The UCLA shooting shows how silly opponents of campus carry are....

That's not evidence, that's "cultural diversity".

BTW, guess what happens to the US number when we subtract gang-related murders out of the equation?

Then why is it every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually an angry white male? It would seem that if Angry White Males were inclined to be mass shooters, Europe would be flooded with them.
Another liberal lie: "every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually an angry white male".

If you really had any integrity, you'd have said "every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually a mentally disturbed male", but you don't. You're too busy pressing an anti-Constitutional, anti-gun political agenda.

And they forget the long island shooter, the virginia tech shooter, the D.C snipers, the Fort HOod shooter, the San Bernadino shooters...the Draw Mohammed shooters..........and on and fact the greatests mass shooter was in South Korea.......

And the most recent mass shooter in Australia was a Chinese foriegn exchange student.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

And as we all know, gun violence never occurs outside "gun free zones".

Mass shootings don't...mass shooters choose gun free zones......thugs look for their thug victims.....
Wong again, moron.

There’s also no ‘evidence’ that mass shooters make a ‘decision’ to commit their crimes in ‘gun free zones’; indeed, most have no idea they're committing crimes in such a ‘zone.’

And again: citizens often carry concealed firearms wherever they so desire, including venues where guns ‘aren’t allowed.’

What part of concealed carry do you not understand – they’re carrying guns concealed, no one knows they have guns, including anyone who is supposed to ‘enforce’ a ‘no gun’ policy.

So the Liberal concept of a gun free zone really means nothing? Just another example of how the left comes up with an idea then blames someone else when their lack of thinking fucks up.

"So the Liberal concept of a gun free zone really means nothing?"

Nah, that's your argument, that they're so meaningless there should be none. Oddly though, your "conservative" congress members go to work in a gun free zone all day long. And even the NRA won't allow you to carry just anyolewhere at their corporate headquarters either.

No, actually, they don't......they have armed security all around them and the biggest gun grabbers also have private security that we pay for.

Yeah, private security from the likes of you.
That's not evidence, that's "cultural diversity".

BTW, guess what happens to the US number when we subtract gang-related murders out of the equation?

Then why is it every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually an angry white male? It would seem that if Angry White Males were inclined to be mass shooters, Europe would be flooded with them.
Another liberal lie: "every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually an angry white male".

If you really had any integrity, you'd have said "every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually a mentally disturbed male", but you don't. You're too busy pressing an anti-Constitutional, anti-gun political agenda.

And they forget the long island shooter, the virginia tech shooter, the D.C snipers, the Fort HOod shooter, the San Bernadino shooters...the Draw Mohammed shooters..........and on and fact the greatests mass shooter was in South Korea.......

And the most recent mass shooter in Australia was a Chinese foriegn exchange student.

Were these all in your "gun free" zones?
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

And as we all know, gun violence never occurs outside "gun free zones".
Most all of these mass shootings happen in so called "gun free" zones...
If We can't count on criminals paying heed to a sign, what kind a banana republic do we live in!!! Lol
You really ought to get out of your moms basement more. Dumbass

"We can't count on criminals paying heed to a sign, what kind a banana republic do we live in!!!"

The typical kind, where all societal wealth has been redistributed to the very top, the police force is militarized; the notion of democracy is nothing but an illusion. and there's low level chaos and violence (gun and otherwise) in the streets with fanatics like you focusing all your attention, as programmed, onto society's scape goats which allows the aristocracy free reign to continue the wealth extraction.
Fuck the constitution.....
Well that certainly sums up the modern Liberal view of our Constitution. Thanks for clarifying.

I'm not sure what a liberal is, but hell, neither are you, you just "know" it's a pejorative to be hissed at anyone who ever disagreed with you on anything even one upon a time.
I know what a liberal should be; our Founders showed us. A "modern liberal", is a strong authoritarian who, like Napoleon in Orwell's "Animal Farm" rewriting the Seven Commandments, believes our Constitution needs to be "modernized" with most, if not all, power given to the Federal government.

