"The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"

Man of the people worldview
I laugh
OP Title: "The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"
The last time that happened we ended up with the Clinton Cabal for 8 years. :cranky:
Clinton and Bush after him were both my fault
for voting for Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in 2000.
OP Title: "The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"
The last time that happened we ended up with the Clinton Cabal for 8 years. :cranky:
Clinton and Bush after him were both my fault
for voting for Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in 2000.

Nah, it wasn't. I did the same thing. Our states' electors were all going red no matter what we did, so we got to lodge a protest vote against the rigged system, and got nothing to show for it. I dunno about you but I found that unsatisfying.
OP Title: "The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"
The last time that happened we ended up with the Clinton Cabal for 8 years. :cranky:
Clinton and Bush after him were both my fault
for voting for Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in 2000.

I will never understand going to a game and rooting for a team that is not playing.
America needs an elimination of the duopoly. It may not need any political parties at all, or perhaps a-political regional groups to represent interests and capacities.
OP Title: "The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"
The last time that happened we ended up with the Clinton Cabal for 8 years. :cranky:
Clinton and Bush after him were both my fault
for voting for Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in 2000.

OP Title: "The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"
The last time that happened we ended up with the Clinton Cabal for 8 years. :cranky:
Clinton and Bush after him were both my fault
for voting for Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in 2000.

Nah, it wasn't. I did the same thing. Our states' electors were all going red no matter what we did, so we got to lodge a protest vote against the rigged system, and got nothing to show for it. I dunno about you but I found that unsatisfying.

America needs an elimination of the duopoly. It may not need any political parties at all, or perhaps a-political regional groups to represent interests and capacities.

I don't understand? Even a minor influx of people into one of the existing party's will change it more to your liking.

Doubt me?

Look at what happened to the DNC when they got AOC, Tahlib, and the squad. It shifted the DNC significantly. What this is called in business is----->a hostile takeover, and it happens all the time!

Remember--------->if you actually believe what you are saying and are willing to work for it, that...……..YOU are the people YOU have been waiting for! Nobody is going to do it for you while you sit back and watch, you have to do it yourselves!

And understand the upside-------------> a 3 rd party would find the original 2 standing against them, as the one thing neither party wants, is to have their power watered down.

Gain partial control of an existing party, and you have lowered resistance to you gaining significant power by a factor of 50%!
America needs an elimination of the duopoly. It may not need any political parties at all, or perhaps a-political regional groups to represent interests and capacities.

How would you suggest keeping like minded people in Government from working together?
If like minded people don't work together how do the issues that you want to be pushed, get presented and pushed?

What is an A-political group, in your mind?
The system needs to somehow include just an average working middle class person to be able to run for POTUS rather than Uber wealthy, or businessmen, or lawyers, etc. How about a janitor? How about a mechanic?
OP Title: "The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"
The last time that happened we ended up with the Clinton Cabal for 8 years. :cranky:
Clinton and Bush after him were both my fault
for voting for Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in 2000.

I will never understand going to a game and rooting for a team that is not playing.
I will never understand thinking it is just a game. We do not need a third party. Those who support that position are just disillusioned with the two presently showing their face. Two main parties are enough and always have been. What we need is more patriotic honesty and integrity in the leadership in place in both parties. We need you bastards to work together to find and implement long term solutions for the country as you used to, not your little myopic tribes. Your "game" is the problem, not the people you have select as the opposing "team", and certainly not any different race or economic strata. The last 3 years has not been about the body politic involved in what is best for the country. It has been a junior high food fight, wrecking the cafeteria, without care of who or what is destroyed, and basically threatening to burn down the whole damn school if the little bastards don't get 100% of their way today. Getting 100% today ain't the way it works. To start we need to get rid of clown-faced, fight huckster, get some more professional minded adults in there and go back to doing the job of governance for the whole country, you lazy political fucks.
OP Title: "The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"
The last time that happened we ended up with the Clinton Cabal for 8 years. :cranky:
Clinton and Bush after him were both my fault
for voting for Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in 2000.

