The US Military on the Front Lines of Rising Seas (2016)

This isn't even really new. (except to numb nuts deniers)
The Navy and other branches are already aware of Rising Sea Levels, and it has already caused problems.
This from the Union of Concerned Scientists, not just a climate group, but dealing in issuing reports on all disciplines of science.

The US Military on the Front Lines of Rising Seas (2016)
Rising seas will increasingly flood many of our coastal military bases.
The US Military on the Front Lines of Rising Seas (2016)
We must prepare for the growing exposure of our military bases to sea level rise.
Naval Station Norfolk—the largest naval installation in the world—is projected to face 4.5 feet to nearly 7 feet of sea level rise this century.

Military bases at risk
18 military installations are included in this analysis. Each location's changing exposure to flooding is projected through the end of the century:
Key findings
The military is at risk of losing land where vital infrastructure, training and testing grounds, and housing for thousands of its personnel currently exist.
  • By 2050, Most of the installations in this analysis will see more than 10 Times the number of floods they experience today.
  • By 2070, Half of the sites could experience 520 or more flood events annually- the equivalent of more than one flood daily.
  • [*]By 2100, eight bases are at risk of losing 25% to 50% or more of their land to rising seas.
  • Four installations—Naval Air Station Key West, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Dam Neck Annex, and Parris Island—are at risk of losing between 75% and 95% of their land by the end of this century.
  • Flooding won’t be confined to the bases. Many surrounding communities will also face growing exposure to rising seas......

Take a DEEP breath and let me relieve your immediate urge to panic. The US military was given $BILLS during Obama Admin to make CERTAIN that it hyped all the strategic implications of Climate Change. The Prez even addressed the Coast Guard Academy and told them that CC was one of their BIGGEST MISSIONS !!! Not drug interdiction, not human trafficking, not storm rescues, not ISIS infiltration, not ship safety or cargo --- but Global Warming. And of course -- they obliged the CIC .. .

What did they HAVE to base this on? Well it's the PROJECTION of 4.5 to 7 FEET by 2100 that you UCS article quotes. Do I need to do the math for you? OK --- At 4.5 feet by 2100, that's 0.675"/yr or a WHOPPING 16.54mm/yr !!!!! What has it BEEN since the satellite era came in they started to hide the Tide Gauge measurements?? About 3.2mm/yr... Which means that even for the most OPTIMISTIC estimate --- There soon needs to be rates of rise GREATER THEN 20mm/yr for a PROLONGED time.

Can you do the math for 7 feet by 2100 now? Is your heart rate down just a tad?

If you want to REALLY RELAX -- All this is projected off of CATASTROPHIC melting in Greenland and Antarctica. Greenland maybe a bit. Antarctica is only gonna melt by VOLCANIC action at that rate by 2100..

The GW Crazy Train is off the rails. The fear and doom scenarios are pretty much off the table now that the UN has shut down it's "rent a scientist" IPCC reports. The store is going out of business really. You need to go get panicked over something else.

When given an ORDER to hype Global Warming, all the US military can do is salute and respond "Yes Sir". And then go fishing for some computer modeling bound to fail by the end of 2020...
That is not what I've seen. Do you have some evidence to support that charge? Like, a reference to that "order"?
When given an ORDER to hype Global Warming, all the US military can do is salute and respond "Yes Sir". And then go fishing for some computer modeling bound to fail by the end of 2020...

That is not what I've seen. Do you have some evidence to support that charge? Like, a reference to that "order"?
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When given an ORDER to hype Global Warming, all the US military can do is salute and respond "Yes Sir". And then go fishing for some computer modeling bound to fail by the end of 2020...

That is not what I've seen. Do you have some evidence to support that charge? Like, a reference to that "order"?

You're kidding us right? Dude how naive are you? You're a smart guy but did your education never proceeded outside the bounds of science? Did you never study how bureaucracies work? Please don't tell me you think the military is part of the cutting edge of science technology. They don't give a shit s0n.... they will take appropriations wherever there is money. The military would take funding to be the leader of female nipple contemplation studies. Duh Because any bureaucracy has one goal and one goal only: to grow.

I could give you some very good references if you care to look into it.
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I was looking for a reference to the order flacaltenn claims was given to the military to "hype Global warming".

