The Utter Ignorance of A Trump Supporter

Flushing Obamacare down the toilet requires 60 votes in the Senate which the Republicans don't have and you know this. Hence your post is bull shit which you also know.

Man, those annoying FACTS just keep getting in the way of the Lefts stupidity.....but that'll never slow them down

The left are liars, they have to lie otherwise they have no argument voters would buy into.
WHERE is the lie liar?? repubs need 51 votes in the senate to replace obama care with their bullshit
Obamacare, President Barack Obama's overhaul of the health insurance system, needed to pass through both chambers of Congress to become a law. The seeds for this passing were sown during the 2008 elections. That evening, the Democratic party came away with a 257 to 199 seat advantage in the House, and Obama was elected president.

In the Senate, the Democrats gained eight seats to hold 57 out of 100 seats. At the time, there were two Independent Senators, and each was expected to vote for the law. The Democrats needed one more seat in the Senate to gain a supermajority, which is 60 seats, and ensure that the Republicans would be unable to block the passage with a filibuster.

This 60th seat would come unexpectedly, when Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania switched his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat on April 28, 2009. On December 24, 2009, the Senate passed the Obamacare bill by a 60 to 39 vote. It would take another three months for the House and Senate bills to be reconciled. President Obama signed the ACA into law on March 23, 2010.

Doesn't this just prove beyond a shadow of a doubt how incredibly stupid Yall Democrats have been?

I mean after all....Obamacare is all but dead on it's own failures....GO DIMOCRATS !!!!
IF it is wheres your replacement ???? or is that just more repub claptrap?
wrong they are winners....we won you lost because you are the stupid ones not us.
I had some idiot long hair old man and his hippy wife chase me in their car because they over heard me listening to Rush on my car radio. They chased after me for three miles screaming hateful things about Trump until they hit the center island on the street. The island sent them flying into on coming traffic. At least 4 cars hit them before they came to a stop.
I parked and watched for over an hour then I flagged over a cop and showed him my go pro camera video of the whole thing. All he could do was laugh. Yep Obama has some smart ones on his team, you must be one one of them.
Cool Story Bro!!!

IF it is wheres your replacement ???? or is that just more repub claptrap?

See, this is where Dimocrat stupidity fails....

We ARE NOT a socialist nation. We don't NEED a socialized health care system.
What we need is for people to be responsible for themselves.

That said, insurance took health care out of the range of affordability for most people.
So I agree we have a health care mess on our hands. Not denying that.

But Obamacare and Trumpcare (if either or both equate to socialized medicine) is not the answer.

The notion of FREE stuff only works on Craigslist.
Promise Repubs everything It worked in 2016 for trump

The stench of dishonesty is ripe in your post lib. Bernie and Hillary didn't promise voters the moon? Yes, yes they did and you still lost.
Did they promise tax cuts tax reform ,walls new health care on 1st day?? Ok he was fos especially with HC but not 1st day not 1st week ,not 1st month not first 6th month

Obamacare is hugely unpopular with voters, even Dem's won't run on it. In 2014 when it became clear to voters that Obama had lied his ass off in 2012 about keeping your doctor, plan, and saving $2,500 a year voters were pissed. Dem's were getting ripped a new one by their constituents and feared losing their elections. They screamed at Obama to publically take the blame and take the heat off them which he did on national TV. Voters were not fooled and bitch slapped the Dem's hard in 2014. So Trump promised voters to deal with Obamacare and the fall out, well that's what voters wanted, obviously as demonstrated by Trump's win.
If that's what voters wanted how come repubs can't give it to them ?? They are the majority party No??

Flushing Obamacare down the toilet requires 60 votes in the Senate which the Republicans don't have and you know this. Hence your post is bull shit which you also know.


3 ways Senate Republicans can pass Obamacare repeal
The stench of dishonesty is ripe in your post lib. Bernie and Hillary didn't promise voters the moon? Yes, yes they did and you still lost.
Did they promise tax cuts tax reform ,walls new health care on 1st day?? Ok he was fos especially with HC but not 1st day not 1st week ,not 1st month not first 6th month

Obamacare is hugely unpopular with voters, even Dem's won't run on it. In 2014 when it became clear to voters that Obama had lied his ass off in 2012 about keeping your doctor, plan, and saving $2,500 a year voters were pissed. Dem's were getting ripped a new one by their constituents and feared losing their elections. They screamed at Obama to publically take the blame and take the heat off them which he did on national TV. Voters were not fooled and bitch slapped the Dem's hard in 2014. So Trump promised voters to deal with Obamacare and the fall out, well that's what voters wanted, obviously as demonstrated by Trump's win.
If that's what voters wanted how come repubs can't give it to them ?? They are the majority party No??

Flushing Obamacare down the toilet requires 60 votes in the Senate which the Republicans don't have and you know this. Hence your post is bull shit which you also know.


3 ways Senate Republicans can pass Obamacare repeal
Thank you Debbie A few here were saying 60 votes were needed ,,,,,They were republicans lol
Why it is that the brain dead always feel the need to identify themselves through the use of a cat avatar?

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


The quintessential ignorant Barry supporter was that dumbass black woman in the famous video yelling and screeching about her Obama phone and other incredible nonsense. A colossal loser from the takers class with an IQ of a rhesus.

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


Let's see asshole, the left takes away jobs and now you want them to be grateful to get handouts?


The Left did not take away coal jobs. The free market did.

I saw the video of Clinton saying she would kill coal.

Did you miss where she said she planned to reeducate, retrain and bring the coal miners into 21st century jobs?
Of course you did. That's what frauds do.

