The Utter Ignorance of A Trump Supporter

Far rightwing Republicans will always excuse the most vilest of the vile people and acts of their own party, and will turn around and demonize to the pits of hell, the good deeds of people in the Democrat party.

Hmm, I wouldn't be throwing stones in glass houses...
Reasonable said:
You mean like..., " I will repeal and replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered. "

A lie for the ages.

Nosmo King said:
Let's review. President Obama dragged our financial and manufacturing sectors from the brink of collapse, killed bin Laden, acted to stem the tide of climate change, acted swiftly and effectively to rebuild the east coast after Hurricane Sandy.

Where and when did he commit proven treason? Or, like the idiot Trump, do you rely on hyperbole to make your poorly thought out point?
Far rightwing Republicans will always excuse the most vilest of the vile people and acts of their own party, and will turn around and demonize to the pits of hell, the good deeds of people in the Democrat party.

They are sick and demented individuals.

Wow I rate your post :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
That ends in 2018 & 2020.
America is waking up and it's not in your favor.

LOL okay what is your plan for not getting your asses beat again?
Promise Repubs everything It worked in 2016 for trump

The stench of dishonesty is ripe in your post lib. Bernie and Hillary didn't promise voters the moon? Yes, yes they did and you still lost.
Did they promise tax cuts tax reform ,walls new health care on 1st day?? Ok he was fos especially with HC but not 1st day not 1st week ,not 1st month not first 6th month

Obamacare is hugely unpopular with voters, even Dem's won't run on it. In 2014 when it became clear to voters that Obama had lied his ass off in 2012 about keeping your doctor, plan, and saving $2,500 a year voters were pissed. Dem's were getting ripped a new one by their constituents and feared losing their elections. They screamed at Obama to publically take the blame and take the heat off them which he did on national TV. Voters were not fooled and bitch slapped the Dem's hard in 2014. So Trump promised voters to deal with Obamacare and the fall out, well that's what voters wanted, obviously as demonstrated by Trump's win.
If that's what voters wanted how come repubs can't give it to them ?? They are the majority party No??
LOL okay what is your plan for not getting your asses beat again?
Promise Repubs everything It worked in 2016 for trump

The stench of dishonesty is ripe in your post lib. Bernie and Hillary didn't promise voters the moon? Yes, yes they did and you still lost.
Did they promise tax cuts tax reform ,walls new health care on 1st day?? Ok he was fos especially with HC but not 1st day not 1st week ,not 1st month not first 6th month

Obamacare is hugely unpopular with voters, even Dem's won't run on it. In 2014 when it became clear to voters that Obama had lied his ass off in 2012 about keeping your doctor, plan, and saving $2,500 a year voters were pissed. Dem's were getting ripped a new one by their constituents and feared losing their elections. They screamed at Obama to publically take the blame and take the heat off them which he did on national TV. Voters were not fooled and bitch slapped the Dem's hard in 2014. So Trump promised voters to deal with Obamacare and the fall out, well that's what voters wanted, obviously as demonstrated by Trump's win.
If that's what voters wanted how come repubs can't give it to them ?? They are the majority party No??

Flushing Obamacare down the toilet requires 60 votes in the Senate which the Republicans don't have and you know this. Hence your post is bull shit which you also know.
This video is just a sliver of the hypocrisy that is the modern day republican. This is what happens, when uneducated, low-information voters are swindled by a used car salesman. This thread is a shining example of the people depicted in this video. There is a reason why someone like MikeTX has over 21,000 posts in less than 2 years. He spends all day at a cesspool like this. He's not smart, doesn't want to educate himself and is jealous of those who are intelligent. So as a fuck you to those who did something with their lives, he voted for Trump. And now, like the people in the video, he is getting what he wished for.

Promise Repubs everything It worked in 2016 for trump

The stench of dishonesty is ripe in your post lib. Bernie and Hillary didn't promise voters the moon? Yes, yes they did and you still lost.
Did they promise tax cuts tax reform ,walls new health care on 1st day?? Ok he was fos especially with HC but not 1st day not 1st week ,not 1st month not first 6th month

Obamacare is hugely unpopular with voters, even Dem's won't run on it. In 2014 when it became clear to voters that Obama had lied his ass off in 2012 about keeping your doctor, plan, and saving $2,500 a year voters were pissed. Dem's were getting ripped a new one by their constituents and feared losing their elections. They screamed at Obama to publically take the blame and take the heat off them which he did on national TV. Voters were not fooled and bitch slapped the Dem's hard in 2014. So Trump promised voters to deal with Obamacare and the fall out, well that's what voters wanted, obviously as demonstrated by Trump's win.
If that's what voters wanted how come repubs can't give it to them ?? They are the majority party No??

