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The United States IS a Christian Nation

The ignorance you display seems lost on you. Which makes sense, since if you realized how dumb you sounded, you wouldn't be that dumb.

Fuck, you're an arrogant fuck. Everybody is dumb and ignorant, yet there is whole poll on this board dedicated to you on just one subject that shows how fucking stupid you really are...

You are beyond dumb
Cecile, are you always such delightful company? I wonder whether we can always expect such thoughtful and well-spoken discourse when you are present
Hi there. Please reread what I typed. Madison very strongly denounced organized religion playing a role in matters of government, claiming it lead to "indolence", "ignorance and servility","superstition, bigotry and persecution", and "tyranny".

That was the only point I made, a point which you have not yet refuted.

Also, I find your analysis (and by analysis i mean 'copy and paste ability') incorrect. The Declaration of Independence was not a document that founded the nation, but rather one that separated it from another country of strong religious roots (and used religious language to communicate accordingly). It would be like someone quitting their job to go start their own competing business in the same field. The quitting doesn't mean they are their own business yet, it just means they are unemployed.

Also the guy who wrote the declaration (Thomas Jefferson) didn't like religion mixing with government.

Thomas Jefferson on Relgious Freedom

Sounds to me like he didn't like government mixing with religion, and yes, there's a difference.

"fallible and uninspired men, have assumed dominion over the faith of others, setting up their own opinions and modes of thinking as the only true and infallible, and as such endeavoring to impose them on others, hath established and maintained false religions over the greatest part of the world and through all time: That to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical;"

Sounds like he disliked both to me.
The GOP is not in favor of a theocracy. The GOP is full of politicians just like the Demodratic party is. Our government has become a group of people who don't care about the people, and have only selfish desires which drive their agendas.

We are, as far as Government is concerned, a secular nation. We are a nation founded upon the wonderful principles of the Christian faith.

No matter how we slice it, at the end of the day, God will have been there and arranged the paths of the world the way He wants it to be. He is working on the Big Picture, ans we only see the little slide show. He is the one who has ordained government, and in the long haul, His way will prevail.

One thing is for sure, whatever kind of nation we were in the early days, we are not now. Our government has left the Christian principles behind. As a matter of fact, our government has thrown them in the trash. It is a new day, and there is a new foundation being built. Right and wrong have always been in batle with each other, but in America right and good was our main objective. That is no longer the case.

Christians, and those who are angainst what Christians stand for are in a battle that is just going to wreck the whole nation. However, When God steps in, He will be stepping on all of our toes. We will discover who we really are. A confused, selfish, and arrogant bunch of people whose pride has come to the point of causing the fall.

I see America headed in a direction that is not going to be pretty. I believe we have seen our last happy days. Watch as a new and immoral agenda takes solid hold, and a black future will show it's uglu face.

With that said, All of you true Christians out there need to pay attention, for you will see something more awesome than you have ever seen. You will see, if you walk with Him, God's mighty work in your daily lives. I can see it already. It will not be easy, but it will be something that will cause the love of God to rise up in you, and the nation sill see it and recognize it as the True Church, and some will even enter into the Christian faith because of what they see, not because of anything that is forced upon them. For in that time God will be clearly seen in His followers.

I believe thisn is soon to come.
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ." - Patrick Henry

"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers and it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers." - U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Jay

"Let us look forward to the time when we can take the flag of our country and nail it below the Cross, and there let it wave as it waved in the olden times, and let us gather around it an inscribed for our motto: "Liberty and Union, one and inseparable, now and forever," and exclaim, Christ first, our country next!" -- Andrew Johnson
Quote: Originally Posted by Intense
I say that When You believe something that You cannot Back up with Evidence or Fact, that it is indeed part of Your Religion.

STH: False. Either you don't understand what the term "opinion" means, or what "religion" means. My guess is that you were caught in yet another run of stupidity, and instead of stopping, you decided to backpedal. Well dear, let's see what the dictionary has to say:
re⋅li⋅gion  /rɪˈlɪdʒən/
1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

You turn Your Opinions into Religion by the intensity of your conviction. Part of Your Ritual is to Remove All Influence of God from Society. That is driven. That is much more than opinion. That is Your Crusade. The Antithesis of Christianity is part of your religion. LOL

STH: Hmmm, now does that sound like it has anything to do with beliefs about color choice or my perception of your low intelligence? No! If you want a word to describe any belief you cannot support with evidence of fact, the term "opinion" is appropriate:
o⋅pin⋅ion  /əˈpɪnyən/
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
Welcome to the English language.