You are already on record saying "Fuck the Constitution", so you epitomize the "modern liberal".
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

And as we all know, gun violence never occurs outside "gun free zones".
Most all of these mass shootings happen in so called "gun free" zones...
If We can't count on criminals paying heed to a sign, what kind a banana republic do we live in!!! Lol
You really ought to get out of your moms basement more. Dumbass

"We can't count on criminals paying heed to a sign, what kind a banana republic do we live in!!!"

The typical kind, where all societal wealth has been redistributed to the very top, the police force is militarized; the notion of democracy is nothing but an illusion. and there's low level chaos and violence (gun and otherwise) in the streets with fanatics like you focusing all your attention, as programmed, onto society's scape goats which allows the aristocracy free reign to continue the wealth extraction.
Have you been working on that in your moms basement??
Now go hide...
Do you seriously believe Bill Clinton was not an adulterer and sexual harasser? Do you believe Paula Jones fabricated the story and that Bill Clinton is completely innocent of wrong doing?

Here's what I think.

I think Clinton is an adulterer. that isn't a crime. It's an issue between him and his wife.

What he did to Paula Jones, if true, didn't constitute sexual harassment because 1) He wasn't her direct supervisor and 2) there is no evidence that she suffered any negative effects from refusing his advances. She wasn't fired, demoted, denied promotions. The worst thing she claimed was that they put her off away from the other workers, but that was because she spent too much time talking and not enough working. This is why Judge Weber Wright threw out the lawsuit.

I'm not sure what happened in that room, because the only witnesses are Jones and clinton. I do know that the Arkansas troopers who guarded Clinton said that Jones exclaimed "The governor wants me to be his girlfriend", which would imply that the encounter wasn't unpleasant for her.

But assuming it is, again? So what. She saw a dick. She knows what a dick looks like.
Yes, the gun store was in the wrong. Bushmaster, not at all.

Bushmaster picked that store as an authorized dealer, knowing they were irresponsible.

Another liberal lie: "every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually an angry white male".

If you really had any integrity, you'd have said "every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually a mentally disturbed male", but you don't. You're too busy pressing an anti-Constitutional, anti-gun political agenda.

Uh, no. You see, when a black person commits a crime, it's because he's a criminal. We don't brook any excuses like poverty or addiction. But when a Roof or Holmes or a Lanza goes on a shooting spree, we say, "Oh, the poor dear must be mentally disturbed!"

Agreed on the store, but what did Bushmaster do wrong except for manufacturing a very good, legal tool?

Made it too easy for people like John Mohammed and Adam Lanza to get them.

1) Awesome. I have a degree in Behavioral Psychology and and a Masters in International Relations. Does this mean you will STFU whenever I speak on these or related issues? Do you see how argumentum ad verecundiam can backfire on you?

Well, you see, my degree comes from one of those commie liberal universities where they aren't right with Jesus and actually teach facts, not fairy tales.

2) Of course you don't. Like Fenton Lum, you don't give a fuck about the Constitution even though you, supposedly, swore an oath to support and defend it. This makes you a liar.....but you and I already knew that, didn't we?

What I swore an oath to was the country, not a flawed piece of paper. The Constitution is not a suicide pact, a wise man said once.

I will even go so far as to say in 1787, a citizen militia even made sense. Most of the population lived on farms, you still had lots of wild animals and Native Americans who weren't hip on the whole "being genocided" thing, and people needed them some guns.

Does it make sense today? to give a battlefield grade weapon to a guy like Joker Holmes who wants to kill people because they were watching a Batman movie? (Weren't they being punished enough for just having to watch the movie?)
Bushmaster picked that store as an authorized dealer, knowing they were irresponsible
Nice theory. Now prove it. Let's not forget, you're the "Paula Jones" in this instance and Bushmaster is "Bill Clinton".

