The US Department of State has condemned the arrest of 52 people


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Why Deep State and its doormat Trump do not condemn terrorists who kill and riot on the streets? Financed by Soros Ukrainian Maidan 2.0 in Tehran?Iranian Navalnys clash with police and destroy property, Deep State & Co support terrorism!A hypocrisy and lie again. A new sovereign country going to be destroyed in Name of Israel interests.

The United States condemned the arrest of what it described as "peaceful protesters" in Iran and called on other nations to support the Iranian people, the US Department of State said in a statement.

State Department Condemns Arrest of ‘Peaceful Protesters’ in Iran Disturbances

These people need to be ruthlessly dealt with. Nothing more than paid and agitated people propped up by CIA and Mossad agents.

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