The Ukraine - place blame where it TRULY belongs

Uki Goñi - Wikipedia

"The Real Odessa: Smuggling the Nazis to Perón's Argentina, originally published in London in 2002 and since then translated into Spanish, Italian, Slovenian, Portuguese and German, has had wide repercussions in those countries through which Nazi criminals and their collaborators passed in their escape, especially in Italy, the Netherlands and Argentina.[4]

"Following publication of the book in Italy, a group of parliamentarians in Rome demanded that Prime Minister Berlusconi open an investigation into the passage of Nazis through their country."

Using Ukrainian nationalism as a blunt object to bash Russia/USSR has long been a staple of US foreign policy:

Nationalism and fascism in Ukraine: A historical overview

"When Polish-born Zbigniew Brzezinski became President Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser, the US increased its funding for anti-Soviet Ukrainian propaganda.

"In addition to literature and radio broadcasts, videocassettes were produced.

"Under President Reagan, the strategy of destabilising the Soviet Union by boosting the nationalities question was intensified.

"The CIA produced material that was addressed to different ethnic groups in the Soviet Union and encouraged separatist-nationalist tendencies.

"In 1983, President Reagan received OUN-B leader and war criminal Yaroslav Stetsko at the White House, pledging, 'Your struggle is our struggle. Your dream is our dream.' [11]"
This remembrance day mentioned in the article is why when the CIA goes to church, it's not to pray. We will be comparing this Ukrainian remembrance example with the Libyan civil war and "Day of Rage" which relates to Danish cartoons and the pathology of religion in general. There was also a time when the Caucasus was non-Muslim.
We agree on something...of course you had to test the wind before you took a side.
I didn’t test any wind, you complete hack. That’s been my position all along on any number of threads. You do talk out of your ass an awful lot.
How you deny ownership of something you can't see?

Guess you can't deny it because you know damn well what is on there and what has been showing up in the media.
I see by your avoidance of answering my question that you got the point.

How can he deny that it isn’t his laptop if he hasn’t seen the laptop. To you keep tabs on all your old phones and laptops. If somebody claimed to have one of your old devices could you guarantee that it wasn’t yours without seeing it?

Not sure how you acame to that conclusion, being the first word in my response to your question was 'no'.

Guess he couldn't deny it because he knew damn well what is on there and what has been showing up in the media.

One of my devices wouldn't be headlining all over MSM.
It's ironic: tobacco traditionally grown for Silk Road trade at Mariupol, is now being consumed like it's going out of style by 2,000 Azov neo-nazis holed up there and waiting for the Russians to arrive.
Ok stop the bullshit.

Your Russian buddies have been destroying the damn city...block by by house...killing women and children as they go

And kidnaping civilians and forcing them to go 'somewhere" in Russia
Not sure how you acame to that conclusion, being the first word in my response to your question was 'no'.

Guess he couldn't deny it because he knew damn well what is on there and what has been showing up in the media.

One of my devices wouldn't be headlining all over MSM.
My explanation makes much more sense.

you avoided another one of my questions, why do you do that? I didn’t ask if one of your devices could headline all over MSM. I asked if you could guarantee that somebody didn’t have one of your old devices without having seen it.
And you base this on what? Wishful thinking?


Guess you he can't deny it because you he knows damn well what is on there and what has been showing up in the media.
Oh look...a sock puppet found a "useful idiot"
Zelensky is a sock puppet.
Do you know (care) who pulls his strings and what his relationship to Ukrainian Nazis might be?

How an embattled Ukrainian oligarch has kept his grip on an economic empire

"In fact, Zelensky’s top financial backer, the Ukrainian Jewish oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, has been a key benefactor of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and other extremists militias"

How Ukraine's Jewish president Zelensky made peace with neo-Nazi paramilitaries on front lines of war with Russia - The Grayzone

Kolomoisky funded the BS television show that Zelensky rode to the presidency; why do you suppose two "Jews" would employ neo-Nazis to further the US attempt at regime change in Moscow?
Zelensky is a sock puppet.
Do you know (care) who that is and what his relationship to Ukrainian Nazis might be?

