The UCLA shooting shows how silly opponents of campus carry are....

Oh, dick tiny, the thing was, this guy was a proud gun owner who was able to walk into a gun store in Minnesota and buy a gun,

and then proceeded to kill two people who did something to offend him.

This two things we'll find out about this guy.

1) Everyone in his life knew he was nuts.
2) He was able to purchase a gun legally.

And then you have to account for the 356,991,876 million other gun owners who also bought guns but didn't shoot anyone asswipe.....

I am sure the owners of the other 356,991,876 million other guns have also at some point in their lives been offended.......even possibly by having met and interacted with you.......and they haven't used their guns to murder anyone...not even you....

so your whole point is fucking stupid.....

You're the only one equating this shooter to the 356,991,876 million other gun owners who also bought guns but didn't shoot anyone asswipe.....

Did you read post #3 genius......joe used the UCLA shooter to attack gun owners....he believes that all people are barely contained sociopaths who will murder someone as soon as they get a gun....he has stated this over and over again....

So I am pointing out how wrong he is.....and how 8,124 gun murders committed 90% of the time by felons with long criminal records who shoot other criminals 70-80% of the time who are also convicted criminals, are not normal, law abiding gun owners who just snapped one day and murdered only because they got mad and had a gun....

So I am pointing out how wrong joe is........
No, as usual, your point is that everyone is in perpetual mortal danger unless they are always armed and that more guns in more hands is the only answer to the hazard of more guns in more hands.
Here is an armed civilian who stopped a mass shooting last year...

Concealed Carrier Thwarts Possible Mass Shooting in NOLA

Friedman, the magistrate commissioner, found probable cause in relation to the shooting for the three counts of attempted second-degree murder as well as illegal use of a weapon, illegal carrying of a weapon and possession of a firearm by a felon.

Macklin was convicted of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in Texas in 2009, according to court records, and also has previous convictions in New Orleans for domestic abuse, battery and violations of a protective order.

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: LA CCW Stops Mass Shooting - The Truth About Guns

On the afternoon of 31 January, 2016, some ten ATVs were getting gas at the intersection of Claiborne and Esplanade Avenues in New Orleans, Louisiana. Richard Macklin pulled up in a white Volvo. Police said Macklin became upset; the ATV riders were blocking the gas pumps. He pulled out a firearm and opened fire, sending more than a dozen rounds into the crowd. Three were wounded.

One of the wounded was armed . . .

He drew his legally carried weapon and fired at Macklin, hitting him in the head and stopping the attack. During the initial investigation, officers concluded that the person who fired back did so in legitimate defense of self and others
Oh, dick tiny, the thing was, this guy was a proud gun owner who was able to walk into a gun store in Minnesota and buy a gun,

and then proceeded to kill two people who did something to offend him.

This two things we'll find out about this guy.

1) Everyone in his life knew he was nuts.
2) He was able to purchase a gun legally.

And then you have to account for the 356,991,876 million other gun owners who also bought guns but didn't shoot anyone asswipe.....

I am sure the owners of the other 356,991,876 million other guns have also at some point in their lives been offended.......even possibly by having met and interacted with you.......and they haven't used their guns to murder anyone...not even you....

so your whole point is fucking stupid.....

You're the only one equating this shooter to the 356,991,876 million other gun owners who also bought guns but didn't shoot anyone asswipe.....

Did you read post #3 genius......joe used the UCLA shooter to attack gun owners....he believes that all people are barely contained sociopaths who will murder someone as soon as they get a gun....he has stated this over and over again....

So I am pointing out how wrong he is.....and how 8,124 gun murders committed 90% of the time by felons with long criminal records who shoot other criminals 70-80% of the time who are also convicted criminals, are not normal, law abiding gun owners who just snapped one day and murdered only because they got mad and had a gun....

So I am pointing out how wrong joe is........
No, as usual, your point is that everyone is in perpetual mortal danger unless they are always armed and that more guns in more hands is the only answer to the hazard of more guns in more hands.

