The Ukraine - place blame where it TRULY belongs

The Ukraine and its history is no stranger to war and military skirmishes.

You would think, by now, the so-called "leaders" would have learned something from the centuries of conflicts, causing destruction and death. But obviously not, since it continues.

WHY hasn't the Ukrainian "leaders" over the past few decades used their power and alliances with "free" countries to beef up their military, secure their borders, and create safety shelters for its citizens? WHERE has all the money gone that they have begged for, in order to help the Ukraine overcome these wars and military conflicts???

I'd say it isn't the invading forces fault that they can easily walk in and easily cause massive destruction and conflict. It seems it's the lack of the Ukrainian "leaders" initiatives to create safe borders, a beefed up and ready to go military, and safe places for the citizens to go in order to escape the dangers and destruction.

Much like Puerto Rico and their hurricanes..........the Ukrainian "leaders" obviously don't give a rats ass about their country or their people they are supposed to protect, since they have never used any of the money given to them by other countries, to beef up and arm their military, secure all borders, and create safe places for the citizens to go in case of another military strike.

Seems to me these "leaders" are just using their country as their own personal ATM.......much like the Democrats using the USA's citizens as their own personal ATM!!! They have no regard for the lives they are in charge of, until the world is looking at them under a microscope. Then, all of a sudden, they are begging for help and money.

I cannot feel sorry for a country that doesn't force it's leaders to ethically, legally, and humanely run their country and use the money they are given to protect said country and secure it, instead of shoving that money into their pockets.

It's not Putins fault. It's the Ukrainian "leaders" fault. Place blame where it TRULY belongs.
Nations you dont want to live in begin with THE
The Congo
The Ukraine
The _________. :auiqs.jpg: :stir:
NO nation, even one filled with "Nazis" deserves invasion and slaughter of its civilians by an outside power. PERIOD, FULL STOP.
It will be years if not decades before most Americans will find out what has really happened over the past month.

Normally a "transitory event" like the Russian invasion of Ukraine would pass into the memory hole in a few months after the killing ends.

This particular event has come at a unique time that may Change Everything about the established US unipolar world order:

We are in a period of great tectonic shifts: The Eleventh Newsletter (2022) | MR Online

"Thesis One: Unipolarity. Following the fall of the Soviet Union, between 1990 and 2013–15, the United States developed a world system that benefitted multinational corporations based in the United States and in the other G7 countries (Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Canada).

"The events that defined overwhelming U.S. power were the invasions of Iraq (1991) and Yugoslavia (1999) as well as the creation of the World Trade Organisation (1994).

"Russia, weakened by the collapse of the USSR, sought entry into this system by joining the G7 and collaborating with the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) as a ‘Partner for Peace’.

"Meanwhile, China, under presidents Jiang Zemin (1993–2003) and Hu Jintao (2003–2013), played a careful game by inserting its labour into the U.S.-dominated global system and not challenging the U.S. in its operations."
It will be years if not decades before most Americans will find out what has really happened over the past month.

Normally a "transitory event" like the Russian invasion of Ukraine would pass into the memory hole in a few months after the killing ends.

This particular event has come at a unique time that may Change Everything about the established US unipolar world order:

We are in a period of great tectonic shifts: The Eleventh Newsletter (2022) | MR Online

"Thesis One: Unipolarity. Following the fall of the Soviet Union, between 1990 and 2013–15, the United States developed a world system that benefitted multinational corporations based in the United States and in the other G7 countries (Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Canada).

"The events that defined overwhelming U.S. power were the invasions of Iraq (1991) and Yugoslavia (1999) as well as the creation of the World Trade Organisation (1994).

"Russia, weakened by the collapse of the USSR, sought entry into this system by joining the G7 and collaborating with the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) as a ‘Partner for Peace’.

"Meanwhile, China, under presidents Jiang Zemin (1993–2003) and Hu Jintao (2003–2013), played a careful game by inserting its labour into the U.S.-dominated global system and not challenging the U.S. in its operations."
It will take time to sort out the propaganda from fact. Some truth will never be known for sure, such as who fired first during the cease-fire at Mariupol's humanitarian corridor.
From your link

Moreover, labeling enemies Nazis is a common political ploy in Russia, especially from a leader who favors disinformation campaigns and wants to stir up feelings of national vengeance against a WWII foe to justify conquest.

And a good part of that link talks about WWII ..what's that...80 years ago?

