The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

“The United States in Congress assembled highly approve the pious and laudable undertaking of Mr. Aitken, as subservient to the interest of religion, as well as an instance of the progress of arts in this country, and being satisfied from the above report of his care and accuracy in the execution of the work, they recommend this edition of the Bible to the inhabitants of the United States, and hereby authorize him to publish this recommendation in the manner he shall think proper.”

–Congressional Resolution, September 10, 1782

Congress authorized the printing of the first American Bible.

that's nice.

let me know where the constitution required it.

oops, there was no constitution in 1782

have a nice day

Show me where anyone has made that claim.

what's your point, buckwheat?
that'd be good to know if the bible was a part of the founding documents.

extended fail by the whizzer :thup:

Who said that the understanding of God meaning the Christian God was limited to the Bible? I merely stated that it BEGAN with the Gutenberg, you know - the first mass produced book, in ALL literature God is assumed to reference the Christian God.

Del Fail.

only by nitwits like you, or don't jews and muslims write books?

failing like a mexican whore in a piss stream :thup:

yes Jews and Muslims both write books, and when they do Jews believe in the same God as Christians and so capitalize it and Muslims believe in a god named Allah, so they don't capitalize the god. DUH
Who said that the understanding of God meaning the Christian God was limited to the Bible? I merely stated that it BEGAN with the Gutenberg, you know - the first mass produced book, in ALL literature God is assumed to reference the Christian God.

Del Fail.

only by nitwits like you, or don't jews and muslims write books?

failing like a mexican whore in a piss stream :thup:

yes Jews and Muslims both write books, and when they do Jews believe in the same God as Christians and so capitalize it and Muslims believe in a god named Allah, so they don't capitalize the god. DUH

so jews are christians?

oy :rofl:
You're an idiot.
Yes we have a foundation of laws.

What is the foundation of those laws? The founding fathers SAID THEY WERE APPLYING CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLE as they structured the country. The Declaration states the founding principles...and says clearly that God grants the rights that the government is beholden to support. So is it your stance that they were lying, and the Declaration isn't a founding document?

when did god become exclusively christian?


They believe the DOI is part of the law and call us idiots.

Er, NO, you fucking moron. I don't believe the DOI is a part of the law. I think it's a FOUNDING DOCUMENT.

Jesus. BTW, I've gotten private messages asking me if you're developmentally delayed. More than one.
Except that since the first Guttenberg Bible when god has been capitalized as God, it has ALWAYS been understood that the writer was referencing the Christian God, always and without exception until this thread.

Fail on your part.

that'd be good to know if the bible was a part of the founding documents.

extended fail by the whizzer :thup:

Part of the founding documents? No. The Founding Fathers had plenty of ammunition of their own to include in those documents without plagiarizing the Bible. But a day or two ago I posted a series of quotations from the Founding Fathers demonstrating their belief that the government they conceived was inextricably bound with their religious faith.

Chuck Baldwin, pastor, radio host, and the candidate of the Constitution Party in 2008 expresses it like this:

The Declaration of Independence states, "[Men] are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It also states that these rights are "self evident" and that they constitute the "Laws of Nature." These principles are taken directly from the Bible.

The Law of Nature can be viewed in Romans 2:14-16. That our Creator is the Author of life is seen in Genesis 2:7. That God, not government, grants liberty is seen in Galatians 5:1. The "pursuit of happiness" is found in Ecclesiastes 3:13.

Beyond that, virtually every one of the ten articles contained in the Bill of Rights has Biblical foundation.
Chuck Baldwin -- Bible Inspired America's Founding Documents

How silly.....:lol:
when did god become exclusively christian?


They believe the DOI is part of the law and call us idiots.

Er, NO, you fucking moron. I don't believe the DOI is a part of the law. I think it's a FOUNDING DOCUMENT.

Jesus. BTW, I've gotten private messages asking me if you're developmentally delayed. More than one.

Well, let's look at the Declaration of much did our Founding Fathers REALLY believe that "all men are created equal"? How did they put that in action with their new nation? Tell us.
Why would they have to believe it? They incorporated the principles. I didn't say anything about their faith. Faith is personal.
Haven't I been here before?

Definition of PRINCIPLE

a : a comprehensive and fundamental [COLOR=#006400! important][COLOR=#006400! important]law[/color][/color], doctrine, or assumption b (1) : a rule or code of conduct (2) : habitual devotion to right principles <a man of principle> c : the laws or facts of nature underlying the working of an artificial device

: a primary source : origin

a : an underlying faculty or endowment <such principles of human nature as greed and curiosity> b : an ingredient (as a chemical) that exhibits or imparts a characteristic quality

capitalized Christian Science : a divine principle : god

&#8212; in principle : with respect to fundamentals <prepared to accept the proposition in principle> "

Principle - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Last edited:
Why was it that in the Puritan Christian society one was whipped, fined, banished and even IMPRISONED for not doing things the Puritan way? And how come when many of those same Christian mores were carried over into many of the other colonies THEY ENDED with the US Constitution?
Why were those Christian principles ended? How come they were not used to "found the nation"?
My ancestors arrived here in the 1650s, Harold Walker and Jacob Terhune as Quakers. The Anglicans were already established in most of the colonies and were heavily persecuted by the Puritans.
But religous diversity quickly appeared and became a dominant part of colonial life. MANY religous denominations appeared. ALL wanted a part in the politics of their towns and the colonies. That is the way IT USED to work.
Now, Colonial law WAS not based on the old English monarchial law of land ownership. Colonial law WAS based on religous belief instead. No aristocratic social order existed as none of the folks in the early colonies had a fancy social order.
The Constitution ended that. The religous titles of "My Lord" and such are no where to be found in our laws and no reference to religion in any way.
For a reason.
Why was it that in the Puritan Christian society one was whipped, fined, banished and even IMPRISONED for not doing things the Puritan way? And how come when many of those same Christian mores were carried over into many of the other colonies THEY ENDED with the US Constitution?
Why were those Christian principles ended? How come they were not used to "found the nation"?
My ancestors arrived here in the 1650s, Harold Walker and Jacob Terhune as Quakers. The Anglicans were already established in most of the colonies and were heavily persecuted by the Puritans.
But religous diversity quickly appeared and became a dominant part of colonial life. MANY religous denominations appeared. ALL wanted a part in the politics of their towns and the colonies. That is the way IT USED to work.
Now, Colonial law WAS not based on the old English monarchial law of land ownership. Colonial law WAS based on religous belief instead. No aristocratic social order existed as none of the folks in the early colonies had a fancy social order.
The Constitution ended that. The religous titles of "My Lord" and such are no where to be found in our laws and no reference to religion in any way.
For a reason.

1650 is a long way from 1776.
when did god become exclusively christian?


They believe the DOI is part of the law and call us idiots.

Er, NO, you fucking moron. I don't believe the DOI is a part of the law. I think it's a FOUNDING DOCUMENT.

Jesus. BTW, I've gotten private messages asking me if you're developmentally delayed. More than one.

Maybe I am educated beyond my intelligence. Blame sports fans, not me, for allowing me a free full ride education courtesy of you, the taxpayer via Miller Lite commercials funding the games.
Throw in a graduate degree I paid for from a real university.
But at least I, unlike you, was and am educated and do not run off of popularity rah rah chants from parroting private message menage au trois climaxes.

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