I will never understand going to a game and rooting for a team that is not playing.
I will never understand thinking it is just a game. We do not need a third party. Those who support that position are just disillusioned with the two presently showing their face. Two main parties are enough and always have been. What we need is more patriotic honesty and integrity in the leadership in place in both parties. We need you bastards to work together to find and implement long term solutions for the country as you used to, not your little myopic tribes. Your "game" is the problem, not the people you have select as the opposing "team", and certainly not any different race or economic strata. The last 3 years has not been about the body politic involved in what is best for the country. It has been a junior high food fight, wrecking the cafeteria, without care of who or what is destroyed, and basically threatening to burn down the whole damn school if the little bastards don't get 100% of their way today. Getting 100% today ain't the way it works. To start we need to get rid of clown-faced, fight huckster, get some more professional minded adults in there and go back to doing the job of governance for the whole country, you lazy political fucks.

get some more professional minded adults in there and go back to doing the job of governance for the whole country, you lazy political fucks.[/QUOTE]

Identify the period of time that you believe that was occuing.
OP Title: "The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"
The last time that happened we ended up with the Clinton Cabal for 8 years. :cranky:
Clinton and Bush after him were both my fault
for voting for Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in 2000.

I will never understand going to a game and rooting for a team that is not playing.
I will never understand thinking it is just a game. We do not need a third party. Those who support that position are just disillusioned with the two presently showing their face. Two main parties are enough and always have been. What we need is more patriotic honesty and integrity in the leadership in place in both parties. We need you bastards to work together to find and implement long term solutions for the country as you used to, not your little myopic tribes. Your "game" is the problem, not the people you have select as the opposing "team", and certainly not any different race or economic strata. The last 3 years has not been about the body politic involved in what is best for the country. It has been a junior high food fight, wrecking the cafeteria, without care of who or what is destroyed, and basically threatening to burn down the whole damn school if the little bastards don't get 100% of their way today. Getting 100% today ain't the way it works. To start we need to get rid of clown-faced, fight huckster, get some more professional minded adults in there and go back to doing the job of governance for the whole country, you lazy political fucks.

Would your panties be less knotted if I had used contest instead of game?
too bad the last "popular" candidate was such a stoner he couldn't name a single foreign leader when asked.

now i honestly don't care if the presidents wants to hit a blunt. have at it. i don't care if they did it in the past. but the last dude was like terminally high and simply couldn't do the job.
Because Uber wealthy folk from both parties are UNable to relate to average working people. That's why.
OP Title: "The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"
The last time that happened we ended up with the Clinton Cabal for 8 years. :cranky:
Clinton and Bush after him were both my fault
for voting for Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in 2000.

I will never understand going to a game and rooting for a team that is not playing.
I will never understand thinking it is just a game. We do not need a third party. Those who support that position are just disillusioned with the two presently showing their face. Two main parties are enough and always have been. What we need is more patriotic honesty and integrity in the leadership in place in both parties. We need you bastards to work together to find and implement long term solutions for the country as you used to, not your little myopic tribes. Your "game" is the problem, not the people you have select as the opposing "team", and certainly not any different race or economic strata. The last 3 years has not been about the body politic involved in what is best for the country. It has been a junior high food fight, wrecking the cafeteria, without care of who or what is destroyed, and basically threatening to burn down the whole damn school if the little bastards don't get 100% of their way today. Getting 100% today ain't the way it works. To start we need to get rid of clown-faced, fight huckster, get some more professional minded adults in there and go back to doing the job of governance for the whole country, you lazy political fucks.

get some more professional minded adults in there and go back to doing the job of governance for the whole country, you lazy political fucks.