How an embattled Ukrainian oligarch has kept his grip on an economic empire

"In fact, Zelensky’s top financial backer, the Ukrainian Jewish oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, has been a key benefactor of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and other extremists militias"

How Ukraine's Jewish president Zelensky made peace with neo-Nazi paramilitaries on front lines of war with Russia - The Grayzone

Kolomoisky funded the BS television show that Zelensky rode to the presidency; why do you suppose two "Jews" would employ neo-Nazis in the US attempt at regime change in Moscow?
The sock puppet is you Boris
My explanation makes much more sense.

you avoided another one of my questions, why do you do that? I didn’t ask if one of your devices could headline all over MSM. I asked if you could guarantee that somebody didn’t have one of your old devices without having seen it.
No it doesn't.

Yes I could. I wouldn't be stupid enough to leave a device unattended in a situation such as Hunter did.

Former US Attorney General Bill Barr on Monday accused President Biden of having “lied to the American people” during a presidential debate when he called The Post’s exposure of his son Hunter Biden’s emails “a Russian plant.”

During an appearance on Fox News, Barr said, “I was very disturbed during the debate when candidate Biden lied to the American people about the laptop.”

“He’s squarely confronted with the laptop, and he suggested that it was Russian disinformation and pointed to the letter written by some intelligence people that was baseless — which he knew was a lie,” Barr said.

So in actuality, Joe Biden has taken ownership of the laptop.
Thank you. Goni has a video showing him tracking the nazis to a catholic church, but no one answered his knock on their door.
Journalists who engage in actions like that often don't survive long enough for the world to learn of their courage.

Ukraine is on every mind at the moment, but Mexico also has an ongoing war on journalists:
War on Truth: 14 Mexican journalists killed in 10 months


Uki Goñi - Wikipedia

"Genoa, archbishop Tarcisio Bertone distributed 50,000 copies of a 'Special Edition' of 'Settimanale Cattolico' ('Catholic Weekly') announcing the creation of a special commission of inquiry to investigate Goñi's revelations regarding the role of the Genoese curia in aiding the flight of Nazi war criminals through the port city.

"In the Netherlands, KLM opened an internal investigation following the book's unearthing of documents regarding the use of the airline by Nazi officers after the war."
So in actuality, Joe Biden has taken ownership of the laptop.
If Joe thought the information on the laptop was planted by the Russians then he wouldn’t be lying. There is no way for Barr to know what Joe believe and no way for him to know if he was lying.
No it doesn't.

Yes I could. I wouldn't be stupid enough to leave a device unattended in a situation such as Hunter did.
how do you know the device was left unattended? How do you know Hunter brought the device into the repair shop? You don’t. The dude who got it was BLIND. This story is fucking hilarious!!
Yes I could. I wouldn't be stupid enough to leave a device unattended in a situation such as Hunter did.
Again. Not the point.

Do you know where every phone or laptop is that you ever had?

Would you be able to say that were someone to supposedly have one that it isn't yours...without seeing it?

Of course you wouldn't.

Stop dancing
If Joe thought the information on the laptop was planted by the Russians then he wouldn’t be lying. There is no way for Barr to know what Joe believe and no way for him to know if he was lying.

Funny, it was a standard campaign talking point.....Dude, you're losing the narrative.

"Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say," White House press secretary Jen Psaki wrote in October 2020, which was retweeted by now-Domestic Policy Council director Susan Rice.

Psaki would go on to repeat this talking point in September 2021 in response to a question from Fox News' Peter Doocy about whether the Biden administration still stood by their claim that the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation" after a Politico reporter verified several emails.

Both White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates and staff secretary Neera Tanden also pushed the claims of Russian disinformation, as well.
Again. Not the point.

Do you know where every phone or laptop is that you ever had?

Would you be able to say that were someone to supposedly have one that it isn't yours...without seeing it?

Of course you wouldn't.

Stop dancing
Yes I do....are you now Slade's parrot? :dance::dance:
No, I'm just asking the obvious questions about why now? Why Ukraine? And did Ukraine have any hand in instigating it? Facts suggest no one is perfectly innocent here, but that does not justify Putin bombing hospitals and kindergartens.

My first question is HOW do you or anyone know what political leaning any Putin Defenders are? Did they tell you? I've seen many GOP on TV calling for the guy's assassination!

My second question is whether one can "defend" Putin by offering up insights into the causation of the war yet still be against Putin and the war? Why not?
Giuliani says Trump threatened to blow up Russia’s churches in Putin call

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