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The United States IS a Christian Nation

You have not supported a claim that the Founders wanted organized religion in government. Not one piece of evidence, period! Almost every Founder with the exception of Paine and Allen were religious, Christians and deists. Almost every last one of them, with the exception of Patrick Henry, did not want an established national religion.

What don't you understand?

Christian Dominationism is not of the theology of Jesus Christ, it is of man, and you are being led down a dark, windy road. I counsel you that you read and follow Proverbs 24:7.

I do not support the claim that Our Founders wanted Organized Religion In Government! Wake the Fuck Up! What is wrong with your reading skills Jake?

Son, if you think I am attacking Christianity, you are stone-cold stoned. If you, Intense, think this is a Christian Nation, then you are nuts. And if you are just chattering to hear those great big incisors clicking and clacking on one another, then go gather some nuts.

NO, it's a Muslim nation now because Obama said so.:lol:
Anno Domini - Latin for The Year Of Our Lord

excellent! so the literal translation of "1787 AD" is "in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven" - the EXACT phrase used to date the constitution. It has nothing to do with religion, just dating terms.

It is one more thing that showed that they were not afraid of religion in politics rather they were afraid of politics in religion.

It was NOTHING besides them writing the date in its full formality. It's the DATE. It has nothing to do with their beliefs religion nor politics.
excellent! so the literal translation of "1787 AD" is "in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven" - the EXACT phrase used to date the constitution. It has nothing to do with religion, just dating terms.

It is one more thing that showed that they were not afraid of religion in politics rather they were afraid of politics in religion.

It was NOTHING besides them writing the date in its full formality. It's the DATE. It has nothing to do with their beliefs religion nor politics.

I'm sure Muslims and athiests of the time wrote in the same formality.:cuckoo:

That's why we have BCE and ACE to replace BC and AD in our textbooks. I wonder what that common era was?:eusa_shhh:
STH, You little Shit You ! Thank you for taking the time to bring laughter this late!
You must be semi retarded so I'll try to correct your mis allegations point by point.

Quote: Originally Posted by Intense
Religion is bases on Belief, not likes. If You believed blue was a nice color, if you believed the day was nice, how would you Prove that.
Note how you say religious is based on belief, and then go on to contrast the "likes" I stated in a manner of belief!? You even used the same root word to describe it. Your hysterical! And then you end with "how would you prove that"? How do you prove RELIGION? You can't!

What I plainly did was Distinguish between Likes and Beliefs. Apples and Oranges. You merely used a poor phrase to describe something and I clarified the distinction between liking something, which does not serve the argument, and believing something you can't prove which does serve the argument. Is it sinking in yet? Of course not because You are still a Jackass to respond so. There are indeed things We All believe that We are not able to prove, that includes You and I both.

STH: So again I say: all beliefs are not religious.

I say that When You believe something that You cannot Back up with Evidence or Fact, that it is indeed part of Your Religion. I stand by that. Your Religion is very Prejudiced, just so you know I know . LOL

Quote: Originally Posted by Intense
I believe that You are an Anti-God Religious Nut Job. Your Religion is the State, or the Total Bullshit that so easily passes as reason for You. Your Religion Persecutes Others for Believing in Almighty God. Your Religion seeks to harm those You do not understand, rather than Study deeper. It's in your MO. Your pattern is sloppy, and full of holes.

So let's recap the stupidity you've brought to this thread:

Lets Recap Your Stupidity instead.

STH: Using falsified claims and quotes from a biased website, and propagating them as truths because you are too gullible (and dim) to realize they were completely false

That is an allegation You need to support with links. I do not see a single problem with the links I used. I see a problem with Your failure to admit the truth. That is a flaw you need to first accept, before you can constructively address. That chalks up to a lie on your part again.

You claim all beliefs are religion, and then claim the things I believe are not religion.
False again. I claim that Beliefs that You cannot Support with Fact are Religious, And I claim that Your Religion is Flawed based on the evidence and nature of your posts. Face it You are an elitist prick. You can't help it, you just are. I love the effect the concept has on you, so I'm harry to run with it a while.

