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The US Should Do A Full Out Strike of North Korea's Nuclear Sites

Do we even know where all their sites are? Air strikes are difficult without intelligence. The intelligence community isn't exactly known for getting things right in recent years.

NK is not much of a threat, but if airstrikes did not disable all of the nukes, the NKs would throw whatever was left at SK. The ensuing war would collapse NK and close to 15mm would try to cross the border in China. China wants no part of that.

So what to do? Continue to bribe the NK leaders with food supplies for the people.

I don't think that's a good option. It just keeps them in power abusing their people and threatening their neighbors.

While it may not be a "good" option, it's the "best" option. Hopefully time and pressure will change the situation.
If ever we should reconsider electing and appointing neo-cons to office again, consider the Axis of Evil, Iraq and Iran and NK, are doing well, despite war and sanctions.

What is your definiton of doing well?

NK, one of the poorest countries in the world. Compare how them to SK and you see a stark contrast between a country that made it and one that did not. They are once again going through a famine! This is a country that is FAR from doing well!

Iraq is absent from the headlines, but their is still secular fighting and a society on the brick. They are far from stable and yes the boneheaded invasion caused that.

Iran has a stagnate economy, a very angry movement and a country whose riches in oil are the only thing from keeping it from going under.

None of these countries are doing well!
I can't say I want to see it happen (negotiations would be better if they were genuine), but, if a strike were to happen, I'd be much happier if it came from the Chinese.

China is not going to allow NK to start WWIII. They'll throttle them before that happens. Right now NK is just not a real threat, so we continue to play the game. I would imagine that China is growing tired of NK's antics though. It might not be much longer until they do something. As for us striking NK, probably not the best idea. We want China to be our long term friend, not enemy. We better start understanding one thing about China; they are going to have a much bigger economy than us at some point, and that some point is not too far away. We do not want or need to end up in a military cold war and military spending race with them, especially if their economy becomes much bigger than ours.

We can lead without the need for attacking others, at least so long as we are not attacked first.

They are not a direct threat of attacking or invading anyone, despite red dawn! :eek:

But they are a threat for what they represent. They are a rogue nation that developed nukes under a high level of pressure and threats from the US, NATO and the UN! We allowed them to play us and then get them thumbing their noses at us. You don't think other rogue nations took note? Aka Iran! What happens when other rogue nations want to join the nuke club, Sudan, Uzbekistan, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Venezuela, Nicargua, Myammar, Kosovo etc.? Like Iran they will see look at NK, the US did nothing, let's hope on board. It is only a matter of time before MAD goes out the window and some country nukes another or worse a country provides nukes to terrorist group!

If we destroy the current nukes NK has and their nuclear program now, then that would send a STRONG message to the world, including Iran.

On top of that, NK is a poor poor country with no resources. Selling nuclear secrets and technology could be a cash cow for them!

Striking NK is the lesser of two evils!
NK once again makes us look like fool. It goes back to George W. Bush. While the NK were going through yet another great famine that was killing so many of their citizens, Bush made a dead end the nuke programs and will will give you monetary and food aid. Little Kim said cool took the aid and kept up the nuke development.

Now they have nukes and Little Kim Jr is keeping on keeping on!

The carrot didn't work, now time for the stick.


What Obama should do is order the largest air and sea to land missile strike since WW II! Finally test the bunker busters in live combat. Hit every possibly nuclear lab, enrichment site, silo, missile site, etc. Hit everything hard and in multiple waves. Start with a sea to land missile strike on their anti-air defense, then fly in a ginoremous amount of bombers packed with the best bunker busters the world has ever seen!

Yes, there will be complaining, yes Russia and China will bitch. Yes there will be protests here and abroad. However, none of this will last and no one will do a thing. Much like when Russia invaded Georgia and blasted them to rubble. Many people talked tough, Russia was universially denounced, but nothing much from there and in WEEKS it was forgotten, no sanctions, no boycotts, no loss of business nothing!

Occupations stick around a while and leave a bad taste, quick in and outs bring immediate condemnation, but are forgotten quickly!