I've been in or working for the military since 1974. I have some familiarity with the way they work.
Take a DEEP breath and let me relieve your immediate urge to panic. The US military was given $BILLS during Obama Admin to make CERTAIN that it hyped all the strategic implications of Climate Change. The Prez even addressed the Coast Guard Academy and told them that CC was one of their BIGGEST MISSIONS !!! Not drug interdiction, not human trafficking, not storm rescues, not ISIS infiltration, not ship safety or cargo --- but Global Warming. And of course -- they obliged the CIC .. .
What did they HAVE to base this on? Well it's the PROJECTION of 4.5 to 7 FEET by 2100 that you UCS article quotes. Do I need to do the math for you? OK --- At 4.5 feet by 2100, that's 0.675"/yr or a WHOPPING 16.54mm/yr !!!!! What has it BEEN since the satellite era came in they started to hide the Tide Gauge measurements?? About 3.2mm/yr... Which means that even for the most OPTIMISTIC estimate --- There soon needs to be rates of rise GREATER THEN 20mm/yr for a PROLONGED time.

Can you do the math for 7 feet by 2100 now? Is your heart rate down just a tad?

If you want to REALLY RELAX -- All this is projected off of CATASTROPHIC melting in Greenland and Antarctica. Greenland maybe a bit. Antarctica is only gonna melt by VOLCANIC action at that rate by 2100..

The GW Crazy Train is off the rails. The fear and doom scenarios are pretty much off the table now that the UN has shut down it's "rent a scientist" IPCC reports. The store is going out of business really. You need to go get panicked over something else.
Actually, as documented in my 'Miami string- post #16, the Southeast (and Midlantic) is rising at a Much faster Rate 20mm per year.
Rising Sea Levels Reshape Miami’s Housing Market
This is due to Both uneven gravitional effects (we are on a spinning imperfect ball), and subsidence.
The bases named are all in that region.
So as usual, your post was Deflective and Obtuse.

Sea levels in South Florida have gone up about a Foot since the 1930s, but around 2011, the slow upward creep of the ocean seemed to kick into high gear, with tidal gauges recording much faster rates of sea level rise and residents noting a stark uptick in so-called “nuisance” floods.

A new study confirms that this was not Floridians’ imaginations: From 2011 to at least 2015, the rate of sea level rise across the Southeastern US shot up by a factor of Six, from 3-4 millimeters a year to 20, and a combination of oceanic and atmospheric processes seem to be responsible
“The Miami area started getting almost an Inch of sea level [rise] a year,” Hal Wanless, a coastal geologist at the University of Miami, told Gizmodo. “People noticed that.”​

and of course, at ANY time, including this afternoon, Sea Level could just rise 2++' Overnight (PER Glacier) when any of the unstable West Antarctic Glaciers (Thwaites, Pine Island, etc) reach a tipping point. Which I certainly expect will happen before century's end. This did happen the last time we got this warm/Holocene when sea level actually rose Tens of Feet in decades/a few centuries.
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Take a DEEP breath and let me relieve your immediate urge to panic. The US military was given $BILLS during Obama Admin to make CERTAIN that it hyped all the strategic implications of Climate Change. The Prez even addressed the Coast Guard Academy and told them that CC was one of their BIGGEST MISSIONS !!! Not drug interdiction, not human trafficking, not storm rescues, not ISIS infiltration, not ship safety or cargo --- but Global Warming. And of course -- they obliged the CIC .. .
What did they HAVE to base this on? Well it's the PROJECTION of 4.5 to 7 FEET by 2100 that you UCS article quotes. Do I need to do the math for you? OK --- At 4.5 feet by 2100, that's 0.675"/yr or a WHOPPING 16.54mm/yr !!!!! What has it BEEN since the satellite era came in they started to hide the Tide Gauge measurements?? About 3.2mm/yr... Which means that even for the most OPTIMISTIC estimate --- There soon needs to be rates of rise GREATER THEN 20mm/yr for a PROLONGED time.

Can you do the math for 7 feet by 2100 now? Is your heart rate down just a tad?

If you want to REALLY RELAX -- All this is projected off of CATASTROPHIC melting in Greenland and Antarctica. Greenland maybe a bit. Antarctica is only gonna melt by VOLCANIC action at that rate by 2100..

The GW Crazy Train is off the rails. The fear and doom scenarios are pretty much off the table now that the UN has shut down it's "rent a scientist" IPCC reports. The store is going out of business really. You need to go get panicked over something else.
Actually, as documented in my 'Miami string- post #16, the Southeast (and Midlantic) is rising at a Much faster Rate 20mm per year.
Rising Sea Levels Reshape Miami’s Housing Market
This is due to Both uneven gravitional effects (we are on a spinning imperfect ball), and subsidence.
The bases named are all in that region.
So as usual, your post was Deflectrive and Obtuse.