Flushing Obamacare down the toilet requires 60 votes in the Senate which the Republicans don't have and you know this. Hence your post is bull shit which you also know.
The morons only need 50 + Pense to replace Or you didn't get to that part yet?
Ya know, one day we will face an actual tractor. The way you Trumpeteers throw around that word will make it meaningless then. "Actual traitor". What nonsense.

But, then again, why should we expect anything less than nonsense from someone who would praise the huckster buffoon currently sitting in the Oval Office?
Actual traitor? why do you libs always twist what was stated? I said proven traitor.
President Obama is not a traitor. To say so is nonsense. Any clearer for you?
No president has done as much to hurt this country as obama. He is a traitor.

I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
Don't hold your breath. What those hobbled by partisan blinders see as "treason" amount to nothing more than their own political ox being gored.

The same can be said for either side. Hell, Trump, Obama, Bush and Clinton have all been accused of treason by the other side. Sad commentary of political dialogue.
Flushing Obamacare down the toilet requires 60 votes in the Senate which the Republicans don't have and you know this. Hence your post is bull shit which you also know.

Man, those annoying FACTS just keep getting in the way of the Lefts stupidity.....but that'll never slow them down

The left are liars, they have to lie otherwise they have no argument voters would buy into.
The stench of dishonesty is ripe in your post lib. Bernie and Hillary didn't promise voters the moon? Yes, yes they did and you still lost.
Did they promise tax cuts tax reform ,walls new health care on 1st day?? Ok he was fos especially with HC but not 1st day not 1st week ,not 1st month not first 6th month

Obamacare is hugely unpopular with voters, even Dem's won't run on it. In 2014 when it became clear to voters that Obama had lied his ass off in 2012 about keeping your doctor, plan, and saving $2,500 a year voters were pissed. Dem's were getting ripped a new one by their constituents and feared losing their elections. They screamed at Obama to publically take the blame and take the heat off them which he did on national TV. Voters were not fooled and bitch slapped the Dem's hard in 2014. So Trump promised voters to deal with Obamacare and the fall out, well that's what voters wanted, obviously as demonstrated by Trump's win.
If that's what voters wanted how come repubs can't give it to them ?? They are the majority party No??

Flushing Obamacare down the toilet requires 60 votes in the Senate which the Republicans don't have and you know this. Hence your post is bull shit which you also know.
The morons only need 50 + Pense to replace Or you didn't get to that part yet?

LOL so you are saying the Dem's needed 60 votes to pass it, but it only takes 51 to replace it :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Flushing Obamacare down the toilet requires 60 votes in the Senate which the Republicans don't have and you know this. Hence your post is bull shit which you also know.

Man, those annoying FACTS just keep getting in the way of the Lefts stupidity.....but that'll never slow them down

The left are liars, they have to lie otherwise they have no argument voters would buy into.
Talk about a first lady..

Trump Just Got Rejected By The Polish First Lady
The look on his face is PRICELESS.

Flushing Obamacare down the toilet requires 60 votes in the Senate which the Republicans don't have and you know this. Hence your post is bull shit which you also know.

Man, those annoying FACTS just keep getting in the way of the Lefts stupidity.....but that'll never slow them down

The left are liars, they have to lie otherwise they have no argument voters would buy into.
Talk about a first lady..

Trump Just Got Rejected By The Polish First Lady
The look on his face is PRICELESS.


Your deflection was inevitable. :laugh:
Did they promise tax cuts tax reform ,walls new health care on 1st day?? Ok he was fos especially with HC but not 1st day not 1st week ,not 1st month not first 6th month

Obamacare is hugely unpopular with voters, even Dem's won't run on it. In 2014 when it became clear to voters that Obama had lied his ass off in 2012 about keeping your doctor, plan, and saving $2,500 a year voters were pissed. Dem's were getting ripped a new one by their constituents and feared losing their elections. They screamed at Obama to publically take the blame and take the heat off them which he did on national TV. Voters were not fooled and bitch slapped the Dem's hard in 2014. So Trump promised voters to deal with Obamacare and the fall out, well that's what voters wanted, obviously as demonstrated by Trump's win.
If that's what voters wanted how come repubs can't give it to them ?? They are the majority party No??