(1) Removes North Korea from the Nuclear Arms Club!
(2) Sends a strong message to Iran, that yes the US will take out your nuke program by force if need be.
(3) Weakens NK even more and might lead to the start of a reunification.
(4) Sends a message to any would-be dictator that developing nuclear arms won't be tolerated.
(5) Sends a message to the world (much like the Russian invasion of Georgia), that the US is still a force not to mess with.

Oh goody.

Another war.

Without even getting hit, NK has sunk SK ships and is constantly provoking skirmishes on the border by taking pot shots at SK troops.

They get hit..and they are going to go ballastic on South Korea.

Bank on it.

Bank on SK kicking their little red butts! The NK army isn't are ferious or loyal as commies like you wish it was! SK would have defeated NK back in the 50s if the Chinese didn't intervene.

SK has a population of 50 mil and a GDP of 1.6T (12 best in the world). They are a first world, rich, industrialized nation! NK has a population of 24 mil (with a huge chunk of them in slave prison camps), a GDP LOL $45BIL! Their bark is much bigger than their bite!

SK would kick their little red butts!
I can't really agree with this GHook, if we attacked North Korea the aftermath wouldn't be this simple and it would cause a shit storm in the region. Besides we are still involved in Afghanistan and the Middle East, now is not the time to strike North Korea.
NK once again makes us look like fool. It goes back to George W. Bush. While the NK were going through yet another great famine that was killing so many of their citizens, Bush made a dead end the nuke programs and will will give you monetary and food aid. Little Kim said cool took the aid and kept up the nuke development.

Now they have nukes and Little Kim Jr is keeping on keeping on!

The carrot didn't work, now time for the stick.


What Obama should do is order the largest air and sea to land missile strike since WW II! Finally test the bunker busters in live combat. Hit every possibly nuclear lab, enrichment site, silo, missile site, etc. Hit everything hard and in multiple waves. Start with a sea to land missile strike on their anti-air defense, then fly in a ginoremous amount of bombers packed with the best bunker busters the world has ever seen!

Yes, there will be complaining, yes Russia and China will bitch. Yes there will be protests here and abroad. However, none of this will last and no one will do a thing. Much like when Russia invaded Georgia and blasted them to rubble. Many people talked tough, Russia was universially denounced, but nothing much from there and in WEEKS it was forgotten, no sanctions, no boycotts, no loss of business nothing!

Occupations stick around a while and leave a bad taste, quick in and outs bring immediate condemnation, but are forgotten quickly!

(1) Removes North Korea from the Nuclear Arms Club!
(2) Sends a strong message to Iran, that yes the US will take out your nuke program by force if need be.
(3) Weakens NK even more and might lead to the start of a reunification.
(4) Sends a message to any would-be dictator that developing nuclear arms won't be tolerated.
(5) Sends a message to the world (much like the Russian invasion of Georgia), that the US is still a force not to mess with.

Oh goody.

Another war.

Without even getting hit, NK has sunk SK ships and is constantly provoking skirmishes on the border by taking pot shots at SK troops.

They get hit..and they are going to go ballastic on South Korea.

Bank on it.

Bank on SK kicking their little red butts! The NK army isn't are ferious or loyal as commies like you wish it was! SK would have defeated NK back in the 50s if the Chinese didn't intervene.

SK has a population of 50 mil and a GDP of 1.6T (12 best in the world). They are a first world, rich, industrialized nation! NK has a population of 24 mil (with a huge chunk of them in slave prison camps), a GDP LOL $45BIL! Their bark is much bigger than their bite!

SK would kick their little red butts!

Oh really.

They did such a bang up job the first time.

I can't say I want to see it happen (negotiations would be better if they were genuine), but, if a strike were to happen, I'd be much happier if it came from the Chinese.

Say What? That would be like us bombing Israel.

Not really. China tolerates NK because they don't want a bunch of NK refugees entering China. It really isn't a two way relationship anymore.

Which is another good reason to let the situation work itself out.

China isn't happy with North Korea..but they DO NOT want a hostile country on their border.
You don't think other rogue nations took note? Aka Iran!

North Korea is not that big of a threat even with Nukes, if anything they will use it as a last resort scorched earth policy like everyone else, they are Asians, they will use there brain.