Sea levels in South Florida have gone up about a Foot since the 1930s, but around 2011, the slow upward creep of the ocean seemed to kick into high gear, with tidal gauges recording much faster rates of sea level rise and residents noting a stark uptick in so-called “nuisance” floods.
A new study confirms that this was not Floridians’ imaginations: From 2011 to at least 2015, the rate of sea level rise across the Southeastern US shot up by a factor of Six, from 3-4 millimeters a year to 20, and a combination of oceanic and atmospheric processes seem to be responsible
“The Miami area started getting almost an inch of sea level [rise] a year,” Hal Wanless, a coastal geologist at the University of Miami, told Gizmodo. “People noticed that.”​


This is due to Both uneven gravitional effects (we are on a spinning imperfect ball), and subsidence.

And we all know we can slow subsidence if we build enough windmills.

As far as gravity, just lure Michael Moore to the proper spot on the planet..............
Take a DEEP breath and let me relieve your immediate urge to panic. The US military was given $BILLS during Obama Admin to make CERTAIN that it hyped all the strategic implications of Climate Change. The Prez even addressed the Coast Guard Academy and told them that CC was one of their BIGGEST MISSIONS !!! Not drug interdiction, not human trafficking, not storm rescues, not ISIS infiltration, not ship safety or cargo --- but Global Warming. And of course -- they obliged the CIC .. .
What did they HAVE to base this on? Well it's the PROJECTION of 4.5 to 7 FEET by 2100 that you UCS article quotes. Do I need to do the math for you? OK --- At 4.5 feet by 2100, that's 0.675"/yr or a WHOPPING 16.54mm/yr !!!!! What has it BEEN since the satellite era came in they started to hide the Tide Gauge measurements?? About 3.2mm/yr... Which means that even for the most OPTIMISTIC estimate --- There soon needs to be rates of rise GREATER THEN 20mm/yr for a PROLONGED time.

Can you do the math for 7 feet by 2100 now? Is your heart rate down just a tad?

If you want to REALLY RELAX -- All this is projected off of CATASTROPHIC melting in Greenland and Antarctica. Greenland maybe a bit. Antarctica is only gonna melt by VOLCANIC action at that rate by 2100..

The GW Crazy Train is off the rails. The fear and doom scenarios are pretty much off the table now that the UN has shut down it's "rent a scientist" IPCC reports. The store is going out of business really. You need to go get panicked over something else.
Actually, as documented in my 'Miami string- post #16, the Southeast (and Midlantic) is rising at a Much faster Rate 20mm per year.
Rising Sea Levels Reshape Miami’s Housing Market
This is due to Both uneven gravitional effects (we are on a spinning imperfect ball), and subsidence.
The bases named are all in that region.
So as usual, your post was Deflective and Obtuse.

Sea levels in South Florida have gone up about a Foot since the 1930s, but around 2011, the slow upward creep of the ocean seemed to kick into high gear, with tidal gauges recording much faster rates of sea level rise and residents noting a stark uptick in so-called “nuisance” floods.

A new study confirms that this was not Floridians’ imaginations: From 2011 to at least 2015, the rate of sea level rise across the Southeastern US shot up by a factor of Six, from 3-4 millimeters a year to 20, and a combination of oceanic and atmospheric processes seem to be responsible
“The Miami area started getting almost an Inch of sea level [rise] a year,” Hal Wanless, a coastal geologist at the University of Miami, told Gizmodo. “People noticed that.”​

and of course, at ANY time, including this afternoon, Sea Level could just rise 2++' Overnight (PER Glacier) when any of the unstable West Antarctic Glaciers (Thwaites, Pine Island, etc) reach a tipping point. Which I certainly expect will happen before century's end. This did happen the last time we got this warm/Holocene when sea level actually rose Tens of Feet in decades/a few centuries.

Did you READ even the ABSTRACT for that paper? You can't just search for CONFIRMING tidbits and call it a feast... The title is
Spatial and temporal variability of sea level rise hot spots over the eastern United States

hat does "Hot Spot" mean to you? Do you immediately LEAP to the conclusion that this can ONLY be Ice Melt Water from Antarctica? Or did you understand that off-shore current changes and land subsidence can be the primary drivers here?

There is NO PLAUSIBLE scenario for 4.5 to 7 ft of sea level rise by 2100.. Those "models" are predicated on a virtual collapse of the WAISheet accompanied by INTERIOR ice mass loss. Give me the DATE of that forecast and I'll show you how badly it's already failed. My guess is it came from the last IPCC fantasy fiction...

