats that compare us to our cultural and economic equals.

The death of innocents: Murder and guns in the USA |

Gun violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From the video and from UK's own news source

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Mail Online

It is good that you hide behind the term "violent crime". Robberies and burglaries rarely result in in much violence. It a question of comparison and the comparison sucks.
Blah blah blah blah gun control blah blah blah blah assault weapons bad blah blah blah blah blah ban assault weapons blah blah blah blah blah more gun control blah blah blah blah

Does that sum up what you said?

Are you fricken nutz?

Never mind grounds.

How about method.

Start there.

Jeezus, WHERE do you people get your imagination?
God damn shit stain what in the fuck is your problem? Was the question to much for you to comprehend?

What does method have to do with a persons reason for thinking the government should be overthrown?

Would you have a line in the sand that should not be cross by the government? Or would you just roll over like the coward you appear to be?

It has everything to do with it.

Why do the nutters believe they CAN overthrow the US government?

Haven't they noticed we have the biggest, most bloated and most over-funded military on this planet?

You're children, swaggering and huffing and puffing and threatening to put out a forest fire with a marshmallow.

Not to mention how stupid it is to stockpile guns to protect yourself from the government that is Constitutionally obligated to let you have guns.

No the fuck it does not. method hasn't got one fucking thing to do with a persons line in the sand.

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