Now Iran ...................... well these people are brown/brown-ish, another brown nation with nukes will not be tolerated .............. Iran will get dealt with, period.
If ever we should reconsider electing and appointing neo-cons to office again, consider the Axis of Evil, Iraq and Iran and NK, are doing well, despite war and sanctions.

What is your definiton of doing well?

NK, one of the poorest countries in the world. Compare how them to SK and you see a stark contrast between a country that made it and one that did not. They are once again going through a famine! This is a country that is FAR from doing well!

Iraq is absent from the headlines, but their is still secular fighting and a society on the brick. They are far from stable and yes the boneheaded invasion caused that.

Iran has a stagnate economy, a very angry movement and a country whose riches in oil are the only thing from keeping it from going under.

None of these countries are doing well!

They are doing well compared to what the stupid imperialists and neo-cons wanted: greater stability regionally in terms of American interests. We turned Iraq into an ever-growing more close buddy of Iran, and NK is not the least bit frightened of us and remains an ever-growing threat to South Korea if not the whole NE Asia geography.

Yup, American Neo-Conservatism under Bush turned out to be a mighty failure.
Nothing will be done about North Korea. obama will say that international condemnation is enough punishment and just to prove how peaceful we are we'll reduce our defenses. It isn't a coincidence that the night before obama is going to make another lying speech about how safe he's made the world this puff faced doughboy has made a fool of him.

Un doesn't really deserve praise for making obama look like a jester. It was too easy. The real fun will start when NK puts a nuke up obama's ass.

yea.....fun for the whole family....:eusa_eh:
I can't really agree with this GHook, if we attacked North Korea the aftermath wouldn't be this simple and it would cause a shit storm in the region. Besides we are still involved in Afghanistan and the Middle East, now is not the time to strike North Korea.

Say we took all the intelligence and hit those sites whether they had nukes or not (yep there would be a lot of collateral damage, but there is collateral damage in every battle), then we hit their military sites (say airforce). Their response would be a paper dragon.

NK is not a tough country regardless of the rhetoric. Without nukes or an airforce (we can take out their airforce EASILY), what kind of response could they do. They aren't going to pick a fight with Japan and if they pick a fight with SK, then maybe that would provide SK the excuse they want to go into topple the NK govenment and reunify the country.

NK starves it's citizens, pays the military pennies, traps the populace in one big prison camp disallowing them to leave and putting a large chunk of their populace into slave labor prison camps. Many would defect instantly. The SK army wouldn't be a foreign army, it would be fellow Koreans!
I'm not going to agree with a strike as outlined by the OP, but......for years I've considered NK to possibly be the most dangerous country in the world, at least as far as the US is concerned. Maybe for everyone. Obviously I only have what I've read about them to go on, but it seems their people are completely disconnected from reality by the ruling government, and I wonder just how much those in government actually know what's reality and what is just propaganda.

I hope that something changes in as peaceful a fashion as possible, but I worry that peaceful means will never sway the NK government.
We've gotta give "peaceful"/civil-means the opportunity.

We're talkin' about too-many North Koreans with the same awareness (of the World, around them) as our own Teabaggers.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr6Rw0ltFxc]North Korean prisoner escaped after 23 brutal years - YouTube[/ame]​
Mr. Shaman is the lefty equivalent of the righty Tea Party members.

We have witnessed the extremes do not care about the welfare of America, only their own absolutist ideologies.
If ever we should reconsider electing and appointing neo-cons to office again, consider the Axis of Evil, Iraq and Iran and NK, are doing well, despite war and sanctions.

What is your definiton of doing well?

NK, one of the poorest countries in the world. Compare how them to SK and you see a stark contrast between a country that made it and one that did not. They are once again going through a famine! This is a country that is FAR from doing well!

Iraq is absent from the headlines, but their is still secular fighting and a society on the brick. They are far from stable and yes the boneheaded invasion caused that.

Iran has a stagnate economy, a very angry movement and a country whose riches in oil are the only thing from keeping it from going under.

None of these countries are doing well!

