The Utter Ignorance of A Trump Supporter

emotional rantings are not facts.....still dont see facts to prove that obama was the most treasonous president in history

I told you it's been posted what he has done a thousand times. He was president for 8 years. Plenty of evidence. i won't waste my time showing it because you know what will happen.
i know you aint linking shit ......and its funny that its libs fault you let your mouth over ride your ass...

what is that texas saying.....all hat no cattle.....

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


Obama was a traitor to The United States of America and should be tried for Treason and Sedition.
He and Hillary should face a Firing Squad.
Not because they are both Black.
No, because they are both BLACK HEARTED.
Damn them both to Hell, and their children too.

Shouldn't you be out on a ledge somewhere?

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


Let's see asshole, the left takes away jobs and now you want them to be grateful to get handouts?


The Left did not take away coal jobs. The free market did.

I saw the video of Clinton saying she would kill coal.

Did you miss where she said she plans to reeducate, retrain and bring the coal miners into 21st century jobs?
Of course you did. That's what frauds do.

I agree Clinton is a fraud, but the video says it all. She would have shut down coal, and Obama and his regulations put lots of them out of business.

Hillary had a realistic plan to retrain coal miners. Coal is the dirtiest fuel on earth and a fuel of the a major cause of warming the planet.
Trump has nothing to offer them.
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Actual traitor? why do you libs always twist what was stated? I said proven traitor.
President Obama is not a traitor. To say so is nonsense. Any clearer for you?
No president has done as much to hurt this country as obama. He is a traitor.
Let's review. President Obama dragged our financial and manufacturing sectors from the brink of collapse, killed bin Laden, acted to stem the tide of climate change, acted swiftly and effectively to rebuild the east coast after Hurricane Sandy.

Where and when did he commit proven treason? Or, like the idiot Trump, do you rely on hyperbole to make your poorly thought out point?
You do know that anyone can make a meme like that right?

Except my meme is factual and yours is not.
You always kick yourself in the ass. Your only redeeming quality... entertainment purposes..

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


Obama was a traitor to The United States of America and should be tried for Treason and Sedition.
He and Hillary should face a Firing Squad.
Not because they are both Black.
No, because they are both BLACK HEARTED.
Damn them both to Hell, and their children too.
You're on the same crazy level as the orange anus..
o do provide the details proving that statement miketx
You know that the standard fare for libs is the ask for proof and then to deny it , right?
I have punched you in the mouth with proof of your lies and idiocy more times than I can remember. But there you go again..,, lying like you're Donald Trump.
No, you have done nothing except try to spread more lib propaganda that no one believes.
Let's see asshole, the left takes away jobs and now you want them to be grateful to get handouts?

The Left did not take away coal jobs. The free market did.
I saw the video of Clinton saying she would kill coal.
Did you miss where she said she plans to reeducate, retrain and bring the coal miners into 21st century jobs?
Of course you did. That's what frauds do.
I agree Clinton is a fraud, but the video says it all. She would have shut down coal, and Obama and his regulations put lots of them out of business.
Hillary had a realistic plan to retrain coal miners. Coal is the dirtiest fuel on earth and a fuel of the a major cause of warming the planet.
Trump has nothing to offer them.
I wonder, could you outline her non existant plan?
From what I can tell, Trump really has no plan and so as I watched the video that was linked in the OP my thoughts weren't focused on Trump's political rhetoric about healthcare insurance. I found it interesting that those interviewed are represented in the Senate by Rand Paul, a physician who I would suppose has a keen awareness of the Black Lung issue. I wish his thoughts would have been presented instead of the story being played from the Red vs. Blue angle.
If you prefer a president to act in a manner that illicit more incredulity than support, be my guest.

Meanwhile, I'm still hoping for a statesman instead of a petulant game show host.
Anyone over the proven traitor obama.
Ya know, one day we will face an actual tractor. The way you Trumpeteers throw around that word will make it meaningless then. "Actual traitor". What nonsense.