No wonder you are can't comprehend what you read.....

My point is that self defense is a right....and that guns are the most effective means for self defense....and that morons like you have no right to deny people the option to carry a gun for self defense....

Read my posts closer next time...moron.

And the people who are victims of crime did not wake up that morning knowing they were going to be raped, murdered, robbed, beaten or stabbed..........they never do......
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

And as we all know, gun violence never occurs outside "gun free zones".

Mass shootings don't...mass shooters choose gun free zones......thugs look for their thug victims.....
Wong again, moron.

There’s also no ‘evidence’ that mass shooters make a ‘decision’ to commit their crimes in ‘gun free zones’; indeed, most have no idea they're committing crimes in such a ‘zone.’

And again: citizens often carry concealed firearms wherever they so desire, including venues where guns ‘aren’t allowed.’

What part of concealed carry do you not understand – they’re carrying guns concealed, no one knows they have guns, including anyone who is supposed to ‘enforce’ a ‘no gun’ policy.

Here you go asswipe....more detail on how mass shooters choose gun free zones when they are picking a target.....otherwise morons like you have made just about every public space a gun free zone, so they normally don't have to make a disarmed their victims for them....using the law to do are mass shooters who chose their targets based on their gun free status...

Santa barbara shooter ...

Do mentally ill, multiple victim killers purposefully pick targets where victims are most vulnerable?: The case of Elliot Rodger - Crime Prevention Research Center

With all the discussions about mental illness, one has to understand how much care and planning these killers engage in. Here is something from Elliot Rodger’s manifesto that no one seems to understand the importance of:

The first thing I had to consider was the exact date it will take place. Valentine’s Day would have been very fitting, since it was the holiday that made me feel the most miserable and insulted, the holiday in which young couples celebrated their happy lives together. The problem was that Valentine’s Day was only a month away. I needed more time than that. Also, on Valentine’s Day most young couples will be spread out in various restaurants in the city instead of being packed together at parties in Isla Vista. Another option was Deltopia, a day in which many young people pour in from all over the state to have a spring break party on Del Playa Street. I figured this would be the perfect day to attack Isla Vista, but after watching Youtube videos of previous Deltopia parties, I saw that there were way too many cops walking around on such an event. It would be impossible to kill enough of my enemies before being dispatched by those damnable cops.

Rodger was apparently planning this attack for over 1.5 years, and this planning is quite common. During the fall of 2012, when he was 21-years-old he wrote:

At this point, it fully dawned on me that the possibility of having to resort to exacting this Retribution was more real than ever before. Without the prospect of becoming wealthy at a young age, I had nothing to live for now. I was going to be a virgin outcast forever. I realized that I had to start planning and preparing for the Day of Retribution, even though I hadn’t yet had any idea of what day that would be. . . .

The recent Aurora, Colorado Batman movie theater and Sikh Temple shootings are by no means the first times that killers targeted gun-free zones. Few appreciate that Dylan Klebold, one of the two Columbine killers, was following Colorado legislation that would have let citizens carry a concealed handgun. Presumably, he feared being stopped during his attack by someone with a weapon. In fact, the Columbine attack occurred the very day that final passage was scheduled.

And the killers’ concern that they would be stopped before many people were killed is justified. Many mass public shootings have been stopped by permit holders. Look at some of the cases: Shootings at schools were stopped before police arrived in such places as Pearl, Miss., and Edinboro, Pa., and at colleges like the Appalachian Law School in Virginia. Or consider attacks in busy downtowns such as Memphis; churches such as the New Life Church in Colorado Springs; malls in Portland, Ore., and Salt Lake City; or outside an apartment building in Oklahoma.

Colorado theater shooter....

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers - Crime Prevention Research Center

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case: Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers

This past week we finally got a look at the diary of the Batman movie theater killer, James Holmes, and it was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater. But he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their “substantial security.

While Holmes’ diary was no where near as detailed as Elliot Rodger’s, the Santa Barbara killer from last year, it still shows that he was concerned about avoiding people who might stop his attack.

