The Ukraine - place blame where it TRULY belongs

Dumb fuck thought he could get away with.
He will in the end.

I could walk out side and attack half the neighborhood likely not much many could do about it. Still the decision would be mine. There for I would be responsible for it. The judge would veiw it that way. The cops would veiw it that way. My buddies in jail eating a stale bologna sandwich for doing it would veiw it that way. Any sane person would veiw it that way. I am sure we could invade Mexico and take it over we would be responsible for invading a sovereign nation just as Putin is.

But what if the neighbor you attacked had raped your daughter first or stolen your lawn furniture?

You see Flow, nothing is ever quite as simple and 2-dimensional as it might seem.
Even better, you whine about them not investing in a military to protect themselves whilst they kick Russian ass left and right as a minute tiny force opposing a much larger better equipped force.
Why would you believe US propaganda?

Russia is taking Ukraine's ports starting with the neo-Nazi stronghold of Mariupol; how will that affect Zelensky's billionaire backers?

Ukraine war in maps: Tracking the Russian invasion
Have they captured Kiyv yet? No?

Have they taken Mariupol (even though they're reduced it to WWII Warsaw like ruin)?


They have managed to lose five generals though
They are less than one month into their illegal invasion.

How long has the war in Donbas been going on?

How did your neo-Nazis fare in that one?


"A Russian government spokesman said that Russian military movements pose no threat,[519] but Russian official Dmitry Kozak warned that Russian forces could act to 'defend' 'Russian citizens in Ukraine, and any escalation of the Donbas conflict would mean 'the beginning of the end of Ukraine' – 'not a shot in the leg, but in the face'.[520][521]

"By this time, some half a million people in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic had been issued Russian passports since fighting broke out in 2014"

War in Donbas - Wikipedia
Which billionaire funds the Jewish president of Ukraine and the Azov battalion of neo-Nazis?
How an embattled Ukrainian oligarch has kept his grip on an economic empire

Profile: Who are Ukraine’s far-right Azov regiment?

"Before becoming part of Ukraine’s armed forces, who funded Azov?​

"The unit received backing from Ukraine’s interior minister in 2014, as the government had recognised its own military was too weak to fight off the pro-Russian separatists and relied on paramilitary volunteer forces.

"These forces were privately funded by oligarchs – the most known being Igor Kolomoisky, an energy magnate billionaire and then-governor of the Dnipropetrovska region."
IMHO, the outset of the Cold War is a good starting point for gaining an understanding of the US elites' willingness to fight Russia to the last drop of Ukrainian blood:

Nationalism and fascism in Ukraine: A historical overview

"The CIA’s first large-scale projects to destabilise the Soviet Union included intervention in the Ukrainian civil war.

"The predecessor to the CIA, the OSS, together with the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), had already supplied the underground war being waged by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists-Bandera (OUN-B) with materiel and logistics before the end of the world war.

"As well as military training, this included the parachute drop of agents into Soviet and Polish territory. [7]

"The guerrilla war in Ukraine became the prototype for similar operations by the CIA throughout the world during the Cold War."
It's entirely difficult not to reach for other texts to accompany this overview. They are, Uki Goni's The Real Odessa: Smuggling the Nazis to Peron's Argentina, and Winks, Cloak and Gown: Scholars in the Secret War.
On Mariupol, Pushilin said yesterday that it may be over a week or so because....

' eshche neskol'ko tysiach boitsov ukrainskikh natsionalicheskikh batal'onov ostaiutsia v gorode.
several thousand more Ukrainian nationalist battalion fighters remain in the city.

Po ego slovam, oni sosredotochilis' v raione zavoda "Azovstal."
According to him, they are concentrated in the area of the Azovstal plant.

iskliuchil, chto boi tam zakonchatsia "segodnia-zavtra" ili v techenie nedeli.
ruled out that the battle there would end "today or tomorrow" or within a week.'

'As soon as the Russian forces take the city of Mariupol under control, the Kiev regime will fall. The capture of Mariupol and its complete liberation from the Ukrainian neo-nazis is of great importance to the Russian Army.'
(Vladimir Kozin)
Post after post of Russian sock puppets spewing Putin propaganda.

Yea...fuck off
No chance it could be US propaganda, specifically ?
You mean idiotic things like the most corrupt autocrat on the planet whining about corruption in Ukraine?

Things like claiming that the Jewish President of Ukraine is heading a Nazi government?

That Ukrainians are bombing themselves

That the women dying in the bombed maternity hospital were "crisis actors"

Fuck you sock puppet
You mean idiotic things like the most corrupt autocrat on the planet whining about corruption in Ukraine?

Things like claiming that the Jewish President of Ukraine is heading a Nazi government?

That Ukrainians are bombing themselves

That the women dying in the bombed maternity hospital were "crisis actors"

Fuck you sock puppet

Does this make you Biden's cock puppet?

What Putin has done is immoral and totally wrong.

Are you aware Zelensky has shut down all television stations, canceled elections?

Ukraine’s Accelerating Slide into Authoritarianism​

As bad as the situation was under Poroshenko, however, it has grown even worse under his successor, Zelensky. In early February 2021, the Ukrainian government closed several pro‐Russia, independent media outlets, and did so on the basis of utterly vague, open‐ended standards. On May 13, 2021, a Ukrainian court ordered prominent pro‐Russian politician Viktor Medvedchuk, a political ally of the owner of those television stations, to be put under house arrest while he faced allegations of treason. Medvedchuk, leader of the Opposition Platform — For Life political party, is one of Zelensky’s most outspoken critics. Prosecutors had earlier accused him of engaging in “subversive activities against Ukraine, including in the economic sphere,”

Medvedchuk is hardly the only target of an increasingly ugly political crackdown. In mid‐April, Ukraine’s state security service detained 60 demonstrators in the city of Kharkiv who sought to protest actions by the local city council. The authorities did not accuse the protestors of engaging in violence; indeed, there was no evidence of such behavior. Instead, the state security service alleged that “pro‐Russian political forces” had sent the demonstrators to stage protests as a way to “justify possible acts of Russian aggression against Ukraine.” One could include almost any political activity under the rubric of such a vague, emotionally charged allegation.
Save the Putin propaganda

It's bullshit and no one is buying it

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