Identify the period of time that you believe that was occuing.
First term of most other presidents since Johnson left office, both terms of the lecherous jerk Clinton (adults in the room made them work together), Obama's Keynesian solutions to the problems created by the deregulated supply side economic crash weren't bad either.
OP Title: "The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"
The last time that happened we ended up with the Clinton Cabal for 8 years. :cranky:
Clinton and Bush after him were both my fault
for voting for Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in 2000.

I will never understand going to a game and rooting for a team that is not playing.
I will never understand thinking it is just a game. We do not need a third party. Those who support that position are just disillusioned with the two presently showing their face. Two main parties are enough and always have been. What we need is more patriotic honesty and integrity in the leadership in place in both parties. We need you bastards to work together to find and implement long term solutions for the country as you used to, not your little myopic tribes. Your "game" is the problem, not the people you have select as the opposing "team", and certainly not any different race or economic strata. The last 3 years has not been about the body politic involved in what is best for the country. It has been a junior high food fight, wrecking the cafeteria, without care of who or what is destroyed, and basically threatening to burn down the whole damn school if the little bastards don't get 100% of their way today. Getting 100% today ain't the way it works. To start we need to get rid of clown-faced, fight huckster, get some more professional minded adults in there and go back to doing the job of governance for the whole country, you lazy political fucks.

Would your panties be less knotted if I had used contest instead of game?
Cute insult to avoid evaluation, doofus. Oh yeah, I left out the complete term of George Bush Senior. He was thrown overboard because of stand on taxes, but he was right. It did set up the Clinton years, though. Brought the right mix of executive management with congressional oversight. We got lucky. Funny how a total balanced management group, working together (for whatever reason) brings good "luck" to a company or government.
OP Title: "The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"
The last time that happened we ended up with the Clinton Cabal for 8 years. :cranky:
Clinton and Bush after him were both my fault
for voting for Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in 2000.

I will never understand going to a game and rooting for a team that is not playing.
I will never understand thinking it is just a game. We do not need a third party. Those who support that position are just disillusioned with the two presently showing their face. Two main parties are enough and always have been. What we need is more patriotic honesty and integrity in the leadership in place in both parties. We need you bastards to work together to find and implement long term solutions for the country as you used to, not your little myopic tribes. Your "game" is the problem, not the people you have select as the opposing "team", and certainly not any different race or economic strata. The last 3 years has not been about the body politic involved in what is best for the country. It has been a junior high food fight, wrecking the cafeteria, without care of who or what is destroyed, and basically threatening to burn down the whole damn school if the little bastards don't get 100% of their way today. Getting 100% today ain't the way it works. To start we need to get rid of clown-faced, fight huckster, get some more professional minded adults in there and go back to doing the job of governance for the whole country, you lazy political fucks.
It is difficult to do these things when the system is rigged. When the TV mouthpieces are lying to you 24 hours a day. This morning Mika of Morning Joe was trying not to smile on a propaganda comment by one of the panelists. Its just bullshit day after day after day. The extermination of these people would be a good start. They are now putting fear into people over the Coronavirus. We do not need that.
OP Title: "The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"
The last time that happened we ended up with the Clinton Cabal for 8 years. :cranky:
Clinton and Bush after him were both my fault
for voting for Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in 2000.

