the US should endorse sending more weapons and aircraft to Ukraine .

Lots of countries have stockpiles of weapons. Let them knock themselves out.
Yeah, but eventually we get goaded into it, just like the Ukrainian leadership thought that they could accomplish with us after the war began to effect the whole of the country when Russia began massing men and machine's on the borders.
Yeah, but eventually we get goaded into it, just like the Ukrainian leadership thought that they could accomplish with us after the war began to effect the whole of the country when Russia began massing men and machine's on the borders.
Globalism can drag us into unwinnable conflicts, like Vietnam. It can also end up saving half the Korean peninsula from the scary fate that has befallen North Korea.

The basic globalism of NATO is a vision where larger countries cannot just invade weaker countries because they feel like it. This, of course, is one reason the Iraq War came off as an historical blunder.
Yeah, but eventually we get goaded into it, just like the Ukrainian leadership thought that they could accomplish with us after the war began to effect the whole of the country when Russia began massing men and machine's on the borders.
Yes, but we need to ignore the lies by the left that if we don't want to enter this war, we are on Russia's side. The truth remains. This is NOT our war.
like many i am against American boots on the ground in Ukraine at this time .... but allowing Putin the sole power to define what is or isnt escalatory is a show of weakness and a mistake .......though we are providing Ukraine with some weapons to defend themselves the Ukrainians themselves say they need more ....... is NATO going to allow Putin to dictate what aid can or cannot be sent ? and now we have Iran firing missiles at a US consulate in Iraq ! America needs to show strength and resolve in the face of our enemies ! fortunately some leaders in DC are ....

I don't think anyone in the government opposes transferring aircraft to the Ukrainians per se. But the Polish idea was to inject the US as a shield. And it doesn't seem to really have ever been a serious idea to begin with. More for domestic accolades.

But more importantly, I think it's ill advised to just throw whatever is lying around to the Ukrainians. As much as part of me wants to simply give them everything available, we need to be more thoughtful to provide what will be most effective for the circumstances.
With the idiots in charge, we need to stay out of it. Putin isn't going to nuke them, but if we stick our nose over there he will nuke us.
Especially if he feels we were the match that somehow lit the fire. Hope not, and it's really sad for Ukraine, but it's like we are trying to be set up if we're not careful by it all. Zelensky figured that NATO would move therefore defeating his enemy for him.
Especially if he feels we were the match that somehow lit the fire. Hope not, and it's really sad for Ukraine, but it's like we are trying to be set up if we're not careful by it all. Zelensky figured that NATO would move therefore defeating his enemy for him.

As long as we stay out of it. And yes, I think we are being set up. Don't forget Russia has been goading us for years and by picking on Ukraine is another test to see if we will jump in or not. If we do, whether to 'help' Ukraine or slap Iran for their missile attack on the Embassy or in any other way then we will be at war.

There's alot of reports of Russia kicking Ukraines ass and alot of reports of Ukraine kicking Russias ass. I think Ukraine just thinks they are a small country being bullied by a world super power and crying for help that they don't really need. Putins just playing games, looking to see if we'll play too.

If we had any other President with half a brain I wouldn't be as concerned even if it did escalate to war, but with the shit for brains we do have, we're toast.

We need to stay out of it and mind our own business and let them have their little tit for tat. I do feel bad for the people of both countries, they didn't ask for this
like many i am against American boots on the ground in Ukraine at this time .... but allowing Putin the sole power to define what is or isnt escalatory is a show of weakness and a mistake .......though we are providing Ukraine with some weapons to defend themselves the Ukrainians themselves say they need more ....... is NATO going to allow Putin to dictate what aid can or cannot be sent ? and now we have Iran firing missiles at a US consulate in Iraq ! America needs to show strength and resolve in the face of our enemies ! fortunately some leaders in DC are ....
Just curious, why do you always put a space before your punctuation and then start new sentences with a lowercase letter? Do you have some wonky setting on your computer, or do you do that on purpose?

I wonder the same thing about the guy who always starts his posts with "Sorry bout that" and finishes with "Regards, Sir James of Texas."
The US should endorse sending more weapons and aircraft to the southern border,

Right the US!

That's where! :mad:

Not across the world! The US under this idiot Biden should take care of Americans and of America first!

we should secure our border and increase weapon supplies to Ukraine .
Sadly we are not at liberty to dictate or enter the conflict because of Russia being a super power with a nuclear arsenal second to ours, and we sure as heck don't want escalation to nuclear conflict by two super power's going at each other. It makes no one weak in this situation, but rather just cautious over the movements upon the Chess board.