You are not implying uncertainty in any way but certainty, that is belief, not opinion, You are driven wrongly, misguided. LOL
Quote: Originally Posted by Intense
That is an allegation You need to support with links. I do not see a single problem with the links I used. I see a problem with Your failure to admit the truth. That is a flaw you need to first accept, before you can constructively address. That chalks up to a lie on your part again.
False! I supported my claim with a link in this post. Note the unavoidably large bold red font in the center of the page. That would be the support. This is the link, yet again: snopes.com: Religious Symbols in the U.S. National Capital
In the future, don't attribute your own blindness to anyone else.

STH: So, what were you saying about flaws and lies on my part?

You were still misinformed of my position on Secular Government the last time You Posted, that is Your Flaw, not mine. You either confused me with another poster or outright lied on links you claim I posted, we'll get to that soon enough. You made false claims as to the meanings of my words, that is disingenuous, they have been addressed in prior posts. You insult my intelligence.

Quote: Originally Posted by Intense
Face it You are an elitist prick.
STH: And you're a bad Christian

I can be Very Good and I can be Very Bad, careful what buttons you push.

Quote: Originally Posted by Intense

STH: After having no other alternatives with which to refute my claims or support your own, you resort to ad hominem attacks on my religious beliefs, which you don't even know!

You're getting delusional here Sally. No alternatives, Refute Your claims, ad hominem Attacks on Your Religion. LOL. My alternatives are not limited, thats another lie. I don't take your claims seriously because they are based on misconceptions or lies again,

STH: So let's get this straight. I claim you seem incapable of actually refuting anything I say with any evidence whatsoever (or use made up quotes), and that you support none of your own claims with any evidence whatsoever, and you respond by saying "no my alternatives are not limited, and you lie". And yet, you still provide no alternatives, and still don't support a word of what you're saying.

First I have refuted Plenty. Second You get your facts screwed up, that is for you to straighten out. Third I am required by You to do Nothing. I have no obligation to You. I support my claims, you are too blind to realize. I have no power over that.
I believe Our Federal Government by Design is Secular. I also believe that it is Influenced by Religious Ideals, through Morals and Ethics, and the Will of the People. I believe that is okay, what is not okay, is to let dogma influence. Wake the Fuck up.
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Quote: Originally Posted by Intense
Again Doctor, You removed the Wrong Leg in Surgery, bet it's not the first time. You got on the wrong plane. You were supposed to throw the grenade after removing the pin, not the grenade. No You can't play Russian Roulette with a Semi Automatic. Your Premise is founded on a mis characterization or an outright lie, choose for yourself. I believe in God and take it serious, Though I am not perfect nor do I claim to be. There is no neutrality or friendship between us, so I will be blunt when I feel the need Dick Head.
Ah so this is how your relationship with God has taught you to act? Sad...

STH: Keep something in mind, dear: that I have wiped the floor with you every step along the way of this argument, and I never once needed to curse. Sure I pointed out your stupidity from time to time, but the fact that you need to resort to such crude name calling only shows how immature and desperate you are.

Yes Dear, In your Imagination You have, your only issue is with reality. You have wiped the floor with what you have created in your mind. My reaction to your condescending tone is to curse at you at times, that is true. If you are truly sensitive to that, I will try better to curb it, as a courtesy. Stupidity on your part again is to misrepresent my position and ignore the response.

Quote: Originally Posted by Intense
I'm Uneducated and Gullible. Ouch. If I was, it still beats being You. I couldn't go through life with my head up my ass every day, being You.

STH: No refutation, no logic, just a temper tantrum. Ah the true basis of your religion.

Actually it wasn't temper then, and it is not now. There was nothing logical in your point to respond to. Nothing of merit. It was late, I was tired, it was my last post of the night. What does assuming and accusing get you? It had nothing to do with Religion, another false trail.