Dr. William Reid, a state-appointed psychiatrist who performed Holmes’ sanity evaluation, had these comments:

— “Reid said the gunman picked a show in the movie theater that was going to be packed”

— “Holmes said he looked at what other mass killers did but didn’t compare it. He said he just learned from what they did — specifically, ‘don’t shoot police or they will kill you.'”
Who gets to determine whether or not someone is crazy? Do you think you should make that determination?

Someone should. But I have a simple enough solution. Revoke the idiotic law that immunized gun makers and dealers from civil suits brought by gun victims. Then put the burden on them to make sure people like Cho and Lanza don't get weapons. are a moron...people who don't sell the guns to the customer directly get to be sued because someone else sold a gun to someone who used it in a crime.........can you dress and feed yourself or do you have your nanny do it for you?
Case 4.... So if he was a cook in the reserves that makes him a trained navy SEAL?

if you had ever served in the military, you'd know that training never really goes away, and even the cooks are trained to use weapons.

Case 7...... She was no longer a cop...hadn't been for years.....

But again, trained to know what she was doing.
So, are you simply lying or did you not bother to even check? I will guess you're lying based on prior experience with you.

10 Cases Where An Armed Citizen Took Down An Active Shooter

Guy do you really want to go there... Okay, lets.

Case one and two didn't involve cases in the US. The y happened in France and South Africa... and there were fatalities.

Case 3 leaves out the part about the guy involved being a reserve deputy. Funny they ommited that part.

Case 4 on your list involved a principle that was an Army Reserve officer. Again, a detail they left out for some reason.

To be fair, they did admit the following in the next three.

Case 5 on your list was a trained security guard.

Case 6 was an ex police officer

Case 7 was an off duty police officer.

Case 8 was an off-duty police officer (And they omitted that part again)

Case 9 they didn't give the person's name.

Case 10 is from 1915!!!

So, yes, gun violence CAN be stopped by well-trained peace officers who can sometimes limit fatalities.

But the guy like yourself who owns a gun because you are scared? Not so much.

Guess you missed this one asshole.......

Police in Chicago Give Hero his Gun Back - The Truth About Guns

On April 17th, John Hendricks reacted quickly and accurately to stop a mass shooting, likely saving numerous lives. Hendricks was exercising his Constitutional rights in Chicago, a town where they had been suppressed for generations. He was taking a break from accepting Uber fares when he saw a man rack a slide on a pistol across the street . . .

That’s when the man began firing at a group near him. Hendricks acted quickly and precisely. He fired about six rounds, hitting the attacker three times, a more accurate result than in most police-involved shootings.

Hendricks made the tactically correct decision to leave the area once the threat was down. He returned to give an account to the police on the scene.


Hendricks returned to the scene when police arrived and held his arms in the air, concealed carry and firearm owner identification cards in hand.

He said it was a common-sense approach after what had transpired.

“A shooting just happened,” Hendricks said. “I’m the one that called, and I’m the shooter.”

“At the time, I remembered I still had my firearm on me,” he recalled. “I let them know that my firearm’s on my right side.”

The police took Hendricks’ gun, which is common in self-defense situations. I have often taught concealed carry students to expect their gun to be impounded by the police while they sort things out.

The man is not a SEAL, a SWAT member, or James Bond.....and he stopped an active mass shooter...gee........I wonder why this doesn't count....prepare for the gun grabbers to move the goal post on the stopping of a mass shooting in 3......2......1.....
Case 4.... So if he was a cook in the reserves that makes him a trained navy SEAL?

if you had ever served in the military, you'd know that training never really goes away, and even the cooks are trained to use weapons.

Case 7...... She was no longer a cop...hadn't been for years.....

But again, trained to know what she was doing.

I was in the infantry asswipe....believe me.....cooks and clerks rarely if ever touched their rifles.........we all qualified once a year, and only officers and members of crew served weapons.....and medics, shot pistols for qualification, and that was at static targets, at a relaxed pace with no spare me the "Every Soldier is a Green Beret" crap...........
No...the solution is to outlaw gun free zones..then mass shooters will stop shooting people in them.....

