The UCLA shooting shows how silly opponents of campus carry are....

here you go moron....tell me this Doctor is a Navy SEAL........

No , he was a psychatrist who apparently didn't take the proper actions with a violent patient. You know, like makeing sure he had his guns confiscated. But he was scared enough of his own patient to bring a gun into a hospital.

he wasn't the guys doctor moron.....he had an office at the hospital...moron...when this guy came barging in...moron...
When more college students are asking to carry guns for self defense...the usual suspects step up...left wing professors who talk out of their asses about guns....

These left wing anti freedom, anti gunners say that allowing students to carry guns for self defense will make the professor less safe....because if the student gets mad...they can simply shoot the professor....

Do you see how stupid this argument is in light of the UCLA shooting?

UCLA is currently a gun free zone.....normal, law abiding people can't carry their legally owned guns onto the campus......

This guy carried his gun onto the campus and murdered his a gun free an extreme gun controlled an extreme gun control state.....

So the guy out to murder his professor......did it....

Normal gun owners......won't.....

Twoo Dat. Gun Free Zones just tell the criminals where the easiest victims are.
Oh, dick tiny, the thing was,...
Is English your first language. No offense, just curious due to both your peculiar phrasing and obsession with male genitalia.

He has a sexual fixation on can't discuss anything relating to the 2nd Amendment without him talking about male sex organs and masturbating with guns......he needs help...
here you go moron....tell me this Doctor is a Navy SEAL........

No , he was a psychatrist who apparently didn't take the proper actions with a violent patient. You know, like makeing sure he had his guns confiscated. But he was scared enough of his own patient to bring a gun into a hospital.

Try reading.....

Prosecutors say Dr. Lee Silverman opened fire on Richard Plotts, after Mr. Plotts shot his caseworker and barged his way toward Dr. Silverman’s office desk after gaining access to Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital. Silverman crouched down behind his desk and fetched his gun, which he then fired at Mr. Plotts, wounding him several times before he was subdued.

In the gunfight, Silverman was grazed in the temple by a bullet. The caseworker allegedly shot by Plotts, Theresa Hunt, died from her wounds, police said. She was transporting Plotts to the hospital for treatment.
here you go moron....tell me this Doctor is a Navy SEAL........

No , he was a psychatrist who apparently didn't take the proper actions with a violent patient. You know, like makeing sure he had his guns confiscated. But he was scared enough of his own patient to bring a gun into a hospital.

this is what the cops said about the actions of the Doctor....who was not the doctor of the shooter...

The police on the decision of the Doctor to violate the no gun policy of the hospital......

The decision likely saved lives, police acknowledged. "If he [the doctor] wasn't armed ... this guy could have went out in the hallway and just walked down the offices until he ran out of ammunition,” Yeadon Police Chief Donald Molineux told media.
Is English your first language. No offense, just curious due to both your peculiar phrasing and obsession with male genitalia.

Dick Tiny is my knickname for 2AGuy. Because frankly, anyone talking about gun control to him is like something threatening to go Lorena Bobbit on him.
Ahhh, so you admit to flame-baiting and personal attacks, but that doesn't explain your obsession with male genitalia. Are you gay? Homophobic? Both?

Disagreed about disliking gun control. If he was staunchly defending your right to free speech or freedom of the press, I doubt you'd be making sexual advances, references or insults.

PS I skipped freedom of religion since you obviously want to limit that too per our previous discussions. are a moron...people who don't sell the guns to the customer directly get to be sued because someone else sold a gun to someone who used it in a crime.........can you dress and feed yourself or do you have your nanny do it for you?

Guy, that's an issue for a jury to sort out, isn't it?

I;m sure that if the scenario you describe happened, the Jury would find in of the gun owner...

But here's the thing, this law was passed after the DC Sniper case, where the gun stores sold to a convicted felon and a minor..
oh....and the South Carolina church shooter....he wanted to shoot up a university...but they too had armed he picked that church as a gun free target.......
this is what the cops said about the actions of the Doctor....who was not the doctor of the shooter...

The police on the decision of the Doctor to violate the no gun policy of the hospital......

Again, who cares. The point is, this doctor felt scared enough about this patient to arm himselff but didn't bother to warn anyone else.

that makes him a heel, not a hero.
oh....and the South Carolina church shooter....he wanted to shoot up a university...but they too had armed he picked that church as a gun free target......

Sure he did.

It had nothing to do with the fact that he was a virulent racist and picked a church full of black people. are a moron...people who don't sell the guns to the customer directly get to be sued because someone else sold a gun to someone who used it in a crime.........can you dress and feed yourself or do you have your nanny do it for you?

Guy, that's an issue for a jury to sort out, isn't it?

I;m sure that if the scenario you describe happened, the Jury would find in of the gun owner...

But here's the thing, this law was passed after the DC Sniper case, where the gun stores sold to a convicted felon and a minor..

Wrong.....the sniper said he stole the gun........ are a moron...people who don't sell the guns to the customer directly get to be sued because someone else sold a gun to someone who used it in a crime.........can you dress and feed yourself or do you have your nanny do it for you?