STH: After having no other alternatives with which to refute my claims or support your own, you resort to ad hominem attacks on my religious beliefs, which you don't even know!

You're getting delusional here Sally. No alternatives, Refute Your claims, ad hominem Attacks on Your Religion. LOL. My alternatives are not limited, thats another lie. I don't take your claims seriously because they are based on misconceptions or lies again, I have asked your religion twice, and I won't again. No I will not search the threads for the 1st reference. No it was not to discredit you like you assumed, but to find a way to better relate to you. We are past that now ShitHead. LOL

STH: Let me guess: those beliefs about my religion are really your religion (because they're beliefs!), and it's how Jesus would react to this situation.

Again Doctor, You removed the Wrong Leg in Surgery, bet it's not the first time. You got on the wrong plane. You were supposed to throw the grenade after removing the pin, not the grenade. No You can't play Russian Roulette with a Semi Automatic. Your Premise is founded on a mis characterization or an outright lie, choose for yourself. I believe in God and take it serious, Though I am not perfect nor do I claim to be. There is no neutrality or friendship between us, so I will be blunt when I feel the need Dick Head.

STH: Not only are you an uneducated and gullible Christian, but you're bad at following the teachings of Christianity!

I'm Uneducated and Gullible. Ouch. If I was, it still beats being You. I couldn't go through life with my head up my ass every day, being You.

Quote: Originally Posted by JakeStarkey
You have not supported a claim that the Founders wanted organized religion in government. Not one piece of evidence, period!
STH: Intense, I thought you should reread that.

What is Your Point. Are you a moron? I have plainly stated My position on The Secular State. You are really dense if you still don't get it. You are so caught up in your own bullshit. Locke, Madison, as strong as They were on Faith advocated The Separation of Church and State, for a Multitude of Reasons. I Totally support that position. I have supported that position All along. The difference with You and I is That I don't demean Their Faith, Not Yours either, Just You, because You as a Being Failed to stand up for Yours. In the end I won't hold that against you, but for now I will. Jackass.

Quote: Originally Posted by Intense
I do not support the claim that Our Founders wanted Organized Religion In Government!

STH: Hi there. Welcome to The Thread. This thread is debating whether or not the nation (with respect to its government) is Christian or not.

In part that is True. You however are learning disabled and therefore we stray. You are poor at discerning and retaining what you read. Our Government is Secular and does not make Law on Dogma. That was the Point. Our Government does however make Law on Moral Value and Ethics, and on the will of the People. The People being Free and knowing Liberty are free to Practice Our Religion as We Please, within the Boundaries of Civil Law. You are Free to Believe or Not believe, participate or not participate. Is Our Government Religious or Secular? It is Secular. Is it influenced by Religious beliefs, Yes., When they are rooted in Morals and Ethics, No when they are rooted in Dogma.

STH:You JUST admitted, after pages of trying to show how religious the founding fathers really are, that they did not want organized religion in the government they were founding. Congratulations, you just agreed to our side of the argument.
Were you traumatized as a baby, dropped on your head? Again shit for brains, we agree in part, have all along, where you are wrong and cross the line is when you demean and Ridicule Matters of Faith.

Quote: Originally Posted by Intense
Jake, Son, I think the Viagra is cutting off circulation to your brain.

STH: viagra opens blood vessels - it doesn't cut them off. It's like... you have an unnatural talent to just spew forth all the concepts you don't understand, and consistently come out with the wrong answer. You'd think blind luck would have gotten you at least one right answer by now...

The way I understand it, and it is a standing joke Doctor Man, is that it diverts blood from the brain to the penis, though in your case that would have little effect FuckHead, it was a joke. You are a joke.
Religion is bases on Belief, not likes. If You believed blue was a nice color, if you believed the day was nice, how would you Prove that.
Note how you say religious is based on belief, and then go on to contrast the "likes" I stated in a manner of belief!? You even used the same root word to describe it. You're hysterical! And then you end with "how would you prove that"? How do you prove RELIGION? You can't!