I will never understand going to a game and rooting for a team that is not playing.
I will never understand thinking it is just a game. We do not need a third party. Those who support that position are just disillusioned with the two presently showing their face. Two main parties are enough and always have been. What we need is more patriotic honesty and integrity in the leadership in place in both parties. We need you bastards to work together to find and implement long term solutions for the country as you used to, not your little myopic tribes. Your "game" is the problem, not the people you have select as the opposing "team", and certainly not any different race or economic strata. The last 3 years has not been about the body politic involved in what is best for the country. It has been a junior high food fight, wrecking the cafeteria, without care of who or what is destroyed, and basically threatening to burn down the whole damn school if the little bastards don't get 100% of their way today. Getting 100% today ain't the way it works. To start we need to get rid of clown-faced, fight huckster, get some more professional minded adults in there and go back to doing the job of governance for the whole country, you lazy political fucks.
It is difficult to do these things when the system is rigged. When the TV mouthpieces are lying to you 24 hours a day. This morning Mika of Morning Joe was trying not to smile on a propaganda comment by one of the panelists. Its just bullshit day after day after day. The extermination of these people would be a good start. They are now putting fear into people over the Coronavirus. We do not need that.
No. We do not. Very few public or private utterances of Trump are worth supporting. I really liked his press conference yesterday. He may not have given accurate number (dividing them between those that brought it back before he correctly locked down incoming, and those he brought back, quarantined in a planned approach) but his plan has the best chance of working. He listened to his experts. He presented a professional management team approach, not based on political sycophants. I generally think he sucks, (as you probably are aware), but when he is right, he's right. He presented in a professional manor. Took questions too long. You never know what will come out of his mouth if he takes question very long. But, he pulled it off, as if he did it for a living. Nice job.
Not gonna happen. Americans have willingly enslaved themselves to the two party system

I would call it more accepting the mechanical reality of our election process. At the national level, more often than not, all a 3rd party does is suck votes away from the party it is closer to ideologically, letting the "outlier party" win with a plurality.

Third party groups also don't help themselves by always trying to win the big job first, i.e. the presidency instead of starting at the State/local level and building slowly.
OP Title: "The United States of America is in need of a strong third political party"
The last time that happened we ended up with the Clinton Cabal for 8 years. :cranky:
Clinton and Bush after him were both my fault
for voting for Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in 2000.

I will never understand going to a game and rooting for a team that is not playing.
I will never understand thinking it is just a game. We do not need a third party. Those who support that position are just disillusioned with the two presently showing their face. Two main parties are enough and always have been. What we need is more patriotic honesty and integrity in the leadership in place in both parties. We need you bastards to work together to find and implement long term solutions for the country as you used to, not your little myopic tribes. Your "game" is the problem, not the people you have select as the opposing "team", and certainly not any different race or economic strata. The last 3 years has not been about the body politic involved in what is best for the country. It has been a junior high food fight, wrecking the cafeteria, without care of who or what is destroyed, and basically threatening to burn down the whole damn school if the little bastards don't get 100% of their way today. Getting 100% today ain't the way it works. To start we need to get rid of clown-faced, fight huckster, get some more professional minded adults in there and go back to doing the job of governance for the whole country, you lazy political fucks.
It is difficult to do these things when the system is rigged. When the TV mouthpieces are lying to you 24 hours a day. This morning Mika of Morning Joe was trying not to smile on a propaganda comment by one of the panelists. Its just bullshit day after day after day. The extermination of these people would be a good start. They are now putting fear into people over the Coronavirus. We do not need that.
No. We do not. Very few public or private utterances of Trump are worth supporting. I really liked his press conference yesterday. He may not have given accurate number (dividing them between those that brought it back before he correctly locked down incoming, and those he brought back, quarantined in a planned approach) but his plan has the best chance of working. He listened to his experts. He presented a professional management team approach, not based on political sycophants. I generally think he sucks, (as you probably are aware), but when he is right, he's right. He presented in a professional manor. Took questions too long. You never know what will come out of his mouth if he takes question very long. But, he pulled it off, as if he did it for a living. Nice job.
We are in this position in our history because of men and women who have given us measured responses with disastrous results. So if you believe Trump not a man who gives those types of responses, that is your belief. He is what he is. He also has his own inner circle who keeps him rooted whether he changes his mind or not. We are not at war. And we were supposed to be destroyed as soon as he took office. Our economy is still humming along. and we were supposed to be in a massive depression as soon as he took office. These are just two of the armegeddon type events that were supposed to happen just due to him being elected. The shills and the propagandists giving time in the media to promote things like this need to be muted. Teh first amendment is not about spouting falsehoods using propaganda as a crutch.

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