The Unanswerable Question


It's sad when you can no longer trust the people who are supposedly there watching your back.

*****SAD SMILE*****

"To be clear, it is not “The Pandemic,” COVID-19, i.e. “The Virus,” that has forced tens of millions of American workers, as great as any number since the Great Depression, to join the ranks of the unemployed.

It is politicians, thanks to no small measure of assistance from their apologists and fellow fear-mongers in Big Media, who are responsible for this.

It is the agents of Big Government and Big Media and not some virus who assured us that even with “mitigation protocols” observed, as many as 1.1 million Americans could die from COVID-19 (a number that some of us knew then was preposterous on its face and that has since been revised down to 60,000—about that of the seasonal flu but still, because of CDC guidelines that can only result in the inflation of Virus deaths, is still undoubtedly too high). "

Cause and effect

Government reacts based on a threat. There has to be a cause for any action. The government recommend social distancing and closing certain businesses. You can say government did this but your ignoring why they did this. An unabated contagious disease would eventually make people stay at home by being sick and cause deaths which would lead to fear and panic. Which would eventually cause problems in any economy. Its second guessing based on some unknown scenario that it could have been different if it was done this way instead of that way.

your logic is akin to the door opening electronically when you stand in front of it and say well I open the door but then you argue that the door open itself .

if unabated and no one did nothing is the argument and to determine that they overacted is
Now....let's see who disagrees with you:

“Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak” Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

“California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis” California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis

“Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

President Trump’s recent actions to stop the spread of coronavirus have won him praise from an unlikely source: Representative Ilhan Omar….Omar quoted fellow Squad member Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) as saying “unprecedented times require unprecedented leadership,” and then added that “we are seeing that in our country right now.”

And Dana Bash of CNN asserted the president’s new aggressive approach to the virus makes him the “kind of leader that people need.” Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

“Connecticut Governor Praises Trump's Reopening Guidelines

“On Fox News Friday night, Michigan State Representative Karen Whitsett told Tucker Carlson that text messages she's been receiving from Governor Whitmer have not been pleasant ever since the Democratic state lawmaker credited President Trump for her personal recovery from the Wuhan coronavirus. The lawmaker now faces a censure from her Democratic colleagues for crediting the president for her recovery.” Whitmer Sent Unpleasant Text Messages To Dem Lawmaker Who Thanked Trump for Her Coronavirus Recovery

“Democratic lawmaker who endorsed Trump: 'Black Americans are waking up. An uprising is near'

A Georgia Democratic lawmaker who recently announced he is supporting President Trump in November lashed out at Democrats for “using and abusing” the black community and taking its vote for granted for “far too long.” Democratic lawmaker who endorsed Trump: 'Black Americans are waking up. An uprising is near'

“I will not allow the Democrats to bully me into submission,” state Rep. Vernon Jones said.

Now....let's see who disagrees with you:

“Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak” Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

He has also said this - Cuomo also criticized the federal government's response, saying, "We mobilized quickly, but the federal government has been slow off the mark and they continue to be slow. That's unacceptable -- we need them to approve these private labs today so we can stay ahead of this evolving situation."

They are playing nice to each other now as it should be for this period of time. So you tell me which statement does he believe the most

“California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis” California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis

“Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

President Trump’s recent actions to stop the spread of coronavirus have won him praise from an unlikely source: Representative Ilhan Omar….Omar quoted fellow Squad member Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) as saying “unprecedented times require unprecedented leadership,” and then added that “we are seeing that in our country right now.” Still she was referring to the money that was given to the people.

“Finally, we should never let politics get in the way of good policy. This is a great start and hope others will be part of a united front to push for good policies that will help us work through the economic anxiety the country is feeling right now.”

She is not going to criticize the government for giving people money. My question to you is do you believe that the government should be this generous all the time and not just in an emergency. ??

You certainly misunderstand that quote and padded the argument but adding the first sentence with another statement that was said by them. Throwing money at the people is not going to stop the coronavirus.

unprecedented times require unprecedented leadership,” and then added that “we are seeing that in our country right now.” If she had said Trump name in that , you argument would have correct. Since it is a vague reference, she could have been talking about state, city, local leadership.