I was looking for a reference to the order flacaltenn claims was given to the military to "hype Global warming".

I've been in or working for the military since 1974. I have some familiarity with the way they work.

You didn't try very hard. But of course, AFTER the Orders were barked, they cleverly hid a lot of that funding in "public-private" ventures like the
The Center for Climate & Security which totally works off funding "laundered" thru various govt agencies.

Obama orders climate change be considered in military planning

White House special assistant to the president, Alice Hill, told reporters that the presidential memo will "prioritize climate threats" to identify the most significant risks to the nation's security and drive full consideration of climate change effects into national security plans and policies.

The policy change comes one week after the president said that climate change discussions have moved from the Oval Office to the "Situation Room," where he convenes with national security experts and the military to address active threats to the United States.

Presidential Memorandum -- Climate Change and National Security

All HANDS ON DECK.. DEFCON3 --- Situation Room has control...


I was looking for a reference to the order flacaltenn claims was given to the military to "hype Global warming".

I've been in or working for the military since 1974. I have some familiarity with the way they work.

Sorry but you can work in the military for 100 years and still not understand how bureaucracies work. The military is a bureaucracy just like the EPA, FDA etc......

If the military has a way to get funding, they will grab it. Has zero to do with taking any kind of ideological stance on science. If it's green they like it..... as in cash. They couldn't give two craps about the rainforest or greenhouse gas levels.
Did you READ even the ABSTRACT for that paper? You can't just search for CONFIRMING tidbits and call it a feast.....
There is NO PLAUSIBLE scenario for 4.5 to 7 ft of sea level rise by 2100.. Those "models" are predicated on a virtual collapse of the WAISheet accompanied by INTERIOR ice mass loss. Give me the DATE of that forecast and I'll show you how badly it's already failed. My guess is it came from the last IPCC fantasy fiction...
Actually You got GUTTED.
I gave you not only a "Plausible scenario" but one that is Actually HAPPENING.
WTF does your "paper" mean?
You LOST.. again.

Actually, as documented in my 'Miami string- post #16, the Southeast (and Midlantic) is rising at a Much faster Rate 20mm per year.
Rising Sea Levels Reshape Miami’s Housing Market
This is due to Both uneven gravitional effects (we are on a spinning imperfect ball), and subsidence.
The bases named are all in that region.
So as usual, your post was Deflective and Obtuse.

Sea levels in South Florida have gone up about a Foot since the 1930s, but around 2011, the slow upward creep of the ocean seemed to kick into high gear, with tidal gauges recording much faster rates of sea level rise and residents noting a stark uptick in so-called “nuisance” floods.

A new study confirms that this was not Floridians’ imaginations: From 2011 to at least 2015, the rate of sea level rise across the Southeastern US shot up by a factor of Six, from 3-4 millimeters a year to 20, and a combination of oceanic and atmospheric processes seem to be responsible
“The Miami area started getting almost an Inch of sea level [rise] a year,” Hal Wanless, a coastal geologist at the University of Miami, told Gizmodo. “People noticed that.”
and of course, at ANY time, including this afternoon, Sea Level could just rise 2++' Overnight (PER Glacier) when any of the unstable West Antarctic Glaciers (Thwaites, Pine Island, etc) reach a tipping point. Which I certainly expect will happen before century's end. This did happen the last time we got this warm/Holocene when sea level actually rose Tens of Feet in decades/a few centuries.
Last edited:
Did you READ even the ABSTRACT for that paper? You can't just search for CONFIRMING tidbits and call it a feast.....
There is NO PLAUSIBLE scenario for 4.5 to 7 ft of sea level rise by 2100.. Those "models" are predicated on a virtual collapse of the WAISheet accompanied by INTERIOR ice mass loss. Give me the DATE of that forecast and I'll show you how badly it's already failed. My guess is it came from the last IPCC fantasy fiction...
Actually You got GUTTED.
I gave you not only a "Plausible scenario" but one that is Actually HAPPENING.
WTF does your "paper" mean?
You LOST.. again.

Actually, as documented in my 'Miami string- post #16, the Southeast (and Midlantic) is rising at a Much faster Rate 20mm per year.
Rising Sea Levels Reshape Miami’s Housing Market
This is due to Both uneven gravitional effects (we are on a spinning imperfect ball), and subsidence.
The bases named are all in that region.
So as usual, your post was Deflective and Obtuse.

Sea levels in South Florida have gone up about a Foot since the 1930s, but around 2011, the slow upward creep of the ocean seemed to kick into high gear, with tidal gauges recording much faster rates of sea level rise and residents noting a stark uptick in so-called “nuisance” floods.