What I swore an oath to was the country, not a flawed piece of paper. The Constitution is not a suicide pact, a wise man said once.
Fascinating. So you didn't take one of these oaths at least once?:
Be Ready To Raise Your Right Hand |
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
....Does it make sense today? to give a battlefield grade weapon to a guy like Joker Holmes who wants to kill people because they were watching a Batman movie? (Weren't they being punished enough for just having to watch the movie?)
Now you are either lying about your service or lying about your knowledge of weapons.

Do you really know the difference between an assault rifle (aka "battlefield grade weapon") and an "assault weapon"?
Do you seriously believe Bill Clinton was not an adulterer and sexual harasser? Do you believe Paula Jones fabricated the story and that Bill Clinton is completely innocent of wrong doing?

Here's what I think.

I think Clinton is an adulterer. that isn't a crime. It's an issue between him and his wife.

What he did to Paula Jones, if true, didn't constitute sexual harassment because 1) He wasn't her direct supervisor and 2) there is no evidence that she suffered any negative effects from refusing his advances. She wasn't fired, demoted, denied promotions. The worst thing she claimed was that they put her off away from the other workers, but that was because she spent too much time talking and not enough working. This is why Judge Weber Wright threw out the lawsuit.

I'm not sure what happened in that room, because the only witnesses are Jones and clinton. I do know that the Arkansas troopers who guarded Clinton said that Jones exclaimed "The governor wants me to be his girlfriend", which would imply that the encounter wasn't unpleasant for her.

But assuming it is, again? So what. She saw a dick. She knows what a dick looks like.
He's a child molester/rapist... End of story. Lol
Yes, the gun store was in the wrong. Bushmaster, not at all.

Bushmaster picked that store as an authorized dealer, knowing they were irresponsible.

Another liberal lie: "every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually an angry white male".

If you really had any integrity, you'd have said "every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually a mentally disturbed male", but you don't. You're too busy pressing an anti-Constitutional, anti-gun political agenda.

Uh, no. You see, when a black person commits a crime, it's because he's a criminal. We don't brook any excuses like poverty or addiction. But when a Roof or Holmes or a Lanza goes on a shooting spree, we say, "Oh, the poor dear must be mentally disturbed!"

Agreed on the store, but what did Bushmaster do wrong except for manufacturing a very good, legal tool?

Made it too easy for people like John Mohammed and Adam Lanza to get them.

1) Awesome. I have a degree in Behavioral Psychology and and a Masters in International Relations. Does this mean you will STFU whenever I speak on these or related issues? Do you see how argumentum ad verecundiam can backfire on you?

Well, you see, my degree comes from one of those commie liberal universities where they aren't right with Jesus and actually teach facts, not fairy tales.

2) Of course you don't. Like Fenton Lum, you don't give a fuck about the Constitution even though you, supposedly, swore an oath to support and defend it. This makes you a liar.....but you and I already knew that, didn't we?

What I swore an oath to was the country, not a flawed piece of paper. The Constitution is not a suicide pact, a wise man said once.

I will even go so far as to say in 1787, a citizen militia even made sense. Most of the population lived on farms, you still had lots of wild animals and Native Americans who weren't hip on the whole "being genocided" thing, and people needed them some guns.

Does it make sense today? to give a battlefield grade weapon to a guy like Joker Holmes who wants to kill people because they were watching a Batman movie? (Weren't they being punished enough for just having to watch the movie?)
This coming from someone who thinks that an ar15 is a military grade weapon, it's just a sporting rifle. Dumbass
Nutters like you need to get out of your moms basement more often...
Oh, dick tiny, the thing was, this guy was a proud gun owner who was able to walk into a gun store in Minnesota and buy a gun,

and then proceeded to kill two people who did something to offend him.

This two things we'll find out about this guy.

1) Everyone in his life knew he was nuts.
2) He was able to purchase a gun legally.

Don't care. Hillary Clinton lies every time she opens her mouth, should we revoke your right to free speech?
That's not evidence, that's "cultural diversity".

BTW, guess what happens to the US number when we subtract gang-related murders out of the equation?

Then why is it every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually an angry white male? It would seem that if Angry White Males were inclined to be mass shooters, Europe would be flooded with them.
Another liberal lie: "every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually an angry white male".