And Dana Bash of CNN asserted the president’s new aggressive approach to the virus makes him the “kind of leader that people need.” Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

Well she was talking about Trump shifting is tone and can for one instance and wheter it will last. Right now it sounds good.


Donald J. Trump(@realDonaldTrump)
What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions, & then refuses to report the truth or facts accurately. They get record ratings, & the American people get nothing but Fake News. Not worth the time & effort!

Let ask her again

“Connecticut Governor Praises Trump's Reopening Guidelines

“On Fox News Friday night, Michigan State Representative Karen Whitsett told Tucker Carlson that text messages she's been receiving from Governor Whitmer have not been pleasant ever since the Democratic state lawmaker credited President Trump for her personal recovery from the Wuhan coronavirus. The lawmaker now faces a censure from her Democratic colleagues for crediting the president for her recovery.” Whitmer Sent Unpleasant Text Messages To Dem Lawmaker Who Thanked Trump for Her Coronavirus Recovery

You quote one person and make it a mountain.

“Democratic lawmaker who endorsed Trump: 'Black Americans are waking up. An uprising is near'

A Georgia Democratic lawmaker who recently announced he is supporting President Trump in November lashed out at Democrats for “using and abusing” the black community and taking its vote for granted for “far too long.” Democratic lawmaker who endorsed Trump: 'Black Americans are waking up. An uprising is near'

“I will not allow the Democrats to bully me into submission,” state Rep. Vernon Jones said.

Trump got 8 percent of the African American vote so what. Some are known to be republicans. Colin Powell etc, etc.
"BOOM! – E.R. Doc calls out Fauci B.S. COVID-19 no worse than flu!! Lockdown true menace to health!!!
Watch the whole video. Dr. Erickson doesn’t just go over the data showing that COVID-19 is no worse than the seasonal flu. He also exposes the crucial facts about the dangerous snake oil Fauci’s been peddling as well as the predictable awful side effects he’s seeing every day in the E.R.:

Maybe it should be called 'The Election Virus"
"BOOM! – E.R. Doc calls out Fauci B.S. COVID-19 no worse than flu!! Lockdown true menace to health!!!
Watch the whole video. Dr. Erickson doesn’t just go over the data showing that COVID-19 is no worse than the seasonal flu. He also exposes the crucial facts about the dangerous snake oil Fauci’s been peddling as well as the predictable awful side effects he’s seeing every day in the E.R.:

Maybe it should be called 'The Election Virus"

It's about time someone called out that quack, Obama holdover Fauci.
"To be clear, it is not “The Pandemic,” COVID-19, i.e. “The Virus,” that has forced tens of millions of American workers, as great as any number since the Great Depression, to join the ranks of the unemployed.

It is politicians, thanks to no small measure of assistance from their apologists and fellow fear-mongers in Big Media, who are responsible for this.

It is the agents of Big Government and Big Media and not some virus who assured us that even with “mitigation protocols” observed, as many as 1.1 million Americans could die from COVID-19 (a number that some of us knew then was preposterous on its face and that has since been revised down to 60,000—about that of the seasonal flu but still, because of CDC guidelines that can only result in the inflation of Virus deaths, is still undoubtedly too high). "

Cause and effect

Government reacts based on a threat. There has to be a cause for any action. The government recommend social distancing and closing certain businesses. You can say government did this but your ignoring why they did this. An unabated contagious disease would eventually make people stay at home by being sick and cause deaths which would lead to fear and panic. Which would eventually cause problems in any economy. Its second guessing based on some unknown scenario that it could have been different if it was done this way instead of that way.

your logic is akin to the door opening electronically when you stand in front of it and say well I open the door but then you argue that the door open itself .

if unabated and no one did nothing is the argument and to determine that they overacted is
It's looking like closing down the American economy was a huge mistake.
LOL! Here we have an Asian calling the virus the chinese virus. How dumb can one person be?
View attachment 328294

What part of her being a United States citizen don't you understand?

*****HAPPY SMILE*****


Do Asians stop being Asian when they become American citizens?

If they become American citizens, guess what? They become Americans of Asian descent.

And some become far better Americans than lots born here.

I know one in particular....modesty prevents me from mentioning who that is.
Here is a good OP ED on the quackery surrounding Covid.

