The Ugly Downside of "Democracy"

You don't know what a double standard is or you can't make a coherent argument.

Really? A liberal Canadian comments on American politics and you somehow think she shouldn't. A conservative Canadian comments on our politics and it's crickets from the peanut gallery. Couldn't be anymore straightforward.

It's like this. If some jerk comes to you and says "EAT MY BRUSSELS SPROUTS OR YOU'RE A JERK!!" and I say I don't like them and no I will not, and I don't care what they think, that's my opinion. It is STILL my opinion, and there is no DOUBLE STANDARD, if I go to a friend's house, my friend serves Brussels sprouts, and I put them on my plate and push them around a bit. In either case I do not like and will not eat Brussels sprouts.

You mentioned something about coherent arguments. Maybe you should give it a try.

That's called responding to the circumstance. It's not lying; it's not a double standard.

Honest to goodness

While that is technically true, is in sliding into a fascist authoritarian dictatorship at a rapid clip. This has been the fate of every democracy throughout the ages. The Roman Republic lasted 500 years before the Emperors took over.

But the Romans had a clear understanding that the elite ruled so long as the "headcount" was kept fed and entertained. The duty of Roman Senators was to ensure that every Roman had a measure of wheat, and to pay for the games and entertainments at the Forum - hence the phrase "bread and circuses".

American Republicans are really bad at the "bread" part. They'd rather the poor starved so they'll work for less. The working people of America have three times voted for "change". An end to the gridlock, and a government that works for the people and not the billionaires. The third time seems to have been the charm. Biden is helping working Americans.

That's WHY creeps like you are trying to undermine his work.
You don't seem to appreciate how completely Americans DO NOT give a shit what some lefty airhead from Canada thinks about ANYTHING.
I do not believe it. Our so called "friendly northern neighbors" who always have an opinion about every minute happening in America--like you--revealed themselves when Trump was elected.

Screw off, the lot of you. And guess what? At least half of us feel the same.
I think they have America envy....They know they will never be as successful, strong, or self sufficant as we are....Jealousy is a monster for sure...
Oh there is plenty of argument...But, why argue with someone who can't vote, doesn't display a cursory understanding of our system, or has no intention of debating in the first place?

All she, and now you want to do is tear down this country, so yes, I will dismiss both of you out of hand...

Debating about systems of government does not require one to be a citizen of the country being discussed.
Because like most progressive liberals, she is a loudmouth that believes that her opinions are more important than anyone elses....She is a pushy, annoying, gasbag that is the type to insert herself in matters that are none of her business....It's a real character flaw...While most Canadians I've met, are nice, hospitable people, she is a rude, pushy, nosey, classless broad that doesn't know boundries...Probably on the spectrum....

Wow. You're completely triggered. You can't handle anyone who blows holes in the lies you tell yourself.

You fools seem to think that what you do, doesn't affect the rest of us on this planet and you're free to do as you please. You're destroying your country, and the air and the water, and you're refusing to deal with climate concerns. We had acid rain in Ontario destroying our public buildings and our trees because of "made in America" pollution.

The rest of the world has an obligation to wake you idiots up before you destroy the planet.
Really? A liberal Canadian comments on American politics and you somehow think she shouldn't. A conservative Canadian comments on our politics and it's crickets from the peanut gallery. Couldn't be anymore straightforward.
How many threads do you see where American's comment on Canidian politics? You know why that is? Because we don't care...Plus, it's kind of ridicolous to do so, I don't live there so let the Canidian's do Canada....I just wish they'd do the same.
Oh there is plenty of argument...But, why argue with someone who can't vote, doesn't display a cursory understanding of our system, or has no intention of debating in the first place?

All she, and now you want to do is tear down this country, so yes, I will dismiss both of you out of hand...

No I don't. I actually want your country to thrive. Something it hasn't done for decades as you continue to follow wrong headed conservative fiscal policies which have impoverished 40% of your people.
They used tests in the South to prevent blacks from voting.

The tests weren't fair.

So since once tests were not fair, all tests are not fair.

Which Trump and the Republicans are currently trying to change to a fascist dictatorship, via January 6th, and the lies that lead to it.

Republicans can no longer win elections. There are simply not enough angry white people to sustain their rule. That's why they want an end to counting the "urban" votes, and they're gerrymandering all of the leftists districts out of existence.

These new redistricting maps will not stand. The court cases have already been filed.

Said the lefty that supports the fascists brownshirt mobs killing people in teh streets.
Wow. You're completely triggered. You can't handle anyone who blows holes in the lies you tell yourself.

You fools seem to think that what you do, doesn't affect the rest of us on this planet and you're free to do as you please. You're destroying your country, and the air and the water, and you're refusing to deal with climate concerns. We had acid rain in Ontario destroying our public buildings and our trees because of "made in America" pollution.

The rest of the world has an obligation to wake you idiots up before you destroy the planet.

Thanks for proving my point....I guess you appointed yourself the Spokeswoman for Canada now....Ok....Whew! you are in need of help.
How many threads do you see where American's comment on Canidian politics? You know why that is? Because we don't care...Plus, it's kind of ridicolous to do so, I don't live there so let the Canidian's do Canada....I just wish they'd do the same.

How many times have Americans tried to change Canadian policies? The USA wanted our public healthcare system dismantled under NAFTA because they said our government funded system was a "unfair subsidy for employers".

You destroyed the Great Lakes as well as air quality in Ontario, until we came to agreements to make you stop.;

As a citizen you may know NOTHING about Canada, but your government has been trying to undermine OUR way of life for as long as I can remember.

I have little patience for fools like you who can't see past your own front porch. You don't care about Canada because you're selfish, short sighted and stupid. The world is YOUR business too. Stupid, uncaring and conservative is no way to go through life, Mac.
Thanks for proving my point....I guess you appointed yourself the Spokeswoman for Canada now....Ok....Whew! you are in need of help.

Anything to dismiss the truth, eh Mac. I'm not the spokeswoman for anything other than common sense. Something you have NONE of.
How many threads do you see where American's comment on Canidian politics? You know why that is? Because we don't care...Plus, it's kind of ridicolous to do so, I don't live there so let the Canidian's do Canada....I just wish they'd do the same.

Really? This is USMB so the focus is on the United States. I don't have a count on when Canada has been the topic as there is no way for me to answer that. However I can find threads about Canadian politics being discussed by Americans.

Can you find the Canadian's who objected to Americans discussing Canadian politics on a politics forum, snowflake?
No I don't. I actually want your country to thrive. Something it hasn't done for decades as you continue to follow wrong headed conservative fiscal policies which have impoverished 40% of your people.

:auiqs.jpg: :no_text11::auiqs.jpg: 40%???? See, this is what I mean, you don't even know what the hell you're talking about...

So, I post to HJ;

"...why argue with someone who can't vote, doesn't display a cursory understanding of our system, or has no intention of debating in the first place?"

and your stupid reply was;

"No, I don't..."

Good job...You could have stopped typing right there, but we both know you won't because you can't...Your ego, your personality, and your general make up won't let you....Keep digging Canuk.....
Really? This is USMB so the focus is on the United States. I don't have a count on when Canada has been the topic as there is no way for me to answer that. However I can find threads about Canadian politics being discussed by Americans.

Can you find the Canadian's who objected to Americans discussing Canadian politics on a politics forum, snowflake?
No, and you know why? Because Canada is not even interesting enough to comment on, that is unless you like talking about how cold it is, or the absolute Keystone nature of their system...Me? I'll pass.

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