If you really had any integrity, you'd have said "every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually a mentally disturbed male", but you don't. You're too busy pressing an anti-Constitutional, anti-gun political agenda.

And they forget the long island shooter, the virginia tech shooter, the D.C snipers, the Fort HOod shooter, the San Bernadino shooters...the Draw Mohammed shooters..........and on and fact the greatests mass shooter was in South Korea.......

And the most recent mass shooter in Australia was a Chinese foriegn exchange student.

Were these all in your "gun free" zones?

Yes.......all of them.
Do you seriously believe Bill Clinton was not an adulterer and sexual harasser? Do you believe Paula Jones fabricated the story and that Bill Clinton is completely innocent of wrong doing?

Here's what I think.

I think Clinton is an adulterer. that isn't a crime. It's an issue between him and his wife.

What he did to Paula Jones, if true, didn't constitute sexual harassment because 1) He wasn't her direct supervisor and 2) there is no evidence that she suffered any negative effects from refusing his advances. She wasn't fired, demoted, denied promotions. The worst thing she claimed was that they put her off away from the other workers, but that was because she spent too much time talking and not enough working. This is why Judge Weber Wright threw out the lawsuit.

I'm not sure what happened in that room, because the only witnesses are Jones and clinton. I do know that the Arkansas troopers who guarded Clinton said that Jones exclaimed "The governor wants me to be his girlfriend", which would imply that the encounter wasn't unpleasant for her.

But assuming it is, again? So what. She saw a dick. She knows what a dick looks like.

Wow....he was the Governor of the STate atthe if he can just whip it out and nothing bad happens to the woman...that is just fine with are a moron....besides.......the rapes and sexual assaults are the problem with clinton.
Fuck the constitution.....
Well that certainly sums up the modern Liberal view of our Constitution. Thanks for clarifying.

I'm not sure what a liberal is, but hell, neither are you, you just "know" it's a pejorative to be hissed at anyone who ever disagreed with you on anything even one upon a time.
I know what a liberal should be; our Founders showed us. A "modern liberal", is a strong authoritarian who, like Napoleon in Orwell's "Animal Farm" rewriting the Seven Commandments, believes our Constitution needs to be "modernized" with most, if not all, power given to the Federal government.

You are already on record saying "Fuck the Constitution", so you epitomize the "modern liberal".

And yet, you're the one who cannot question your govt. Hmmm.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

And as we all know, gun violence never occurs outside "gun free zones".
Most all of these mass shootings happen in so called "gun free" zones...
If We can't count on criminals paying heed to a sign, what kind a banana republic do we live in!!! Lol
You really ought to get out of your moms basement more. Dumbass

"We can't count on criminals paying heed to a sign, what kind a banana republic do we live in!!!"

The typical kind, where all societal wealth has been redistributed to the very top, the police force is militarized; the notion of democracy is nothing but an illusion. and there's low level chaos and violence (gun and otherwise) in the streets with fanatics like you focusing all your attention, as programmed, onto society's scape goats which allows the aristocracy free reign to continue the wealth extraction.
Have you been working on that in your moms basement??
Now go hide...

Your mom's bed actually.
That's not evidence, that's "cultural diversity".

BTW, guess what happens to the US number when we subtract gang-related murders out of the equation?

Then why is it every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually an angry white male? It would seem that if Angry White Males were inclined to be mass shooters, Europe would be flooded with them.
Another liberal lie: "every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually an angry white male".

If you really had any integrity, you'd have said "every time we find one of these mass shooters, it's usually a mentally disturbed male", but you don't. You're too busy pressing an anti-Constitutional, anti-gun political agenda.

And they forget the long island shooter, the virginia tech shooter, the D.C snipers, the Fort HOod shooter, the San Bernadino shooters...the Draw Mohammed shooters..........and on and fact the greatests mass shooter was in South Korea.......

And the most recent mass shooter in Australia was a Chinese foriegn exchange student.

Were these all in your "gun free" zones?

Yes.......all of them.

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