The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

I'm proud to see that an absurd OP can evolve into some really nice S&M pics
That's not S&M

That's M/S / D/S and maybe BD

This is S&M


(only PG pic on page 1 of Google)
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Rome was a theocracy, where people could be (and were) punished for worshiping the wrong gods, and where CAESAR was deified.

Wiki has it right on those points at any rate.

So was or wasn't the US based upon Rome? And how does that fit in with Rome being a theocracy?

Rome was not a theocracy. It was a democracy and a republic. Rome took many of its ideas from the Greeks.

Oh. My. God.


So let me get this straight....despite the statements of the founding fathers, and our FOUNDING document, the Declaration of Independence, which asserts that freedom comes ONLY from God, and that our government is structured on Christian insist that the US is a secular state because it WASN'T founded on Christian ideals because it was REALLY just a copy of ROME.

But in your world, Rome WASN'T a theocracy, despite the fact that the Caesar was DEIFIED and people were killed for worshipping gods (for example, CHRISTIANS) not sanctioned by the state.

Are you serious? Is this really what you are trying to assert? Because now we're in crazy land.

Greece was made up of many different city states, some plutocracies, some dictatorships, and Athens a pure democracy....I don't know where you get this theocracy bs but you need to restudy your history. Serious.
Read the declaration, dumbass. Read the discussions of the founders about what they were working towards.
I'm proud to see that an absurd OP can evolve into some really nice S&M pics
That's not S&M

That's M/S / D/S and maybe BD

This is S&M


(only PG pic on page 1 of Google)

So you get your kicks by flaunting your penchant for moral depravity in front of decent religious people on a religious topics messageboard thread....what a scumbag....
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I'm proud to see that an absurd OP can evolve into some really nice S&M pics
That's not S&M

That's M/S / D/S and maybe BD

This is S&M


(only PG pic on page 1 of Google)

So you get your kicks by flaunting your penchant for moral depravity in front of decent religious people on a religious topics messageboard thread....what a scumbag....

They don't get much more unpleasant and icky than Puke.
What are you morons crying about?

Allie was the one who started talking about her attraction to her pets.

Then again, she did say she has to check their penises to see whether they're circumcised or not so she knows whether she's fucking a human or an orangutan.
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I'm proud to see that an absurd OP can evolve into some really nice S&M pics
That's not S&M

That's M/S / D/S and maybe BD

This is S&M


(only PG pic on page 1 of Google)

So you get your kicks by flaunting your penchant for moral depravity in front of decent religious people on a religious topics messageboard thread....what a scumbag....

No, he gets his kicks when you notice his "penchant for moral depravity in front of decent religious people."
That's not S&M

That's M/S / D/S and maybe BD

This is S&M


(only PG pic on page 1 of Google)

So you get your kicks by flaunting your penchant for moral depravity in front of decent religious people on a religious topics messageboard thread....what a scumbag....

No, he gets his kicks when you notice his "penchant for moral depravity in front of decent religious people."

probably gets his sick kicks either way....i'm just calling it as i see it...
I am glad the Founders were smart enough to write a set of laws to found and govern this country.
The folks we have here would not have wanted any today. All they want is a declaration.
The Decleration of Independence was quoted by Abraham Lincoln often and he was the first one to proclaim any religous significance. Strange how the very folks that now claim this is the moral standard of all of our laws fought that idea during the Civil War.
The declaration was after we had been at war for over a year with the British over tax disputes.
The last time I had a problem with my taxes I used the God angle also.
I am glad the Founders were smart enough to write a set of laws to found and govern this country.
The folks we have here would not have wanted any today. All they want is a declaration.
The Decleration of Independence was quoted by Abraham Lincoln often and he was the first one to proclaim any religous significance. Strange how the very folks that now claim this is the moral standard of all of our laws fought that idea during the Civil War.
The declaration was after we had been at war for over a year with the British over tax disputes.
The last time I had a problem with my taxes I used the God angle also.

The founders were very religious and would never have used the Constitution as a springboard for say, freedom of pornography....

....which is one among many reasons why secularists attempt to change our history...and to omit even the very existence of the very strong Christian society in which our country was born, raised and nutured...secularists wish to eradicate any and all moral standards...
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I am glad the Founders were smart enough to write a set of laws to found and govern this country.
The folks we have here would not have wanted any today. All they want is a declaration.
The Decleration of Independence was quoted by Abraham Lincoln often and he was the first one to proclaim any religous significance. Strange how the very folks that now claim this is the moral standard of all of our laws fought that idea during the Civil War.
The declaration was after we had been at war for over a year with the British over tax disputes.
The last time I had a problem with my taxes I used the God angle also.

The founders were very religious and would never have used the Constitution as a springboard for say, freedom of pornography....

....which is one among many reasons why secularists attempt to change our history...and to omit even the very existence of the very strong Christian society in which our country was born, raised and nutured...secularists wish to eradicate any and all moral standards...

How come these religous people had kids with their slaves, sold them and felt okay about that?
They were religous people that drank heavily, owned slaves, gambled, paid prostitutes, brewed, smuggled and fought their own new government when they tried to tax their whiskey.
How well would that go over today if the Governor and Congres person of your state owned a brewery and stood against any taxes on his brew?
The Founders were great men. Religion was never first and foremost on their list.
The Torries were the religous colonists of that time. They had the support of the Anglican, Episcoplian, church on their side.
The Torries wore a different jersey than our team. They and their desire for religous influence in government, like they had in England and the Founders opposed, LOST.
One only has to open their eyes and know that Benjamin Franklin, and many other Founders of the time, frequented the ladies of the evening often. The porn thrill of the day after a brew or 7.
Deism in the United States

Enlightenment philosophy (which itself was heavily inspired by deist ideals) played a major role in creating the principle of separation of church and state, expressed in Thomas Jefferson's letters, and the principle of religious freedom expressed in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. American Founding Fathers, or Framers of the Constitution, who were especially noted for being influenced by such philosophy include Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Cornelius Harnett, Gouverneur Morris, and Hugh Williamson. Their political speeches show distinct deistic influence. Other notable Founding Fathers may have been more directly deist. These include James Madison, John Adams, possibly Alexander Hamilton, Ethan Allen and Thomas Paine (who published The Age of Reason, a treatise that helped to popularize deism throughout America and Europe). Elihu Palmer (1764–1806) wrote the "Bible" of American deism in his Principles of Nature (1801) and attempted to organize deism by forming the "Deistical Society of New York."

