The U.S. is number 28 in gun homicides with 2.97 per 100,000

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I will say one thing though, violent video games have not been proven to cause violence in any way shape or form.

So, there's a whole bunch of people that are full of shit in this matter, no matter what.
28th ???
I'm sure if we work harder we can be #1

His statistics are BS. I have looked all over and find the US rated at between 7 and 11 in the homicide ratings.

I feel whole lot better knowing that we are better than countries like El Salvatore and Columbia.

Maybe if you would try just a little hard you could find the information

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country | News |
Not every firearm-related death is a homicide.

So, it looks like you're wrong.

So it looks like you are full of shit. Again.

That list does list homocides and suicides, unintentional, and undetermined.

And the rate of homocides in the US is 7 times that of Canada, 37 times that of Australia. 15 times that of France. Over 70 times that of Great Britain.
28th ???
I'm sure if we work harder we can be #1

His statistics are BS. I have looked all over and find the US rated at between 7 and 11 in the homicide ratings.

I feel whole lot better knowing that we are better than countries like El Salvatore and Columbia.

Maybe if you would try just a little hard you could find the information

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country | News |

So, in a list that looks to be about 100 nations long, we rank only 28th worst. hooray
His statistics are BS. I have looked all over and find the US rated at between 7 and 11 in the homicide ratings.

I feel whole lot better knowing that we are better than countries like El Salvatore and Columbia.

Maybe if you would try just a little hard you could find the information

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country | News |

So, in a list that looks to be about 100 nations long, we rank only 28th worst. hooray

from the source , you fucking moron.

The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people
• Puerto Rico tops the world's table for firearms murders as a percentage of all homicides - 94.8%. It's followed by Sierra Leone in Africa and Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean
Another one in the "So What?" category. If 100,000 people are gathered together and all of them are armed, and only 3 of them manage to kill or get killed by gunfire, I'm cool with that. In comparison, how many of them would manage to kill themselves and/or someone else if they got drunk and drove a vehicle down the road? I'll bet it would be a lot more than just 3.
Another one in the "So What?" category. If 100,000 people are gathered together and all of them are armed, and only 3 of them manage to kill or get killed by gunfire, I'm cool with that. In comparison, how many of them would manage to kill themselves and/or someone else if they got drunk and drove a vehicle down the road? I'll bet it would be a lot more than just 3.

Actually it's not one of those so what. When you factor in the fact the U.S. is number one in firearm ownership it makes the anti gun argument of "less guns mean less murders" a lot less valid
Another one in the "So What?" category. If 100,000 people are gathered together and all of them are armed, and only 3 of them manage to kill or get killed by gunfire, I'm cool with that. In comparison, how many of them would manage to kill themselves and/or someone else if they got drunk and drove a vehicle down the road? I'll bet it would be a lot more than just 3.

Actually it's not one of those so what. When you factor in the fact the U.S. is number one in firearm ownership it makes the anti gun argument of "less guns mean less murders" a lot less valid

Not arguing your facts. Just saying (in a roundabout way) that there are risks in virtually everything we do. That doesn't mean we need a government thinking it's their duty to protect us from ourselves.

But we have 300 million guns out there

But only 31,000 gun deaths. Which just goes to show you're rallying against a marginal rate so small that it can't justify infringing on people's rights.

By this faulty logic, since only 4 planes out of 28,000 in the air on 9-11-2001 were flown into buildings that day, it was totally wrong for the government to take actions from keeping it from happening again.


16,000 Americans bury family members who kill themselves every year with that gun that was supposed to protect them from bad guys.

And the fact that you're trying to politicize their suicides is absolutely despicable. First of all, who are you to say that those people should have been prevented from dying in the first place? It was THEIR lives, not yours. Keep your fucking hands off.

Wrong again. A Suicide attempt is enough for you to be legally committed to a mental health facility. You also can't be a drug user or a prostitute. The government has decided that the GOOD of society outweighs your desires in these cases.

If the Gun Nuts can't find ways to keep guns out of the hands of the suicidal and the crazy, then we should just take everyone's guns and call it a day.

Works for me.

Yeah, that's right, corporations make big profits by killing and maiming their customers. Medicine didn't know that asbestos caused cancer until after it had been in common use for hundreds of years.

The companies that produced Asbestos knew it was a Carcinogen back in the 1930's... And they pushed it for a whole bunch of reasons, anyway.

Asbestos Inc. : The New Yorker

In the nineteen-twenties, doctors first documented deaths from asbestosis—a scarring of the lungs caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibres—and it later became clear that asbestos was also to blame for a deadly cancer called mesothelioma. Asbestos manufacturers knew at least some of these risks before the Second World War, but hid them. This prevarication led to the deaths of tens of thousands of workers. It also laid the groundwork for one of the costliest legal battles in U.S. history.

Read more: Asbestos Inc. : The New Yorker

Why is it RW nutters (and you, for some reason I can't understand) define "Freedom" as the ability of the wealthy to abuse the rest of us.

No one is forcing you to buy a pinto or use asbestos, asshole.