Guy, that's an issue for a jury to sort out, isn't it?

I;m sure that if the scenario you describe happened, the Jury would find in of the gun owner...

But here's the thing, this law was passed after the DC Sniper case, where the gun stores sold to a convicted felon and a minor..

Here you go moron...notice the source of the story is not the NRA....

Judge rules against former Tacoma gun-shop owner in D.C. sniper case

Malvo is believed to have shoplifted the Bushmaster from Bull’s Eye Shooter Supply in 2002.


Malvo told investigators he shoplifted the $1,600 carbine from the gun store, law-enforcement sources have said.

So....he steals a gun from a gun store....and you want to sue the gun you manage to feed and dress yourself or does your nanny do it for you?
oh....and the South Carolina church shooter....he wanted to shoot up a university...but they too had armed he picked that church as a gun free target......

Sure he did.

It had nothing to do with the fact that he was a virulent racist and picked a church full of black people.

Moron.....he told his friends he wanted to shoot up an airport..........why are you so stupid.....?
....But here's the thing, this law was passed after the DC Sniper case, where the gun stores sold to a convicted felon and a minor..
It's against the law to sell a gun to a felon and for a felon to own, buy or possess one.

Bull's Eye Shooter Supply was obviously negligent in how they conducted business, but Bushmaster did nothing wrong. I fail to see how suing Ford because one of their cars was used in a hit-and-run murder case is just.
this is what the cops said about the actions of the Doctor....who was not the doctor of the shooter...

The police on the decision of the Doctor to violate the no gun policy of the hospital......

Again, who cares. The point is, this doctor felt scared enough about this patient to arm himselff but didn't bother to warn anyone else.

that makes him a heel, not a hero.

Moron....what part of the doctor was not his doctor do you not get............the doctor was just working in his office...the shooter was not his patient you moron.....
oh....and the South Carolina church shooter....he wanted to shoot up a university...but they too had armed he picked that church as a gun free target......

Sure he did.

It had nothing to do with the fact that he was a virulent racist and picked a church full of black people.

Again...another source...not the NRA on the South Carolina church shooter and his original choice of target...

Dylann Roof first planned to attack college campus, says black friend

Charleston race killer Dylann Roof originally planned to shoot up a college before changing his mind and massacring worshipers in church, according to a shocked black drinking buddy who counted Roof as a 'homeboy'.

Christon Scriven, 22, said that Roof drunkenly described a scheme to massacre students on the College of Charleston campus just a week ago.


Scriven speculated that Roof could have backed down from attacking the College of Charleston once he realized it has security.

He said: 'I don't think the church was his primary target because he told us he was going for the school. But I think he couldn't get into the school because of the security... so I think he just settled for the church.'

Read more: Dylann Roof first planned to attack college campus, says black friend
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Read more: Dylann Roof first planned to attack college campus, says black friend
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Moron...they have the notes and interview with the colorado theater shooter...he wanted to shoot up an airport but they had armed security is in his fucking notes.....moron.....

yes, guy, clearly the thought of a concealed carry guy is like a cross to a vampire to a gun nut....

Except it almost never happens. They might as well have a fear of lottery tickets.
Moron....what part of the doctor was not his doctor do you not get............the doctor was just working in his office...the shooter was not his patient you moron.....

Uh, no, it was his patient. If you read about this story on a non-gun website, you'd know this.

Authorities search for motive in gunfight between psychiatric patient and doctor

Plotts’s psychiatrist, Lee Silverman, crouched down behind his desk and grabbed his gun.

“We do believe that there were some issues between the doctor and the patient, but whether or not he actually feared him is unclear,” Whelan said, speculating that Plotts may have had issues with his doctor over his treatment plan. Still, it’s not clear why Silverman was armed, which is reportedly against the hospital’s policy.
Ahhh, so you admit to flame-baiting and personal attacks, but that doesn't explain your obsession with male genitalia. Are you gay? Homophobic? Both?

Disagreed about disliking gun control. If he was staunchly defending your right to free speech or freedom of the press, I doubt you'd be making sexual advances, references or insults.

Free Speech doesn't kill 33,000 people a year, cause 70,000 inuries, or contribute to 400,000 crimes.

And a misinterpretation of the Militia Amendment by guys making up for their shortcomings isn't an excuse for it.
Wrong.....the sniper said he stole the gun........

Guy, you are going to make me run out of free Washington posts stories correcting all your misinformation..

Gunmaker, Store Agree To Payout in Sniper Case (

Authorities believe that Malvo shoplifted the rifle from Bull's Eye, where he and Muhammad had been seen checking out the Bushmaster that later disappeared. Once the weapon was found in the back of Muhammad's Chevrolet Caprice and traced back to Bull's Eye, a search of federal records found that the shop had lost track of 238 guns in the previous three years and that more than 50 guns from the store were traced to criminal acts from 1997 to 2001.

yeah, "Shoplifted". 238 times. No, really.

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