They are doing well compared to what the stupid imperialists and neo-cons wanted: greater stability regionally in terms of American interests. We turned Iraq into an ever-growing more close buddy of Iran, and NK is not the least bit frightened of us and remains an ever-growing threat to South Korea if not the whole NE Asia geography.

Yup, American Neo-Conservatism under Bush turned out to be a mighty failure.

Hey mental midget! You forget what your pal Obama did to Libya! Most people on the right full state, as I do, that invading Iraq was one of the worst blunders in US military history. Worse than Vietnam. However, the Big O didn't learn from Bush's mistake and over-threw Libya!

You call stability as creating a giant prison state so none of your citizens can leave, yearly/seasonal famines that starve to death a HUGE percentage of the population and placing a large portion of the polluace in slave labor prison camps.

Wow you have a funny idea of stability! I bet you blessed Khmer Rouge's stable rule in Cambodia.

Lastly, you say the neo-cons are the war-hawks, but who lead us into all our wars, prior to the Bush Iraq Wars: Democrats lead the war charge in: War 1812 - Democrat; Mexican-American War; Spanish American War; Philippines-American War; WW I; WW II; KOREAN WAR, VIETNAM WAR; Kosovo intervention!

Get you head on straight, your party (Democrats) have lead the war charge since the country has been formed!
Mr. Shaman is the lefty equivalent of the righty Tea Party members.

We have witnessed the extremes do not care about the welfare of America, only their own absolutist ideologies.

At least we agree on that scum-bag. I haven't read of post of his in a long time.

However, your second comment was a black and white smear. You think all people on the right hold to party lines. I'm still pro-choice in the 1st trimester, I some gun control regulation like universal background check system, FOID cards, no more gun shows and background checks on ALL gun sales. I strongly support gay marriage and legalization of pot!
What is your definiton of doing well?

NK, one of the poorest countries in the world. Compare how them to SK and you see a stark contrast between a country that made it and one that did not. They are once again going through a famine! This is a country that is FAR from doing well!

Iraq is absent from the headlines, but their is still secular fighting and a society on the brick. They are far from stable and yes the boneheaded invasion caused that.

Iran has a stagnate economy, a very angry movement and a country whose riches in oil are the only thing from keeping it from going under.

None of these countries are doing well!

They are doing well compared to what the stupid imperialists and neo-cons wanted: greater stability regionally in terms of American interests. We turned Iraq into an ever-growing more close buddy of Iran, and NK is not the least bit frightened of us and remains an ever-growing threat to South Korea if not the whole NE Asia geography.

Yup, American Neo-Conservatism under Bush turned out to be a mighty failure.

Hey mental midget! You forget what your pal Obama did to Libya! Most people on the right full state, as I do, that invading Iraq was one of the worst blunders in US military history. Worse than Vietnam. However, the Big O didn't learn from Bush's mistake and over-threw Libya!

You call stability as creating a giant prison state so none of your citizens can leave, yearly/seasonal famines that starve to death a HUGE percentage of the population and placing a large portion of the polluace in slave labor prison camps.

Wow you have a funny idea of stability! I bet you blessed Khmer Rouge's stable rule in Cambodia.

Lastly, you say the neo-cons are the war-hawks, but who lead us into all our wars, prior to the Bush Iraq Wars: Democrats lead the war charge in: War 1812 - Democrat; Mexican-American War; Spanish American War; Philippines-American War; WW I; WW II; KOREAN WAR, VIETNAM WAR; Kosovo intervention!

Get you head on straight, your party (Democrats) have lead the war charge since the country has been formed!

Sweetheart, Dear Leader is not the guy we want striking NK now, is he? I wish you would think things through before shooting off your mouth. Yes, Iraq was even more stupid than Vietnam, which should give us good reason to think look and hard about striking NK.

Get your history straight and be fair about it: the Civil War and the Spanish American War and the Vietnam Involvement and the Iraqi wars were the actions of Republican Presidents.

Another way to look at these wars are to consider the ideology: conservatives struck in the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, the Spanish American War, and Iraq I and II.

If you were president on December 7, 1941, you would have acted no differently than FDR.