Flushing Obamacare down the toilet requires 60 votes in the Senate which the Republicans don't have and you know this. Hence your post is bull shit which you also know.
The morons only need 50 + Pense to replace Or you didn't get to that part yet?

LOL so you are saying the Dem's needed 60 votes to pass it, but it only takes 51 to replace it :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Come on get real You think this would be ongoing if Repubs needed 60 vote s Getting 7 or 8 from Dems?? They know they ain't getting sheet from dems Think at one time their were 4 repubs against the repub bill and they needed 2 to switch They can't get them It's over
Obamacare is hugely unpopular with voters, even Dem's won't run on it. In 2014 when it became clear to voters that Obama had lied his ass off in 2012 about keeping your doctor, plan, and saving $2,500 a year voters were pissed. Dem's were getting ripped a new one by their constituents and feared losing their elections. They screamed at Obama to publically take the blame and take the heat off them which he did on national TV. Voters were not fooled and bitch slapped the Dem's hard in 2014. So Trump promised voters to deal with Obamacare and the fall out, well that's what voters wanted, obviously as demonstrated by Trump's win.
If that's what voters wanted how come repubs can't give it to them ?? They are the majority party No??

Flushing Obamacare down the toilet requires 60 votes in the Senate which the Republicans don't have and you know this. Hence your post is bull shit which you also know.
The morons only need 50 + Pense to replace Or you didn't get to that part yet?

LOL so you are saying the Dem's needed 60 votes to pass it, but it only takes 51 to replace it :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Come on get real You think this would be ongoing if Repubs needed 60 vote s Getting 7 or 8 from Dems?? They know they ain't getting sheet from dems Think at one time their were 4 repubs against the repub bill and they needed 2 to switch They can't get them It's over

Here, have some more rope :laugh:
Flushing Obamacare down the toilet requires 60 votes in the Senate which the Republicans don't have and you know this. Hence your post is bull shit which you also know.

Man, those annoying FACTS just keep getting in the way of the Lefts stupidity.....but that'll never slow them down

The left are liars, they have to lie otherwise they have no argument voters would buy into.
Talk about a first lady..

Trump Just Got Rejected By The Polish First Lady
The look on his face is PRICELESS.


Your deflection was inevitable. :laugh:
Obamacare, President Barack Obama's overhaul of the health insurance system, needed to pass through both chambers of Congress to become a law. The seeds for this passing were sown during the 2008 elections. That evening, the Democratic party came away with a 257 to 199 seat advantage in the House, and Obama was elected president.

In the Senate, the Democrats gained eight seats to hold 57 out of 100 seats. At the time, there were two Independent Senators, and each was expected to vote for the law. The Democrats needed one more seat in the Senate to gain a supermajority, which is 60 seats, and ensure that the Republicans would be unable to block the passage with a filibuster.

This 60th seat would come unexpectedly, when Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania switched his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat on April 28, 2009. On December 24, 2009, the Senate passed the Obamacare bill by a 60 to 39 vote. It would take another three months for the House and Senate bills to be reconciled. President Obama signed the ACA into law on March 23, 2010.
Obamacare, President Barack Obama's overhaul of the health insurance system, needed to pass through both chambers of Congress to become a law. The seeds for this passing were sown during the 2008 elections. That evening, the Democratic party came away with a 257 to 199 seat advantage in the House, and Obama was elected president.

In the Senate, the Democrats gained eight seats to hold 57 out of 100 seats. At the time, there were two Independent Senators, and each was expected to vote for the law. The Democrats needed one more seat in the Senate to gain a supermajority, which is 60 seats, and ensure that the Republicans would be unable to block the passage with a filibuster.

This 60th seat would come unexpectedly, when Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania switched his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat on April 28, 2009. On December 24, 2009, the Senate passed the Obamacare bill by a 60 to 39 vote. It would take another three months for the House and Senate bills to be reconciled. President Obama signed the ACA into law on March 23, 2010.

Doesn't this just prove beyond a shadow of a doubt how incredibly stupid Yall Democrats have been?

I mean after all....Obamacare is all but dead on it's own failures....GO DIMOCRATS !!!!

Better get some bandages....seems you just shot yourself in the foot....again lmao

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