The Univ of Missouri gives us a perfect example of why GOP policies always FAIL.

With $1 million at stake, U. of Missouri’s president now taking protests seriously

Wolfe repeated. “Systematic oppression is when you don’t believe that you have the equal opportunity for success ….”

He didn’t get any further. Stung by the suggestion that racial oppression was more imagined than real, the crowd erupted in anger and disbelief.

“Did you just blame black students?” (for systematic oppression)

When he was appointed MU system president on Feb. 15, 2012, curators hailed him as a hometown hero who could run the university like a tech company.

But when he was asked how his business background would help him as the head of a university system, Wolfe seemed vague, if not downright stumped.

It quickly became clear that Wolfe was being brought in to cut costs in a state where legislators were eager to slash taxes, depriving the university of revenue.

One of Wolfe’s first acts was to approve a 3 percent tuition hike, drawing the ire of parents and students.

Wolfe stirred anger again by shutting down the university’s highly regarded publishing house in order to save $400,000 a year.

Wolfe was, at the same time, pushing for a $72 million expansion of the university’s football stadium.

Last year, the board of curators voted to extend Wolfe’s contract, praising him for his business-minded approach.

Just a few days before the start of the semester, the universityannounced it was eliminating subsidies that graduate students use to pay for health insurance.

African American students repeatedly being called the N-word to a swastika being smeared in feces on a dorm room wall.

Run the University like a tech company? In a RED state that is defunding education?
It's not just Missouri:
Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

Republicans goal is "stupid". Dumb down the country. Worse, they want to run the entire country like a business. So, what happens when you get "fired"????

A business should be run like a business not like Santa Claus giving away things to those who would rather do nothing than earn it.

These black students claiming they were repeatedly called "******". Do they have any proof other than another black student? It's nothing more than a bunch of whiners who didn't like the way someone was doing something using race to push the issue. Typical of their kind.

Yeah, a group of black kids with nothing better to do in college just woke up one morning, and decided one day to start some racist shit and oust the fuckin president, gotcha!! Typical of your kind to always dismiss TRUTHS!!
I guess it's better than killing little kids.
Republicans like giving little kids guns, cutting daycare, ending school lunches, cutting food stamps, making education out of reach. Just thinking about it makes the GOP moist.

Democrats think guns should be prohibited, taxpayers should fund daycare for someone else's kid, parents shouldn't do the most basic thing for their kids and feed them, people should have their food purchased with food stamps so they can afford beer and cigarettes, and college education should be funded by taxpayers because a kid's parents won't do it. No thanks. Not interested in doing that for those who should be doing it for themselves.
Eh, end the scholarships and the football program. Liberals have turned higher education into an overpriced, politically correct, no free speech zones farse.

Seriously, how many poorly educated decreed Black Studies race baiters does this country need?

I think they should have revoked the athletic scholarship of any athlete who failed to show up for practice or for the game. That would have ended the strike in a matter of hours.

And they would have ended up with no team, because the players weren't backing down. If they don't have a team, they lose 1 million dollars per game they don't play.
As I've said a couple times already, the market has spoken.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

What does a government run university have to do with "the market?"
What a bizarre, illogical, baseless OP.

Care to guess how many alleged racial incidents lately have been exposed as hoaxes or egregious exaggerations?
Are you going to state that this racial incident was a hoax? To what purpose?
The purpose is to make the university knuckle under when they submit their insolent demands, obviously. There is absolutely no evidence that the alleged incidents even occurred.
Last edited:
With $1 million at stake, U. of Missouri’s president now taking protests seriously

Wolfe repeated. “Systematic oppression is when you don’t believe that you have the equal opportunity for success ….”

He didn’t get any further. Stung by the suggestion that racial oppression was more imagined than real, the crowd erupted in anger and disbelief.

“Did you just blame black students?” (for systematic oppression)

When he was appointed MU system president on Feb. 15, 2012, curators hailed him as a hometown hero who could run the university like a tech company.

But when he was asked how his business background would help him as the head of a university system, Wolfe seemed vague, if not downright stumped.

