The UnBenghazi


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
This is how you protect Americans.





And now it’s time to send Iran a New Years gift.

It would have been NO CONTEST had the folks in Benghazi had Apaches.

Had Chelsea and the Obama girls been in Benghazi, forces would have been sent. As well, Obama and Hillary would have been on the phone with various folks in Libya telling them to protect or be executed by an American drone. Instead, Barry and Hillary went to bed.
We have been in a quasi-war with Iran for many years, maybe decades.
Yeah that’s what we need. Another war.

And in case you didn’t know, an attack upon an embassy is an act of war.
No it’s blow back for actions taken by our military, and entirely expected.
Killing terrorists is what I like.
So, those people demonstrating outside the Empire’s embassy are terrorists deserving death.

Why have some Americans become so bloodthirsty?
Iran sponsored this.........just as they have sponsored terrorist for decades..........The Quds forces are behind this and are Iranian military that cries ..........we are not really Iran when they attack.........They are the same ones who killed US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.............especially with Advanced IED's.................

They threw attacked and killed an American...........and an American contractor base........Trump ordered a measured response............And now they threaten our Embassy......

Which requires another response to remind them who they are dealing with.
So, those people demonstrating outside the Empire’s embassy are terrorists deserving death.

Once they begin to assault our people they're fair game to be shot and killed. What do you propose?
On reading this, I find myself thinking,not only about the Benghazi fiasco, but about the attack on our embassy in Iran during the Carter administration. Two different attacks on our embassies, so far apart, and the embarrassing, incompetent handing of them by our respective Presidents.

I had some serious misgivings about Mr.Trump, when he was running for President, but having seen how he has handled the job, and especially at times like this, I am sure glad to have him in that office, and not another Carter, Clinton, or Obama.

I suspect that if Reagan were still alive, and still President, even he might be too polite. At a time like this, we don't need a polite President; we need a President who is willing to be a raging asshole, when the situation calls for it.
Yeah that’s what we need. Another war.


Attacking an embassy is war. That is effectively what it is. By definition, an embassy is land held by another state.

So that land, is owned by the United States of America. Attacking it, is an attack on the US.

If it were me.... and thank G-d it isn't..... I would have a sign in front of the Embassy saying the protest was heard, but if they cross the line onto US soil again, their lives are forfeit. And I would have snipers on the roof, and the next guy that storms the gate would get a bullet between the eyes.

Fair warning, and 'pop' gone.

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