The UN is a Less than Useless Clown Show Now

The UN is now a radically left-wing, anti-Semitic organization that does no good and spends absurd amounts of money. Why do we still have it?

Because our tax money is funding that dinosaur.

"Many UN agencies, programs, and missions receive crucial funding from the United States. The Trump administration sharply reduced funding to some UN agencies, but President Biden has largely reversed those cuts."

How Much Does the U.S. Contribute to the UN?
The UN keeps nations talking. The UN provides peacekeeping troops, humanitarian aid and facilitates international treaties. It is not perfect, but without it the world would be a far more dangerous place. I hope the OP doesn't teach his students that conservative BS about the UN.
The UN keeps nations talking. The UN provides peacekeeping troops, humanitarian aid and facilitates international treaties. It is not perfect, but without it the world would be a far more dangerous place. I hope the OP doesn't teach his students that conservative BS about the UN.
I obviously know more than you want to.
I have no illusions about the UN. It serves a purpose and has served that purpose satisfactory, however imperfectly, for the past 80 years.
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The UN keeps nations talking. The UN provides peacekeeping troops, humanitarian aid and facilitates international treaties. It is not perfect, but without it the world would be a far more dangerous place. I hope the OP doesn't teach his students that conservative BS about the UN.

And yet, there's more war in the world under Biden. How is the UN keeping Ukraine and Russia talking?

Or Israel and Iran, Hamas, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Syria, Iraq, and other countries hosting terrorism?

Where is the UN in other current war zones exploding across the world, like Myanmar, Sudan, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, the Congo, Mexico, Mali, Ethiopia, Yemen, Pakistan, Haiti, Colombia, and Cameroon?
Because our tax money is funding that dinosaur.

"Many UN agencies, programs, and missions receive crucial funding from the United States. The Trump administration sharply reduced funding to some UN agencies, but President Biden has largely reversed those cuts."

How Much Does the U.S. Contribute to the UN?
Another money laundering operation, in order to prop up more "enemies" for the MIC.
We keep the UN alive because...

1. the nations of the world need someplace safe to talk amongst themselves

2. some of its subsidiary agencies do considerable good for those in need

3. it keeps alive the dream of a World at Peace - in times like these, that's a comfort - and it's an ideal to strive for

IMHO... it's long-overdue for a major overhaul but I don't want us throwing the baby out with the bath-water...
We keep the UN alive because...

1. the nations of the world need someplace safe to talk amongst themselves

2. some of its subsidiary agencies do considerable good for those in need

3. it keeps alive the dream of a World at Peace - in times like these, that's a comfort - and it's an ideal to strive for

Right. Peace is breaking out all over the world. Thanks, UN.

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::rofl::laugh::21:
We keep the UN alive because...

1. the nations of the world need someplace safe to talk amongst themselves

2. some of its subsidiary agencies do considerable good for those in need

3. it keeps alive the dream of a World at Peace - in times like these, that's a comfort
What will keep the world at peace is a strong America that isn't afraid to lower the boom on hostile foreign nations. The only thing that matters in world politics is strength and weakness. Period.
And yet, there's more war in the world under Biden. How is the UN keeping Ukraine and Russia talking?

Or Israel and Iran, Hamas, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Syria, Iraq, and other countries hosting terrorism?

Where is the UN in other current war zones exploding across the world, like Myanmar, Sudan, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, the Congo, Mexico, Mali, Ethiopia, Yemen, Pakistan, Haiti, Colombia, and Cameroon?
As I said the UN serves a purpose. It has kept nations talking and has facilitated agreements among nations. It’s humanitarian efforts help keep the peace and assists. nations when their people are starving because of drought or other catastrophe. Yes, it does have issues and has been used for propaganda purposes by its members; however, the world will be far worse off without it.

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