The Ukraine - place blame where it TRULY belongs

Western media now says 1700 under the rubble, yesterday it was 1400. This arrogant, biased machine has some way to go before it arrives at 14,000 killed since 2014, the Donbass having done an American 1776 imitation since then.
It will be years if not decades before most Americans will find out what has really happened over the past month.

Normally a "transitory event" like the Russian invasion of Ukraine would pass into the memory hole in a few months after the killing ends.

This particular event has come at a unique time that may Change Everything about the established US unipolar world order:

We are in a period of great tectonic shifts: The Eleventh Newsletter (2022) | MR Online

"Thesis One: Unipolarity. Following the fall of the Soviet Union, between 1990 and 2013–15, the United States developed a world system that benefitted multinational corporations based in the United States and in the other G7 countries (Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Canada).

"The events that defined overwhelming U.S. power were the invasions of Iraq (1991) and Yugoslavia (1999) as well as the creation of the World Trade Organisation (1994).

"Russia, weakened by the collapse of the USSR, sought entry into this system by joining the G7 and collaborating with the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) as a ‘Partner for Peace’.

"Meanwhile, China, under presidents Jiang Zemin (1993–2003) and Hu Jintao (2003–2013), played a careful game by inserting its labour into the U.S.-dominated global system and not challenging the U.S. in its operations."
A Pathology Worth Studying

In post #121, we began to set the stage for the critique of the mental disease that is religion. On other threads today, we have seen posters shying away from confronting the issue (History forum). Ostrich imitations will not suffice. The mental disease is correctly named: religion, and as we have stated elsewhere, when the CIA goes to church, it certainly isn't to pray. More insight into this pathology can be gained by the reading prisoner, continuing with the connection we've already pointed to for the Pentagon's symbolic copulation with Ivano-Frankivsk and its link in time to the Libyan Civil War.

There is no requirement for a strict, sequential timeline. Thus, we will jump ahead to directly make the religious connections which will fit into the sequence as we proceed.

As will eventually be shown, the link is to the "Lady of Gharyan" a Libyan mural.

'....a former Muslim, rejected the faith and became an atheist....But, as The Economist at the time noted, Hirsi Ali's "wholesale condemnation of existing religions just aren't done in American politics." It said that "The explicit consensus in America is ecumenical and strongly pro-religious."

It's impossoble and absurd, to eliminate religion's pathology from American politics, just as the Muslim Brotherhood was not allowed (a la Thomas Jefferson's wall) to participate in elections. The link to this exquisitely nazi-esque fascist article, above and below, is already booby trapped with cookies. Perhaps there is another copy of it, otherwise it exists in hard-copy. Note that the year of publication is the year of Ukrainian violence, 2014:

2014 Ap 16 The Economist, Enlightened Intolerance

So, to fine-tune the chron to see just how close The Economist article's pathology links to Ukrainian violence and Putin's rocket landing near Viche Maidan:

'....To date, some 13,000 people have been killed, a quarter of them civilians, and as many as 30,000 wounded in the war in eastern Ukraine since it broke out in April 2014.'
Ukraine not only killed around 13,000 inhabitants of the Donbas over the past eight years, it also amassed a large invasion force at its eastern border over the last year, and those factors provoked the Russian war of aggression.

Casualties of the Russo-Ukrainian War - Wikipedia.
Donbas is part of Ukraine. It’s trying to secede like the Confederacy did here. Ukraine has the right to keep its territory that Putin is chipping away at. First it was Crimea, now Donbas.
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So you're hoping people will forget the MURDER your countrymen have been engaging in?

My country has been the greatest purveyor of violence on this planet for the last 75 years.

What about yours?

Funny, it was a standard campaign talking point.....Dude, you're losing the narrative.
Ok it was a standard campaign talking point. So what? Is that what we are going to debate now? The honesty of standard debate talking points?! Give me a break
Donbas is part of Ukraine. It’s trying to secede like the Confederacy did here. Ukraine has the right to keep its territory that Putin is chipping away at. First it was Crimea, now Donbas
Donbas objected to a US-supported coup in 2014 that overthrew a corrupt yet duly elected president.

When right-wing fascists begin purging the Russian language from native Russian speakers in eastern Ukraine and killing those who objected to the coup, civil war became inevitable.

It's an old story that started in 1949: the US in fighting Russian to the last drop of Ukrainian blood.

Why did Ukraine suspend 11 ‘pro-Russia’ parties?
Ali links to Theo van Gogh, so the pathology of van Gogh's murder connects mental disease to the (nazi strive for pure form [italics]), seen in the reaction of Islamists to cartoons and the perverted claim of blasphemy. For example now in Ukraine, Chechens are fighting on (both sides [italics]). There is also a full article in the New Yorker about Ali:

RY Viewpoint: Enlightenment and Tolerance
Ali links to Theo van Gogh, so the pathology of van Gogh's murder connects mental disease to the (nazi strive for pure form [italics]), seen in the reaction of Islamists to cartoons and the perverted claim of blasphemy. For example now in Ukraine, Chechens are fighting on (both sides [italics]). There is also a full article in the New Yorker about Ali:

RY Viewpoint: Enlightenment and Tolerance
Seems like the sock puppets travel in pairs
Donbas objected to a US-supported coup in 2014 that overthrew a corrupt yet duly elected president.

When right-wing fascists begin purging the Russian language from native Russian speakers in eastern Ukraine and killing those who objected to the coup, civil war became inevitable.

It's an old story that started in 1949: the US in fighting Russian to the last drop of Ukrainian blood.

Why did Ukraine suspend 11 ‘pro-Russia’ parties?
More fine material for study. The Venice Commission paper is a college course of its own, though will best link to an examination of the symbolism and evolution and geography of the swastika from the Neolithic onward. The linked Ukraine Security Council meeting requires translation.
Ok it was a standard campaign talking point. So what? Is that what we are going to debate now? The honesty of standard debate talking points?! Give me a break

Like I said, Biden owned the laptop during the debates. The talking points are just that.....a lie to cover reality.

Of course, you must remember the 50 intel dudes who verified it was a Russian disinformation campaign, don't you?

And now we have another stellar Biden child....Dear Diary. Reports saying it's chock full of salacious revelations......must run in the family. No wonder Joe is lost in space at times.
Like I said, Biden owned the laptop during the debates. The talking points are just that.....a lie to cover reality.

Of course, you must remember the 50 intel dudes who verified it was a Russian disinformation campaign, don't you?

And now we have another stellar Biden child....Dear Diary. Reports saying it's chock full of salacious revelations......must run in the family. No wonder Joe is lost in space at times.
Do ya realize that you didn't actually say anything?

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