The UCLA shooting shows how silly opponents of campus carry are....

Fuck the constitution.....
Well that certainly sums up the modern Liberal view of our Constitution. Thanks for clarifying.

I'm not sure what a liberal is, but hell, neither are you, you just "know" it's a pejorative to be hissed at anyone who ever disagreed with you on anything even one upon a time.
I know what a liberal should be; our Founders showed us. A "modern liberal", is a strong authoritarian who, like Napoleon in Orwell's "Animal Farm" rewriting the Seven Commandments, believes our Constitution needs to be "modernized" with most, if not all, power given to the Federal government.

You are already on record saying "Fuck the Constitution", so you epitomize the "modern liberal".

And yet, you're the one who cannot question your govt. Hmmm.
Why can't I question my government. Where is your government? Are you Canadian or living somewhere else outside the US?
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

And as we all know, gun violence never occurs outside "gun free zones".
Most all of these mass shootings happen in so called "gun free" zones...
If We can't count on criminals paying heed to a sign, what kind a banana republic do we live in!!! Lol
You really ought to get out of your moms basement more. Dumbass

"We can't count on criminals paying heed to a sign, what kind a banana republic do we live in!!!"

The typical kind, where all societal wealth has been redistributed to the very top, the police force is militarized; the notion of democracy is nothing but an illusion. and there's low level chaos and violence (gun and otherwise) in the streets with fanatics like you focusing all your attention, as programmed, onto society's scape goats which allows the aristocracy free reign to continue the wealth extraction.
Have you been working on that in your moms basement??
Now go hide...

Your mom's bed actually.
I figured a deflection was in order...
Fuck the constitution.....
Well that certainly sums up the modern Liberal view of our Constitution. Thanks for clarifying.

I'm not sure what a liberal is, but hell, neither are you, you just "know" it's a pejorative to be hissed at anyone who ever disagreed with you on anything even one upon a time.
I know what a liberal should be; our Founders showed us. A "modern liberal", is a strong authoritarian who, like Napoleon in Orwell's "Animal Farm" rewriting the Seven Commandments, believes our Constitution needs to be "modernized" with most, if not all, power given to the Federal government.

You are already on record saying "Fuck the Constitution", so you epitomize the "modern liberal".

And yet, you're the one who cannot question your govt. Hmmm.
Why can't I question my government. Where is your government? Are you Canadian or living somewhere else outside the US?
The federal government does not take orders from the people, only career politicians
Good luck... Lol
It's a lengthy process. One problem with "modern" Americans is impatience. Too many are enamored with "instant gratification".

Last year was the 200th anniversary of the end of the War of 1812. When kids are taught history they read about the events leading up to the revolution, the Revolution, the aftermath including writing and ratifying the Constitution, Louis & Clark, and the War of 1812. Most can read it in their texts in a few hours.

I remember the Bicentennial. Ford was President in 1976. I was a junior in college. Last year I was 59. 1976 to 2015 was a lifetime. It was no different for our Founders. Those young men and women who fought in the Revolution were old grandparents when the War of 1812 was fought. Change took time then and it takes time now. It's a constant push and most of us will never see the fruits of our labors.

An ancient Greek proverb is 'Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.'

A quote from "Galaxy Quest" is "Never give up, never surrender!"

Both work for me. :)
D.C. Snipers....D.C. is gun free zone....Fort Hood....he chose an area of the Fort where he knew there would be no armed soldiers or civilians.....since Forts are gun free zones....the San Bernadino was a public building....gun free zone....Draw Mohammed...another gun free zone..too bad for them there were cops outside....
Good luck... Lol
It's a lengthy process. One problem with "modern" Americans is impatience. Too many are enamored with "instant gratification".

Last year was the 200th anniversary of the end of the War of 1812. When kids are taught history they read about the events leading up to the revolution, the Revolution, the aftermath including writing and ratifying the Constitution, Louis & Clark, and the War of 1812. Most can read it in their texts in a few hours.

I remember the Bicentennial. Ford was President in 1976. I was a junior in college. Last year I was 59. 1976 to 2015 was a lifetime. It was no different for our Founders. Those young men and women who fought in the Revolution were old grandparents when the War of 1812 was fought. Change took time then and it takes time now. It's a constant push and most of us will never see the fruits of our labors.

An ancient Greek proverb is 'Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.'

A quote from "Galaxy Quest" is "Never give up, never surrender!"

Both work for me. :)
I like - never trust the government to do the right thing, for its not your friend...
D.C. Snipers....D.C. is gun free zone....Fort Hood....he chose an area of the Fort where he knew there would be no armed soldiers or civilians.....since Forts are gun free zones....the San Bernadino was a public building....gun free zone....Draw Mohammed...another gun free zone..too bad for them there were cops outside....

why do you keep babblinb the same irrelevent points. The only people you gun nuts scare are your nearest and dearest. Which is understandable, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home than a bad guy.
I like - never trust the government to do the right thing, for its not your friend...
"Trust, but verify" - Ronald Reagan

Our government was a creation of our Founders per the Constitution. I think We, the People tend to be lazy in checking up on government, but it's still a tool of We, the People. The problem is, in a Democracy, or even a Federal Constitutional Republic, decisions are made by all and not all will agree on the outcome.
Nice theory. Now prove it. Let's not forget, you're the "Paula Jones" in this instance and Bushmaster is "Bill Clinton".

Uh, no guy. Bushmaster settled. Then they went whining toCongress togive them blanket immunity. Don't worry, that law WILL be struck down when Hillary appoints a majority tot he court.

Wow....he was the Governor of the STate atthe if he can just whip it out and nothing bad happens to the woman...that is just fine with you.....y

No, Dick tiny, that's actually WHAT THE LAW SAYS. Or at least the theory under which she was suing. In order to prove damages, , she had to prove she was adversely effected in her career. She couldn't.
Interesting to see your support for weenie-waggers, but not unsurprising.

So you ignored all the legal points to focus on the weenie wagging. Not interesting or surprising... just depressing.
Yes, because weenie-wagging was the only part of my question you came close to answering. Your defense of Bubba is notable. Just like Hillary and the DNC, you are quick to throw every woman who accused him under the bus for political reasons. That's depressing.
Now you are either lying about your service or lying about your knowledge of weapons.

Do you really know the difference between an assault rifle (aka "battlefield grade weapon") and an "assault weapon"?

the only difference between an AR-15 and an M-16 is you can't flip the AR-15 to automatic.

Seriously, fuck off.

Wow....he was the Governor of the STate atthe if he can just whip it out and nothing bad happens to the woman...that is just fine with you.....

No, that's what the LAW says. The legal theory under which Jones was suing required her to prove that her carreer was adversely affected. She could not prove that.

the rapes and sexual assaults are the problem with clinton.

Your boy Ken Starr - who ignored actually rapes at his campus - spent 70 million dollars trying to prove Clinton sexually assaulted people - and couldn't.
Yes, because weenie-wagging was the only part of my question you came close to answering. Your defense of Bubba is notable. Just like Hillary and the DNC, you are quick to throw every woman who accused him under the bus for political reasons. That's depressing.

Every woman who has accused him totals exactly three people. All of whom were proven liars. Charles Ray (the guy who had to clean up Ken Starr's mess) called Kathleen Wiley a liar in his final report. Juanita Brodderick had no credibility at all - she couldn't keep her story straight. And Paula Jones... didn't she appear on the cover of Penthouse?

These by you are credible witnesses?

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