So again I say: all beliefs are not religious.

Intense said:
I believe that You are an Anti-God Religious Nut Job. Your Religion is the State, or the Total Bullshit that so easily passes as reason for You. Your Religion Persecutes Others for Believing in Almighty God. Your Religion seeks to harm those You do not understand, rather than Study deeper. It's in your MO. Your pattern is sloppy, and full of holes.
So let's recap the stupidity you've brought to this thread:
  • Using falsified claims and quotes from a biased website, and propagating them as truths because you are too gullible (and dim) to realize they were completely false
  • You claim all beliefs are religion, and then claim the things I believe are not religion.
  • After having no other alternatives with which to refute my claims or support your own, you resort to ad hominem attacks on my religious beliefs, which you don't even know! Let me guess: those beliefs about my religion are really your religion (because they're beliefs!), and it's how Jesus would react to this situation.

Not only are you an uneducated and gullible Christian, but you're bad at following the teachings of Christianity!

Intense, I thought you should reread that.

I do not support the claim that Our Founders wanted Organized Religion In Government!
Hi there. Welcome to The Thread. This thread is debating whether or not the nation (with respect to its government) is Christian or not. You JUST admitted, after pages of trying to show how religious the founding fathers really are, that they did not want organized religion in the government they were founding. Congratulations, you just agreed to our side of the argument.

Jake, Son, I think the Viagra is cutting off circulation to your brain. :lol::lol::lol:
viagra opens blood vessels - it doesn't cut them off. It's like... you have an unnatural talent to just spew forth all the concepts you don't understand, and consistently come out with the wrong answer. You'd think blind luck would have gotten you at least one right answer by now...

excellent! so the literal translation of "1787 AD" is "in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven" - the EXACT phrase used to date the constitution. It has nothing to do with religion, just dating terms.

It is one more thing that showed that they were not afraid of religion in politics rather they were afraid of politics in religion.

It was NOTHING besides them writing the date in its full formality. It's the DATE. It has nothing to do with their beliefs religion nor politics.

Again Wrong. It's plainly a screwed up calender short months, long months, no connection to the days of the week. Is was because of the RC Church we adopted it.

also called New Style Calendar

solar dating system now in general use. It was proclaimed in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII as a reform of the Julian calendar.

By the Julian reckoning, the solar year comprised 365 1/4 days; the intercalation of a “leap day” every four years was intended to maintain correspondence between the calendar and the seasons. A slight inaccuracy in the measurement (the solar year comprising more precisely 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45.25 seconds) caused the calendar dates of the seasons to regress almost one day per century.

Although this regression had amounted to 14 days by Pope Gregory’s time, he based his reform on restoration of the vernal equinox, then falling on March 11, to the date (March 21) it had in ad 325, the time of the Council of Nicaea, and not on the date of the equinox at the time of the birth of Christ, when it fell on March 25. The change was effected by advancing the calendar 10 days after Oct. 4, 1582, the day following being reckoned as October 15.

The Gregorian calendar differs from the Julian only in that no century year is a leap year unless it is exactly divisible by 400 (e.g., 1600, 2000). A further proposed refinement, the designation of years evenly divisible by 4,000 as common (not leap) years, will keep the Gregorian calendar accurate to within one day in 20,000 years.

Within a year the change had been adopted by the Italian states, Portugal, Spain, and the German Catholic states. Gradually, other nations adopted the Gregorian calendar: the Protestant German states in 1699; England and its colonies in 1752; Sweden in 1753; Japan in 1873; China in 1912; the Soviet Union in 1918; and Greece in 1923. Islamic countries tend to retain calendars based on Islam (see Muslim calendar).