A new study confirms that this was not Floridians’ imaginations: From 2011 to at least 2015, the rate of sea level rise across the Southeastern US shot up by a factor of Six, from 3-4 millimeters a year to 20, and a combination of oceanic and atmospheric processes seem to be responsible
“The Miami area started getting almost an Inch of sea level [rise] a year,” Hal Wanless, a coastal geologist at the University of Miami, told Gizmodo. “People noticed that.”
and of course, at ANY time, including this afternoon, Sea Level could just rise 2++' Overnight (PER Glacier) when any of the unstable West Antarctic Glaciers (Thwaites, Pine Island, etc) reach a tipping point. Which I certainly expect will happen before century's end. This did happen the last time we got this warm/Holocene when sea level actually rose Tens of Feet in decades/a few centuries.

Science small talk from the nether-regions of the internet. Hobby stuff. Just sayin'.... where exactly is anybody concerned about 3 mm? Imagine being at a party and you start chit-chatting about your deep concern over the sea level going up 3 mm!! :eek-52::eek2:Let's face it .....only a social invilid would raise the subject because their ass would get laughed right out of the room.:funnyface::funnyface::fingerscrossed::hhello::hhello:

Anyway even if people took seriously that indeed the sea level was going to rise 500 feet in the next couple of years, 95% of them are going to be eating steak and drinking fine wine for the rest of their days! Duh
Did you READ even the ABSTRACT for that paper? You can't just search for CONFIRMING tidbits and call it a feast.....
There is NO PLAUSIBLE scenario for 4.5 to 7 ft of sea level rise by 2100.. Those "models" are predicated on a virtual collapse of the WAISheet accompanied by INTERIOR ice mass loss. Give me the DATE of that forecast and I'll show you how badly it's already failed. My guess is it came from the last IPCC fantasy fiction...
Actually You got GUTTED.
I gave you not only a "Plausible scenario" but one that is Actually HAPPENING.
WTF does your "paper" mean?
You LOST.. again.

Actually, as documented in my 'Miami string- post #16, the Southeast (and Midlantic) is rising at a Much faster Rate 20mm per year.
Rising Sea Levels Reshape Miami’s Housing Market
This is due to Both uneven gravitional effects (we are on a spinning imperfect ball), and subsidence.
The bases named are all in that region.
So as usual, your post was Deflective and Obtuse.

Sea levels in South Florida have gone up about a Foot since the 1930s, but around 2011, the slow upward creep of the ocean seemed to kick into high gear, with tidal gauges recording much faster rates of sea level rise and residents noting a stark uptick in so-called “nuisance” floods.

A new study confirms that this was not Floridians’ imaginations: From 2011 to at least 2015, the rate of sea level rise across the Southeastern US shot up by a factor of Six, from 3-4 millimeters a year to 20, and a combination of oceanic and atmospheric processes seem to be responsible
“The Miami area started getting almost an Inch of sea level [rise] a year,” Hal Wanless, a coastal geologist at the University of Miami, told Gizmodo. “People noticed that.”
and of course, at ANY time, including this afternoon, Sea Level could just rise 2++' Overnight (PER Glacier) when any of the unstable West Antarctic Glaciers (Thwaites, Pine Island, etc) reach a tipping point. Which I certainly expect will happen before century's end. This did happen the last time we got this warm/Holocene when sea level actually rose Tens of Feet in decades/a few centuries.

What got gutted is your juvenile view of Sea Level rise. There's a REASON it's measured as a GLOBAL number. Because that's the number that represents actual WATER VOLUME. You're probably not aware of the fact that the MSLevel is not the same in each ocean basin and varies WILDLY even within any basin because of dominant currents and thermal conveyors, even prevailing winds at the scale of millimeters. Might not be aware that something like a 1/3 of the SLR being measured today isn't even from MORE water, it's from just the thermal expansion of about 1degC.

But more importantly, as it applies to COASTLINES --- the effects are dominated by places that are near LARGE dominant currents like the Gulf Stream. Why does the sign of the SLRise CHANGE at Cape Hatteras? Do you HAVE a clue?

Here's a clue..

Gulf Stream Meanders

The path of the Gulf Stream is constantly changing downstream of Cape Hatteras. The Stream often develops wave-like patterns called meanders. One meander would be a section of the Stream from one "wave" crest to the next "wave" crest.