But, then again, why should we expect anything less than nonsense from someone who would praise the huckster buffoon currently sitting in the Oval Office?
Actual traitor? why do you libs always twist what was stated? I said proven traitor.
President Obama is not a traitor. To say so is nonsense. Any clearer for you?
No president has done as much to hurt this country as obama. He is a traitor.

I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
Anyone over the proven traitor obama.
Ya know, one day we will face an actual tractor. The way you Trumpeteers throw around that word will make it meaningless then. "Actual traitor". What nonsense.

But, then again, why should we expect anything less than nonsense from someone who would praise the huckster buffoon currently sitting in the Oval Office?
Actual traitor? why do you libs always twist what was stated? I said proven traitor.
President Obama is not a traitor. To say so is nonsense. Any clearer for you?
No president has done as much to hurt this country as obama. He is a traitor.

I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
Don't hold your breath. What those hobbled by partisan blinders see as "treason" amount to nothing more than their own political ox being gored.
Anyone over the proven traitor obama.
Ya know, one day we will face an actual tractor. The way you Trumpeteers throw around that word will make it meaningless then. "Actual traitor". What nonsense.

But, then again, why should we expect anything less than nonsense from someone who would praise the huckster buffoon currently sitting in the Oval Office?
Actual traitor? why do you libs always twist what was stated? I said proven traitor.
President Obama is not a traitor. To say so is nonsense. Any clearer for you?
No president has done as much to hurt this country as obama. He is a traitor.

I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Ya know, one day we will face an actual tractor. The way you Trumpeteers throw around that word will make it meaningless then. "Actual traitor". What nonsense.

But, then again, why should we expect anything less than nonsense from someone who would praise the huckster buffoon currently sitting in the Oval Office?
Actual traitor? why do you libs always twist what was stated? I said proven traitor.
President Obama is not a traitor. To say so is nonsense. Any clearer for you?
No president has done as much to hurt this country as obama. He is a traitor.

I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Dear Special Prosecutor miketx,

The Grand Jury has been impaneled. We are waiting for just one charge of high crimes and misdemeanors. One charge of high treason.

Otherwise we shall consider your outlandish and ham handed claims partisan hyperbole of the variety often used by those who are utterly ignorant of the law, the definition of treason and American history.
o do provide the details proving that statement miketx
You know that the standard fare for libs is the ask for proof and then to deny it , right?
I have punched you in the mouth with proof of your lies and idiocy more times than I can remember. But there you go again..,, lying like you're Donald Trump.
No, you have done nothing except try to spread more lib propaganda that no one believes.
Liar..but par for the course for a deplorable. You're not worth my time.
Actual traitor? why do you libs always twist what was stated? I said proven traitor.
President Obama is not a traitor. To say so is nonsense. Any clearer for you?
No president has done as much to hurt this country as obama. He is a traitor.

I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Dear Special Prosecutor miketx,

The Grand Jury has been impaneled. We are waiting for just one charge of high crimes and misdemeanors. One charge of high treason.

Otherwise we shall consider your outlandish and ham handed claims partisan hyperbole of the variety often used by those who are utterly ignorant of the law, the definition of treason and American history.
Thank you for confirming my diagnosis of the application of the lib ROE. It never fails really.

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


That something deep down inside us was Obamas Race dividing, apologizing all over the world for US making the US look like cowards, His 20 trillion deficit, His attack on local oil fields, his attempts to disarm us, his divisive attempts to normalize deviant and sick behavior, His letting the ,military be reduced and hurt, his releasing murderers from Gitmo, Putting people out of work, etc etc etc etc etc etc....

He did teach his daughter how to roll a blunt though.
Actual traitor? why do you libs always twist what was stated? I said proven traitor.
President Obama is not a traitor. To say so is nonsense. Any clearer for you?
No president has done as much to hurt this country as obama. He is a traitor.

I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Dear Special Prosecutor miketx,

The Grand Jury has been impaneled. We are waiting for just one charge of high crimes and misdemeanors. One charge of high treason.

Otherwise we shall consider your outlandish and ham handed claims partisan hyperbole of the variety often used by those who are utterly ignorant of the law, the definition of treason and American history.

Oh, I just write him off as someone who spouts off with no facts.

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