The Ugly Downside of "Democracy"

Ah, so in the end double standard. Shocking.

You're Canadian. We don't care what you think

Where did I say that I care what shocked canadian thinks? Did I say that?

He's a nice guy. He seems reasonable. I still don't care what he thinks about our country. I've been there for several years. About all foreigners.
Oh please point out the double standard. This should be great.
In order for there not to be a double standard you need to tell shockedcanadian that you don't care what he thinks.

I didn't think pointing it out was necessary but I keep giving too much credit to the conspiracy crowd.
In order for there not to be a double standard you need to tell shockedcanadian that you don't care what he thinks.

I didn't think pointing it out was necessary but I keep giving too much credit to the conspiracy crowd.


No I don't. This is the dumbest thing I've read here in days. And that's saying something
The fact that a known criminal like him could be elected by idiots with a little help from some foreign trolls definitely is a concern.

Deal with it.
Seek help....Your posts are nonsensical, and absurd.
They used tests in the South to prevent blacks from voting.

The tests weren't fair.
If every white voter was exempted and only black people took the test that was clearly unfair

Otherwise every voter should able to pass a basic citizenship test

And that means they must be literate

No I don't. This is the dumbest thing I've read here in days. And that's saying something
Like I said double standard. It appears to me you can't debate the topic so for whatever reason you attack the poster's citizenship which has nothing to do with you losing a debate. Then the cherry on top is you don't care if she is Canadian or not since you don't hold conservative wingnuts from Canada to your same dumb standard about how only Americans can debate our elections.

When they do, I hope they have their own fighting force to defend them. And do not rely on us at all.

The Canadian military is....well, you know. Not up to the task, shall we say.

We haven't needed a crack military because nobody's attacked US since 1812. We mind our own business and help out others. Unlike Americans, who are hated the world over for their rudeness and sense of entitlement, Canadians are warmly welcomed.

When you go around acting like assholes, like you are now, you don't make any friends. You could learn a lot from Canada. We ARE the best place in the world to live. But you keep being you. That's really working well for you right now as you slip in second world status.
Why does she think we care what SHE thinks of our nation?

Because like most progressive liberals, she is a loudmouth that believes that her opinions are more important than anyone elses....She is a pushy, annoying, gasbag that is the type to insert herself in matters that are none of her business....It's a real character flaw...While most Canadians I've met, are nice, hospitable people, she is a rude, pushy, nosey, classless broad that doesn't know boundries...Probably on the spectrum....
Seek help....Your posts are nonsensical, and absurd.

No he pretty much nailed it. You elected a criminal conman who was helped by the Russian government.

Haven't you ever wondered why the Russians and the Chinese and the Iranians wanted Trump to be elected? Because he was destroying your country fool. They WANT Trump in power because with Trump in the White House, you're going down the tubes.
Like I said double standard. It appears to me you can't debate the topic so for whatever reason you attack the poster's citizenship which has nothing to do with you losing a debate. Then the cherry on top is you don't care if she is Canadian or not since you don't hold conservative wingnuts from Canada to your same dumb standard about how only Americans can debate our elections.

Ok, tell us why we should consider anything Canadian's have to say about our electoral process?
No he pretty much nailed it. You elected a criminal conman who was helped by the Russian government.

Haven't you ever wondered why the Russians and the Chinese and the Iranians wanted Trump to be elected? Because he was destroying your country fool. They WANT Trump in power because with Trump in the White House, you're going down the tubes.
Please post the convictions associated with Trump....I'll wait....
Ok, tell us why we should consider anything Canadian's have to say about our electoral process?

I don't care if you consider her opinion or not. But these weird bullshit rules that you morons make up as opposed to actually debating are obviously because you don't have much of an argument.
Like I said double standard. It appears to me you can't debate the topic so for whatever reason you attack the poster's citizenship which has nothing to do with you losing a debate. Then the cherry on top is you don't care if she is Canadian or not since you don't hold conservative wingnuts to your same dumb standard about how only Americans can debate our elections.


You don't know what a double standard is or you can't make a coherent argument. It's like this. If some jerk comes to you and says "EAT MY BRUSSELS SPROUTS OR YOU'RE A JERK!!" and I say I don't like them and no I will not, and I don't care what they think, that's my opinion. It is STILL my opinion, and there is no DOUBLE STANDARD, if I go to a friend's house, my friend serves Brussels sprouts, and I put them on my plate and push them around a bit. In either case I do not like and will not eat Brussels sprouts.

That's called responding to the circumstance. It's not lying; it's not a double standard.

Honest to goodness
We haven't needed a crack military because nobody's attacked US since 1812. We mind our own business and help out others. Unlike Americans, who are hated the world over for their rudeness and sense of entitlement, Canadians are warmly welcomed.

When you go around acting like assholes, like you are now, you don't make any friends. You could learn a lot from Canada. We ARE the best place in the world to live. But you keep being you. That's really working well for you right now as you slip in second world status.

I do not believe it. Our so called "friendly northern neighbors" who always have an opinion about every minute happening in America--like you--revealed themselves when Trump was elected.

Screw off, the lot of you. And guess what? At least half of us feel the same.
I don't care if you consider her opinion or not. But these weird bullshit rules that you morons make up as opposed to actually debating are obviously because you don't have much of an argument.
Oh there is plenty of argument...But, why argue with someone who can't vote, doesn't display a cursory understanding of our system, or has no intention of debating in the first place?

All she, and now you want to do is tear down this country, so yes, I will dismiss both of you out of hand...

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