Upstream of Cape Hatteras the meanders are constrained by the continental shelf and rarely exceed 55 km in amplitude. Once the Stream separates from the Coast at Cape Hatteras however, the fluctuations can grow to 400 km in amplitude. The average amplitude for Gulf Stream meanders is about 200 km and the average wavelength of a meander is 330 km. Like a wave progressing down a string, meanders propagate down the Stream at an average rate of 8 km/day.

Monthly variability in the Gulf Stream's path can be large, as evident from these three images which are each separated by four months. With the advent of satellite oceanography the Gulf Stream's path can be monitored daily and the development and propagation of all Gulf Stream meanders can be observed.
I know how to fix it. Repeatedly nuke Jellystone until it blows creating an ice age.Problem solved !
Gulf Stream emerging as sea level rise "wild card" for Hampton Roads

Gulf Stream emerging as sea level rise "wild card" for Hampton Roads

Early in the fall of 2015, over a period of a few weeks, the tides in Hampton Roads rose well beyond what was predicted – as much as 3 feet higher, enough in some cases to flood low-lying roads throughout the region.

Tal Ezer had an idea about what might be contributing to the problem, and the Old Dominion University oceanography professor knew where to look – an obscure website that compiles a daily average of waterpouring through a strait between Florida and the Bahamas.

What it showed was a dramatic slowing in something known as the Florida Current, a section of the Gulf Stream, the mighty offshore river that rages up the coast before veering northeast toward the open Atlantic off Cape Hatteras.

The Gulf Stream matters a lot. But only in recent decades have scientists really dug into quantifying its impact.

It “has a lot bigger variability than oceanographers realized, say, 20 years ago. And I think that variability, not only is it large in magnitude, but it can impact us, in the Chesapeake Bay, in the southern Chesapeake Bay especially,” said Hali Kilbourne, who studies climate change through the ages for the University of Maryland’s Center for Environmental Science.

Not EVERY ill effect you see today is due to a 0.6DegC Global change in temperature in your lifetime. There's a LOT of good science that doesn't stay focused on the GW crazy train. Instead it seeks to increase the GENERAL knowledge about the planet's thermodynamic system. THOSE scientists are the ones that will eventually any modeling that's meaningful enough to act.
Did you READ even the ABSTRACT for that paper? You can't just search for CONFIRMING tidbits and call it a feast.....
There is NO PLAUSIBLE scenario for 4.5 to 7 ft of sea level rise by 2100.. Those "models" are predicated on a virtual collapse of the WAISheet accompanied by INTERIOR ice mass loss. Give me the DATE of that forecast and I'll show you how badly it's already failed. My guess is it came from the last IPCC fantasy fiction...
Actually You got GUTTED.
I gave you not only a "Plausible scenario" but one that is Actually HAPPENING.
WTF does your "paper" mean?
You LOST.. again.

Actually, as documented in my 'Miami string- post #16, the Southeast (and Midlantic) is rising at a Much faster Rate 20mm per year.
Rising Sea Levels Reshape Miami’s Housing Market
This is due to Both uneven gravitional effects (we are on a spinning imperfect ball), and subsidence.
The bases named are all in that region.
So as usual, your post was Deflective and Obtuse.

Sea levels in South Florida have gone up about a Foot since the 1930s, but around 2011, the slow upward creep of the ocean seemed to kick into high gear, with tidal gauges recording much faster rates of sea level rise and residents noting a stark uptick in so-called “nuisance” floods.

A new study confirms that this was not Floridians’ imaginations: From 2011 to at least 2015, the rate of sea level rise across the Southeastern US shot up by a factor of Six, from 3-4 millimeters a year to 20, and a combination of oceanic and atmospheric processes seem to be responsible
“The Miami area started getting almost an Inch of sea level [rise] a year,” Hal Wanless, a coastal geologist at the University of Miami, told Gizmodo. “People noticed that.”
and of course, at ANY time, including this afternoon, Sea Level could just rise 2++' Overnight (PER Glacier) when any of the unstable West Antarctic Glaciers (Thwaites, Pine Island, etc) reach a tipping point. Which I certainly expect will happen before century's end. This did happen the last time we got this warm/Holocene when sea level actually rose Tens of Feet in decades/a few centuries.

What got gutted is your juvenile view of Sea Level rise. There's a REASON it's measured as a GLOBAL number. Because that's the number that represents actual WATER VOLUME. You're probably not aware of the fact that the MSLevel is not the same in each ocean basin and varies WILDLY even within any basin because of dominant currents and thermal conveyors, even prevailing winds at the scale of millimeters. Might not be aware that something like a 1/3 of the SLR being measured today isn't even from MORE water, it's from just the thermal expansion of about 1degC.