We can't get goaded into a nuclear exchange with Russia period, and Putin knows it in which is why he's now moving to restore his old border's active during the cold war.

Now us doing some serious reflection in life, just may help us answer some questions as to how we ended up in this situation, because we already know Putin, so what caused the spark maybe ?

Was it something quick or a slow fuse over time ??
we are alredy sending lethal weapons to Ukraine .... why should MiG's be off the table ? should the world stand back and allow the aggressor Russia to dictate the rules of engagement ??
Just curious, why do you always put a space before your punctuation and then start new sentences with a lowercase letter? Do you have some wonky setting on your computer, or do you do that on purpose?

I wonder the same thing about the guy who always starts his posts with "Sorry bout that" and finishes with "Regards, Sir James of Texas."
like many i am against American boots on the ground in Ukraine at this time .... but allowing Putin the sole power to define what is or isnt escalatory is a show of weakness and a mistake .......though we are providing Ukraine with some weapons to defend themselves the Ukrainians themselves say they need more ....... is NATO going to allow Putin to dictate what aid can or cannot be sent ? and now we have Iran firing missiles at a US consulate in Iraq ! America needs to show strength and resolve in the face of our enemies ! fortunately some leaders in DC are ....
like many i am against American boots on the ground in Ukraine at this time .... but allowing Putin the sole power to define what is or isnt escalatory is a show of weakness and a mistake .......though we are providing Ukraine with some weapons to defend themselves the Ukrainians themselves say they need more ....... is NATO going to allow Putin to dictate what aid can or cannot be sent ? and now we have Iran firing missiles at a US consulate in Iraq ! America needs to show strength and resolve in the face of our enemies ! fortunately some leaders in DC are ....
Heavily invested in Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics are ya?
The GOP base is always right. Biden is a coward AND a warmongerer. Hilarious stuff. Trump at 34% approval now....He REALLY wants a hotel casino and golf courses in Russia, The POS. Change the channel, super dupes...
That's what Trump was saying, but liberals spun it around and said Trump called Putin a genius

we should secure our border and increase weapon supplies to Ukraine .
Glowbully GOPers' Pulpit

You two must have received the Republican National Committee's just-released transcript of Donald Trump's closed meeting with Vladimir Putin at Helsinki, Finland in 2018:

TRUMP: Listen, punk, if you send even one of your drunken soldiers into Ukraine, I'll send all my troops and all of NATO's troops there and kick your vodka-soaked ass. Our forces are HUGE!

PUTIN (laughing): Hah! Big talk from a Capitalist Imperialist dog. You're all bark and no bite, dotard. You have small hands.

TRUMP (at first taken aback by the boldness of Mr. Short-Stuff Stalinist, but he recovers quickly, like all life-long Republicans do) I may have small hands, but I have a big fist!

PUTIN: Hah, you Yankee pig! Your broken army has just lost two wars; our fresh Army has won three in a row.

TRUMP: We lost because of low-energy Obama. I'm Commander-in-Chief now. I'll not only kick you out of Ukraine if you go there, I'll take back Crimea for our side and then march straight to Moscow!

PUTIN: You Wall Street wusses need a wake-up call. Your fat and flabby marshmallow-soft army will freeze to death. Then we'll bury you and take back all of Eastern Europe. The Soviet Union will come back from the dead; Communism is the New Jesus!

TRUMP: Oh yeah? Here, Pooty Putty, watch this video. After you see me in action, you'll take off your pussy judo belt and use it to hold up your panties.
(Trump's video shows how he went The Rock on World Wrestling Entertainment's Vince McMahon, even cutting his Russian-looking opponent's hair)

PUTIN ( in shock, he starts crying and rolls on the floor, calling for his Mommy and then even for the dead Joseph Stalin): Uncle Joe, Uncle Joe, save me! This guy—I underestimated him. He's as overpowering as Hitler, and only you knew how to beat Hitler. Please, Uncle Joe, Uncle J—

(Suddenly recovering, Putin stops his pity party): Joe Biden! Just because I didn't get Hillary elected doesn't mean I can't get Uncle Joe Biden elected. When that weak and confused geezer becomes your Commander-in-Chief, I'll conquer all of Europe, then America too. Communism will be the New World Order!

