The Ukraine - place blame where it TRULY belongs

Oh look...a sock puppet having trouble reading English

Less....less than what? Less than when Hunter Biden was shaking them down for the Biden Crime Syndicate?
Define 'less' in terms of the west.

So you aren’t aware that Putin is saying the same things to justify his invasion? Yea ya are sock

A sock? For who, what, asshole? And when did I become one? Was I one in 2017 or did a little russian just slip in my window the other night and slip me a mickey? How can I be a sock for Putin and not even know what he is saying? Since you are the expert on Putin I'm guessing maybe YOU are the russian sock!
So now you can't even talk about Ukraine without being a Russian POS? Who knew! :smoke:

And here I always thought POS commies were people who tried to silence the free speech and opinions of others, you know, like you are trying to do here!
You’re free to say whatever the hell you want. But if you try and attack a country that is being invaded and blame them instead of the actual country that is invading them, then you are obviously defending Russia and in turn being a steaming POS. Something it seems you know much about. Are you seeing it now freak? Are the blinders off or are you still denying that douche bags on the Right are defending Putin??
I have buddies who are more anti-war than I am. At best, I agree that on this topic I’m a bit indecisive. But one pal sent me an interesting article about Brandon and the Ukraine mess that is more in line with my other buddies’ thinking. I share it because it has me thinking:

But if you try and attack a country that is being invaded and blame them instead of the actual country that is invading them, then you are obviously defending Russia
No, I'm just asking the obvious questions about why now? Why Ukraine? And did Ukraine have any hand in instigating it? Facts suggest no one is perfectly innocent here, but that does not justify Putin bombing hospitals and kindergartens.

Are the blinders off or are you still denying that douche bags on the Right are defending Putin??
My first question is HOW do you or anyone know what political leaning any Putin Defenders are? Did they tell you? I've seen many GOP on TV calling for the guy's assassination!

My second question is whether one can "defend" Putin by offering up insights into the causation of the war yet still be against Putin and the war? Why not?
No, I'm just asking the obvious questions about why now? Why Ukraine? And did Ukraine have any hand in instigating it? Facts suggest no one is perfectly innocent here, but that does not justify Putin bombing hospitals and kindergartens.

My first question is HOW do you or anyone know what political leaning any Putin Defenders are? Did they tell you? I've seen many GOP on TV calling for the guy's assassination!

My second question is whether one can "defend" Putin by offering up insights into the causation of the war yet still be against Putin and the war? Why not?
Yes, two of the posters i specifically pointed out to you had pages of rants about how great Putin and Trump are
How can anyone be this monumentally dumb. Really, how? it is an honest question
Here another honest question.

Who is Igor Kolomoisky and how many Ukrainian neo-Nazis does he pay?

Ukraine’s President Can’t Avoid Showdown With His Oligarch Backer

"Kolomoisky has been making use of his ambiguous position as the future president’s business partner since the very start of Zelensky’s election campaign, but this didn’t prevent Zelensky from sweeping to victory in the elections.

"Now, however, the trickster oligarch is becoming increasingly toxic for Zelensky’s team, not only within the country but also abroad
There is no way you can swing Ukraine being responsible for Russia rolling troops across its borders.
I wouldn't even try.
You can't escape the fact the US has been fighting Russia to the last drop of Ukrainian blood since 1949 in pursuit of regime change.
The US provoked the Russians for three decades, and the Bear finally snapped.

One nation rolled troops into another without any provocation, attack or even a propagandist claim that they made any move against Russian assets.
Ukraine not only killed around 13,000 inhabitants of the Donbas over the past eight years, it also amassed a large invasion force at its eastern border over the last year, and those factors provoked the Russian war of aggression.

Casualties of the Russo-Ukrainian War - Wikipedia.
You’re free to say whatever the hell you want. But if you try and attack a country that is being invaded and blame them instead of the actual country that is invading them, then you are obviously defending Russia and in turn being a steaming POS. Something it seems you know much about. Are you seeing it now freak? Are the blinders off or are you still denying that douche bags on the Right are defending Putin??

I see, heading into the midterms this is the Boosheet de Jour.

A commie behind every tree.....Yaaa!
The Ukraine and its history is no stranger to war and military skirmishes.

You would think, by now, the so-called "leaders" would have learned something from the centuries of conflicts, causing destruction and death. But obviously not, since it continues.

WHY hasn't the Ukrainian "leaders" over the past few decades used their power and alliances with "free" countries to beef up their military, secure their borders, and create safety shelters for its citizens? WHERE has all the money gone that they have begged for, in order to help the Ukraine overcome these wars and military conflicts???

I'd say it isn't the invading forces fault that they can easily walk in and easily cause massive destruction and conflict. It seems it's the lack of the Ukrainian "leaders" initiatives to create safe borders, a beefed up and ready to go military, and safe places for the citizens to go in order to escape the dangers and destruction.

Much like Puerto Rico and their hurricanes..........the Ukrainian "leaders" obviously don't give a rats ass about their country or their people they are supposed to protect, since they have never used any of the money given to them by other countries, to beef up and arm their military, secure all borders, and create safe places for the citizens to go in case of another military strike.

Seems to me these "leaders" are just using their country as their own personal ATM.......much like the Democrats using the USA's citizens as their own personal ATM!!! They have no regard for the lives they are in charge of, until the world is looking at them under a microscope. Then, all of a sudden, they are begging for help and money.

I cannot feel sorry for a country that doesn't force it's leaders to ethically, legally, and humanely run their country and use the money they are given to protect said country and secure it, instead of shoving that money into their pockets.

It's not Putins fault. It's the Ukrainian "leaders" fault. Place blame where it TRULY belongs.
Guess you feel the same about Poland and Hitler's invasion that started WWII?
No you won't.

Is Ukraine an inert cinder block? Why didn't Putin invade elsewhere?
Dumb fuck thought he could get away with. I could walk out side and attack half the neighborhood likely not much many could do about it. Still the decision would be mine. There for I would be responsible for it. The judge would veiw it that way. The cops would veiw it that way. My buddies in jail eating a stale bologna sandwich for doing it would veiw it that way. Any sane person would veiw it that way. I am sure we could invade Mexico and take it over we would be responsible for invading a sovereign nation just as Putin is

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