"It used to be that a high school diploma was worth something, but more and more all it means is that you’ve spent 12 years warming various desks and have failed to do something so heinous as to get expelled. "

You've touched on my most firmly held belief: Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.
How many cases of/ deaths from the Wuhan Chinese virus???

1. There is no way to tell, because the power in charge of collecting the data are simply claiming every death to be due to this virus.
Of course, this is only explainable if it has a political motive.

“The underlying cause depends upon what and where conditions are reported on the death certificate. However, the rules for coding and selection of the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID- 19 being the underlying cause more often than not,” the guidelines read.
“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.

“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”
Is The Number of Deaths Due To COVID-19 Being Inflated, And, If So, Why? | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry

As we have yet to reach the total death rate reported in 2019 for the same time period (January 1st and April 9th), it appears that there is something seriously wrong with the way this pandemic has been reported and handled by the medical community, the media, and the politicians.
Pathetically, it most likely isn’t going to get better when as of April 8, 2020, all patients with coronavirus are now being classified as “Death due to COVID-19,” regardless of the real cause of death. This draconian method of manipulating data to conform to your hypothesis is pure evil. It allows the medical community, the media, and politicians to cover up their errors, distort their miscalculations, and falsify their reports so that they can justify even further measures that will attempt to control, manipulate, and profit from those who don’t understand the importance of “statistical significance”.
Statistically Significant: Why It Makes a Difference - Tom McFie

2. This statistic should be a clue:
"But we need to investigate even deeper to really understand the facts of what is going on during this pandemic. According to the CDC, 2,841,600 people died in the US in 2019. That averages out to be 236,800 per month. Yet only 501,444 deaths have occurred nationwide this year between January 1, 2020, to April 9. Averaging the death rate over the first 3 months of 2019, there should have been 710,400 deaths, not merely 501,444, especially since the death rate for the flu is historically highest in January, February, and March. "
Statistically Significant: Why It Makes a Difference - Tom McFie

3. Could it be named other that the Wuhan coronavirus?
"This week last year, Mexico registered 671 new cases of acute respiratory infections. This week this year, Mexico registered 12,000 new cases.
According to health ministry data, acute respiratory infections in Mexico are reportedly up 50 percent this season compared to the previous year, which is certainly attributable to underreported cases of the Wuhan coronavirus."
No Surge of Coronavirus in Mexico, Just 'Acute Lung Infections'

'Certainly' means 'maybe.'

4. "...Mexico had 12,872 confirmed coronavirus cases and 1,221 deaths. Deputy Health Minister Hugo Lopez Gatell has said this model may require the number of confirmed cases to be multiplied by eight to get the full picture.
Some experts say the real multiplier could be as high as 30, which would bring the total number of cases to around 386,000, second only to the U.S...."

Another faulty 'model' from what we call 'science'???

5. Here are some supporting data, reported by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), which mathematically and scientifically back up this bold hypothesis.

Out of 327.2 million people, there were 501,444 total deaths in the United States from January 1, through April 8th this year

4,065 of those deaths were from COVID-19

4,467 of those deaths were from the flu

35,230 of those deaths were from pneumonia

1,879 of these pneumonia cases also had COVID-19

Here we have some data that we use to calculate some scientific mathematical facts, not propaganda.

0.153% of the US population died between January 1 and April 4, 2020

0.81% of those deaths (0.001242% of the population) were due to COVID-19

0.89% of those deaths (0.001352% of the population) were due to the flu

766.67% more deaths have occurred from pneumonia than from COVID-19
Statistically Significant: Why It Makes a Difference - Tom McFie

Without an epidemic to blame on Trump, the Democrat chances to win in November are dwindling......

There is no accurate count of actual deaths due to the Chinese virus.