Gregorian calendar -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
I'm sure Muslims and athiests of the time wrote in the same formality.:cuckoo:
Everyone who used Gregorian calendar system in1787 did in fact write the formal time in that manner: Christian, atheist, Jew, Muslim, or otherwise. If their calendar was of a different numbering system, they did not. The writers of the constitution decided not to rewrite the calendar year, and instead continued using the same Gregorian calendar number and system (and language, among other things) as was used in England.

That's why we have BCE and ACE to replace BC and AD in our textbooks. I wonder what that common era was?:eusa_shhh:
Hi - don't confuse your textbooks today for textbooks in the 1700s. The term common era wasn't even used until the beginning of that century, and it wasn't popular by any means. It didn't even hit a mainstream book until after the constitution was written! Oh but hey, you see it today so therefore it must have existed for all time.

I say that When You believe something that You cannot Back up with Evidence or Fact, that it is indeed part of Your Religion.
False. Either you don't understand what the term "opinion" means, or what "religion" means. My guess is that you were caught in yet another run of stupidity, and instead of stopping, you decided to backpedal. Well dear, let's see what the dictionary has to say:
re⋅li⋅gion  /rɪˈlɪdʒən/
1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
Hmmm, now does that sound like it has anything to do with beliefs about color choice or my perception of your low intelligence? No! If you want a word to describe any belief you cannot support with evidence of fact, the term "opinion" is appropriate:
o⋅pin⋅ion  /əˈpɪnyən/
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
Welcome to the English language.

Intense said:
That is an allegation You need to support with links. I do not see a single problem with the links I used. I see a problem with Your failure to admit the truth. That is a flaw you need to first accept, before you can constructively address. That chalks up to a lie on your part again.
False! I supported my claim with a link in this post. Note the unavoidably large bold red font in the center of the page. That would be the support. This is the link, yet again: snopes.com: Religious Symbols in the U.S. National Capital
In the future, don't attribute your own blindness to anyone else.

So, what were you saying about flaws and lies on my part?

Intense said:
Face it You are an elitist prick.
And you're a bad Christian ;)

Intense said:
STH: After having no other alternatives with which to refute my claims or support your own, you resort to ad hominem attacks on my religious beliefs, which you don't even know!

You're getting delusional here Sally. No alternatives, Refute Your claims, ad hominem Attacks on Your Religion. LOL. My alternatives are not limited, thats another lie. I don't take your claims seriously because they are based on misconceptions or lies again,
So let's get this straight. I claim you seem incapable of actually refuting anything I say with any evidence whatsoever (or use made up quotes), and that you support none of your own claims with any evidence whatsoever, and you respond by saying "no my alternatives are not limited, and you lie". And yet, you still provide no alternatives, and still don't support a word of what you're saying.

Intense said:
Again Doctor, You removed the Wrong Leg in Surgery, bet it's not the first time. You got on the wrong plane. You were supposed to throw the grenade after removing the pin, not the grenade. No You can't play Russian Roulette with a Semi Automatic. Your Premise is founded on a mis characterization or an outright lie, choose for yourself. I believe in God and take it serious, Though I am not perfect nor do I claim to be. There is no neutrality or friendship between us, so I will be blunt when I feel the need Dick Head.
Ah so this is how your relationship with God has taught you to act? Sad...

Keep something in mind, dear: that I have wiped the floor with you every step along the way of this argument, and I never once needed to curse. Sure I pointed out your stupidity from time to time, but the fact that you need to resort to such crude name calling only shows how immature and desperate you are.

Intense said:
I'm Uneducated and Gullible. Ouch. If I was, it still beats being You. I couldn't go through life with my head up my ass every day, being You.
No refutation, no logic, just a temper tantrum. Ah the true basis of your religion.

Intense said:
STH: Hi there. Welcome to The Thread. This thread is debating whether or not the nation (with respect to its government) is Christian or not.

In part that is True.
No no. in completion, that is true. Note the thread title, if you have any confusion with that.