It quickly became clear that Wolfe was being brought in to cut costs in a state where legislators were eager to slash taxes, depriving the university of revenue.

One of Wolfe’s first acts was to approve a 3 percent tuition hike, drawing the ire of parents and students.

Wolfe stirred anger again by shutting down the university’s highly regarded publishing house in order to save $400,000 a year.

Wolfe was, at the same time, pushing for a $72 million expansion of the university’s football stadium.

Last year, the board of curators voted to extend Wolfe’s contract, praising him for his business-minded approach.

Just a few days before the start of the semester, the universityannounced it was eliminating subsidies that graduate students use to pay for health insurance.

African American students repeatedly being called the N-word to a swastika being smeared in feces on a dorm room wall.

Run the University like a tech company? In a RED state that is defunding education?
It's not just Missouri:
Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

Republicans goal is "stupid". Dumb down the country. Worse, they want to run the entire country like a business. So, what happens when you get "fired"????
Repubs just don't get it :banghead:
With $1 million at stake, U. of Missouri’s president now taking protests seriously

Wolfe repeated. “Systematic oppression is when you don’t believe that you have the equal opportunity for success ….”

He didn’t get any further. Stung by the suggestion that racial oppression was more imagined than real, the crowd erupted in anger and disbelief.

“Did you just blame black students?” (for systematic oppression)

When he was appointed MU system president on Feb. 15, 2012, curators hailed him as a hometown hero who could run the university like a tech company.

But when he was asked how his business background would help him as the head of a university system, Wolfe seemed vague, if not downright stumped.

It quickly became clear that Wolfe was being brought in to cut costs in a state where legislators were eager to slash taxes, depriving the university of revenue.

One of Wolfe’s first acts was to approve a 3 percent tuition hike, drawing the ire of parents and students.

Wolfe stirred anger again by shutting down the university’s highly regarded publishing house in order to save $400,000 a year.

Wolfe was, at the same time, pushing for a $72 million expansion of the university’s football stadium.

Last year, the board of curators voted to extend Wolfe’s contract, praising him for his business-minded approach.

Just a few days before the start of the semester, the universityannounced it was eliminating subsidies that graduate students use to pay for health insurance.

African American students repeatedly being called the N-word to a swastika being smeared in feces on a dorm room wall.

Run the University like a tech company? In a RED state that is defunding education?
It's not just Missouri:
Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

Republicans goal is "stupid". Dumb down the country. Worse, they want to run the entire country like a business. So, what happens when you get "fired"????
Repubs just don't get it :banghead:

We get that libturds want to put the entire population on the dole.
With $1 million at stake, U. of Missouri’s president now taking protests seriously

Wolfe repeated. “Systematic oppression is when you don’t believe that you have the equal opportunity for success ….”

He didn’t get any further. Stung by the suggestion that racial oppression was more imagined than real, the crowd erupted in anger and disbelief.

“Did you just blame black students?” (for systematic oppression)

When he was appointed MU system president on Feb. 15, 2012, curators hailed him as a hometown hero who could run the university like a tech company.

But when he was asked how his business background would help him as the head of a university system, Wolfe seemed vague, if not downright stumped.

It quickly became clear that Wolfe was being brought in to cut costs in a state where legislators were eager to slash taxes, depriving the university of revenue.

One of Wolfe’s first acts was to approve a 3 percent tuition hike, drawing the ire of parents and students.

Wolfe stirred anger again by shutting down the university’s highly regarded publishing house in order to save $400,000 a year.

Wolfe was, at the same time, pushing for a $72 million expansion of the university’s football stadium.

Last year, the board of curators voted to extend Wolfe’s contract, praising him for his business-minded approach.

Just a few days before the start of the semester, the universityannounced it was eliminating subsidies that graduate students use to pay for health insurance.

African American students repeatedly being called the N-word to a swastika being smeared in feces on a dorm room wall.

Run the University like a tech company? In a RED state that is defunding education?
It's not just Missouri:
Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

Republicans goal is "stupid". Dumb down the country. Worse, they want to run the entire country like a business. So, what happens when you get "fired"????

So which GOP policy failed?
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts for one.