“Pennsylvania Forced To Remove Hundreds Of Deaths From Coronavirus Death Count After Coroners Raise Red Flags

The PA health department decided to include “probable” coronavirus deaths, or an assumed COVID-19-related death without testing for the virus, to their death tolls, dating back days and even weeks ago. But the death toll spike raised questions from coroners who came forward to highlight a discrepancy in death totals, which were not adding up to the number of all-cause deaths.” Pennsylvania Forced To Remove Hundreds Of Deaths From Coronavirus Death Count After Coroners Raise Red Flags
"BOOM! – E.R. Doc calls out Fauci B.S. COVID-19 no worse than flu!! Lockdown true menace to health!!!
Watch the whole video. Dr. Erickson doesn’t just go over the data showing that COVID-19 is no worse than the seasonal flu. He also exposes the crucial facts about the dangerous snake oil Fauci’s been peddling as well as the predictable awful side effects he’s seeing every day in the E.R.:

Maybe it should be called 'The Election Virus"

Why is he the only doctor in the room or the hospital making these claims. Where are his associates and fellow doctors. If they agreed you would suspect that there would be more than one doctor in the room.

So he is an expert on the following things he said

“Child molestation is increasing at a severe rate. We can go over multiple cases of children who’ve been molested due to angry family members who are intoxicated, who are home, who have no paycheck. These things last a lifetime. They aren’t like a seasonal flu, they are going to follow these children and affect them in a negative fashion for their entire lives.

These are things I’m hearing from E.R.s, talking to my doctors, and talking to people across the country to find out what they’re seeing.

“Spousal abuse. We see people coming in here with black eyes and cuts on their face.
These are obvious abusive cases.

“These are things that effect people for a lifetime, not for a season




“Suicide is spiking...

“Education has dropped off...

“Economic collapse...

“These are all real things that I’m seeing every single day. I’m not just reading about this stuff. I see it in our clinics from Fresno to San Diego. These things are spiking in our communities.

He says
Contrary to Fauci’s bullshit, there is literally NO SCIENTIFIC VALIDITY to his quack idea of quarantining healthy people. NONE WHATSOEVER!

economic collapse , so the doctor is not only a doctor but an economist, expert in suicides etc. Still
It seems to me that this thinks happen even if there was no pandemic. He is expressing an opinion.

If he says at a higher numbers then show the numbers. Also what does he suggest as an alternative of what should have been done.

The critics would be lining up.

Yet his assertion have no scientific validity and he is just expressing his opinion based on talking with other doctors. He had not done any study to invalidate nothing.

Doctors can have opinions but it is just an opinion. Lets see his studies, or scientific data that supports what he says.

Well let see what other doctors are saying

STAT interviewed more than a dozen physicians and scientists around the country, and one after another, they leveled strikingly similar critiques at both the federal and local levels: That the Trump administration neglected scientists and public health experts and downplayed the severity of the disease, helping stoke a spread of misinformation. That many state leaders, toeing party lines, were too paralyzed to act in a timely fashion. And that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, once a venerable institution, bungled a critical component of pandemic control — diagnostic testing.

Trump called the test beautiful but not all doctors agree.
"BOOM! – E.R. Doc calls out Fauci B.S. COVID-19 no worse than flu!! Lockdown true menace to health!!!
Watch the whole video. Dr. Erickson doesn’t just go over the data showing that COVID-19 is no worse than the seasonal flu. He also exposes the crucial facts about the dangerous snake oil Fauci’s been peddling as well as the predictable awful side effects he’s seeing every day in the E.R.:

Maybe it should be called 'The Election Virus"

Why is he the only doctor in the room or the hospital making these claims. Where are his associates and fellow doctors. If they agreed you would suspect that there would be more than one doctor in the room.

So he is an expert on the following things he said

“Child molestation is increasing at a severe rate. We can go over multiple cases of children who’ve been molested due to angry family members who are intoxicated, who are home, who have no paycheck. These things last a lifetime. They aren’t like a seasonal flu, they are going to follow these children and affect them in a negative fashion for their entire lives.

These are things I’m hearing from E.R.s, talking to my doctors, and talking to people across the country to find out what they’re seeing.

“Spousal abuse. We see people coming in here with black eyes and cuts on their face.
These are obvious abusive cases.

“These are things that effect people for a lifetime, not for a season




“Suicide is spiking...

“Education has dropped off...

“Economic collapse...

“These are all real things that I’m seeing every single day. I’m not just reading about this stuff. I see it in our clinics from Fresno to San Diego. These things are spiking in our communities.