TRUMP: Never happen, you Moscow Mouse. No way you can get Little Joe elected, no matter what kind of crooked Commie tricks you try to pull. Unlike Russia, America has free and fair elections. That's why I'll win by a lot. MAGA!

PUTIN: We'll see about that. My people have gotten every Democrat elected since 1932. We'll at least get a Democratic Congress elected; that's always been a no-brainer. History is on our side, Orange Face. So I'll party with my oligarchs until November, 2020. Then watch my smoke.
My right-hand man, George Soros, and I will take you down. As soon as you're history, it'll be The End of History.

TRUMP: Pretty lame, little man. You'll go down in history as Vlad the Sad. We'll break up your blowhard country into a hundred tiny pieces, which is still another thing the low-energy Bushes failed to do, then they let Clinton and Obama build you back up. But we're a new Party now.

PUTIN: Well, that's that. So, we're through now. Your wife is a supermodel; you're a super moron. But I'll teach you how to be diplomatic for once in your life. Let's shake hands when we leave here. My oligarchs will kill me if they suspect that you're not my boy.

Trump agreed, laughing at how the Mainstream Media would be outraged by the fake friendship.
Glowbully GOPers' Pulpit

You two must have received the Republican National Committee's just-released transcript of Donald Trump's closed meeting with Vladimir Putin at Helsinki, Finland in 2018:

TRUMP: Listen, punk, if you send even one of your drunken soldiers into Ukraine, I'll send all my troops and all of NATO's troops there and kick your vodka-soaked ass. Our forces are HUGE!

PUTIN (laughing): Hah! Big talk from a Capitalist Imperialist dog. You're all bark and no bite, dotard. You have small hands.

TRUMP (at first taken aback by the boldness of Mr. Short-Stuff Stalinist, but he recovers quickly, like all life-long Republicans do) I may have small hands, but I have a big fist!

PUTIN: Hah, you Yankee pig! Your broken army has just lost two wars; our fresh Army has won three in a row.

TRUMP: We lost because of low-energy Obama. I'm Commander-in-Chief now. I'll not only kick you out of Ukraine if you go there, I'll take back Crimea for our side and then march straight to Moscow!

PUTIN: You Wall Street wusses need a wake-up call. Your fat and flabby marshmallow-soft army will freeze to death. Then we'll bury you and take back all of Eastern Europe. The Soviet Union will come back from the dead; Communism is the New Jesus!

TRUMP: Oh yeah? Here, Pooty Putty, watch this video. After you see me in action, you'll take off your pussy judo belt and use it to hold up your panties.
(Trump's video shows how he went The Rock on World Wrestling Entertainment's Vince McMahon, even cutting his Russian-looking opponent's hair)

PUTIN ( in shock, he starts crying and rolls on the floor, calling for his Mommy and then even for the dead Joseph Stalin): Uncle Joe, Uncle Joe, save me! This guy—I underestimated him. He's as overpowering as Hitler, and only you knew how to beat Hitler. Please, Uncle Joe, Uncle J—

(Suddenly recovering, Putin stops his pity party): Joe Biden! Just because I didn't get Hillary elected doesn't mean I can't get Uncle Joe Biden elected. When that weak and confused geezer becomes your Commander-in-Chief, I'll conquer all of Europe, then America too. Communism will be the New World Order!

TRUMP: Never happen, you Moscow Mouse. No way you can get Little Joe elected, no matter what kind of crooked Commie tricks you try to pull. Unlike Russia, America has free and fair elections. That's why I'll win by a lot. MAGA!

PUTIN: We'll see about that. My people have gotten every Democrat elected since 1932. We'll at least get a Democratic Congress elected; that's always been a no-brainer. History is on our side, Orange Face. So I'll party with my oligarchs until November, 2020. Then watch my smoke.
My right-hand man, George Soros, and I will take you down. As soon as you're history, it'll be The End of History.

TRUMP: Pretty lame, little man. You'll go down in history as Vlad the Sad. We'll break up your blowhard country into a hundred tiny pieces, which is still another thing the low-energy Bushes failed to do, then they let Clinton and Obama build you back up. But we're a new Party now.

PUTIN: Well, that's that. So, we're through now. Your wife is a supermodel; you're a super moron. But I'll teach you how to be diplomatic for once in your life. Let's shake hands when we leave here. My oligarchs will kill me if they suspect that you're not my boy.

Trump agreed, laughing at how the Mainstream Media would be outraged by the fake friendship.
Bolton said he thought Putin was waiting for Trump to get out of NATO.

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