It would be easier to ask, "Which GOP policy was a success and helped most Americans. I know, I can't name one either.
The deficit caused someone to use the N-word at UM?

You are a special kind of stupid, ya know it?
You asked which GOP policy failed. Then you come up with bizarre and then call me stupid. Bizarre.
With $1 million at stake, U. of Missouri’s president now taking protests seriously

Wolfe repeated. “Systematic oppression is when you don’t believe that you have the equal opportunity for success ….”

He didn’t get any further. Stung by the suggestion that racial oppression was more imagined than real, the crowd erupted in anger and disbelief.

“Did you just blame black students?” (for systematic oppression)

When he was appointed MU system president on Feb. 15, 2012, curators hailed him as a hometown hero who could run the university like a tech company.

But when he was asked how his business background would help him as the head of a university system, Wolfe seemed vague, if not downright stumped.

It quickly became clear that Wolfe was being brought in to cut costs in a state where legislators were eager to slash taxes, depriving the university of revenue.

One of Wolfe’s first acts was to approve a 3 percent tuition hike, drawing the ire of parents and students.

Wolfe stirred anger again by shutting down the university’s highly regarded publishing house in order to save $400,000 a year.

Wolfe was, at the same time, pushing for a $72 million expansion of the university’s football stadium.

Last year, the board of curators voted to extend Wolfe’s contract, praising him for his business-minded approach.

Just a few days before the start of the semester, the universityannounced it was eliminating subsidies that graduate students use to pay for health insurance.

African American students repeatedly being called the N-word to a swastika being smeared in feces on a dorm room wall.

Run the University like a tech company? In a RED state that is defunding education?
It's not just Missouri:
Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

Republicans goal is "stupid". Dumb down the country. Worse, they want to run the entire country like a business. So, what happens when you get "fired"????
Repubs just don't get it :banghead:
Post 48 goes a long way.
With $1 million at stake, U. of Missouri’s president now taking protests seriously

Wolfe repeated. “Systematic oppression is when you don’t believe that you have the equal opportunity for success ….”

He didn’t get any further. Stung by the suggestion that racial oppression was more imagined than real, the crowd erupted in anger and disbelief.

“Did you just blame black students?” (for systematic oppression)

When he was appointed MU system president on Feb. 15, 2012, curators hailed him as a hometown hero who could run the university like a tech company.

But when he was asked how his business background would help him as the head of a university system, Wolfe seemed vague, if not downright stumped.

It quickly became clear that Wolfe was being brought in to cut costs in a state where legislators were eager to slash taxes, depriving the university of revenue.

One of Wolfe’s first acts was to approve a 3 percent tuition hike, drawing the ire of parents and students.

Wolfe stirred anger again by shutting down the university’s highly regarded publishing house in order to save $400,000 a year.

Wolfe was, at the same time, pushing for a $72 million expansion of the university’s football stadium.

Last year, the board of curators voted to extend Wolfe’s contract, praising him for his business-minded approach.

Just a few days before the start of the semester, the universityannounced it was eliminating subsidies that graduate students use to pay for health insurance.

African American students repeatedly being called the N-word to a swastika being smeared in feces on a dorm room wall.

Run the University like a tech company? In a RED state that is defunding education?
It's not just Missouri:
Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

Republicans goal is "stupid". Dumb down the country. Worse, they want to run the entire country like a business. So, what happens when you get "fired"????
Repubs just don't get it :banghead:

Its not just republicans, people in this country just don't get it. I will never ever understand why voters in this country are allowing tea party, anti government politicians run their states and this country? Especially when 99.99% of em depend on the government so much, especially in Ky. But I blame democrats for the lowsy shit they fund to run in these elections. Our pool of good politicians is non existant. We got nuttin, but Hillary, Conway, Bernie and who the heck ever, the worst!!
With $1 million at stake, U. of Missouri’s president now taking protests seriously

Wolfe repeated. “Systematic oppression is when you don’t believe that you have the equal opportunity for success ….”

He didn’t get any further. Stung by the suggestion that racial oppression was more imagined than real, the crowd erupted in anger and disbelief.

