The Ugly Downside of "Democracy"

The "misfits" are voting Republican having been brainwashed by FOX News, Breitbart and others. They voted for Donald Trump in droves. They felt a kinship to this poor man who the press hates. The misfits voted for Trump because they recognized he's a loser just like them.
You have absolutely NO say in this thread what so ever....Grab your broom, and fly away...
Sadly, his nation has gone off the rails. I wrote them off entirely when they became egotistical nasty nags over Trump. I no longer care what happens to their nation.

You're Canadian. American They don't care what you think
We, the USA have the goal of spreading democracy, all over the world..
when you say "WE" you mean progressives right??

and hate to break it to you but we have fucked this up everytime because we ,,, sorry,, you want to spread democracy instead of a constitutional republic,,
You're Canadian. We don't care what you think.

That's your problem. You think you know everything, but your current mess shows that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. "American exceptionism" is no different than "Aryan supremacy".

Your user name doesn't fit. You're more vinegar than "sweet". Not very bright, but definitely sour.
when you say "WE" you mean progressives right??

and hate to break it to you but we have fucked this up everytime because we ,,, sorry,, you want to spread democracy instead of a constitutional republic,,

So now you're going to deny that you're a democratic Republic. Is this how you justify authoritarianism? Because you're not a democracy you don't have to count the "urban" votes?
That's your problem. You think you know everything, but your current mess shows that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. "American exceptionism" is no different than "Aryan supremacy".

Your user name doesn't fit. You're more vinegar than "sweet". Not very bright, but definitely sour.

I am not sweet to evil. Nor should I be.
Progs add endless programs that are not removed and they grow by double digits every year once enacted.

Democrats create programs to help We the People
Republicans create programs to help the wealthy
I am not sweet to evil. Nor should I be.

Just the fact that you consider those who don't think like you "evil", shows what a complete fool you are. You voted for "evil".

You voted for a man who killed half a million Americans through his incompetence and lack of concern for their lives. He did it to help his re-election chances. That's the very definition of "evil". And you're all for it.
Just the fact that you consider those who don't think like you "evil", shows what a complete fool you are. You voted for "evil".

You voted for a man who killed half a million Americans through his incompetence and lack of concern for their lives. He did it to help his re-election chances. That's the very definition of "evil". And you're all for it.

Oh no many people who do not think like me, and with whom I disagree, are not evil. However, people who want to blame Trump for killing half a million people, but not the current president for "killing" more, are both stupid AND twisted. Yes. Twisted.
He seems like a decent human being with reasonable thoughts. Sadly, his nation has gone off the rails. I wrote them off entirely when they became egotistical nasty nags over Trump. I no longer care what happens to their nation. People say, oh those Canadians are really suffering they can't travel if not vaccinated etc. Me: Shrug. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Or in their case. Put up with stupid policies, get stupid outcomes
Ah, so in the end double standard. Shocking.

You're Canadian. We don't care what you think
Progs add endless programs that are not removed and they grow by double digits every year once enacted.

Republicans don't do that? What about "earned income credits" or as I like to call the program "wage subsidies for billionaire corporations"? That was supposed to be limited program to help the poorest of the poor. 40% of workers are now getting food stamps and other forms of income supports which have ballooned to be a massive drain on the public purse.

Even worse, ever $1 of aid going to low income families, costs taxpayers $1.50 by the time you add in administration. Whereas every dollar of addition wages paid costs the employer 79 cents, since this is a tax deductible expense, and increased wages reduces taxes paid.

But you vote for this shit. And it's growing every year as Republican policies push more and more people back into poverty.
Nonsense...The fact that the Trump presidency triggers you is of no significant concern...
The fact that a known criminal like him could be elected by idiots with a little help from some foreign trolls definitely is a concern.

Deal with it.

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