He says
Contrary to Fauci’s bullshit, there is literally NO SCIENTIFIC VALIDITY to his quack idea of quarantining healthy people. NONE WHATSOEVER!

economic collapse , so the doctor is not only a doctor but an economist, expert in suicides etc. Still
It seems to me that this thinks happen even if there was no pandemic. He is expressing an opinion.

If he says at a higher numbers then show the numbers. Also what does he suggest as an alternative of what should have been done.

The critics would be lining up.

Yet his assertion have no scientific validity and he is just expressing his opinion based on talking with other doctors. He had not done any study to invalidate nothing.

Doctors can have opinions but it is just an opinion. Lets see his studies, or scientific data that supports what he says.

Well let see what other doctors are saying

STAT interviewed more than a dozen physicians and scientists around the country, and one after another, they leveled strikingly similar critiques at both the federal and local levels: That the Trump administration neglected scientists and public health experts and downplayed the severity of the disease, helping stoke a spread of misinformation. That many state leaders, toeing party lines, were too paralyzed to act in a timely fashion. And that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, once a venerable institution, bungled a critical component of pandemic control — diagnostic testing.

Trump called the test beautiful but not all doctors agree.

Don't avoid the question.

How many deaths are actually due to the Chinese virus?

"Questions remain about the death of a Hartford infant, despite governor’s claim death was linked to coronavirus

An official cause of death remains outstanding pending toxicology results, and officials said it is possible the child died not from the virus but from an underlying condition, sudden infant death syndrome or positional asphyxiation.
In the absence of that official determination Friday, Lamont and Connecticut State Epidemiologist Matthew Cartter retreated from directly connecting the cause of the infant’s death to the virus.

[Democrat] "...Lamont presented the baby’s death as specifically caused by the virus, even though Chief Medical Examiner James Gill’s official cause of death finding is still outstanding."
Questions remain about the death of a Hartford infant, despite governor’s claim death was linked to coronavirus

Despite Gov. Ned Lamont's announcement this week that a six-week-old infant in Hartford was the youngest fatality of the coronavirus pandemic, medical examiners still have not officially ruled the virus played any role in the child's death.

“Pennsylvania Forced To Remove Hundreds Of Deaths From Coronavirus Death Count After Coroners Raise Red Flags

The PA health department decided to include “probable” coronavirus deaths, or an assumed COVID-19-related death without testing for the virus, to their death tolls, dating back days and even weeks ago. But the death toll spike raised questions from coroners who came forward to highlight a discrepancy in death totals, which were not adding up to the number of all-cause deaths.” Pennsylvania Forced To Remove Hundreds Of Deaths From Coronavirus Death Count After Coroners Raise Red Flags

“The underlying cause depends upon what and where conditions are reported on the death certificate. However, the rules for coding and selection of the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID- 19 being the underlying cause more often than not,” the guidelines read.

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.

“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”
Is The Number of Deaths Due To COVID-19 Being Inflated, And, If So, Why? | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry

As we have yet to reach the total death rate reported in 2019 for the same time period (January 1st and April 9th), it appears that there is something seriously wrong with the way this pandemic has been reported and handled by the medical community, the media, and the politicians.

Pathetically, it most likely isn’t going to get better when as of April 8, 2020, all patients with coronavirus are now being classified as “Death due to COVID-19,” regardless of the real cause of death. This draconian method of manipulating data to conform to your hypothesis is pure evil. It allows the medical community, the media, and politicians to cover up their errors, distort their miscalculations, and falsify their reports so that they can justify even further measures that will attempt to control, manipulate, and profit from those who don’t understand the importance of “statistical significance”. Statistically Significant: Why It Makes a Difference - Tom McFie

The death toll is inflated to weaponize it against the current administration.
"With each passing day, we are told that multiple more Americans were in-fact exposed to the virus than the “experts” suspected. Or more to the point…guessed.

This same doctor I spoke with also stressed to me that the “experts” our nation and the world relied upon to shut it down, could not answer one simple question. That being: Is COVID-19 less or more lethal than the Hong Kong flu pandemic (H3N2) of 1968? A pandemic that mirrored COVID-19 in that it was highly infectious and was primarily lethal to those over 65 with pre-existing conditions. A pandemic that infected millions of Americans and killed approximately 100,000 out of a then population of about 200 million. A pandemic which worldwide, killed upwards of 4 million people.