Intense said:
where you are wrong and cross the line is when you demean and Ridicule Matters of Faith.
I can't tell whether you mean faith as in religion or as in opinion, seeing as you so clearly were unable to differentiate the two to the point that I literally had to pull a dictionary definition of each for you. I demean a faith that promotes spiritual tyranny, ignorance, servility, superstition, bigotry and persecution. If those specific words don't sound familiar, go reread a few pages back.

Intense said:
FuckHead, it was a joke. You are a joke.
oh don't worry, I'm laughing. just remember something: you're the one who perceives me as elite and elitist. guess how i perceive you ;)
Last edited:
Anno Domini - Latin for The Year Of Our Lord

excellent! so the literal translation of "1787 AD" is "in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven" - the EXACT phrase used to date the constitution. It has nothing to do with religion, just dating terms.
You know they despise facts :rolleyes:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SmarterThanHick again
Madison was not an Atheist! Read Memorial and Remonstrance. There is no clearer reference of His Faith. What I wrote makes total sense. Try harder.
Hi there. Please reread what I typed. Madison very strongly denounced organized religion playing a role in matters of government, claiming it lead to "indolence", "ignorance and servility","superstition, bigotry and persecution", and "tyranny".

That was the only point I made, a point which you have not yet refuted.

Also, I find your analysis (and by analysis i mean 'copy and paste ability') incorrect. The Declaration of Independence was not a document that founded the nation, but rather one that separated it from another country of strong religious roots (and used religious language to communicate accordingly). It would be like someone quitting their job to go start their own competing business in the same field. The quitting doesn't mean they are their own business yet, it just means they are unemployed.

Also the guy who wrote the declaration (Thomas Jefferson) didn't like religion mixing with government.

Thomas Jefferson on Relgious Freedom

Sounds to me like he didn't like government mixing with religion, and yes, there's a difference.
Funny... honest people see a secular nation/government with a large population of religious people.

Dishonest people try to prove that specific individuals were religious and claim this is a theocracy because they want one.

Please show me where ANYONE has tried to claim that the United States is a theocracy. Barring that, please shut your flapping skullhole until you learn the difference between "Christian nation" and "theocracy".

Thank you.
the founding fathers and their surroundings and environment influenced their creation of our country. These men did not do this alone....nearly the entire colony was behind this move to create our country.

IT did NOT happen in a vacuum with only the founding fathers....this had to pass muster with the communities and citizens and legislators and yes, even church communities in all the states when ratified.

All I am saying, is that it is common sense that our creation as a nation was heavily influence by the society that surrounded us...which primarily was made up of Christians, though different denominations of such.

THIS does not mean we are a Christian Nation, as in a Theocracy, because we are clearly not, and we all made certain of such....not just the founding fathers, but all the citizens within all the states agreed to this regarding our federal gvt.

We were a Nation ^with a secular government^, founded by primarily Christians/(some Deists)
(red text added for clarification)

Anno Domini - Latin for The Year Of Our Lord

excellent! so the literal translation of "1787 AD" is "in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven" - the EXACT phrase used to date the constitution. It has nothing to do with religion, just dating terms.

It is one more thing that showed that they were not afraid of religion in politics rather they were afraid of politics in religion.
They were afraid of both. They didn't want a repeat of what happened w/ King George and the Anglican Church.
Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;...

US Treaty with Tripoli, 1796-1797

Case Closed

Case reopened. Why did the Treaty with Tripoli only last one year? Why, I do believe we rewrote it and left the phrase you doofuses are so in love with out of it, because it had served its purpose, which was to aid in the freeing of American citizens taken hostage and sold into slavery.

See my last post to you re: shutting your flapping skullhole until you learn something.
Funny... honest people see a secular nation/government with a large population of religious people.

Dishonest people try to prove that specific individuals were religious and claim this is a theocracy because they want one.

Please show me where ANYONE has tried to claim that the United States is a theocracy. Barring that, please shut your flapping skullhole until you learn the difference between "Christian nation" and "theocracy".