Well, I think when My dad (who died at 56 from lung cancer) was told the Asbestos he was working with was perfectly safe, and he'd better just climb in ther and work with it, that was kind of forcing him.

Also, if Ford didn't tell their customers the Pinto was defective until the government made them do a recall and put in that $11.00 fix, they were forcing these people to drive an unsafe car.

Case in point with guns. We have a proliferation of guns in this country because the gun manufacturers exaggerate the value of guns in home protection. They don't put a warning label that reads "This weapon is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy!"

Why should the put a "warning label" on them that's a total fucking lie? The problem with liberals is that everything they know is a lie. Of course, how else can you get people to willingly trade away their freedom except by lying to them?


WAAAAAHHHHH!!!! I Don't Want Kellerman to Be True!!!"
The companies that produced Asbestos knew it was a Carcinogen back in the 1930's... And they pushed it for a whole bunch of reasons, anyway.

Asbestos Inc. : The New Yorker

In the nineteen-twenties, doctors first documented deaths from asbestosis—a scarring of the lungs caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibres—and it later became clear that asbestos was also to blame for a deadly cancer called mesothelioma. Asbestos manufacturers knew at least some of these risks before the Second World War, but hid them. This prevarication led to the deaths of tens of thousands of workers. It also laid the groundwork for one of the costliest legal battles in U.S. history.

Read more: Asbestos Inc. : The New Yorker

Well, I think when My dad (who died at 56 from lung cancer) was told the Asbestos he was working with was perfectly safe, and he'd better just climb in ther and work with it, that was kind of forcing him.

112 men died building the Boulder damn. That was a government project. The attitude towards safety wasn't the same in those days as it is today. So blaming the private sector for industrial accidents is obviously just propaganda. Government wasn't any better. Blaming private corporations for workplace deaths prior to WW II is the work of demagogues.

Also, if Ford didn't tell their customers the Pinto was defective until the government made them do a recall and put in that $11.00 fix, they were forcing these people to drive an unsafe car.

Case in point with guns. We have a proliferation of guns in this country because the gun manufacturers exaggerate the value of guns in home protection. They don't put a warning label that reads "This weapon is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy!"

Why should the put a "warning label" on them that's a total fucking lie? The problem with liberals is that everything they know is a lie. Of course, how else can you get people to willingly trade away their freedom except by lying to them?

WAAAAAHHHHH!!!! I Don't Want Kellerman to Be True!!!"

Ford Pinto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Pinto's legacy was affected by media controversy and legal cases surrounding the safety of its gas tank design; a recall of the car in 1978; and a later study examining actual incident data that concluded the Pinto was as safe as, or safer than, other cars in its class.[7]

Your claims about the Pinto turned out to be a big media smear.

What a surprise.
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By this faulty logic, since only 4 planes out of 28,000 in the air on 9-11-2001 were flown into buildings that day, it was totally wrong for the government to take actions from keeping it from happening again.

Actually, you're the one employing faulty logic. You're comparing a large scale coordinated terrorist attack to a collection of independent incidents. That's called fallacy of accident. You should read a textbook or two before you try to trade jabs over logic with me.

Wrong again. A Suicide attempt is enough for you to be legally committed to a mental health facility. You also can't be a drug user or a prostitute. The government has decided that the GOOD of society outweighs your desires in these cases.

In other words, the government is inherently inerrant. If they undertake failed policies with wrong thinking, we should support them making more policies that are doomed to the same failures, so long as they are based on the same wrong thinking.

If the Gun Nuts can't find ways to keep guns out of the hands of the suicidal and the crazy, then we should just take everyone's guns and call it a day.

It is not my responsibility to keep stop someone else from committing suicide.
bripat has given good reason why product safety should be regulated by government.

Nope. Once the courts allowed workers to sue for workplace injuries and deaths, the problem went away. No government regulation ever saved a single person's life.
bripat has given good reason why product safety should be regulated by government.

Nope. Once the courts allowed workers to sue for workplace injuries and deaths, the problem went away. No government regulation ever saved a single person's life.

Once again you prove that you are incapable of logic. In the states that have the strongest gun control laws, the deaths by guns are the lowest;

Guns and Gun Deaths, State by State | Angry Bear - Financial and Economic Commentary

You can quibble all you want about correlation and causation, but the simple fact is: if you live in a red state the odds of your children dying of gun violence is 75% higher than if you live in a blue state.
That may help explain why, when Americans vote with their feet and choose where to live, only 38% vote for red states.
It may also help explain why people in red states want guns so much: it’s dangerous to live in a red state. They’ve got all those guns.
I’m still asking: would you rather “feel” safe, or would you rather be safe?
Not every firearm-related death is a homicide.

So, it looks like you're wrong.

So it looks like you are full of shit. Again.

That list does list homocides and suicides, unintentional, and undetermined.

And the rate of homocides in the US is 7 times that of Canada, 37 times that of Australia. 15 times that of France. Over 70 times that of Great Britain.
The rate of GUN homicides.

Unless you really do believe, as do so many other irrational gun-haters, that someone killed by a gun is MORE DEAD than someone killed by a blade, blunt instrument, or bare hands.

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