“Did you just blame black students?” (for systematic oppression)

When he was appointed MU system president on Feb. 15, 2012, curators hailed him as a hometown hero who could run the university like a tech company.

But when he was asked how his business background would help him as the head of a university system, Wolfe seemed vague, if not downright stumped.

It quickly became clear that Wolfe was being brought in to cut costs in a state where legislators were eager to slash taxes, depriving the university of revenue.

One of Wolfe’s first acts was to approve a 3 percent tuition hike, drawing the ire of parents and students.

Wolfe stirred anger again by shutting down the university’s highly regarded publishing house in order to save $400,000 a year.

Wolfe was, at the same time, pushing for a $72 million expansion of the university’s football stadium.

Last year, the board of curators voted to extend Wolfe’s contract, praising him for his business-minded approach.

Just a few days before the start of the semester, the universityannounced it was eliminating subsidies that graduate students use to pay for health insurance.

African American students repeatedly being called the N-word to a swastika being smeared in feces on a dorm room wall.

Run the University like a tech company? In a RED state that is defunding education?
It's not just Missouri:
Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

Republicans goal is "stupid". Dumb down the country. Worse, they want to run the entire country like a business. So, what happens when you get "fired"????
Repubs just don't get it :banghead:

Its not just republicans, people in this country just don't get it. I will never ever understand why voters in this country are allowing tea party, anti government politicians run their states and this country? Especially when 99.99% of em depend on the government so much, especially in Ky. But I blame democrats for the lowsy shit they fund to run in these elections. Our pool of good politicians is non existant. We got nuttin, but Hillary, Conway, Bernie and who the heck ever, the worst!!
With $1 million at stake, U. of Missouri’s president now taking protests seriously

Wolfe repeated. “Systematic oppression is when you don’t believe that you have the equal opportunity for success ….”

He didn’t get any further. Stung by the suggestion that racial oppression was more imagined than real, the crowd erupted in anger and disbelief.

“Did you just blame black students?” (for systematic oppression)

When he was appointed MU system president on Feb. 15, 2012, curators hailed him as a hometown hero who could run the university like a tech company.

But when he was asked how his business background would help him as the head of a university system, Wolfe seemed vague, if not downright stumped.

It quickly became clear that Wolfe was being brought in to cut costs in a state where legislators were eager to slash taxes, depriving the university of revenue.

One of Wolfe’s first acts was to approve a 3 percent tuition hike, drawing the ire of parents and students.

Wolfe stirred anger again by shutting down the university’s highly regarded publishing house in order to save $400,000 a year.

Wolfe was, at the same time, pushing for a $72 million expansion of the university’s football stadium.

Last year, the board of curators voted to extend Wolfe’s contract, praising him for his business-minded approach.

Just a few days before the start of the semester, the universityannounced it was eliminating subsidies that graduate students use to pay for health insurance.

African American students repeatedly being called the N-word to a swastika being smeared in feces on a dorm room wall.

Run the University like a tech company? In a RED state that is defunding education?
It's not just Missouri:
Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

Republicans goal is "stupid". Dumb down the country. Worse, they want to run the entire country like a business. So, what happens when you get "fired"????
What a pile of crap!
Must be nice... I was to busy working and going to class to have time for all this nonsense... I bet their parents are proud.

Again, what GOP policies are you talking about? Which Republican, exactly, implemented this policy?

What, exactly, should the school have done when the alleged shit-stika was discovered? Shoot a random white guy?
With $1 million at stake, U. of Missouri’s president now taking protests seriously

Wolfe repeated. “Systematic oppression is when you don’t believe that you have the equal opportunity for success ….”

He didn’t get any further. Stung by the suggestion that racial oppression was more imagined than real, the crowd erupted in anger and disbelief.

“Did you just blame black students?” (for systematic oppression)

When he was appointed MU system president on Feb. 15, 2012, curators hailed him as a hometown hero who could run the university like a tech company.

But when he was asked how his business background would help him as the head of a university system, Wolfe seemed vague, if not downright stumped.