But more importantly, as it applies to COASTLINES --- the effects are dominated by places that are near LARGE dominant currents like the Gulf Stream. Why does the sign of the SLRise CHANGE at Cape Hatteras? Do you HAVE a clue?

Here's a clue..

Gulf Stream Meanders

The path of the Gulf Stream is constantly changing downstream of Cape Hatteras. The Stream often develops wave-like patterns called meanders. One meander would be a section of the Stream from one "wave" crest to the next "wave" crest.

Upstream of Cape Hatteras the meanders are constrained by the continental shelf and rarely exceed 55 km in amplitude. Once the Stream separates from the Coast at Cape Hatteras however, the fluctuations can grow to 400 km in amplitude. The average amplitude for Gulf Stream meanders is about 200 km and the average wavelength of a meander is 330 km. Like a wave progressing down a string, meanders propagate down the Stream at an average rate of 8 km/day.

Monthly variability in the Gulf Stream's path can be large, as evident from these three images which are each separated by four months. With the advent of satellite oceanography the Gulf Stream's path can be monitored daily and the development and propagation of all Gulf Stream meanders can be observed.

Sunset bro....some nut will come along and say the sea levels will rise by 1000 ft and we know who will come back in here with his head exploding!!! :blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup:
Did you READ even the ABSTRACT for that paper? You can't just search for CONFIRMING tidbits and call it a feast.....
There is NO PLAUSIBLE scenario for 4.5 to 7 ft of sea level rise by 2100.. Those "models" are predicated on a virtual collapse of the WAISheet accompanied by INTERIOR ice mass loss. Give me the DATE of that forecast and I'll show you how badly it's already failed. My guess is it came from the last IPCC fantasy fiction...
Actually You got GUTTED.
I gave you not only a "Plausible scenario" but one that is Actually HAPPENING.
WTF does your "paper" mean?
You LOST.. again.

Actually, as documented in my 'Miami string- post #16, the Southeast (and Midlantic) is rising at a Much faster Rate 20mm per year.
Rising Sea Levels Reshape Miami’s Housing Market
This is due to Both uneven gravitional effects (we are on a spinning imperfect ball), and subsidence.
The bases named are all in that region.
So as usual, your post was Deflective and Obtuse.

Sea levels in South Florida have gone up about a Foot since the 1930s, but around 2011, the slow upward creep of the ocean seemed to kick into high gear, with tidal gauges recording much faster rates of sea level rise and residents noting a stark uptick in so-called “nuisance” floods.

A new study confirms that this was not Floridians’ imaginations: From 2011 to at least 2015, the rate of sea level rise across the Southeastern US shot up by a factor of Six, from 3-4 millimeters a year to 20, and a combination of oceanic and atmospheric processes seem to be responsible
“The Miami area started getting almost an Inch of sea level [rise] a year,” Hal Wanless, a coastal geologist at the University of Miami, told Gizmodo. “People noticed that.”
and of course, at ANY time, including this afternoon, Sea Level could just rise 2++' Overnight (PER Glacier) when any of the unstable West Antarctic Glaciers (Thwaites, Pine Island, etc) reach a tipping point. Which I certainly expect will happen before century's end. This did happen the last time we got this warm/Holocene when sea level actually rose Tens of Feet in decades/a few centuries.

What got gutted is your juvenile view of Sea Level rise. There's a REASON it's measured as a GLOBAL number. Because that's the number that represents actual WATER VOLUME. You're probably not aware of the fact that the MSLevel is not the same in each ocean basin and varies WILDLY even within any basin because of dominant currents and thermal conveyors, even prevailing winds at the scale of millimeters. Might not be aware that something like a 1/3 of the SLR being measured today isn't even from MORE water, it's from just the thermal expansion of about 1degC.

But more importantly, as it applies to COASTLINES --- the effects are dominated by places that are near LARGE dominant currents like the Gulf Stream. Why does the sign of the SLRise CHANGE at Cape Hatteras? Do you HAVE a clue?

Here's a clue..

Gulf Stream Meanders

The path of the Gulf Stream is constantly changing downstream of Cape Hatteras. The Stream often develops wave-like patterns called meanders. One meander would be a section of the Stream from one "wave" crest to the next "wave" crest.

Upstream of Cape Hatteras the meanders are constrained by the continental shelf and rarely exceed 55 km in amplitude. Once the Stream separates from the Coast at Cape Hatteras however, the fluctuations can grow to 400 km in amplitude. The average amplitude for Gulf Stream meanders is about 200 km and the average wavelength of a meander is 330 km. Like a wave progressing down a string, meanders propagate down the Stream at an average rate of 8 km/day.