Fuck off Boris

The part you overlook, like any child would, is the modern day nazi problem.

Zelensky banned 11 opposition parties but not the neo-nazi;s.

From my link:

But even though Putin is engaging in propaganda, it’s also true that Ukraine has a genuine Nazi problem — both past and present.

But important as it is to defend the yellow-and-blue flag against the Kremlin’s brutal aggression, it would be a dangerous oversight to deny Ukraine’s antisemitic history and collaboration with Hitler’s Nazis, as well as the latter-day embrace of neo-Nazi factions in some quarters.

Just as disturbing, neo-Nazis are part of some of Ukraine’s growing ranks of volunteer battalions. They are battle-hardened after waging some of the toughest street fighting against Moscow-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine following Putin’s Crimean invasion in 2014.
Like I said, Biden owned the laptop during the debates. The talking points are just that.....a lie to cover reality.

Of course, you must remember the 50 intel dudes who verified it was a Russian disinformation campaign, don't you?

And now we have another stellar Biden child....Dear Diary. Reports saying it's chock full of salacious revelations......must run in the family. No wonder Joe is lost in space at times.
Let me ask you something. Let’s say that evidence gets found that Russians did plant some files on Hunters laptop. If that is proven, would you then be lying right now by calling Joe a liar?
The part you overlook, like any child would, is the modern day nazi problem.

Zelensky banned 11 opposition parties but not the neo-nazi;s.

From my link:
There are more Nazis in almost any Eu country (or Russia) than in Ukraine
Let me ask you something. Let’s say that evidence gets found that Russians did plant some files on Hunters laptop. If that is proven, would you then be lying right now by calling Joe a liar?

No. You said 'some files', that wouldn't dismiss all the other ones.
You mean Russians secretly got hold of Hunter naked with a hard on banging whores and put them there? Or maybe they just snuck that crack pipe in his mouth while sleeping and took pictures!
Who knows what Russians did.

They've been up to those kinda of tricks for 100 years...but you know're one of em
The Ukraine and its history is no stranger to war and military skirmishes.

You would think, by now, the so-called "leaders" would have learned something from the centuries of conflicts, causing destruction and death. But obviously not, since it continues.

WHY hasn't the Ukrainian "leaders" over the past few decades used their power and alliances with "free" countries to beef up their military, secure their borders, and create safety shelters for its citizens? WHERE has all the money gone that they have begged for, in order to help the Ukraine overcome these wars and military conflicts???

I'd say it isn't the invading forces fault that they can easily walk in and easily cause massive destruction and conflict. It seems it's the lack of the Ukrainian "leaders" initiatives to create safe borders, a beefed up and ready to go military, and safe places for the citizens to go in order to escape the dangers and destruction.

Much like Puerto Rico and their hurricanes..........the Ukrainian "leaders" obviously don't give a rats ass about their country or their people they are supposed to protect, since they have never used any of the money given to them by other countries, to beef up and arm their military, secure all borders, and create safe places for the citizens to go in case of another military strike.

Seems to me these "leaders" are just using their country as their own personal ATM.......much like the Democrats using the USA's citizens as their own personal ATM!!! They have no regard for the lives they are in charge of, until the world is looking at them under a microscope. Then, all of a sudden, they are begging for help and money.

I cannot feel sorry for a country that doesn't force it's leaders to ethically, legally, and humanely run their country and use the money they are given to protect said country and secure it, instead of shoving that money into their pockets.

It's not Putins fault. It's the Ukrainian "leaders" fault. Place blame where it TRULY belongs.
I always find it highly interesting how many Ukrainians served as death camp guards for the Nazis. The Nazis recruited many non Germans to do their dirty work but Ukrainians seem to have a special affinity for it. Moreover, I worked with a half Ukrainian guy just a couple years ago who was always trying to climb up our boss's ass to give him a position over the rest of us. And after I thought about how many of those guards were Ukrainian I started to realize there's a pattern to it.
I always find it highly interesting how many Ukrainians served as death camp guards for the Nazis. The Nazis recruited many non Germans to do their dirty work but Ukrainians seem to have a special affinity for it. Moreover, I worked with a half Ukrainian guy just a couple years ago who was always trying to climb up our boss's ass to give him a position over the rest of us. And after I thought about how many of those guards were Ukrainian I started to realize there's a pattern to it.
Oh look another Putin apologist

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