It quickly became clear that Wolfe was being brought in to cut costs in a state where legislators were eager to slash taxes, depriving the university of revenue.

One of Wolfe’s first acts was to approve a 3 percent tuition hike, drawing the ire of parents and students.

Wolfe stirred anger again by shutting down the university’s highly regarded publishing house in order to save $400,000 a year.

Wolfe was, at the same time, pushing for a $72 million expansion of the university’s football stadium.

Last year, the board of curators voted to extend Wolfe’s contract, praising him for his business-minded approach.

Just a few days before the start of the semester, the universityannounced it was eliminating subsidies that graduate students use to pay for health insurance.

African American students repeatedly being called the N-word to a swastika being smeared in feces on a dorm room wall.

Run the University like a tech company? In a RED state that is defunding education?
It's not just Missouri:
Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

Republicans goal is "stupid". Dumb down the country. Worse, they want to run the entire country like a business. So, what happens when you get "fired"????
What a pile of crap!
Why? What do Republicans support that is good for the majority of Americans?
Sometimes the best defense is a good offense.
So the left has come up with some silly reasons for UM problem
With $1 million at stake, U. of Missouri’s president now taking protests seriously

Wolfe repeated. “Systematic oppression is when you don’t believe that you have the equal opportunity for success ….”

He didn’t get any further. Stung by the suggestion that racial oppression was more imagined than real, the crowd erupted in anger and disbelief.

“Did you just blame black students?” (for systematic oppression)

When he was appointed MU system president on Feb. 15, 2012, curators hailed him as a hometown hero who could run the university like a tech company.

But when he was asked how his business background would help him as the head of a university system, Wolfe seemed vague, if not downright stumped.

It quickly became clear that Wolfe was being brought in to cut costs in a state where legislators were eager to slash taxes, depriving the university of revenue.

One of Wolfe’s first acts was to approve a 3 percent tuition hike, drawing the ire of parents and students.

Wolfe stirred anger again by shutting down the university’s highly regarded publishing house in order to save $400,000 a year.

Wolfe was, at the same time, pushing for a $72 million expansion of the university’s football stadium.

Last year, the board of curators voted to extend Wolfe’s contract, praising him for his business-minded approach.

Just a few days before the start of the semester, the universityannounced it was eliminating subsidies that graduate students use to pay for health insurance.

African American students repeatedly being called the N-word to a swastika being smeared in feces on a dorm room wall.

Run the University like a tech company? In a RED state that is defunding education?
It's not just Missouri:
Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

Republicans goal is "stupid". Dumb down the country. Worse, they want to run the entire country like a business. So, what happens when you get "fired"????

You are such a lying sack of bs.
It wasn't about GOP policies or tuition hikes. Find a university that didn't hike it's tuition. Three percent is rather a small hike. The protest was about race and leftist ideology. Case in point when a left wing assistant professor of media science, Melissa Click, called for "some muscle" to eject a student journalist from public grounds and prevent him from engaging in his 1st Amendment rights.
Again, what GOP policies are you talking about? Which Republican, exactly, implemented this policy?

What, exactly, should the school have done when the alleged shit-stika was discovered? Shoot a random white guy?
Which Republican implemented the Bush Tax Cuts? You only get one guess.

Which Republican supported massive economic deregulation before 2009?

Which Republican cuts food stamps for children and veterans?

Which Republican wants to cut corporate tax and taxes on billionaires?

Which Republican believes if you cut taxes on rich people, they will create jobs?

Which Republican wants to cut daycare?

Which Republican works to block people from health care?

Which Republicans engages in voter suppression?

How about treating a university like a corporation?

How about blaming blacks for racism?

How about supporting against equal pay for equal work?

How about being against the minimum wage?

How about trying to squeeze even more students for their costly education?

So which GOP policy is supported by the majority of Republicans? All of them?

Which GOP policy did I miss cuz there's more?
With $1 million at stake, U. of Missouri’s president now taking protests seriously

Wolfe repeated. “Systematic oppression is when you don’t believe that you have the equal opportunity for success ….”

He didn’t get any further. Stung by the suggestion that racial oppression was more imagined than real, the crowd erupted in anger and disbelief.