Leave your absolutism aside and think, please.
Mr. Shaman is the lefty equivalent of the righty Tea Party members.

We have witnessed the extremes do not care about the welfare of America, only their own absolutist ideologies.

At least we agree on that scum-bag. I haven't read of post of his in a long time.

However, your second comment was a black and white smear. You think all people on the right hold to party lines. I'm still pro-choice in the 1st trimester, I some gun control regulation like universal background check system, FOID cards, no more gun shows and background checks on ALL gun sales. I strongly support gay marriage and legalization of pot!

You are emoting again. The reactionaries and libertarians are no more desirable for the welfare of America than the lefties. I like your stances in the last sentence.
I can't really agree with this GHook, if we attacked North Korea the aftermath wouldn't be this simple and it would cause a shit storm in the region. Besides we are still involved in Afghanistan and the Middle East, now is not the time to strike North Korea.

Say we took all the intelligence and hit those sites whether they had nukes or not (yep there would be a lot of collateral damage, but there is collateral damage in every battle), then we hit their military sites (say airforce). Their response would be a paper dragon.

NK is not a tough country regardless of the rhetoric. Without nukes or an airforce (we can take out their airforce EASILY), what kind of response could they do. They aren't going to pick a fight with Japan and if they pick a fight with SK, then maybe that would provide SK the excuse they want to go into topple the NK govenment and reunify the country.

NK starves it's citizens, pays the military pennies, traps the populace in one big prison camp disallowing them to leave and putting a large chunk of their populace into slave labor prison camps. Many would defect instantly. The SK army wouldn't be a foreign army, it would be fellow Koreans!

I really would like nothing better than to see that crooked regime fall. However I learned from the Iraq war is that nothing is as it seems, everything you said here sounds beautiful but it reminds me of the peaches and cream we were promised when we rolled into Iraq. Now I know the situation in Iraq was completely different than North Korea but the same lessons apply, you never know what is going to happen on the ground until you are there.

My other issue with this is the stress and hardship it will place on our Military, we already have them doing so many deployments into Afghanistan and the Middle East, now add another war to the mix? doesn't sound like a good recipe.
What they say!

Why uranium would make a North Korean nuclear test especially scary
(1) Uranium enrichment is easier to hide. “It doesn’t need a reactor like plutonium, and can be carried out using centrifuge cascades in relatively small buildings that give off no heat and are hard to detect,” Mark Fitzpatrick, who as director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ non-proliferation program often focuses on North Korea, told an Australian news outlet. The country revealed it had a uranium enrichment facility in 2010 and is suspected of having more. Nuclear analyst Siegfried Hecker wrote in Foreign Policy recently that, based on his observations during a 2010 trip to the North, he has concluded that “Pyongyang must have a covert centrifuge facility” and probably possesses enough highly enriched uranium for a weapons test.

2) Weapons-grade uranium is easier to ship abroad. ”Highly enriched uranium is the preferred currency of rogue states or terrorist groups,” Paul Carroll, who works for the Ploughshares Fund, told the same Australian outlet. ”It’s the easiest fissile material to make a crude bomb out of and the technical know-how and machinery for enriching uranium is more readily transferred and sold.” A North Korean nuclear weapon is bad enough for Northeast Asia, but proliferation is a potentially global problem.

3) Iran might be able to build a bomb without a nuclear test. North Korea could share its experience from the uranium-bomb test with Iran, as it did with missile technology, according to Hecker. This means that if Iran decides it wants to build a uranium-fueled weapon, it might not necessarily need to conduct its own weapons test to do so. That puts Iran potentially one step closer to “break-out” capability and means the world would have one less signal that Tehran had decided to go ahead.

4) North Korea would have two different ways to build a bomb. The first way, using plutonium, is limited by the country’s stockpile, which Hecker estimates is only enough for “four to eight primitive devices.” Plutonium is hard to make in secret because it requires a big plant. Highly enriched uranium, on the other hand, can be produced in greater secrecy and greater quantities, particularly given North Korea’s access to uranium deposits. It would be that much easier for Pyongyang to squirrel away more nuclear weapons if it had two ways to make them.

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