Really? Didn't stop Loughner. he was in an open carry state, walked up to a Congresswoman and shot her. And six other people. stopped the Colorado theater shooter, the Sandy Hook Shooter, the San Bernadino shooter, the Fort Hood shooter....even on a military base he picked the gun free zone you moron.

And even at the Giffords shooting there were two concealed carriers ready to shoot...but the idiot shooter got himself tackled by a guy he shot in the head.......who he thought was dead.......pure dumb luck for the victims...but there was a concealed carry shooter ready to go to stop him moron........
Guess you missed this one asshole.......

No, i just don't care, but since you are now going to flood this thread with you gun porn, I'm out.

No......facts.....guns are only porn to you......I have been talking about guns and now you have to find a place to pleasure guys really need help.....
Wrong....I have listed the times armed civilians have stopped mass shooters...over and over are lying...

And hose cases never hold up to scrutiny. We usually find out the "civilian" was an off duty cop or an army reservist.

here you go moron....tell me this Doctor is a Navy SEAL........

Doctor shoots armed patient in Philly hospital: A gun rights case is born (+video)

Psychiatrist Lee Silverman worked in a gun-free hospital, but pulled out a gun in his desk to subdue an armed patient, who had just shot his caseworker. The case renews the issue: Should doctors and teachers be armed?

Prosecutors say Dr. Lee Silverman opened fire on Richard Plotts, after Mr. Plotts shot his caseworker and barged his way toward Dr. Silverman’s office desk after gaining access to Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital. Silverman crouched down behind his desk and fetched his gun, which he then fired at Mr. Plotts, wounding him several times before he was subdued.

In the gunfight, Silverman was grazed in the temple by a bullet. The caseworker allegedly shot by Plotts, Theresa Hunt, died from her wounds, police said. She was transporting Plotts to the hospital for treatment.

So...a pastor, an uber driver and a Doctor.............used guns to stop mass shooters......moron....tell me they are cops, or Navy SEALs..... stopped the Colorado theater shooter, the Sandy Hook Shooter, the San Bernadino shooter, the Fort Hood shooter....even on a military base he picked the gun free zone you moron.

Except non of those guys picked their target on whether or not they might encounter a gun owner there.
They picked those targets for specific reason.

Holmes shot up a theater playing a Batman movie because he thought he was the Joker.

Hasan shot up an army base because he thought he was a soldeir of Allah.

Lanza shot up his old elementary school because they tormented him there. (In short, they tried to get him the help his mother wouldn't)

The San Bernadino shooter shot the place where he worked with Jews up. stopped the Colorado theater shooter, the Sandy Hook Shooter, the San Bernadino shooter, the Fort Hood shooter....even on a military base he picked the gun free zone you moron.

Except non of those guys picked their target on whether or not they might encounter a gun owner there.
They picked those targets for specific reason.

Holmes shot up a theater playing a Batman movie because he thought he was the Joker.

Hasan shot up an army base because he thought he was a soldeir of Allah.

Lanza shot up his old elementary school because they tormented him there. (In short, they tried to get him the help his mother wouldn't)

The San Bernadino shooter shot the place where he worked with Jews up.

Moron...they have the notes and interview with the colorado theater shooter...he wanted to shoot up an airport but they had armed security is in his fucking notes.....moron.....

the Fort Hood shooter could have gone to the armory or the firing range where soldiers were actually armed.....or the Fort Miltiary police headquarters moron....he chose the place he knew the soldiers would be unarmed......

The Sandy Hook shooter was planning his shooting for years...he scoped out the 3 schools before the is in his notees moron....the middle school and the high school both had armed security....the elementary school had no security and was a gun free zone......

And the Santa Barbara, not San Bernadino ( I keep mixing the two names up) shooter, wanted to shoot up an outdoor festival...but was afraid armed police would shoot him before he killed enough people....he said this in his video....moron.....

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