Monthly variability in the Gulf Stream's path can be large, as evident from these three images which are each separated by four months. With the advent of satellite oceanography the Gulf Stream's path can be monitored daily and the development and propagation of all Gulf Stream meanders can be observed.

Sunset bro....some nut will come along and say the sea levels will rise by 1000 ft and we know who will come back in here with his head exploding!!! :blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup:

Solution MIGHT be to put the Florida Current/Gulf Stream on notice with a bunch of "No Meandering Zone" signs. Would be about as effective as "No Gun Zone" signs.
Did you READ even the ABSTRACT for that paper? You can't just search for CONFIRMING tidbits and call it a feast.....
There is NO PLAUSIBLE scenario for 4.5 to 7 ft of sea level rise by 2100.. Those "models" are predicated on a virtual collapse of the WAISheet accompanied by INTERIOR ice mass loss. Give me the DATE of that forecast and I'll show you how badly it's already failed. My guess is it came from the last IPCC fantasy fiction...
Actually You got GUTTED.
I gave you not only a "Plausible scenario" but one that is Actually HAPPENING.
WTF does your "paper" mean?
You LOST.. again.

Actually, as documented in my 'Miami string- post #16, the Southeast (and Midlantic) is rising at a Much faster Rate 20mm per year.
Rising Sea Levels Reshape Miami’s Housing Market
This is due to Both uneven gravitional effects (we are on a spinning imperfect ball), and subsidence.
The bases named are all in that region.
So as usual, your post was Deflective and Obtuse.

Sea levels in South Florida have gone up about a Foot since the 1930s, but around 2011, the slow upward creep of the ocean seemed to kick into high gear, with tidal gauges recording much faster rates of sea level rise and residents noting a stark uptick in so-called “nuisance” floods.

A new study confirms that this was not Floridians’ imaginations: From 2011 to at least 2015, the rate of sea level rise across the Southeastern US shot up by a factor of Six, from 3-4 millimeters a year to 20, and a combination of oceanic and atmospheric processes seem to be responsible
“The Miami area started getting almost an Inch of sea level [rise] a year,” Hal Wanless, a coastal geologist at the University of Miami, told Gizmodo. “People noticed that.”
and of course, at ANY time, including this afternoon, Sea Level could just rise 2++' Overnight (PER Glacier) when any of the unstable West Antarctic Glaciers (Thwaites, Pine Island, etc) reach a tipping point. Which I certainly expect will happen before century's end. This did happen the last time we got this warm/Holocene when sea level actually rose Tens of Feet in decades/a few centuries.

What got gutted is your juvenile view of Sea Level rise. There's a REASON it's measured as a GLOBAL number. Because that's the number that represents actual WATER VOLUME. You're probably not aware of the fact that the MSLevel is not the same in each ocean basin and varies WILDLY even within any basin because of dominant currents and thermal conveyors, even prevailing winds at the scale of millimeters. Might not be aware that something like a 1/3 of the SLR being measured today isn't even from MORE water, it's from just the thermal expansion of about 1degC.

But more importantly, as it applies to COASTLINES --- the effects are dominated by places that are near LARGE dominant currents like the Gulf Stream. Why does the sign of the SLRise CHANGE at Cape Hatteras? Do you HAVE a clue?

Here's a clue..

Gulf Stream Meanders

The path of the Gulf Stream is constantly changing downstream of Cape Hatteras. The Stream often develops wave-like patterns called meanders. One meander would be a section of the Stream from one "wave" crest to the next "wave" crest.

Upstream of Cape Hatteras the meanders are constrained by the continental shelf and rarely exceed 55 km in amplitude. Once the Stream separates from the Coast at Cape Hatteras however, the fluctuations can grow to 400 km in amplitude. The average amplitude for Gulf Stream meanders is about 200 km and the average wavelength of a meander is 330 km. Like a wave progressing down a string, meanders propagate down the Stream at an average rate of 8 km/day.

Monthly variability in the Gulf Stream's path can be large, as evident from these three images which are each separated by four months. With the advent of satellite oceanography the Gulf Stream's path can be monitored daily and the development and propagation of all Gulf Stream meanders can be observed.
Actually, I'm the one who explained to YOU That SL rise wise was uneven (and higher in the SE/Midlantic) due to the fact we are on a spinning ball with unequal gravity, as well as subsidence.
Now you try and mke it a point for you?
Another Disingenuous Last-word WHIFF.

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