Quote: Originally Posted by Intense
STH: Hi there. Welcome to The Thread. This thread is debating whether or not the nation (with respect to its government) is Christian or not.

In part that is True.

STH:No no. in completion, that is true. Note the thread title, if you have any confusion with that.

So then You have strictly adhered to Posting Only to the Thread Title, and the Tons of crap I am responding to are imaginary? You are on topic, You have in no way strayed. You have in no way expanded or elaborated? Really? News flash, It is not for you to limit what others say. It is not for you to decide what is in context or appropriate.

Quote: Originally Posted by Intense
where you are wrong and cross the line is when you demean and Ridicule Matters of Faith.
STH: I can't tell whether you mean faith as in religion or as in opinion, seeing as you so clearly were unable to differentiate the two to the point that I literally had to pull a dictionary definition of each for you. I demean a faith that promotes spiritual tyranny, ignorance, servility, superstition, bigotry and persecution. If those specific words don't sound familiar, go reread a few pages back.

I differentiate fine. When You turn your Opinion into a belief and start a Crusade it is Religious. You have convinced yourself, you have removed all doubt, you are on a mission. Christianity does not Promote Spiritual Tyranny, it does just the Opposite. The USA is the perfect example of that. That is what Locke and Madison both knew, something You have yet to realize. Even me using the instance of what you think you believe as an example of religion was to provoke thought and realization within yourself. Think about your convictions, the things you claim to be so sure of, yet, unable to prove.

Quote: Originally Posted by Intense
FuckHead, it was a joke. You are a joke.
STH: oh don't worry, I'm laughing. just remember something: you're the one who perceives me as elite and elitist. guess how i perceive you

Doc., I'm not worried. I've followed your reasoning in other threads, there is truth in them. In All things consult with Conscience first.
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"In God we trust" and "one nation under god". End of story you buncha homo haters.

In god we trust wasn't around till the late 19th century, one nation under god wasn't around till the 1950s, so neither count for jack.
Christians, and those who are angainst what Christians stand for are in a battle that is just going to wreck the whole nation.

Curse those anti-goddists with their racial equality and condemnations of rape...
I thought America was an Obamist Nation?

The GOP is not in favor of a theocracy. The GOP is full of politicians just like the Demodratic party is. Our government has become a group of people who don't care about the people, and have only selfish desires which drive their agendas.

We are, as far as Government is concerned, a secular nation. We are a nation founded upon the wonderful principles of the Christian faith.

No matter how we slice it, at the end of the day, God will have been there and arranged the paths of the world the way He wants it to be. He is working on the Big Picture, ans we only see the little slide show. He is the one who has ordained government, and in the long haul, His way will prevail.

One thing is for sure, whatever kind of nation we were in the early days, we are not now. Our government has left the Christian principles behind. As a matter of fact, our government has thrown them in the trash. It is a new day, and there is a new foundation being built. Right and wrong have always been in batle with each other, but in America right and good was our main objective. That is no longer the case.

Christians, and those who are angainst what Christians stand for are in a battle that is just going to wreck the whole nation. However, When God steps in, He will be stepping on all of our toes. We will discover who we really are. A confused, selfish, and arrogant bunch of people whose pride has come to the point of causing the fall.

I see America headed in a direction that is not going to be pretty. I believe we have seen our last happy days. Watch as a new and immoral agenda takes solid hold, and a black future will show it's uglu face.

With that said, All of you true Christians out there need to pay attention, for you will see something more awesome than you have ever seen. You will see, if you walk with Him, God's mighty work in your daily lives. I can see it already. It will not be easy, but it will be something that will cause the love of God to rise up in you, and the nation sill see it and recognize it as the True Church, and some will even enter into the Christian faith because of what they see, not because of anything that is forced upon them. For in that time God will be clearly seen in His followers.

I believe thisn is soon to come.

You put a lot of eggs in the "god" basket. You will never understand how foolish that is I'm afraid.
Okay.......for all you idiots that think the GOP and Christian Conservatives aren't interested in a theocracy........consider the following story........by the way, the article is from FAUX Noise, but it's been put up on a lot of other places as well (yeah.....you GOP assholes will only believe something from FAUX).