Once again you leftys want to kill jobs and are upset people are not grateful for you fucking the ass.

Let's see asshole, the left takes away jobs and now you want them to be grateful to get handouts?

The Left did not take away coal jobs. The free market did.
I saw the video of Clinton saying she would kill coal.
Did you miss where she said she plans to reeducate, retrain and bring the coal miners into 21st century jobs?
Of course you did. That's what frauds do.
I agree Clinton is a fraud, but the video says it all. She would have shut down coal, and Obama and his regulations put lots of them out of business.
Hillary had a realistic plan to retrain coal miners. Coal is the dirtiest fuel on earth and a fuel of the a major cause of warming the planet.
Trump has nothing to offer them.

Retrain them for what you stupid fuck? Don't you need different jobs in the area for that?

Did they promise tax cuts tax reform ,walls new health care on 1st day?? Ok he was fos especially with HC but not 1st day not 1st week ,not 1st month not first 6th month

Obamacare is hugely unpopular with voters, even Dem's won't run on it. In 2014 when it became clear to voters that Obama had lied his ass off in 2012 about keeping your doctor, plan, and saving $2,500 a year voters were pissed. Dem's were getting ripped a new one by their constituents and feared losing their elections. They screamed at Obama to publically take the blame and take the heat off them which he did on national TV. Voters were not fooled and bitch slapped the Dem's hard in 2014. So Trump promised voters to deal with Obamacare and the fall out, well that's what voters wanted, obviously as demonstrated by Trump's win.
If that's what voters wanted how come repubs can't give it to them ?? They are the majority party No??

Flushing Obamacare down the toilet requires 60 votes in the Senate which the Republicans don't have and you know this. Hence your post is bull shit which you also know.


3 ways Senate Republicans can pass Obamacare repeal
Thank you Debbie A few here were saying 60 votes were needed ,,,,,They were republicans lol

Why do I have to educate the left daily on what they should have learned in school? You libwits go read up on the Senate's budget reconciliation rules, hint - under Senate interpretations of the Congressional Budget Act, the Senate can consider the three basic subjects of reconciliation, spending, revenues, and debt limit. That Obamacare turd is over 2,000 pages long and spawned 10's of thousands of pages of government regulations.
Obamacare is hugely unpopular with voters, even Dem's won't run on it. In 2014 when it became clear to voters that Obama had lied his ass off in 2012 about keeping your doctor, plan, and saving $2,500 a year voters were pissed. Dem's were getting ripped a new one by their constituents and feared losing their elections. They screamed at Obama to publically take the blame and take the heat off them which he did on national TV. Voters were not fooled and bitch slapped the Dem's hard in 2014. So Trump promised voters to deal with Obamacare and the fall out, well that's what voters wanted, obviously as demonstrated by Trump's win.
If that's what voters wanted how come repubs can't give it to them ?? They are the majority party No??

Flushing Obamacare down the toilet requires 60 votes in the Senate which the Republicans don't have and you know this. Hence your post is bull shit which you also know.


3 ways Senate Republicans can pass Obamacare repeal
Thank you Debbie A few here were saying 60 votes were needed ,,,,,They were republicans lol

Why do I have to educate the left daily on what they should have learned in school? You libwits go read up on the Senate's budget reconciliation rules, hint - under Senate interpretations of the Congressional Budget Act, the Senate can consider the three basic subjects of reconciliation, spending, revenues, and debt limit. That Obamacare turd is over 2,000 pages long and spawned 10's of thousands of pages of government regulations.
Obamacare is hugely unpopular with voters, even Dem's won't run on it. In 2014 when it became clear to voters that Obama had lied his ass off in 2012 about keeping your doctor, plan, and saving $2,500 a year voters were pissed. Dem's were getting ripped a new one by their constituents and feared losing their elections. They screamed at Obama to publically take the blame and take the heat off them which he did on national TV. Voters were not fooled and bitch slapped the Dem's hard in 2014. So Trump promised voters to deal with Obamacare and the fall out, well that's what voters wanted, obviously as demonstrated by Trump's win.
If that's what voters wanted how come repubs can't give it to them ?? They are the majority party No??

Flushing Obamacare down the toilet requires 60 votes in the Senate which the Republicans don't have and you know this. Hence your post is bull shit which you also know.


3 ways Senate Republicans can pass Obamacare repeal
Thank you Debbie A few here were saying 60 votes were needed ,,,,,They were republicans lol

Why do I have to educate the left daily on what they should have learned in school? You libwits go read up on the Senate's budget reconciliation rules, hint - under Senate interpretations of the Congressional Budget Act, the Senate can consider the three basic subjects of reconciliation, spending, revenues, and debt limit. That Obamacare turd is over 2,000 pages long and spawned 10's of thousands of pages of government regulations.
Blues I had a miserable day at the markets a root canal and my wife has a bad cold You trying to bring me more pain ? Loved Obama and would vote for him again
But more and more are realizing they made a terrible mistake. They'll be paying for their own stupidity for a long long time.

And, why are the nutters still yammering about Secty Clinton? She was the best qualified, most honest and won the popular vote.


You idiots can lie all you want but its true.
And still doesn't live in the White House. Imagine that.
Far rightwing Republicans will always excuse the most vilest of the vile people and acts of their own party, and will turn around and demonize to the pits of hell, the good deeds of people in the Democrat party.

Hmm, I wouldn't be throwing stones in glass houses...
Point out who on the left has excused this.

You are a real dummy aren't you?


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