“Did you just blame black students?” (for systematic oppression)

When he was appointed MU system president on Feb. 15, 2012, curators hailed him as a hometown hero who could run the university like a tech company.

But when he was asked how his business background would help him as the head of a university system, Wolfe seemed vague, if not downright stumped.

It quickly became clear that Wolfe was being brought in to cut costs in a state where legislators were eager to slash taxes, depriving the university of revenue.

One of Wolfe’s first acts was to approve a 3 percent tuition hike, drawing the ire of parents and students.

Wolfe stirred anger again by shutting down the university’s highly regarded publishing house in order to save $400,000 a year.

Wolfe was, at the same time, pushing for a $72 million expansion of the university’s football stadium.

Last year, the board of curators voted to extend Wolfe’s contract, praising him for his business-minded approach.

Just a few days before the start of the semester, the universityannounced it was eliminating subsidies that graduate students use to pay for health insurance.

African American students repeatedly being called the N-word to a swastika being smeared in feces on a dorm room wall.

Run the University like a tech company? In a RED state that is defunding education?
It's not just Missouri:
Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

Republicans goal is "stupid". Dumb down the country. Worse, they want to run the entire country like a business. So, what happens when you get "fired"????

You are such a lying sack of bs.
I don't know all the ins and outs of this post. But I do know the pay out to byu is 1million dollars.
Now MU was on the hook to pay the 1 million or reschedule the game this week with byu or play it.
It wasn't about GOP policies or tuition hikes. Find a university that didn't hike it's tuition. Three percent is rather a small hike. The protest was about race and leftist ideology. Case in point when a left wing assistant professor of media science, Melissa Click, called for "some muscle" to eject a student journalist from public grounds and prevent him from engaging in his 1st Amendment rights.
Texas’ school funding levels called red flag

Gov. Scott Walker savages Wisconsin public education in new budget

Funny how minimum wage jobs, cutting school funding and jobs leaving the state seem to hand in hand.
With $1 million at stake, U. of Missouri’s president now taking protests seriously

Wolfe repeated. “Systematic oppression is when you don’t believe that you have the equal opportunity for success ….”

He didn’t get any further. Stung by the suggestion that racial oppression was more imagined than real, the crowd erupted in anger and disbelief.

“Did you just blame black students?” (for systematic oppression)

When he was appointed MU system president on Feb. 15, 2012, curators hailed him as a hometown hero who could run the university like a tech company.

But when he was asked how his business background would help him as the head of a university system, Wolfe seemed vague, if not downright stumped.

It quickly became clear that Wolfe was being brought in to cut costs in a state where legislators were eager to slash taxes, depriving the university of revenue.

One of Wolfe’s first acts was to approve a 3 percent tuition hike, drawing the ire of parents and students.

Wolfe stirred anger again by shutting down the university’s highly regarded publishing house in order to save $400,000 a year.

Wolfe was, at the same time, pushing for a $72 million expansion of the university’s football stadium.

Last year, the board of curators voted to extend Wolfe’s contract, praising him for his business-minded approach.

Just a few days before the start of the semester, the universityannounced it was eliminating subsidies that graduate students use to pay for health insurance.

African American students repeatedly being called the N-word to a swastika being smeared in feces on a dorm room wall.

Run the University like a tech company? In a RED state that is defunding education?
It's not just Missouri:
Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

Republicans goal is "stupid". Dumb down the country. Worse, they want to run the entire country like a business. So, what happens when you get "fired"????

So which GOP policy failed?
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts for one.

It would be easier to ask, "Which GOP policy was a success and helped most Americans. I know, I can't name one either.
The deficit caused someone to use the N-word at UM?

You are a special kind of stupid, ya know it?
You asked which GOP policy failed. Then you come up with bizarre and then call me stupid. Bizarre.

I think it would be obvious to anyone who isn't mentally retarded that I mean which "failed GOP policy" caused the problem at UM, since that is what your post was about. Apparently whenever someone responds to one of your posts they have to assume you are suffering from brain damage and can't remember the context of a thread.

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