Best-Selling Bible for Conservative Evangelicals to Undergo Revision

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

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The top-selling Bible in North America will undergo its first revision in 25 years, modernizing the language in some sections and promising to reopen a contentious debate about changing gender terms in the sacred text.

The New International Version, the Bible of choice for conservative evangelicals, will be revised to reflect changes in English usage and advances in Biblical scholarship, it was announced Tuesday. The revision is scheduled to be completed late next year and published in 2011.

"We want to reach English speakers across the globe with a Bible that is accurate, accessible and that speaks to its readers in a language they can understand," said Keith Danby, global president and CEO of Biblica, a Colorado Springs, Colo.-based Christian ministry that holds the NIV copyright.

But past attempts to remake the NIV for contemporary audiences in different editions have been plagued by controversies about gender language that have pitted theological conservatives against each other.

The changes did not make all men "people" or remove male references to God, but instead involved dropping gender-specific terms when translators judged that the original text didn't intend it. So in some verses, references to "sons of God" became "children of God," for example.

Supporters say gender-inclusive changes are more accurate and make the Bible more accessible, but critics contend they twist meaning or smack of political correctness.

Acknowledging past missteps, the NIV's overseers are promising that this time, the revision process will be more transparent and that they will actively promote what they describe as a long-held practice of inviting input from scholars and readers.

The NIV was first published in 1978 and more than 300 million NIV Bibles are in print worldwide; its publishers and distributors say the translation accounts for 30 percent of Bibles sold in North America.

The Committee on Bible Translation, an independent group of conservative scholars and translators formed in 1965 to create and revise the NIV, will oversee the new revision.

An effort earlier this decade to create a separate version of the NIV that used more gender-inclusive language in an attempt to reach a younger audience fell flat with groups that felt it crossed the line.

Best-Selling Bible for Conservative Evangelicals to Undergo Revision - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com
Okay.......for all you idiots that think the GOP and Christian Conservatives aren't interested in a theocracy........consider the following story........by the way, the article is from FAUX Noise, but it's been put up on a lot of other places as well (yeah.....you GOP assholes will only believe something from FAUX).

Best-Selling Bible for Conservative Evangelicals to Undergo Revision

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

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The top-selling Bible in North America will undergo its first revision in 25 years, modernizing the language in some sections and promising to reopen a contentious debate about changing gender terms in the sacred text.

The New International Version, the Bible of choice for conservative evangelicals, will be revised to reflect changes in English usage and advances in Biblical scholarship, it was announced Tuesday. The revision is scheduled to be completed late next year and published in 2011.

"We want to reach English speakers across the globe with a Bible that is accurate, accessible and that speaks to its readers in a language they can understand," said Keith Danby, global president and CEO of Biblica, a Colorado Springs, Colo.-based Christian ministry that holds the NIV copyright.

But past attempts to remake the NIV for contemporary audiences in different editions have been plagued by controversies about gender language that have pitted theological conservatives against each other.

The changes did not make all men "people" or remove male references to God, but instead involved dropping gender-specific terms when translators judged that the original text didn't intend it. So in some verses, references to "sons of God" became "children of God," for example.

Supporters say gender-inclusive changes are more accurate and make the Bible more accessible, but critics contend they twist meaning or smack of political correctness.

Acknowledging past missteps, the NIV's overseers are promising that this time, the revision process will be more transparent and that they will actively promote what they describe as a long-held practice of inviting input from scholars and readers.

The NIV was first published in 1978 and more than 300 million NIV Bibles are in print worldwide; its publishers and distributors say the translation accounts for 30 percent of Bibles sold in North America.

The Committee on Bible Translation, an independent group of conservative scholars and translators formed in 1965 to create and revise the NIV, will oversee the new revision.

An effort earlier this decade to create a separate version of the NIV that used more gender-inclusive language in an attempt to reach a younger audience fell flat with groups that felt it crossed the line.

Best-Selling Bible for Conservative Evangelicals to Undergo Revision - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Show where in the article it mentions the GOP.
I don't see Conservative Christians trying to turn the USA into a Theocracy? Can You back that allegation up?
The GOP is not in favor of a theocracy. The GOP is full of politicians just like the Demodratic party is. Our government has become a group of people who don't care about the people, and have only selfish desires which drive their agendas.

