The Ukraine is massively more Christian than Muscovy . Does is matter to Our Christians?


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

The Ukraine is massively more Christian than Muscovy . Does is matter to Our Christians?​

Now the logical answer is that one country should not be invading and slaughtering another country regardless of their religion. Pretty simple.

But on these holiest of Christian days, the question is "do you think that Western-EU- American Christians/Christians in general are outraged (as a group) that an empire like semi- muslim Muscovy, see demographics below, is bombing the shit out of a country like Ukraine (hugely Christian)"?

Ukrainian demographics...

Muscovy demographics...


Those who are upset are not upset at the people of the Ukraine. They are upset at their leaders.

The Ukraine is massively more Christian than Muscovy . Does is matter to Our Christians?​

Now the logical answer is that one country should not be invading and slaughtering another country regardless of their religion. Pretty simple.

But on these holiest of Christian days, the question is "do you think that Western-EU- American Christians/Christians in general are outraged (as a group) that an empire like semi- muslim Muscovy, see demographics below, is bombing the shit out of a country like Ukraine (hugely Christian)"?

Ukrainian demographics...
View attachment 742462

Muscovy demographics...

View attachment 742461

The West has been taken over by secular Marxists who need a gender change, so saying Christians are being hunted down by Putin will only encourage them not to help.

The Ukraine is massively more Christian than Muscovy . Does is matter to Our Christians?​

Now the logical answer is that one country should not be invading and slaughtering another country regardless of their religion. Pretty simple.

But on these holiest of Christian days, the question is "do you think that Western-EU- American Christians/Christians in general are outraged (as a group) that an empire like semi- muslim Muscovy, see demographics below, is bombing the shit out of a country like Ukraine (hugely Christian)"?

Ukrainian demographics...
View attachment 742462

Muscovy demographics...

View attachment 742461

I'm very excited about large numbers of conservative Orthodox Christian Ukrainian refugees coming to the United States. We need people like them! I'm Orthodox, and the Ukrainians in our church are awesome. Hard-working, conservative, pro-life, and they vote red.
Neither Russia nor Ukraine are Christian countries
Both of them are run by satanists who brainwash their populations
To come into Paradise Russians shall kill as much as possible Ukrainians according to their church
The same is required from Ukrainians
An oxymoron?
I guess not because both countries not deserved to be called as Christian ones


It all doesn't matter. When Ukraine forbids Moscow Patriarchate Orthodox church, Tucker Carlson and all Putinsuckers here will be bitching all day long how Christianity is persecuted in Ukraine.
google KGB codename “Mikhailov

Yet a closer look at life in Zelensky's Ukraine reveals that it is not the paragon of democracy and Western values that everyone seems to think it is. Ukraine is a deeply corrupt country with wealthy oligarchs playing the same role there as they do in Putin's Russia. Using the war as an excuse, Zelensky has banned his political opposition and shut down all media not controlled by his regime.

The latest example of his authoritarian style is even more egregious.

Zelensky's attempt to bar Orthodox churches that answer to the Russian Orthodox Church ought to dispel any notion that Americans are supporting Western values of freedom in this war.

This approach toward the Orthodox Church clearly contradicts those eager to portray this war as a clear-cut conflict between an authoritarian oppressor and a democratic underdog.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<for your ease>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Тем не менее, более пристальный взгляд на жизнь в Украине Зеленского показывает, что это не образец демократии и западных ценностей, как все думают. Украина — глубоко коррумпированная страна, где богатые олигархи играют ту же роль, что и в путинской России. Под предлогом войны Зеленский запретил свою политическую оппозицию и закрыл все СМИ, неподконтрольные его режиму.

Последний пример его авторитарного стиля еще более вопиющий.

Попытка Зеленского запретить православные церкви, подчиняющиеся Русской православной церкви, должна развеять любые представления о том, что американцы поддерживают западные ценности свободы в этой войне.

Такой подход к Православной церкви явно противоречит тем, кто стремится изобразить эту войну как явный конфликт между авторитарным угнетателем и демократическим аутсайдером.


Ok Litwin

so a few anti-war insurgents infiltrate churches on both sides, and preach peace

did i miss anything?


Ок Литвин

поэтому несколько антивоенных повстанцев проникают в церкви с обеих сторон и проповедуют мир

я что-то пропустил?

It all doesn't matter. When Ukraine forbids Moscow Patriarchate Orthodox church,

Supposedly Ukraine prohibits a Muslim or Jewish denomination
No-stop 24/7 coverage are sure
But no one is talking about prohibition of religion for 60% of Ukrainian citizens
And the acceptance rate of gays is the same in Russia as in Ukraine:
The Global Divide on Homosexuality Persists
The only difference is in Russia they get thrown in jail.

Which some propagandists have said is a motive for a holy war against Ukraine.

It really wouldn't surprise me if there are more LGBT in Russia percentagewise. There are more in numbers without a doubt.
And the acceptance rate of gays is the same in Russia as in Ukraine:
The Global Divide on Homosexuality Persists
The only difference is in Russia they get thrown in jail.

Which some propagandists have said is a motive for a holy war against Ukraine.

It really wouldn't surprise me if there are more LGBT in Russia percentagewise. There are more in numbers without a doubt.

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