...the handful of politicians, officials, and experts who upended our lives and ordered those lockdowns, are being very creative and very liberal as to what constitutes a COVID-19 fatality, all of which begs the question: Are there any ethical and honest reporters left within the mainstream media who could investigate this clearly duplicitous – but officially condoned – counting method?

The little real anecdotal evidence accidentally seeping into mainstream media indicates that the actual fatality rate in our nation from COVID-19 is less than the fear-merchants are displaying on their “Death Dashboards.” Potentially, far less. Unbiased professional reporting could tell us the real numbers.

... the fatality rate for this virus is 10 to 40 times lower than the “World is Ending” estimates spit out by faulty computer models.

...they did so to create as much fear and panic as possible so they could use COVID-19 as the mother of all click-bait cash cows. Once that was accomplished, many in that same liberal media chose to keep the fear-mongering going as a political tool."
"BOOM! – E.R. Doc calls out Fauci B.S. COVID-19 no worse than flu!! Lockdown true menace to health!!!
Watch the whole video. Dr. Erickson doesn’t just go over the data showing that COVID-19 is no worse than the seasonal flu. He also exposes the crucial facts about the dangerous snake oil Fauci’s been peddling as well as the predictable awful side effects he’s seeing every day in the E.R.:

Maybe it should be called 'The Election Virus"

Why is he the only doctor in the room or the hospital making these claims. Where are his associates and fellow doctors. If they agreed you would suspect that there would be more than one doctor in the room.

So he is an expert on the following things he said

“Child molestation is increasing at a severe rate. We can go over multiple cases of children who’ve been molested due to angry family members who are intoxicated, who are home, who have no paycheck. These things last a lifetime. They aren’t like a seasonal flu, they are going to follow these children and affect them in a negative fashion for their entire lives.

These are things I’m hearing from E.R.s, talking to my doctors, and talking to people across the country to find out what they’re seeing.

“Spousal abuse. We see people coming in here with black eyes and cuts on their face.
These are obvious abusive cases.

“These are things that effect people for a lifetime, not for a season




“Suicide is spiking...

“Education has dropped off...

“Economic collapse...

“These are all real things that I’m seeing every single day. I’m not just reading about this stuff. I see it in our clinics from Fresno to San Diego. These things are spiking in our communities.

He says
Contrary to Fauci’s bullshit, there is literally NO SCIENTIFIC VALIDITY to his quack idea of quarantining healthy people. NONE WHATSOEVER!

economic collapse , so the doctor is not only a doctor but an economist, expert in suicides etc. Still
It seems to me that this thinks happen even if there was no pandemic. He is expressing an opinion.

If he says at a higher numbers then show the numbers. Also what does he suggest as an alternative of what should have been done.

The critics would be lining up.

Yet his assertion have no scientific validity and he is just expressing his opinion based on talking with other doctors. He had not done any study to invalidate nothing.

Doctors can have opinions but it is just an opinion. Lets see his studies, or scientific data that supports what he says.

Well let see what other doctors are saying

STAT interviewed more than a dozen physicians and scientists around the country, and one after another, they leveled strikingly similar critiques at both the federal and local levels: That the Trump administration neglected scientists and public health experts and downplayed the severity of the disease, helping stoke a spread of misinformation. That many state leaders, toeing party lines, were too paralyzed to act in a timely fashion. And that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, once a venerable institution, bungled a critical component of pandemic control — diagnostic testing.

Trump called the test beautiful but not all doctors agree.

Don't avoid the question.

How many deaths are actually due to the Chinese virus?

"Questions remain about the death of a Hartford infant, despite governor’s claim death was linked to coronavirus

An official cause of death remains outstanding pending toxicology results, and officials said it is possible the child died not from the virus but from an underlying condition, sudden infant death syndrome or positional asphyxiation.
In the absence of that official determination Friday, Lamont and Connecticut State Epidemiologist Matthew Cartter retreated from directly connecting the cause of the infant’s death to the virus.