We are, as far as Government is concerned, a secular nation. We are a nation founded upon the wonderful principles of the Christian faith.

No matter how we slice it, at the end of the day, God will have been there and arranged the paths of the world the way He wants it to be. He is working on the Big Picture, ans we only see the little slide show. He is the one who has ordained government, and in the long haul, His way will prevail.

One thing is for sure, whatever kind of nation we were in the early days, we are not now. Our government has left the Christian principles behind. As a matter of fact, our government has thrown them in the trash. It is a new day, and there is a new foundation being built. Right and wrong have always been in batle with each other, but in America right and good was our main objective. That is no longer the case.

Christians, and those who are angainst what Christians stand for are in a battle that is just going to wreck the whole nation. However, When God steps in, He will be stepping on all of our toes. We will discover who we really are. A confused, selfish, and arrogant bunch of people whose pride has come to the point of causing the fall.

I see America headed in a direction that is not going to be pretty. I believe we have seen our last happy days. Watch as a new and immoral agenda takes solid hold, and a black future will show it's uglu face.

With that said, All of you true Christians out there need to pay attention, for you will see something more awesome than you have ever seen. You will see, if you walk with Him, God's mighty work in your daily lives. I can see it already. It will not be easy, but it will be something that will cause the love of God to rise up in you, and the nation sill see it and recognize it as the True Church, and some will even enter into the Christian faith because of what they see, not because of anything that is forced upon them. For in that time God will be clearly seen in His followers.

I believe thisn is soon to come.

You put a lot of eggs in the "god" basket. You will never understand how foolish that is I'm afraid.

I know how foolish it is. Not foolish at all.
Okay.......for all you idiots that think the GOP and Christian Conservatives aren't interested in a theocracy........consider the following story........by the way, the article is from FAUX Noise, but it's been put up on a lot of other places as well (yeah.....you GOP assholes will only believe something from FAUX).

Best-Selling Bible for Conservative Evangelicals to Undergo Revision

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

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The top-selling Bible in North America will undergo its first revision in 25 years, modernizing the language in some sections and promising to reopen a contentious debate about changing gender terms in the sacred text.

The New International Version, the Bible of choice for conservative evangelicals, will be revised to reflect changes in English usage and advances in Biblical scholarship, it was announced Tuesday. The revision is scheduled to be completed late next year and published in 2011.

"We want to reach English speakers across the globe with a Bible that is accurate, accessible and that speaks to its readers in a language they can understand," said Keith Danby, global president and CEO of Biblica, a Colorado Springs, Colo.-based Christian ministry that holds the NIV copyright.

But past attempts to remake the NIV for contemporary audiences in different editions have been plagued by controversies about gender language that have pitted theological conservatives against each other.

The changes did not make all men "people" or remove male references to God, but instead involved dropping gender-specific terms when translators judged that the original text didn't intend it. So in some verses, references to "sons of God" became "children of God," for example.

Supporters say gender-inclusive changes are more accurate and make the Bible more accessible, but critics contend they twist meaning or smack of political correctness.

Acknowledging past missteps, the NIV's overseers are promising that this time, the revision process will be more transparent and that they will actively promote what they describe as a long-held practice of inviting input from scholars and readers.

The NIV was first published in 1978 and more than 300 million NIV Bibles are in print worldwide; its publishers and distributors say the translation accounts for 30 percent of Bibles sold in North America.

The Committee on Bible Translation, an independent group of conservative scholars and translators formed in 1965 to create and revise the NIV, will oversee the new revision.

An effort earlier this decade to create a separate version of the NIV that used more gender-inclusive language in an attempt to reach a younger audience fell flat with groups that felt it crossed the line.

Best-Selling Bible for Conservative Evangelicals to Undergo Revision - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

While it is true that many conservatives use this translation, and it is well translated, when the original revision was attempted it was rejected by most.

I personally use it as one of the many translations I study together, but my choice is the NASV.

I don't believe they will make any needed revisions when they do it this time either.

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