In the United States there is controversy over whether the Founding Fathers were Christians, deists, or something in between. Particularly heated is the debate over the beliefs of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington.
Benjamin Franklin wrote in his autobiography, "Some books against Deism fell into my hands; they were said to be the substance of sermons preached at Boyle's lectures. It happened that they wrought an effect on me quite contrary to what was intended by them; for the arguments of the Deists, which were quoted to be refuted, appeared to me much stronger than the refutations; in short, I soon became a thorough Deist. My arguments perverted some others, particularly Collins and Ralph; but each of them having afterwards wrong'd me greatly without the least compunction, and recollecting Keith's conduct towards me (who was another freethinker) and my own towards Vernon and Miss Read, which at times gave me great trouble, I began to suspect that this doctrine, tho' it might be true, was not very useful."

For his part, Thomas Jefferson is perhaps one of the Founding Fathers with the most outspoken of Deist tendencies, though he more often referred to himself as a Unitarian. In particular, his treatment of the Biblical gospels which he titled The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, but which subsequently became more commonly known as the Jefferson Bible, exhibits a strong deist tendency of stripping away all supernatural and dogmatic references from the Christ story.
Deism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Read the declaration, dumbass. Read the discussions of the founders about what they were working towards.

If you are referring to the Declaration of Independence, it is not a document for forming a country's government. And it was written 11 years before the Constitution by a man who was not even in country when the Constitution was written.
The Declaration of Independence is not a legal document for this nation. What this means is that it has no authority over our laws, our lawmakers, or ourselves. It cannot be cited as precedent or as being binding in a courtroom. The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to make a moral case for dissolving the legal ties between the colonies and Great Britain; once that goal was achieved, the official role of the Declaration was finished.

That leaves open, however, the possibility that the document expressed the will of the same people who wrote the Constitution — thus, it provides knowledge about their intent as to what sort of government we should have. Leaving aside for the moment whether or not that intention should bind us, there are still serious flaws to consider. First, religion itself is never mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. This makes it difficult to argue that any particular religious principles should guide our current government.

Second, what little is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence is only barely compatible with Christianity, the religion most people have in mind when making the above argument. The Declaration refers to “Nature’s God,” “Creator,” and “Divine Providence.” These are all terms used in the sort of deism which was common among many of those responsible for the American Revolution as well as the philosophers upon whom they relied for support. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, was himself a deist who was opposed to many traditional Christian doctrines, in particular beliefs about the supernatural.

One common misuse of the Declaration of Independence is to argue that it states that our rights come from God and, therefore, there are no legitimate interpretations of the rights in the Constitution that would be contrary to God. The first problem is that the Declaration of Independence refers to a “Creator” and not the Christian “God” meant by people making the argument. The second problem is that the “rights” mentioned in the Declaration of Independence are “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” — none of which are “rights” discussed in the Constitution.

Finally, the Declaration of Independence also makes it clear that governments created by humanity derive their powers from the consent of the governed, not from any gods. This is why the Constitution does not make any mention of any gods. There is no reason to think that there is anything illegitimate about an interpretation of any of the rights outlined in the Constitution merely because it runs contrary to what some people think that their conception of a god would want.
Declaration of Independence & Christianity Myth: Does the Declaration of Independence Support Christianity?
I am glad the Founders were smart enough to write a set of laws to found and govern this country.
The folks we have here would not have wanted any today. All they want is a declaration.
The Decleration of Independence was quoted by Abraham Lincoln often and he was the first one to proclaim any religous significance. Strange how the very folks that now claim this is the moral standard of all of our laws fought that idea during the Civil War.
The declaration was after we had been at war for over a year with the British over tax disputes.
The last time I had a problem with my taxes I used the God angle also.

No, the folks here do NOT just want a declaration. It's the anti-God lunatics that want to pretend the declaration of independence is NOT a founding document, that we founded our country on Rome, and the untold numbers of discussions our founders had specifically about what a country should be built upon mean nothing.

In addition, you insist that our country is secular because it was built upon a Roman model...but Rome was a THEOCRACY.

It's just pure ignorance.
I am glad the Founders were smart enough to write a set of laws to found and govern this country.
The folks we have here would not have wanted any today. All they want is a declaration.
The Decleration of Independence was quoted by Abraham Lincoln often and he was the first one to proclaim any religous significance. Strange how the very folks that now claim this is the moral standard of all of our laws fought that idea during the Civil War.
The declaration was after we had been at war for over a year with the British over tax disputes.
The last time I had a problem with my taxes I used the God angle also.

No, the folks here do NOT just want a declaration. It's the anti-God lunatics that want to pretend the declaration of independence is NOT a founding document, that we founded our country on Rome, and the untold numbers of discussions our founders had specifically about what a country should be built upon mean nothing.

In addition, you insist that our country is secular because it was built upon a Roman model...but Rome was a THEOCRACY.

It's just pure ignorance.

Prove that Rome was a theocracy.

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