[Democrat] "...Lamont presented the baby’s death as specifically caused by the virus, even though Chief Medical Examiner James Gill’s official cause of death finding is still outstanding."
Questions remain about the death of a Hartford infant, despite governor’s claim death was linked to coronavirus

Despite Gov. Ned Lamont's announcement this week that a six-week-old infant in Hartford was the youngest fatality of the coronavirus pandemic, medical examiners still have not officially ruled the virus played any role in the child's death.

“Pennsylvania Forced To Remove Hundreds Of Deaths From Coronavirus Death Count After Coroners Raise Red Flags

The PA health department decided to include “probable” coronavirus deaths, or an assumed COVID-19-related death without testing for the virus, to their death tolls, dating back days and even weeks ago. But the death toll spike raised questions from coroners who came forward to highlight a discrepancy in death totals, which were not adding up to the number of all-cause deaths.” Pennsylvania Forced To Remove Hundreds Of Deaths From Coronavirus Death Count After Coroners Raise Red Flags

“The underlying cause depends upon what and where conditions are reported on the death certificate. However, the rules for coding and selection of the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID- 19 being the underlying cause more often than not,” the guidelines read.

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.

“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”
Is The Number of Deaths Due To COVID-19 Being Inflated, And, If So, Why? | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry

As we have yet to reach the total death rate reported in 2019 for the same time period (January 1st and April 9th), it appears that there is something seriously wrong with the way this pandemic has been reported and handled by the medical community, the media, and the politicians.

Pathetically, it most likely isn’t going to get better when as of April 8, 2020, all patients with coronavirus are now being classified as “Death due to COVID-19,” regardless of the real cause of death. This draconian method of manipulating data to conform to your hypothesis is pure evil. It allows the medical community, the media, and politicians to cover up their errors, distort their miscalculations, and falsify their reports so that they can justify even further measures that will attempt to control, manipulate, and profit from those who don’t understand the importance of “statistical significance”. Statistically Significant: Why It Makes a Difference - Tom McFie

The death toll is inflated to weaponize it against the current administration.

The death toll is deflated to weaponize it for the current administration.

Well you seem to want to weaponize it in the opposite direction.

The current administration is Trumps and if you deflate the numbers of death it will look bad for him. If it is inflated then will make it look bad for him, still it is a mote point.

The only question is that deaths have occurred while somebody had the virus. The only question is would they still be alive NOW if they did not have the virus. It is a tough decision. If they make the decision without doing a fully thorough examination, then it is problematic. Even with problematic it can go both ways. The system is taxed. When someone compares the number of death at this point in time with last years number it can be assumed that it will be higher.

Don't avoid the question.

How many deaths are actually due to the virus?

You can't provide an answer for that because you do not know. I already said it is an imperfect system because it has humans that must make decisions.

Don't mix up immediate cause of death with other factor that contributed to the cause of death. I know its hard but your a bright girl and can figure the difference between the two.

I question you assumption that it is inflated when the current administration is in charge.

The only question is does the virus cause death. Answer that question?.

Is there disagreement on cause of death well if the person is licensed to make that call then he makes the call. If someone disagrees it does not mean that they are automatically right

Your point about weaponize goes both ways. So if you come to that fork in the road, at some point you have to make a decision which way to go. Otherwise you will be at that fork forever. Right or left, disagree or agree, but your point is in favor of Trump no matter what. If Obama was president I can only imagine what the right would be saying.

Talking about death in a political arena is ignoring the individual deaths that cause pain for close fiends and family.

Medical examiners must complete significant formal education including medical school and specialized residency training.

Required EducationBachelor's degree (4 years)
Medical degree (4 years)
Pathology residency (3-4 years)
Forensic pathology fellowship (1-2 years)
Licensure & CertificationState licensure required
Board certification desired by most employers
Other RequirementsContinuing Medical Education (CME) credits to maintain licensure

They can lose their licence easily if they lie. Sometimes without defective answer either way requires a best assumption based on the person experience level.

In such a circumstance, I would bet you can fine someone who would disagree with that decision.
Still the world goes on and people die.

I would not politicize it for or against Trump. I just look at his actions and criticize that as it is enough.

The guy is full of holes and it rough to deciding which one to go after. It is akin to being in a candy factory with decisions to make.
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