Thank you.
They imply that we are a "Christian Nation"

we are a secular nation

Israel is a Jewish nation

The USSSR was an antiheistic nation

Iran is an islamic nation

The British Empire under King George was a Christian nation
Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;...
US Treaty with Tripoli, 1796-1797

Case Closed

Case reopened. Why did the Treaty with Tripoli only last one year? Why, I do believe we rewrote it and left the phrase you doofuses are so in love with out of it, because it had served its purpose, which was to aid in the freeing of American citizens taken hostage and sold into slavery.

See my last post to you re: shutting your flapping skullhole until you learn something.

So you're saying wat?

A) That Washington, Adams, and Congress lied about the nation they'd founded

or B) That the nation was retroactively made founded on the Christian religion?
Funny... honest people see a secular nation/government with a large population of religious people.

Dishonest people try to prove that specific individuals were religious and claim this is a theocracy because they want one.

Please show me where ANYONE has tried to claim that the United States is a theocracy. Barring that, please shut your flapping skullhole until you learn the difference between "Christian nation" and "theocracy".

Thank you.
They imply that we are a "Christian Nation"

we are a secular nation

Israel is a Jewish nation

The USSSR was an antiheistic nation

Iran is an islamic nation

The British Empire under King George was a Christian nation

Still waiting for you to figure out what a theocracy is. Not really surprised that you're still polluting the place with your ignorance in the meantime.

Case reopened. Why did the Treaty with Tripoli only last one year? Why, I do believe we rewrote it and left the phrase you doofuses are so in love with out of it, because it had served its purpose, which was to aid in the freeing of American citizens taken hostage and sold into slavery.

See my last post to you re: shutting your flapping skullhole until you learn something.

So you're saying wat?

A) That Washington, Adams, and Congress lied about the nation they'd founded

or B) That the nation was retroactively made founded on the Christian religion?

What, you were convinced that our Founding Fathers were perfect and angelic, rather than being practical political animals who were more than capable of saying the right words necessary to save American lives? Grow up. It's long past time someone burst your naive little bubble.

  • S: (n) theocracy (a political unit governed by a deity (or by officials thought to be divinely guided))
  • S: (n) theocracy (the belief in government by divine guidance)
WordNet Search - 3.0

The Christian Party (GOP) loves the idea

Bush says God chose him to lead his nation | World news | The Observer

2012 Republican Front-Runners All Christian Conservatives - God & Country (usnews.com)
Our platform is presented with enthusiasm and confidence in a vision for the future, but also with genuine humility – humility before God and before a nation of free and independent thinkers.

(The irony seems lost on them)
With gratitude for eight years of honorable service from President George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the Republican Party now stands united behind new leadership, an American patriot, John McCain. In support of his candidacy and those of our fellow Republicans across the nation – and ever grateful to Almighty God for the political, religious, and civil liberties we enjoy -- we, the representatives of the Republican Party in the states and territories of the United States, offer this platform to the American people.

  • S: (n) theocracy (a political unit governed by a deity (or by officials thought to be divinely guided))
  • S: (n) theocracy (the belief in government by divine guidance)
WordNet Search - 3.0

The Christian Party (GOP) loves the idea

Bush says God chose him to lead his nation | World news | The Observer

2012 Republican Front-Runners All Christian Conservatives - God & Country (usnews.com)
Our platform is presented with enthusiasm and confidence in a vision for the future, but also with genuine humility – humility before God and before a nation of free and independent thinkers.

(The irony seems lost on them)
With gratitude for eight years of honorable service from President George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the Republican Party now stands united behind new leadership, an American patriot, John McCain. In support of his candidacy and those of our fellow Republicans across the nation – and ever grateful to Almighty God for the political, religious, and civil liberties we enjoy -- we, the representatives of the Republican Party in the states and territories of the United States, offer this platform to the American people.

The ignorance you display seems lost on you. Which makes sense, since if you realized how dumb you sounded, you wouldn't be that dumb.
You continue with the personal attacks, yet you're unable to refute anything Care or I have said

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